def image_bbox(params, img): img_ymax, img_xmax = img.nelec.shape px, py = img.equa2pixel(params.u) xlim = (np.max([0, int(np.floor(px - pixel_radius))]), np.min([img_xmax, int(np.ceil(px + pixel_radius))])) ylim = (np.max([0, int(np.floor(py - pixel_radius))]), np.min([img_ymax, int(np.ceil(py + pixel_radius))])) return xlim, ylim
def get_bounding_box(params, img): if params.is_star(): bound = img.R elif params.is_galaxy(): bound = gal_funs.gen_galaxy_psf_image_bound(params, img) else: raise "source type unknown" px, py = img.equa2pixel(params.u) xlim = (np.max([0, np.floor(px - bound)]), np.min([img.nelec.shape[1], np.ceil(px + bound)])) ylim = (np.max([0, np.floor(py - bound)]), np.min([img.nelec.shape[0], np.ceil(py + bound)])) return xlim, ylim
def plot(self, name, plot_std=False): if self.X.shape[1] > 1: raise Exception('Dimension of X should be 1 for this method...') x = np.linspace(np.min(self.X), np.max(self.X), 100).reshape(-1, 1) self.optimize(restart=2) self.likelihood(self.params) mean, std = self.inference(x, return_std=True) plt.plot(x, mean, "--", label='GPR-' + str(name), color='deepskyblue') plt.scatter(self.X, self.y, label='GPR-Train' + str(name), color='deepskyblue') if plot_std is True: plt.fill_between(x.ravel(), mean.ravel() + 2. * std, mean.ravel() - 2. * std, alpha=0.2, color='deepskyblue') plt.fill_between(x.ravel(), mean.ravel() + 1. * std, mean.ravel() - 1. * std, alpha=0.3, color='deepskyblue') plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$y$') plt.legend()
def plot_cost_history(self, ax, history, start): # plotting colors colors = ['k'] # plot cost function history ax.plot(np.arange(start, len(history), 1), history[start:], linewidth=3, color='k') # clean up panel / axes labels xlabel = 'step $k$' ylabel = r'$g\left(\mathbf{w}^k\right)$' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14, rotation=0, labelpad=25) title = 'cost history' ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18) # plotting limits xmin = 0 xmax = len(history) xgap = xmax * 0.05 xmin -= xgap xmax += xgap ymin = np.min(history) ymax = np.max(history) ygap = ymax * 0.05 ymin -= ygap ymax += ygap ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
def geom(self, x, geom_ord=[0], k=100): loglik = None agrad = None HessApply = None eigs = None # get log-likelihood if any(s >= 0 for s in geom_ord): loglik = -self.cost(x) # get gradient if any(s >= 1 for s in geom_ord): g = np.zeros_like(x) agrad = -self.grad(x, g) # get Hessian Apply if any(s >= 1.5 for s in geom_ord): HessApply = None # get estimated eigen-decomposition for the Hessian (or Gauss-Newton) if any(s > 1 for s in geom_ord): # eigs = (np.array([1., 0.1]), np.array([np.ones_like(x),-np.ones_like(x)])) # eigs = (np.ones(1), np.ones_like(x)) eigs = self.eigdecomp(x, k=np.min([self.dimension, k])) return loglik, agrad, HessApply, eigs
def reparam_gradient(alpha,m,x,K,alphaz,corr=True,B=0): gradient = np.zeros((alpha.shape[0],2)) if B == 0: assert np.min(alpha)>= 1.,"Needs alpha boost" lmbda = npr.gamma(alpha,1.) lmbda[lmbda < 1e-300] = 1e-300 zw = m*lmbda/alpha epsilon = calc_epsilon(lmbda, alpha) h_val = gamma_h(epsilon, alpha) h_der = gamma_grad_h(epsilon, alpha) logp_der = grad_logp(zw, K, x, alphaz) gradient[:,0] = logp_der*m*(alpha*h_der-h_val)/alpha**2 gradient[:,1] = logp_der*h_val/alpha gradient += grad_entropy(alpha,m) if corr: gradient[:,0] += logp(zw, K, x, alphaz)*gamma_correction(epsilon, alpha) else: lmbda = npr.gamma(alpha+B,1.) lmbda[lmbda < 1e-5] = 1e-5 u = npr.rand(alpha.shape[0],B) epsilon = calc_epsilon(lmbda, alpha+B) h_val = gamma_h_boosted(epsilon,u,alpha) h_der = gamma_grad_h_boosted(epsilon,u,alpha) zw = h_val*m/alpha zw[zw < 1e-5] = 1e-5 logp_der = grad_logp(zw, K, x, alphaz) gradient[:,0] = logp_der*m*(alpha*h_der-h_val)/alpha**2 gradient[:,1] = logp_der*h_val/alpha gradient += grad_entropy(alpha,m) if corr: gradient[:,0] += logp(zw, K, x, alphaz)*gamma_correction(epsilon, alpha+B) return gradient
def plot_images(images, ax, ims_per_row=5, padding=5, digit_dimensions=(28, 28),, vmin=None, vmax=None): """Images should be a (N_images x pixels) matrix.""" N_images = images.shape[0] N_rows = np.ceil(float(N_images) / ims_per_row) pad_value = np.min(images.ravel()) concat_images = np.full( ((digit_dimensions[0] + padding) * N_rows + padding, (digit_dimensions[1] + padding) * ims_per_row + padding), pad_value) for i in range(N_images): cur_image = np.reshape(images[i, :], digit_dimensions) row_ix = i // ims_per_row col_ix = i % ims_per_row row_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[0]) * row_ix col_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[1]) * col_ix concat_images[row_start:row_start + digit_dimensions[0], col_start:col_start + digit_dimensions[1]] = cur_image cax = ax.matshow(concat_images, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.xticks(np.array([])) plt.yticks(np.array([])) return cax
def get_sharp_TE_airfoil(self): # Returns a version of the airfoil with a sharp trailing edge. upper_original_coors = self.upper_coordinates( ) # Note: includes leading edge point, be careful about duplicates lower_original_coors = self.lower_coordinates( ) # Note: includes leading edge point, be careful about duplicates # Find data about the TE # Get the scale factor x_mcl = self.mcl_coordinates[:, 0] x_max = np.max(x_mcl) x_min = np.min(x_mcl) scale_factor = (x_mcl - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) # linear contraction # Do the contraction upper_minus_mcl_adjusted = self.upper_minus_mcl - self.upper_minus_mcl[ -1, :] * np.expand_dims(scale_factor, 1) # Recreate coordinates upper_coordinates_adjusted = np.flipud(self.mcl_coordinates + upper_minus_mcl_adjusted) lower_coordinates_adjusted = self.mcl_coordinates - upper_minus_mcl_adjusted coordinates = np.vstack( (upper_coordinates_adjusted[:-1, :], lower_coordinates_adjusted)) # Make a new airfoil with the coordinates name = + ", with sharp TE" new_airfoil = Airfoil(name=name, coordinates=coordinates, repanel=False) return new_airfoil
def hmc(self, position_current, momentum_current): ### Refresh momentum momentum_current = self.sample_momentum(1) ### Simulate Hamiltonian dynamics using Leap Frog position_proposal, momentum_proposal = self.leap_frog(position_current, momentum_current) # compute total energy in current position and proposal position current_total_energy = self.total_energy(position_current, momentum_current) proposal_total_energy = self.total_energy(position_proposal, momentum_proposal) ### Output for diganostic mode if self.params['diagnostic_mode']: print('potential energy change:', self.potential_energy(position_current), self.potential_energy(position_proposal)) print('kinetic energy change:', self.kinetic_energy(momentum_current), self.kinetic_energy(momentum_proposal)) print('total enregy change:', current_total_energy, proposal_total_energy) print('\n\n') ### Metropolis Hastings Step # comute accept probability accept_prob = np.min([1, np.exp(current_total_energy - proposal_total_energy)]) # accept proposal with accept probability if self.random.rand() < accept_prob: self.accepts += 1. position_current = np.copy(position_proposal) momentum_current = momentum_proposal return position_current, momentum_current
def get_camber_at_chord_fraction_legacy(self, chord_fraction): # Returns the (interpolated) camber at a given location(s). The location is specified by the chord fraction, as measured from the leading edge. Camber is nondimensionalized by chord (i.e. this function returns camber/c at a given x/c). chord = np.max(self.coordinates[:, 0]) - np.min( self.coordinates[:, 0] ) # This should always be 1, but this is just coded for robustness. x = chord_fraction * chord + min(self.coordinates[:, 0]) upperCoors = self.upper_coordinates() lowerCoors = self.lower_coordinates() y_upper_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=upperCoors[:, 0], y=upperCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate') y_lower_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=lowerCoors[:, 0], y=lowerCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate') y_upper = y_upper_func(x) y_lower = y_lower_func(x) camber = (y_upper + y_lower) / 2 return camber
def variational_objective(params, t, num_samples, beta=1.): """Provides a stochastic estimate of the variational lower bound.""" # 1. draw samples from the variational posterior, eps ~ N(0,I) zs, ldet_sums = draw_variational_samples(params, num_samples) # 1.5 negative entropy of z0 --- likely we need this for KL though # not needed for optimization # 2. compute expected value of the sum of jacobian terms E_ldet_sum = np.mean(ldet_sums) # 3. compute data term lls = logprob(zs, t) E_logprob = np.mean(lls) if debug_print: print "entropy term: ", E_ldet_sum print "data term : ", E_logprob, " (+/- ", np.std( lls), ")", " min = ", np.min(lls) # return lower bound beta = 1. if t >= len(beta_schedule) else beta_schedule[t] lower_bound = beta * E_logprob + E_ldet_sum return -lower_bound
def line_point_dist(lines, ps): """ Closest distance of a point to a line segment defined by two points (a, b). The arguments can also be lists of lines and points, in that case the distance for each combination is returned, with shape lines.shape[:-2] + ps.shape[:-1]. """ assert(lines.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)) assert(ps.shape[-1] == 2) a = lines[...,0,:] b = lines[...,1,:] for _ in range(max(len(ps.shape)-1, 1)): a = np.expand_dims(a, -2) b = np.expand_dims(b, -2) # ps = np.expand_dims(ps, 0) v_hat = (b - a) / np.expand_dims(norm(b - a), -1) # d_along.shape == (v_hat.shape[0], ps.shape[0]) # i.e. one scalar product for each line-point combination d_along = np.sum(v_hat*(ps - a), axis=-1) d_normal = np.abs(cross(v_hat, ps - a)) assert(d_along.shape == d_normal.shape) d_ends = np.min(np.array([norm(ps-a), norm(ps-b)]), axis=0) # if p lies along the sides of the line use the normal distance, # else the distance to one of the ends mask = (0 <= d_along) & (d_along <= norm(b - a)) return np.where(mask, d_normal, d_ends)
def expected_improvement(x, gaussian_process, evaluated_loss): """ expected_improvement Expected improvement acquisition function. Arguments: ---------- x: array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_hyperparams] The point for which the expected improvement needs to be computed. gaussian_process: GaussianProcessRegressor object. Gaussian process trained on previously evaluated hyperparameters. evaluated_loss: Numpy array. Numpy array that contains the values off the loss function for the previously evaluated hyperparameters. """ x_to_predict = x.reshape(1, -1) mu, sigma = gaussian_process.predict(x_to_predict, return_std=True) loss_optimum = np.min(evaluated_loss) # In case sigma equals zero with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): Z = (mu - loss_optimum) / sigma expected_improvement = ( mu - loss_optimum) * norm.cdf(Z) + sigma * norm.pdf(Z) expected_improvement[sigma == 0.0] == 0.0 return expected_improvement
def random_eval_experiment(): ''' Experiment illutrating how quickly global random evaluation will fail as a method of optimization. Output is minimum value attained by random sampling over the cube [-1,1] x [-1,1] x... [-1,1] evaluating simple quadratic for 100, 1000, or 10000 times. The dimension is increased from 1 to 100 and the minimum plotted for each dimension. ''' # define symmetric quadratic N-dimensional g = lambda w:, w) # loop over dimensions, sample points, evaluate mean_evals = [] big_dim = 100 num_pts = 10000 pt_stops = [100, 1000, 10000] for dim in range(big_dim): dim_eval = [] m_eval = [] for pt in range(num_pts): # generate random point using uniform r = 2 * np.random.rand(dim + 1) - 1 e = g(r) dim_eval.append(e) # record mean and std of so many pts if (pt + 1) in pt_stops: m_eval.append(np.min(dim_eval)) mean_evals.append(m_eval) # convert to array for easy access mean_evals_global = np.asarray(mean_evals) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, width_ratios=[1]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.01) # plot input function ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) for k in range(len(pt_stops)): mean_evals = mean_evals_global[:, k] # scatter plot mean value ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, mean_evals) # clean up plot - label axes, etc., ax.set_xlabel('dimension of input') ax.set_ylabel('funciton value') # draw legend t = [str(p) for p in pt_stops] ax.legend(t, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # draw horizontal axis ax.plot(np.arange(big_dim) + 1, np.arange(big_dim) * 0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='k')
def _parameter_initialiser(self, x, c=None, n=None, offset=False): log_x = np.log(x) log_x[np.isnan(log_x)] = 0 gumb =, c, n, how='MLE') if not gumb.res.success: gumb =, c, n, how='MPP') mu, sigma = gumb.params alpha, beta = np.exp(mu), 1. / sigma if (np.isinf(alpha) | np.isnan(alpha)): alpha = np.median(x) if (np.isinf(beta) | np.isnan(beta)): beta = 1. if offset: gamma = np.min(x) - (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) / 10. return gamma, alpha, beta, 1. else: return alpha, beta, 1.
def show_2d_classifier(self, ax, w_best, run, **kwargs): cost = run.cost predict = run.model feat = run.feature_transforms normalizer = run.normalizer ### create surface and boundary plot ### xmin1 = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:, 0])) xmax1 = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:, 0])) xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * 0.05 xmin1 -= xgap1 xmax1 += xgap1 xmin2 = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:, 1])) xmax2 = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:, 1])) xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2) * 0.05 xmin2 -= xgap2 xmax2 += xgap2 # plot boundary for 2d plot r1 = np.linspace(xmin1, xmax1, 500) r2 = np.linspace(xmin2, xmax2, 500) s, t = np.meshgrid(r1, r2) s = np.reshape(s, (np.size(s), 1)) t = np.reshape(t, (np.size(t), 1)) h = np.concatenate((s, t), axis=1) z = predict(normalizer(h.T), w_best) z = np.sign(z) # reshape it s.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2)) t.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2)) z.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2)) #### plot contour, color regions #### ax.contour(s, t, z, colors='k', linewidths=2.5, levels=[0], zorder=2) ax.contourf(s, t, z, colors=[self.colors[1], self.colors[0]], alpha=0.15, levels=range(-1, 2)) # cleanup panel ax.set_xlim([xmin1, xmax1]) ax.set_ylim([xmin2, xmax2])
def timing_error(bubble_position, piezo_timings): """Calculate the mean squared error of the expected timings for a certain bubble positions versus those actually observed""" # Get the expected overall times of flight to the piezos for this bubble times_of_flight = expected_times_of_flight(bubble_position) # Subtract the minimum time of flight from all of them, so that the first signal is at time 0 expected_timings = times_of_flight - np.min(times_of_flight) # Return the mean squared error between the actually observed piezo timings and the timings that would be expected for this bubble return np.linalg.norm(expected_timings - piezo_timings)
def get_starlet_shape(shape, lvl=None): """ Get the pad shape for a starlet transform """ #Number of levels for the Starlet decomposition lvl_max =[-2:]))) if (lvl is None) or lvl > lvl_max: lvl = lvl_max return int(lvl)
def ab_cb(self, x, a, b, N, alpha=0.05): # Parameter confidence intervals from here: # # sample_range = np.max(x) - np.min(x) fun = lambda c : self.p(c, N) c_hat = minimize(fun, 1.).x return a - c_hat*sample_range, b + c_hat*sample_range
def get_standard_error_matrix(betahat, y, x, w, se_group=None): """Return the standard error matrix for the regression estimate betahat. If se_group is None, compute the ordinary regression standard error. Otherwise, compute the robust standard errors using the grouping given by se_group, which is assumed to be integers 0:(num_groups - 1). Note that se_group must be zero-indexed, and the number of groups is taken to be the largest index plus one. (This behavior is implicitly assumed in group_sum.) With the se_group option, no finite-sample bias adjustment is applied. For example, the resulting ses should be equivalent to calling the R function sandwich::vcovCL(..., cluster=se_group, type="HC0", cadjust=FALSE) """ resid = y - x @ betahat # For now, I am taking the weights to parameterize a change to the # objective function rather than a change to the empirical distribution. # See email from me to Rachael and Tamara on Jan 31, 2020, 2:50 PM # for more discussion of this subtle point. if se_group is None: # I am using num_obs instead of np.sum(w) because w does not # parameterize the empirical distribution. num_obs = len(y) xtx_bar = np.einsum('ni,nj,n->ij', x, x, w) / num_obs sigma2hat = np.sum(w * (resid ** 2)) / (num_obs - len(betahat)) xtx_inv = np.linalg.inv(xtx_bar) se2 = sigma2hat * xtx_inv / num_obs return se2 else: if len(se_group) != len(y): raise ValueError("se_group must be the same length as the data.") #resid = y - x @ betahat if np.min(se_group) != 0: raise ValueError('se_group must be zero-indexed ' + '(its minimum must be zero)') # Calculate the sample variance of the gradient where each group # is treated as a single observation. grad = w[:, None] * resid[:, None] * x grad_grouped = grouped_sum(grad, se_group) num_groups = grad_grouped.shape[0] grad2_mean = np.einsum('gi,gj->ij', grad_grouped, grad_grouped) / num_groups grad_mean = np.einsum('gi->i', grad_grouped) / num_groups grad_cov = grad2_mean - np.outer(grad_mean, grad_mean) # Weight by the Hessian. xtx_bar = np.einsum('ni,nj,n->ij', x, x, w) / num_groups hinv_grad_cov = np.linalg.solve(xtx_bar, grad_cov) se2 = np.linalg.solve(xtx_bar, hinv_grad_cov.T) / num_groups return se2
def plot_multiple_sequences(seq1, seq2, seq3): # initialize figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1.plot(np.arange(np.size(seq1)), seq1.flatten(), c='k', linewidth=2.5) ax2.plot(np.arange(np.size(seq2)), seq2.flatten(), c='lime', linewidth=2.5, label='sequence 1', zorder=2) ax2.plot(np.arange(np.size(seq3)), seq3.flatten(), c='m', linewidth=2.5, label='sequence 2', zorder=1) # label axes and title ax1.set_title('input sequence') ax1.set_xlabel('step') ax2.set_title('output sequences') ax2.set_xlabel('step') # set viewing limits s1min = np.min(copy.deepcopy(seq1)) s1max = np.max(copy.deepcopy(seq1)) s1gap = (s1max - s1min) * 0.1 s1min -= s1gap s1max += s1gap ax1.set_ylim([s1min, s1max]) s2min = np.min(copy.deepcopy(seq2)) s2max = np.max(copy.deepcopy(seq2)) s2gap = (s2max - s2min) * 0.1 s2min -= s2gap s2max += s2gap ax2.legend(loc=1)
def prox_sdss_symmetry(X, step): """SDSS/HSC symmetry operator This function uses the *minimum* of the two symmetric pixels in the update. """ Xs = np.fliplr(np.flipud(X)) X[:] = np.min([X, Xs], axis=0) return X
def render(self, model): """Resample and convolve a model in the observation frame for display only! Parameters ---------- model: array The model in some other data frame. Returns ------- model_: array The convolved and resampled `model` in the observation frame. """ img = np.zeros(self.frame.shape) img[:, np.min(self._coord_lr[0]).astype(int):np.max(self._coord_lr[0]).astype(int) + 1, np.min(self._coord_lr[1]).astype(int):np.max(self._coord_lr[1]).astype(int) + 1] = \ self._render(model) return img
def add_jitter(kernel, jitter=1e-5): # Add the jitter diag_indices = np.diag_indices(np.min(kernel.shape[:2])) to_add = np.zeros_like(kernel) to_add[diag_indices] += jitter kernel = kernel + to_add return kernel
def to_lane_dist(lanes_col1, lanes_col2): # use middle point to calcu dist_y? sample_num = lanes_col1.shape[0] dist_y = np.min(abs(np.hstack((lanes_col1[:, 1].reshape(sample_num, 1), lanes_col2[:, 1].reshape(sample_num, 1)))), axis=1) # nearest y in each lane theta = np.arctan((lanes_col1[:, 0] - lanes_col2[:, 0]) / (lanes_col2[:, 1] - lanes_col1[:, 1])) rho = abs(lanes_col1[:, 0] * np.cos(theta) + lanes_col1[:, 1] * np.sin(theta)) # offset to lane dist = dist_y + rho return dist
def __init__(self, latent_dim, noise_dim, model_directory, latent=None, full=False, config_fname='op_conditions.ini'): self.latent = latent self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.noise_dim = noise_dim if noise_dim == 0: full = False self.full = full if (not full) and (self.latent is None): self.dim = self.latent_dim self.bounds = np.array([[0., 1.]]) self.bounds = np.tile(self.bounds, [self.dim, 1]) else: self.dim = self.latent_dim + self.noise_dim if self.latent is not None: assert len(self.latent) == self.latent_dim latent_bounds = np.vstack((latent - 0.1, latent + 0.1)).T else: latent_bounds = np.array([0., 1.]) latent_bounds = np.tile(latent_bounds, [self.latent_dim, 1]) noise_bounds = np.array([-0.5, 0.5]) noise_bounds = np.tile(noise_bounds, [self.noise_dim, 1]) self.bounds = np.vstack((latent_bounds, noise_bounds)) # Expand bounds by 20% b = self.bounds r = np.max(b, axis=1) - np.min(b, axis=1) self.bounds = np.zeros_like(b) self.bounds[:, 0] = b[:, 0] - 0.2 * r self.bounds[:, 1] = b[:, 1] + 0.2 * r self.y = None self.config_fname = config_fname self.gan = GAN(self.latent_dim, self.noise_dim, 192, 31, (0., 1.)) self.gan.restore(model_directory) n_points = self.gan.X_shape[0] x_synth = self.gan.x_fake_test x_synth_ = tf.squeeze(x_synth) self.x_target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[n_points, 2]) self.e = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x_synth_ - self.x_target), axis=1)) if self.full: self.grad_e = tf.concat(tf.gradients(self.e, [self.gan.c, self.gan.z]), axis=1) else: self.grad_e = tf.gradients(self.e, self.gan.c)
def adagrad_optimize(n_iters, objective_and_grad, init_param, has_log_norm=False, window=10, learning_rate=.01, epsilon=.1, learning_rate_end=None): local_grad_history = [] local_log_norm_history = [] value_history = [] log_norm_history = [] variational_param = init_param.copy() variational_param_history = [] with tqdm.trange(n_iters) as progress: try: schedule = learning_rate_schedule(n_iters, learning_rate, learning_rate_end) for i, curr_learning_rate in zip(progress, schedule): prev_variational_param = variational_param if has_log_norm: obj_val, obj_grad, log_norm = objective_and_grad( variational_param) else: obj_val, obj_grad = objective_and_grad(variational_param) log_norm = 0 value_history.append(obj_val) local_grad_history.append(obj_grad) local_log_norm_history.append(log_norm) log_norm_history.append(log_norm) if len(local_grad_history) > window: local_grad_history.pop(0) local_log_norm_history.pop(0) grad_scale = np.exp( np.min(local_log_norm_history) - np.array(local_log_norm_history)) scaled_grads = grad_scale[:, np.newaxis] * np.array( local_grad_history) accum_sum = np.sum(scaled_grads**2, axis=0) variational_param = variational_param - curr_learning_rate * obj_grad / np.sqrt( epsilon + accum_sum) if i >= 3 * n_iters // 4: variational_param_history.append(variational_param.copy()) if i % 10 == 0: avg_loss = np.mean(value_history[max(0, i - 1000):i + 1]) progress.set_description( 'Average Loss = {:,.5g}'.format(avg_loss)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration) as e: # pragma: no cover # do not print log on the same line progress.close() finally: progress.close() variational_param_history = np.array(variational_param_history) smoothed_opt_param = np.mean(variational_param_history, axis=0) return (smoothed_opt_param, variational_param_history, np.array(value_history), np.array(log_norm_history))
def __init__(self, mle_par, prior_par, x_mat, y_vec, y_g_vec): self.mle_par = copy.deepcopy(mle_par) self.prior_par = copy.deepcopy(prior_par) self.x_mat = np.array(x_mat) self.y_vec = np.array(y_vec) self.y_g_vec = np.array(y_g_vec) assert np.min(y_g_vec) == 0 assert np.max(y_g_vec) == self.mle_par['u'].size() - 1
def compute_khat_iterates(iterate_chains, warmup=0.85, param_idx=0, increasing=True): """ Compute the khat over iterates for a variational parameter after removing warmup. Parameters ---------- iterate_chains : multi-dimensional array, shape=(n_chains, n_iters, n_var_params) warmup : warmup iterates param_idx : index of the variational parameter increasing : boolean sort array in increasing order: TRUE or decreasing order:FALSE fraction: the fraction of iterates Returns ------- maximum of khat over all chains for the variational parameter param_idx """ chains = iterate_chains[:, :, param_idx] n_iters = chains.shape[1] n_chains = chains.shape[0] k_hat_values = np.zeros(n_chains) for i in range(n_chains): if increasing: sorted_chain = np.sort(chains[i, :]) else: sorted_chain = np.sort(-chains[i, :]) ind_last = int(n_iters * warmup) filtered_chain = sorted_chain[ind_last:] if increasing: filtered_chain = filtered_chain - np.min(filtered_chain) else: filtered_chain = filtered_chain - np.min(filtered_chain) k_post, _ = gpdfit(filtered_chain) k_hat_values[i] = k_post return np.nanmax(k_hat_values)
def rand_psd(n, minew=0.1, maxew=1.): X = np.random.randn(n,n) S =, X) S = sym(S) ew, ev = np.linalg.eigh(S) ew -= np.min(ew) ew /= np.max(ew) ew *= (maxew - minew) ew += minew return dot3(ev, np.diag(ew), T_(ev))
def _space_constraint(self, x_in, min_dist): x = np.nan_to_num(x_in[0:self.nturbs]) y = np.nan_to_num(x_in[self.nturbs:]) dist = [np.sqrt((x[i]-x[j])**2 + (y[i]-y[j])**2) \ for i in range(self.nturbs) \ for j in range(self.nturbs) if i != j] return np.min(dist) - self._norm(min_dist, self.bndx_min, self.bndx_max)
def scatter_3d_points(self, x, ax): # set plotting limits xmax = copy.deepcopy(np.max(x[0, :])) xmin = copy.deepcopy(np.min(x[0, :])) xgap = (xmax - xmin) * 0.2 xmin -= xgap xmax += xgap xmax1 = copy.deepcopy(np.max(x[1, :])) xmin1 = copy.deepcopy(np.min(x[1, :])) xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * 0.2 xmin1 -= xgap1 xmax1 += xgap1 ymax = copy.deepcopy(np.max(self.y)) ymin = copy.deepcopy(np.min(self.y)) ygap = (ymax - ymin) * 0.2 ymin -= ygap ymax += ygap # plot data ax.scatter(x[0, :].flatten(), x[1, :].flatten(), self.y.flatten(), color='k', edgecolor='w', linewidth=0.9, s=40) # clean up panel ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False ax.xaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('white') ax.yaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('white') ax.zaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('white') ax.xaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) ax.yaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) ax.zaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) return xmin, xmax, xmin1, xmax1, ymin, ymax
def plot_data_and_pred(x, y, model, draw_verticals=True): x_range = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), 100) yhat_range = model.predict(x_range) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y, 'o', label='observed') ax.plot(x_range, yhat_range, 'r-', label='predicted') if draw_verticals: # from observed value to predicted true yhat_sparse = model.predict(x) for x0, y0, yhat0 in zip(x, y, yhat_sparse): ax.plot([x0, x0],[y0, yhat0],'k-') plt.legend() #[line_pred, line_true], ['predicted', 'true'])
def plot_images(images, ax, ims_per_row=5, padding=5, digit_dimensions=(28, 28),, vmin=None, vmax=None): """Images should be a (N_images x pixels) matrix.""" N_images = images.shape[0] N_rows = np.ceil(float(N_images) / ims_per_row) pad_value = np.min(images.ravel()) concat_images = np.full(((digit_dimensions[0] + padding) * N_rows + padding, (digit_dimensions[1] + padding) * ims_per_row + padding), pad_value) for i in range(N_images): cur_image = np.reshape(images[i, :], digit_dimensions) row_ix = i // ims_per_row col_ix = i % ims_per_row row_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[0]) * row_ix col_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[1]) * col_ix concat_images[row_start: row_start + digit_dimensions[0], col_start: col_start + digit_dimensions[1]] = cur_image cax = ax.matshow(concat_images, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.xticks(np.array([])) plt.yticks(np.array([])) return cax
def plot_runtime(ex, fname, func_xvalues, xlabel, func_title=None): results = glo.ex_load_result(ex, fname) value_accessor = lambda job_results: job_results['time_secs'] vf_pval = np.vectorize(value_accessor) # results['test_results'] is a dictionary: # {'test_result': (dict from running perform_test(te) '...':..., } times = vf_pval(results['test_results']) repeats, _, n_methods = results['test_results'].shape time_avg = np.mean(times, axis=0) time_std = np.std(times, axis=0) xvalues = func_xvalues(results) #ns = np.array(results[xkey]) #te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion'] #test_sizes = ns*te_proportion line_styles = exglo.func_plot_fmt_map() method_labels = exglo.get_func2label_map() func_names = [f.__name__ for f in results['method_job_funcs'] ] for i in range(n_methods): te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion'] fmt = line_styles[func_names[i]] #plt.errorbar(ns*te_proportion, mean_rejs[:, i], std_pvals[:, i]) method_label = method_labels[func_names[i]] plt.errorbar(xvalues, time_avg[:, i], yerr=time_std[:,i], fmt=fmt, label=method_label) ylabel = 'Time (s)' plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') plt.xlim([np.min(xvalues), np.max(xvalues)]) plt.xticks( xvalues, xvalues) plt.legend(loc='best') title = '%s. %d trials. '%( results['prob_label'], repeats ) if func_title is None else func_title(results) plt.title(title) #plt.grid() return results
def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.min(x)) d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.min(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)) d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
def polyinterp(points, doPlot=None, xminBound=None, xmaxBound=None): """ polynomial interpolation Parameters ---------- points: shape(pointNum, 3), three columns represents x, f, g doPolot: set to 1 to plot, default 0 xmin: min value that brackets minimum (default: min of points) xmax: max value that brackets maximum (default: max of points) set f or g to sqrt(-1)=1j if they are not known the order of the polynomial is the number of known f and g values minus 1 Returns ------- minPos: fmin: """ if doPlot == None: doPlot = 0 nPoints = points.shape[0] order = np.sum(np.imag(points[:, 1:3]) == 0) -1 # code for most common case: cubic interpolation of 2 points if nPoints == 2 and order == 3 and doPlot == 0: [minVal, minPos] = [np.min(points[:,0]), np.argmin(points[:,0])] notMinPos = 1 - minPos d1 = points[minPos,2] + points[notMinPos,2] - 3*(points[minPos,1]-\ points[notMinPos,1])/(points[minPos,0]-points[notMinPos,0]) t_d2 = d1**2 - points[minPos,2]*points[notMinPos,2] if t_d2 > 0: d2 = np.sqrt(t_d2) else: d2 = np.sqrt(-t_d2) * np.complex(0,1) if np.isreal(d2): t = points[notMinPos,0] - (points[notMinPos,0]-points[minPos,0])*\ ((points[notMinPos,2]+d2-d1)/(points[notMinPos,2]-\ points[minPos,2]+2*d2)) minPos = np.min([np.max([t,points[minPos,0]]), points[notMinPos,0]]) else: minPos = np.mean(points[:,0]) fmin = minVal return (minPos, fmin) xmin = np.min(points[:,0]) xmax = np.max(points[:,0]) # compute bounds of interpolation area if xminBound == None: xminBound = xmin if xmaxBound == None: xmaxBound = xmax # constraints based on available function values A = np.zeros((0, order+1)) b = np.zeros((0, 1)) for i in range(nPoints): if np.imag(points[i,1]) == 0: constraint = np.zeros(order+1) for j in np.arange(order,-1,-1): constraint[order-j] = points[i,0]**j A = np.vstack((A, constraint)) b = np.append(b, points[i,1]) # constraints based on availabe derivatives for i in range(nPoints): if np.isreal(points[i,2]): constraint = np.zeros(order+1) for j in range(1,order+1): constraint[j-1] = (order-j+1)* points[i,0]**(order-j) A = np.vstack((A, constraint)) b = np.append(b,points[i,2]) # find interpolating polynomial params = np.linalg.solve(A, b) # compute critical points dParams = np.zeros(order) for i in range(params.size-1): dParams[i] = params[i] * (order-i) if np.any(np.isinf(dParams)): cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0])) else: cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0], \ np.roots(dParams))) # test critical points fmin = np.infty; minPos = (xminBound + xmaxBound)/2. for xCP in cp: if np.imag(xCP) == 0 and xCP >= xminBound and xCP <= xmaxBound: fCP = np.polyval(params, xCP) if np.imag(fCP) == 0 and fCP < fmin: minPos = np.double(np.real(xCP)) fmin = np.double(np.real(fCP)) # plot situation (omit this part for now since we are not going to use it # anyway) return (minPos, fmin)
def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.min(np.array([[x, x, x], [x, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [x, x, 0.5]]), axis=0)) d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
def _read_kurucz_spec(f): """ Read Kurucz spectra that have been precomputed Args: f (string) : path to the file to be read Returns: new_vel (real array) : velocity axis in km/s spectrum (real array) : spectrum for each velocity bin """ f = open(f, "rb") res = n_chunk = struct.unpack('i',res[0:4]) freq = [] stokes = [] cont = [] left = 4 for i in range(n_chunk[0]): right = left + 4 n = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right]) left = right right = left + 4 nmus = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right]) left = right right = left + 8*n[0] t1 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0],res[left:right])) freq.append(t1) left = right right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0] t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0])) stokes.append(t2) left = right right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0] t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0])) cont.append(t2) left = right freq = np.concatenate(freq) stokes = np.concatenate(stokes) cont = np.concatenate(cont) ind = np.argsort(freq) freq = freq[ind] stokes = stokes[ind] cont = cont[ind] wavelength ='cm/s').value / freq mean_wavelength = np.mean(wavelength) vel = (wavelength - mean_wavelength) / mean_wavelength *'km/s').value nl, nmus = stokes.shape # Reinterpolate in a equidistant velocity axis new_vel = np.linspace(np.min(vel), np.max(vel), nl) for i in range(nmus): interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(vel, stokes[:,i], kind='linear') stokes[:,i] = interpolator(new_vel) return new_vel, wavelength, stokes
# using sklearn # ################################################################ N = 500 #features,labels = ds.make_classification(n_samples = N,n_features = 2,n_informative = 2,n_redundant = 0,n_clusters_per_class = 1,class_sep = 2,shift = 2.2) features,labels = ds.make_circles(n_samples = N) #features,labels = ds.make_moons(n_samples = N) labels[labels == 0] = -1 features = auto_np.array(features) * 4.0 labels = auto_np.array(labels).reshape(features.shape[0],1) return features,labels if __name__ == '__main__' : features,labels = gen_test_data() optimized_params = neural_net_train(features,labels,num_iter = 2000) #optimized_params = neural_net_train(features,labels,num_iter = 1000,opt_method = 'stepest') min_x = auto_np.min(features[:,0]) max_x = auto_np.max(features[:,0]) min_y = auto_np.min(features[:,1]) max_y = auto_np.max(features[:,1]) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(min_x,max_x,200),np.linspace(min_y,max_y,200)) predict_features = np.c_[xx.ravel(),yy.ravel()] predict_labels = neural_net_predict(optimized_params,predict_features).reshape(xx.shape) cs = plt.contour(xx,yy,predict_labels) plt.clabel(cs,inline = 1,fontsize = 10) plt.scatter(features[labels[:,0] == 1,0],features[labels[:,0] == 1,1],c = 'red') plt.scatter(features[labels[:,0] == -1,0],features[labels[:,0] == -1,1],c = 'cyan')
# phi - [0, 180], transformation log (phi / (180 - phi)) # ###################################################################### import as du from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression coadd_df = du.load_celeste_dataframe("../../data/stripe_82_dataset/") # make star => radial extent proposal star_res = coadd_df.gal_arcsec_scale[ coadd_df.is_star ].values star_res = np.clip(star_res, 1e-8, np.inf) star_res_proposal = fit_mog(np.log(star_res).reshape((-1,1)), max_comps = 20, mog_class = MixtureOfGaussians) with open('star_res_proposal.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(star_res_proposal, f) if False: xgrid = np.linspace(np.min(np.log(star_res)), np.max(np.log(star_res)), 100) lpdf = star_res_proposal.logpdf(xgrid.reshape((-1,1))) plt.plot(xgrid, np.exp(lpdf)) plt.hist(np.log(star_res), 25, normed=True) plt.hist(np.log(star_res), 25, normed=True, alpha=.24) plt.hist(star_res_proposal.rvs(684).flatten(), 25, normed=True, alpha=.24) # make star fluxes => gal fluxes for tars colors = ['ug', 'gr', 'ri', 'iz'] star_mags = np.array([du.colors_to_mags(r, c) for r, c in zip(coadd_df.star_mag_r.values, coadd_df[['star_color_%s'%c for c in colors]].values)]) gal_mags = np.array([du.colors_to_mags(r, c) for r, c in zip(coadd_df.gal_mag_r.values, coadd_df[['gal_color_%s'%c for c in colors]].values)])