Пример #1
def mvt_logpdf(x, mu, Li, df):
    dim = Li.shape[0]
    Ki = np.dot(Li.T, Li)

    #determinant is just multiplication of diagonal elements of cholesky
    logdet = 2*log(1./np.diag(Li)).sum()
    lpdf_const = (gammaln((df + dim) / 2)
                                     + (log(df)+log(np.pi)) * dim*0.5
                                     + logdet * 0.5)

    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    if x.shape[1] != mu.size:
        x = x.T
    assert(x.shape[1] == mu.size
               or x.shape[0] == mu.size)
    d = (x - mu.reshape((1 ,mu.size))).T
    Ki_d_scal = np.dot(Ki, d) /df          #vector
    d_Ki_d_scal_1 = diag_dot(d.T, Ki_d_scal) + 1. #scalar

    res_pdf = (lpdf_const 
               - 0.5 * (df + dim) * np.log(d_Ki_d_scal_1)).flatten() 
    if res_pdf.size == 1:
        res_pdf = np.float(res_pdf)
    return res_pdf
  def testDirichletCategorical(self):
    def log_joint(p, x, alpha):
      log_prior = np.sum((alpha - 1) * np.log(p))
      log_prior += -special.gammaln(alpha).sum() + special.gammaln(alpha.sum())
      # TODO(mhoffman): We should make it possible to only use one-hot
      # when necessary.
      one_hot_x = one_hot(x, alpha.shape[0])
      log_likelihood = np.sum(np.dot(one_hot_x, np.log(p)))
      return log_prior + log_likelihood
    vocab_size = 5
    n_examples = 11
    alpha = 1.3 * np.ones(vocab_size)
    p = np.random.gamma(alpha, 1.)
    p /= p.sum(-1, keepdims=True)
    x = np.random.choice(np.arange(vocab_size), n_examples, p=p)

    conditional, marginalized_value = (
        _condition_and_marginalize(log_joint, 0, SupportTypes.SIMPLEX,
                                   p, x, alpha))

    new_alpha = alpha + np.histogram(x, np.arange(vocab_size + 1))[0]
    correct_marginalized_value = (
        -special.gammaln(alpha).sum() + special.gammaln(alpha.sum()) +
        special.gammaln(new_alpha).sum() - special.gammaln(new_alpha.sum()))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_marginalized_value, marginalized_value)
    self.assertTrue(np.allclose(new_alpha, conditional.alpha))
Пример #3
def log_beta_function(x):
    Log beta function
    ln(\gamma(x)) - ln(\gamma(\sum_{i=1}^{N}(x_{i}))
    return agnp.sum(agscipy.gammaln(x + agnp.finfo(agnp.float32).eps)) \
           - agscipy.gammaln(agnp.sum(x + agnp.finfo(agnp.float32).eps))
  def testGammaPoisson(self):
    def log_joint(x, y, a, b):
      log_prior = log_probs.gamma_gen_log_prob(x, a, b)
      log_likelihood = np.sum(-special.gammaln(y + 1) + y * np.log(x) - x)
      return log_prior + log_likelihood
    n_examples = 10
    a = 2.3
    b = 3.
    x = np.random.gamma(a, 1. / b)
    y = np.random.poisson(x, n_examples)

    conditional, marginalized_value = (
        _condition_and_marginalize(log_joint, 0, SupportTypes.NONNEGATIVE,
                                   x, y, a, b))

    new_a = a + y.sum()
    new_b = b + n_examples
    correct_marginalized_value = (
        a * np.log(b) - special.gammaln(a) -
        new_a * np.log(new_b) + special.gammaln(new_a) -
        special.gammaln(y + 1).sum())
    self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_marginalized_value, marginalized_value)

    self.assertEqual(new_a, conditional.args[0])
    self.assertAlmostEqual(new_b, 1. / conditional.args[2])
  def testGammaGamma(self):
    def log_joint(x, y, a, b):
      log_prior = log_probs.gamma_gen_log_prob(x, a, b)
      log_likelihood = np.sum(log_probs.gamma_gen_log_prob(y, a, a * x))
      return log_prior + log_likelihood
    n_examples = 10
    a = 2.3
    b = 3.
    x = np.random.gamma(a, 1. / b)
    y = np.random.gamma(a, 1. / x, n_examples)

    conditional, marginalized_value = (
        _condition_and_marginalize(log_joint, 0, SupportTypes.NONNEGATIVE,
                                   x, y, a, b))

    new_a = a + a * n_examples
    new_b = b + a * y.sum()
    correct_marginalized_value = (
        a * np.log(b) - special.gammaln(a) -
        new_a * np.log(new_b) + special.gammaln(new_a) +
        np.sum((a - 1) * np.log(y) - special.gammaln(a) + a * np.log(a)))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_marginalized_value, marginalized_value)

    self.assertAlmostEqual(new_a, conditional.args[0])
    self.assertAlmostEqual(new_b, 1. / conditional.args[2])
Пример #6
def log_multivariate_t(X, mu, Sigma, df):
    p = Sigma.shape[0]
    dots = np.sum((X - mu) * (np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma), (X - mu).T).T),
    return -0.5 * (df + p) * np.log(1. + dots / df) + gammaln(
        0.5 * (df + p)) - gammaln(0.5 * df) - 0.5 * p * np.log(
            df * np.pi) - 0.5 * np.linalg.slogdet(Sigma)[1]
Пример #7
def beta_lnpdf(y, alpha, beta):
    """ y is either N x 1 or N x D,
        alpha is len(N) and beta is len(D)
    num = np.log(y) * (alpha - 1)[:, None] + np.log(1 - y) * (beta - 1)[:,
    denom = gammaln(alpha) + gammaln(beta) - gammaln(alpha + beta)
    return num - denom[:, None]
 def log_joint(p, x, alpha):
   log_prior = np.sum((alpha - 1) * np.log(p))
   log_prior += -special.gammaln(alpha).sum() + special.gammaln(alpha.sum())
   # TODO(mhoffman): We should make it possible to only use one-hot
   # when necessary.
   one_hot_x = one_hot(x, alpha.shape[0])
   log_likelihood = np.sum(np.dot(one_hot_x, np.log(p)))
   return log_prior + log_likelihood
Пример #9
    def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag, x):
        N, etas, nus = self.N, np.exp(self.inv_etas), np.exp(self.inv_nus)
        mus = self.forward(x, input, tag)

        resid = data[:, None, :] - mus
        z = resid / etas
        return -0.5 * (nus + N) * np.log(1.0 + (resid * z).sum(axis=2) / nus) + \
            gammaln((nus + N) / 2.0) - gammaln(nus / 2.0) - N / 2.0 * np.log(nus) \
            -N / 2.0 * np.log(np.pi) - 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(etas), axis=1)
Пример #10
def log_p(x, z):
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    z = np.atleast_1d(z)
    lp = -gammaln(a0) + a0 * np.log(b0) \
         + (a0 - 1) * np.log(z) - b0 * z
    ll = np.sum(-gammaln(x[:, None] + 1) - z[None, :] +
                x[:, None] * np.log(z[None, :]),
    return lp + ll
Пример #11
    def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        D, mus, sigmas, nus = self.D, self.mus, np.exp(self.inv_sigmas), np.exp(self.inv_nus)
        # mask = np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool) if mask is None else mask

        resid = data[:, None, :] - mus
        z = resid / sigmas
        return -0.5 * (nus + D) * np.log(1.0 + (resid * z).sum(axis=2) / nus) + \
            gammaln((nus + D) / 2.0) - gammaln(nus / 2.0) - D / 2.0 * np.log(nus) \
            -D / 2.0 * np.log(np.pi) - 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(sigmas), axis=1)
Пример #12
def beta_logpdf(params, theta, to_scalar=True):
    alpha = np.exp(params["log_alpha"])
    beta = np.exp(params["log_beta"])

    logp = (gammaln(alpha + beta) - gammaln(alpha) - gammaln(beta) +
            (alpha - 1) * np.log(theta) + (beta - 1) * np.log(1 - theta))

    if to_scalar:
        return np.sum(logp)
        return logp
Пример #13
    def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        D = self.D
        mus = self._compute_mus(data, input, mask, tag)
        sigmas = self._compute_sigmas(data, input, mask, tag)
        nus = np.exp(self.inv_nus)

        resid = data[:, None, :] - mus
        z = resid / sigmas
        return -0.5 * (nus + D) * np.log(1.0 + (resid * z).sum(axis=2) / nus) + \
            gammaln((nus + D) / 2.0) - gammaln(nus / 2.0) - D / 2.0 * np.log(nus) \
            -D / 2.0 * np.log(np.pi) - 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(sigmas), axis=-1)
Пример #14
def log_like(var_par, draw, value, k):
    l = int(len(var_par) / 2)
    mu, cov = var_par[:l], np.exp(var_par[l:])
    samples = draw * cov + mu
    pi = softmax(samples[:k])
    d = len(value)
    thetas = softmax(samples[k:].reshape([k, d]), axis=1)
    n = np.sum(value)
    logps = np.log(pi) + np.dot(
        np.log(thetas), value) + gammaln(n + 1) - np.sum(gammaln(value + 1))
    return logsumexp(logps)
Пример #15
def elbo((lambda_pi, lambda_phi, lambda_m, lambda_beta, lambda_nu, lambda_w)):
    ELBO computation
    e3 = e2 = h2 = 0

    e1 = - log_beta_function(alpha_o) \
         + agnp.dot((alpha_o - agnp.ones(K)), dirichlet_expectation(lambda_pi))
    h1 = log_beta_function(lambda_pi) \
         - agnp.dot((lambda_pi - agnp.ones(K)),
    logdet = agnp.log(
        agnp.array([agnp.linalg.det(lambda_w[k, :, :]) for k in range(K)]))
    logDeltak = agscipy.psi(lambda_nu / 2.) \
                + agscipy.psi((lambda_nu - 1.) / 2.) + 2. * agnp.log(
        2.) + logdet

    for n in range(N):
        e2 += agnp.dot(lambda_phi[n, :], dirichlet_expectation(lambda_pi))
        h2 += -agnp.dot(lambda_phi[n, :], log_(lambda_phi[n, :]))
        product = agnp.array([
            agnp.dot(agnp.dot(xn[n, :] - lambda_m[k, :], lambda_w[k, :, :]),
                     (xn[n, :] - lambda_m[k, :]).T) for k in range(K)
        e3 += 1. / 2 * agnp.dot(lambda_phi[n, :],
                                (logDeltak - 2. * agnp.log(2 * agnp.pi) -
                                 lambda_nu * product - 2. / lambda_beta).T)

    product = agnp.array([
        agnp.dot(agnp.dot(lambda_m[k, :] - m_o, lambda_w[k, :, :]),
                 (lambda_m[k, :] - m_o).T) for k in range(K)
    traces = agnp.array([
        agnp.trace(agnp.dot(agnp.linalg.inv(w_o), lambda_w[k, :, :]))
        for k in range(K)
    h4 = agnp.sum((1. + agnp.log(2. * agnp.pi) - 1. / 2 *
                   (agnp.log(lambda_beta) + logdet)))
    logB = lambda_nu / 2. * logdet + lambda_nu * agnp.log(
        2.) + 1. / 2 * agnp.log(agnp.pi) \
           + agscipy.gammaln(lambda_nu / 2.) + agscipy.gammaln(
        (lambda_nu - 1) / 2.)
    h5 = agnp.sum((logB - (lambda_nu - 3.) / 2. * logDeltak + lambda_nu))
    e4 = agnp.sum(
        (1. / 2 * (agnp.log(beta_o) + logDeltak - 2 * agnp.log(2. * agnp.pi) -
                   beta_o * lambda_nu * product - 2. * beta_o / lambda_beta)))
    logB = nu_o / 2. * agnp.log(agnp.linalg.det(w_o)) + nu_o * agnp.log(2.) \
           + 1. / 2 * agnp.log(agnp.pi) + agscipy.gammaln(
        nu_o / 2.) + agscipy.gammaln((nu_o - 1) / 2.)
    e5 = agnp.sum(
        (-logB + (nu_o - 3.) / 2. * logDeltak - lambda_nu / 2. * traces))

    return e1 + e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 + h1 + h2 + h4 + h5
 def EPtaulambda(self, tau_mu, tau_sigma, tau_a_prior, lambda_a_prior,
                 lambda_b_prior, lambda_a_hat, lambda_b_hat):
     """ E[ln p(\tau | \lambda)] + E[ln p(\lambda)]"""
     etau_given_lambda = -gammaln(tau_a_prior) - tau_a_prior * (
         np.log(lambda_b_hat) -
         psi(lambda_a_hat)) + (-tau_a_prior - 1.) * tau_mu - np.exp(
             -tau_mu + 0.5 * tau_sigma**2) * (lambda_a_hat / lambda_b_hat)
     elambda = -gammaln(lambda_a_prior) - 2 * lambda_a_prior * np.log(
         lambda_b_prior) + (-lambda_a_prior - 1.) * (
             np.log(lambda_b_hat) - psi(lambda_a_hat)) - (
                 1. / lambda_b_prior**2) * (lambda_a_hat / lambda_b_hat)
     return np.sum(etau_given_lambda) + np.sum(elambda)
Пример #17
 def nll(params):
     # N.B. the likelihood must be expressed as a sum of log-gamma
     # factors in order to avoid overflow / underflow for large
     # numbers of successes or failures in an observation.
     return - np.sum(
         - gammaln(
             + np.sum(observations, axis=1))
         + np.sum(
             gammaln(observations + params)
             - gammaln(params),
Пример #18
def logp(zw, K, x, alphaz):
    assert isinstance(K, np.ndarray), "K is assumed to be a Numpy array"
    N = x.shape[0]
    D = x.shape[1]

    L = K.shape[0]
    num_z = N * np.sum(K)
    z = zw[:num_z]
    w = zw[num_z:]
    num_w = w.shape[0]

    log_prior = 0.
    log_likelihood = 0.

    # Prior for weights
    log_prior += np.sum(w_shp * np.log(w_rte) + (w_shp - 1.) * np.log(w) -
                        w_rte * w - sp.gammaln(w_shp))

    # Prior for top layer
    log_prior += np.sum(z_shp * np.log(z_rte) +
                        (z_shp - 1.) * np.log(z[-N * K[-1]:]) -
                        z_rte * z[-N * K[-1]:] - sp.gammaln(z_shp))

    # Likelihood
    z1 = z[:N * K[0]].reshape((N, K[0]))
    w0 = w[:D * K[0]].reshape((K[0], D))
    z1_sum_w0 = np.dot(z1, w0)
    log_likelihood = np.sum(x * np.log(z1_sum_w0) - z1_sum_w0 -
                            sp.gammaln(x + 1))

    if L > 1:
        # Layer 1
        z2 = z[N * K[0]:N * (K[0] + K[1])].reshape((N, K[1]))
        w1 = w[D * K[0]:D * K[0] + K[0] * K[1]].reshape((K[1], K[0]))
        z2_sum_w1 = np.dot(z2, w1)
        aux = alphaz / z2_sum_w1
        log_prior += np.sum(alphaz * np.log(aux) + (alphaz - 1.) * np.log(z1) -
                            aux * z1 - sp.gammaln(alphaz))

        # Layer 2
        z3 = z[N * (K[0] + K[1]):N * (K[0] + K[1] + K[2])].reshape((N, K[2]))
        w2 = w[D * K[0] + K[0] * K[1]:D * K[0] + K[0] * K[1] +
               K[1] * K[2]].reshape((K[2], K[1]))
        z3_sum_w2 = np.dot(z3, w2)
        aux = alphaz / z3_sum_w2
        log_prior += np.sum(alphaz * np.log(aux) + (alphaz - 1.) * np.log(z2) -
                            aux * z2 - sp.gammaln(alphaz))

    return log_prior + log_likelihood
Пример #19
def multivariate_studentst_logpdf(data, mus, Sigmas, nus, Ls=None):
    Compute the log probability density of a multivariate Student's t distribution.
    This will broadcast as long as data, mus, Sigmas, nus have the same (or at
    least be broadcast compatible along the) leading dimensions.

    data : array_like (..., D)
        The points at which to evaluate the log density

    mus : array_like (..., D)
        The mean(s) of the t distribution(s)

    Sigmas : array_like (..., D, D)
        The covariances(s) of the t distribution(s)

    nus : array_like (...,)
        The degrees of freedom of the t distribution(s)

    Ls : array_like (..., D, D)
        Optionally pass in the Cholesky decomposition of Sigmas

    lps : array_like (...,)
        Log probabilities under the multivariate Gaussian distribution(s).
    # Check inputs
    D = data.shape[-1]
    assert mus.shape[-1] == D
    assert Sigmas.shape[-2] == Sigmas.shape[-1] == D
    if Ls is not None:
        assert Ls.shape[-2] == Ls.shape[-1] == D
        Ls = np.linalg.cholesky(Sigmas)  # (..., D, D)

    # Quadratic term
    q = batch_mahalanobis(Ls, data - mus) / nus  # (...,)
    lp = -0.5 * (nus + D) * np.log1p(q)  # (...,)

    # Normalizer
    lp = lp + gammaln(0.5 * (nus + D)) - gammaln(0.5 * nus)  # (...,)
    lp = lp - 0.5 * D * np.log(np.pi) - 0.5 * D * np.log(nus)  # (...,)
    L_diag = np.reshape(Ls, Ls.shape[:-2] + (-1, ))[..., ::D + 1]  # (..., D)
    half_log_det = np.sum(np.log(abs(L_diag)), axis=-1)  # (...,)
    lp = lp - half_log_det

    return lp
Пример #20
def prep_opt(y_train, N, coeffs):
    summedy_mat = np.sum(y_train, axis=0)
    summedy = np.reshape(summedy_mat, [np.size(summedy_mat), -1])

    a1 = np.reshape([np.repeat(coeffs.T[1], N)], [np.size(summedy), -1])
    a0 = np.reshape([np.repeat(coeffs.T[0], N)], [np.size(summedy), -1])
    a1y = np.multiply(a1, summedy)
    a0y = np.multiply(a0, summedy)

    consts = np.sum(gammaln(
        y_train + scale)) - D * n_neurons * N * gammaln(scale) - np.sum(
            coeffs.T[0] *
            (D * scale * N)) - np.sum(a0y) - np.sum(summedy * np.log(scale))

    return summedy, a1y, a0y, a1, consts
Пример #21
def nll_GLM_GanmorCalciumAR1(w, X, Y, hyperparams, nlfun, S=10):
    Negative log-likelihood for a GLM with Ganmor AR1 mixture model for calcium imaging data.

        w:              [D x 1]  vector of GLM regression weights
        X:              [T x D]  design matrix
        Y:              [T x 1]  calcium fluorescence observations
        hyperparams:    [3 x 1]  model hyperparameters: log tau, log alpha, log Gaussian variance
        nlfun:          [func]   function handle for nonlinearity
        S:              [scalar] number of spikes to marginalize
        return_hess:    [bool]   flag for returning Hessian

        negative log-likelihood, gradient, and Hessian

    # unpack hyperparams
    tau, alpha, sig2 = hyperparams

    # compute AR(1) diffs
    taudecay = np.exp(-1.0 / tau)  # decay factor for one time bin
    Y = np.pad(Y, (1, 0))  # pad Y by a time bin
    Ydff = (Y[1:] - taudecay * Y[:-1]) / alpha

    # compute grid of spike counts
    ygrid = np.arange(0, S + 1)

    # Gaussian log-likelihood terms
    log_gauss_grid = -0.5 * (Ydff[:, None] - ygrid[None, :])**2 / (
        sig2 / alpha**2) - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * sig2)

    Xproj = X @ w
    poissConst = gammaln(ygrid + 1)

    # compute neglogli, gradient, and (optionally) Hessian
    f, logf, df, ddf = nlfun(Xproj)
    logPcounts = logf[:, None] * ygrid[None, :] - f[:,
                                                    None] - poissConst[None, :]

    # compute log-likelihood for each time bin
    logjoint = log_gauss_grid + logPcounts
    logli = logsumexp(logjoint, axis=1)  # log likelihood for each time bin
    negL = -np.sum(logli)  # negative log likelihood

    # gradient
    dLpoiss = (df / f)[:, None] * ygrid[
        None, :] - df[:, None]  # deriv of Poisson log likelihood
    gwts = np.sum(np.exp(logjoint - logli[:, None]) * dLpoiss,
                  axis=1)  # gradient weights
    gradient = -X.T @ gwts

    # Hessian
    ddLpoiss = (ddf / f - (df / f)**2)[:, None] * ygrid[None, :] - ddf[:, None]
    ddL = (ddLpoiss + dLpoiss**2)
    hwts = np.sum(np.exp(logjoint - logli[:, None]) * ddL,
                  axis=1) - gwts**2  # hessian weights
    H = -X.T @ (X * hwts[:, None])

    return negL, gradient, H
Пример #22
def generalized_gamma_loss(x, X, B, T, W, fix_k, fix_p,
                           hierarchical, flavor, callback=None):
    # parameters for this distribution is p, k, lambd
    k = exp(x[0]) if fix_k is None else fix_k # x[0], x[1], x
    p = exp(x[1]) if fix_p is None else fix_p
    log_sigma_alpha = x[2]
    log_sigma_beta = x[3]
    a = x[4]
    b = x[5]
    n_features = int((len(x)-6)/2)
    alpha = x[6:6+n_features]
    beta = x[6+n_features:6+2*n_features]
    lambd = exp(dot(X, alpha)+a) # lambda = exp(\alpha+a),  X shape is N * n_groups, alpha is \n_features * 1 

    # PDF: p*lambda^(k*p) / gamma(k) * t^(k*p-1) * exp(-(x*lambda)^p)
    log_pdf = log(p) + (k*p) * log(lambd) - gammaln(k) \
              + (k*p-1) * log(T) - (T*lambd)**p
    cdf = gammainc(k, (T*lambd)**p)

    if flavor == 'logistic':  # Log-likelihood with sigmoid
        c = expit(dot(X, beta)+b) # fit one beta for each group 
        LL_observed = log(c) + log_pdf
        LL_censored = log((1 - c) + c * (1 - cdf))
    elif flavor == 'linear':  # L2 loss, linear
        c = dot(X, beta)+b
        LL_observed = -(1 - c)**2 + log_pdf
        LL_censored = -(c*cdf)**2

    LL_data = sum(
        W * B * LL_observed +
        W * (1 - B) * LL_censored, 0)
                     - n_features*log_sigma_alpha
Пример #23
 def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     assert data.dtype == int
     lambdas = np.exp(self.log_lambdas)
     mask = np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool) if mask is None else mask
     lls = -gammaln(data[:,None,:] + 1) - lambdas + data[:,None,:] * np.log(lambdas)
     assert lls.shape == (data.shape[0], self.K, self.D)
     return np.sum(lls * mask[:, None, :], axis=2)
Пример #24
def poisson_logpdf(data, lambdas, mask=None):
    Compute the log probability density of a Poisson distribution.
    This will broadcast as long as data and lambdas have the same
    (or at least compatible) leading dimensions.
    data : array_like (..., D)
        The points at which to evaluate the log density
    lambdas : array_like (..., D)
        The rates of the Poisson distribution(s)
    mask : array_like (..., D) bool
        Optional mask indicating which entries in the data are observed
    lps : array_like (...,)
        Log probabilities under the Poisson distribution(s).
    D = data.shape[-1]
    assert data.dtype in (int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64)
    assert lambdas.shape[-1] == D

    # Check mask
    mask = mask if mask is not None else np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool)
    assert mask.shape == data.shape

    # Compute log pdf
    lls = -gammaln(data + 1) - lambdas + data * np.log(lambdas)
    return np.sum(lls * mask, axis=-1)
Пример #25
def pred_like(test_data, var_par, n_samples, k):
    # Method for prediction likelihood
    N_test, d = test_data.shape
    l = int(len(var_par) / 2)
    gln_test_n = gammaln(test_data.sum(axis=1) + 1)
    gln_test_values = np.sum(gammaln(test_data + 1), axis=1)
    mu, cov = var_par[:l], np.exp(var_par[l:])
    like_matrix = np.empty([N_test, n_samples])
    samples = draw_samples(var_par, n_samples)
    for s, sample in enumerate(samples):
        pi = softmax(sample[:k])
        thetas = softmax(sample[k:].reshape([k, d]), axis=1)
        logps = (np.log(pi) + np.dot(test_data, np.log(
            thetas.T))).T + gln_test_n - gln_test_values
        like_matrix[:, s] = logsumexp2(np.stack(logps)[:, :N_test], axis=0)
    return np.mean(logsumexp2(like_matrix, axis=1) - np.log(n_samples))
Пример #26
 def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag, x):
     assert data.dtype == int
     lambdas = self.mean(self.forward(x, input, tag))
     mask = np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool) if mask is None else mask
     lls = -gammaln(data[:, None, :] +
                    1) - lambdas + data[:, None, :] * np.log(lambdas)
     return np.sum(lls * mask[:, None, :], axis=2)
  def testConditionAndMarginalizeBeta(self):
    def log_joint(x, a, b):
      return np.sum((a - 1) * np.log(x) + (b - 1) * np.log1p(-x))
    a = np.random.gamma(1., 1., [3, 4])
    b = np.random.gamma(1., 1., 4)
    x = np.random.gamma(1., 1., [3, 4])

    conditional, marginalized_value = (
        _condition_and_marginalize(log_joint, 0, SupportTypes.UNIT_INTERVAL,
                                   x, a, b))

    correct_marginalized_value = (special.gammaln(a) + special.gammaln(b) -
                                  special.gammaln(a + b)).sum()
    self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_marginalized_value, marginalized_value)

    self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a, conditional.args[0]))
    self.assertTrue(np.allclose(b, conditional.args[1]))
  def testConditionAndMarginalizeDirichlet(self):
    def log_joint(x, alpha):
      return np.sum((alpha - 1) * np.log(x))
    alpha = np.random.gamma(1., 1., [3, 4])
    x = np.random.gamma(alpha, 1.)
    x /= x.sum(-1, keepdims=True)

    conditional, marginalized_value = (
        _condition_and_marginalize(log_joint, 0, SupportTypes.SIMPLEX,
                                   x, alpha))

    correct_marginalized_value = (special.gammaln(alpha).sum() -
                                  special.gammaln(np.sum(alpha, 1)).sum())
    self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_marginalized_value, marginalized_value)

    for i in range(alpha.shape[0]):
      self.assertTrue(np.allclose(alpha[i], conditional[i].item(0).alpha))
Пример #29
    def _negative_log_likelihood(log_params, frequency, avg_monetary_value,
                                 weights, penalizer_coef):
        warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

        params = np.exp(log_params)
        p, q, v = params

        x = frequency
        m = avg_monetary_value

        negative_log_likelihood_values = (
            gammaln(p * x + q) - gammaln(p * x) - gammaln(q) + q * np.log(v) +
            (p * x - 1) * np.log(m) + (p * x) * np.log(x) -
            (p * x + q) * np.log(x * m + v)) * weights
        penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(params**2)
        return -negative_log_likelihood_values.sum() / weights.sum(
        ) + penalizer_term
Пример #30
 def nll(params):
     a, b = params
     # N.B. the likelihood must be expressed as a sum of log-gamma
     # factors in order to avoid overflow / underflow for large
     # numbers of successes or failures in an observation.
     return - np.sum(
         gammaln(successes + failures + 1)
         + gammaln(successes + a)
         + gammaln(failures + b)
         + gammaln(a + b)
         - gammaln(successes + 1)
         - gammaln(failures + 1)
         - gammaln(successes + failures + a + b)
         - gammaln(a)
         - gammaln(b))
Пример #31
def independent_studentst_logpdf(data, mus, sigmasqs, nus, mask=None):
    Compute the log probability density of a Gaussian distribution with
    a diagonal covariance.  This will broadcast as long as data, mus, 
    sigmas have the same (or at least compatible) leading dimensions. 

    data : array_like (..., D) 
        The points at which to evaluate the log density

    mus : array_like (..., D)
        The mean(s) of the Student's t distribution(s)

    sigmasqs : array_like (..., D)
        The diagonal variances(s) of the Student's t distribution(s)

    nus : array_like (..., D)
        The degrees of freedom of the Student's t distribution(s)

    mask : array_like (..., D) bool
        Optional mask indicating which entries in the data are observed

    lps : array_like (...,)
        Log probabilities under the Student's t distribution(s).
    D = data.shape[-1]
    assert mus.shape[-1] == D
    assert sigmasqs.shape[-1] == D
    assert nus.shape[-1] == D

    # Check mask
    mask = mask if mask is not None else np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool)
    assert mask.shape == data.shape

    normalizer = gammaln(0.5 * (nus + 1)) - gammaln(0.5 * nus)
    normalizer = normalizer - 0.5 * (np.log(np.pi) + np.log(nus) +
    ll = normalizer - 0.5 * (nus + 1) * np.log(1.0 + (data - mus)**2 /
                                               (sigmasqs * nus))
    return np.sum(ll * mask, axis=-1)
Пример #32
 def __init__(self, mu, K, df, Ki = None, logdet_K = None, L = None):
     mu = np.atleast_1d(mu).flatten()
     K = np.atleast_2d(K)
     assert(np.prod(mu.shape) == K.shape[0] )
     assert(K.shape[0] == K.shape[1])
     self.mu = mu
     self.K = K
     self.df = df
     self._freeze_chi2 = stats.chi2(df)
     self.dim = K.shape[0]
     self._df_dim = self.df + self.dim
     #(self.Ki,  self.logdet) = (np.linalg.inv(K), np.linalg.slogdet(K)[1])
     (self.Ki, self.L, self.Li, self.logdet) = pdinv(K)
     self.lpdf_const = np.float(gammaln((self.df + self.dim) / 2)
                                  + (log(self.df)+log(np.pi)) * self.dim*0.5
                                  + self.logdet * 0.5)
Пример #33
def logZ(natparam):
    alpha = natparam + 1
    return np.sum(np.sum(gammaln(alpha), -1) - gammaln(np.sum(alpha, -1)))
Пример #34
def negbin_loglike(r, p, x):
    # the negative binomial log likelihood we want to maximize
    return gammaln(r+x) - gammaln(r) - gammaln(x+1) + x*np.log(p) + r*np.log(1-p)
Пример #35
def logZ(natparam):
    alpha = natparam + 1
    return gammaln(alpha).sum() - gammaln(alpha.sum())