Пример #1
def main():
  automation = Automation()
  parser = ReftestOptions(automation)
  reftest = RefTest(automation)

  options, args = parser.parse_args()
  if len(args) != 1:
    print >>sys.stderr, "No reftest.list specified."

  options = parser.verifyCommonOptions(options, reftest)

  options.app = reftest.getFullPath(options.app)
  if not os.path.exists(options.app):
    print """Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
Are you executing $objdir/_tests/reftest/runreftest.py?""" \
            % {"app": options.app}

  if options.xrePath is None:
    options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)

  if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
    options.symbolsPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)
  options.utilityPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

  sys.exit(reftest.runTests(args[0], options))
Пример #2
def main():
    automation = Automation()
    parser = ReftestOptions(automation)
    reftest = RefTest(automation)

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
        print >> sys.stderr, "No reftest.list specified."

    options = parser.verifyCommonOptions(options, reftest)

    options.app = reftest.getFullPath(options.app)
    if not os.path.exists(options.app):
        print """Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
Are you executing $objdir/_tests/reftest/runreftest.py?""" \
                % {"app": options.app}

    if options.xrePath is None:
        options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)

    if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
        options.symbolsPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)
    options.utilityPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

    sys.exit(reftest.runTests(args[0], options))
Пример #3
def main():
    automation = Automation()
    mochitest = Mochitest(automation)
    parser = MochitestOptions(automation)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    options = parser.verifyOptions(options, mochitest)
    if options == None:

    options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)
    options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)
    if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
        options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

    automation.setServerInfo(options.webServer, options.httpPort,
                             options.sslPort, options.webSocketPort)
Пример #4
def main():
  automation = Automation()
  mochitest = Mochitest(automation)
  parser = MochitestOptions(automation)
  options, args = parser.parse_args()

  options = parser.verifyOptions(options, mochitest)
  if options == None:

  options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)
  options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)
  if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
    options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
            self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        options.webSocketPort = str(9988) # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
            self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(options.runOnlyTests)):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests)
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
            self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time")

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
            self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mochitest.oldcwd, os.path.dirname(__file__), mochitest.getTestRoot(options), options.testPath)):
                self.error("--run-until-failure can only be used together with --test-path specifying a single test.")
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        return options
Пример #6
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        if options.contentSandbox != 'off':
            options.e10s = True

        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s}) # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"contentSandbox": options.contentSandbox}) # for test manifest parsing.

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
            self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.xrePath), "Resources")
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        options.webSocketPort = str(9988) # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
            self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, options.runOnlyTests))):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests)
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
            self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time")

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
            self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
          self.error("--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                self.error('--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                    self.error('Missing binary %s required for --use-test-media-devices')

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 10000, # See dependencies of bug 1051230.

        # Bug 1051230 - Leak logging does not yet work for tab processes on desktop.
        # Bug 1065098 - The geckomediaplugin process fails to produce a leak log for some reason.
        options.ignoreMissingLeaks = ["tab", "geckomediaplugin"]

        return options
Пример #7
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                    "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified"

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified"

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        options.webSocketPort = str(
        )  # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
                "Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, options.runOnlyTests))):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" %
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
                "Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time"

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given."

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger."

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
                '\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently'
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for --use-test-media-devices'

        return options
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
            self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        options.webServer = self._automation.DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER
        options.httpPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT
        options.sslPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT
        options.webSocketPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_PORT

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not self._automation.IS_WIN32:
                self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
            self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(options.runOnlyTests)):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests)
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
            self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time")

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
            self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not self._automation.IS_WIN32:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mochitest.oldcwd, os.path.dirname(__file__), mochitest.getTestRoot(options), options.testPath)):
                self.error("--run-until-failure can only be used together with --test-path specifying a single test.")
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        return options
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
            self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        options.webServer = self._automation.DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER
        options.httpPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT
        options.sslPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT
        options.webSocketPort = self._automation.DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_PORT

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not self._automation.IS_WIN32:
                self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
            self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(options.runOnlyTests)):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests)
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
            self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time")

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
            self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not self._automation.IS_WIN32:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mochitest.oldcwd, os.path.dirname(__file__), mochitest.getTestRoot(options), options.testPath)):
                self.error("--run-until-failure can only be used together with --test-path specifying a single test.")
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if not options.mozInfo:
            if build_obj:
                options.mozInfo = os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json')
                options.mozInfo = os.path.abspath('mozinfo.json')

        if not os.path.isfile(options.mozInfo):
            self.error("Unable to file build information file (mozinfo.json) at this location: %s" % options.mozInfo)

        return options