Пример #1
def without_dummy_atoms(geo):
    """ Return a copy of the molecular geometry without dummy atoms.

    symbs = symbols(geo)
    non_dummy_idxs = [
        idx for idx, symb in enumerate(symbs) if ptab.to_number(symb)

    return from_subset(geo, non_dummy_idxs)
Пример #2
def formula(geo):
    """ Generate a stoichiometric formula dictionary from a molecular geometry.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :type: dict[str: int]

    symbs = symbols(geo)
    fml = _util.formula(symbs)

    return fml
Пример #3
def connectivity_graph(geo,
    """ Generate a molecular graph from the molecular geometry that has information
        about bond connectivity.

        :param rqq_bond_max: maximum distance between heavy atoms
        :type rqq_bond_max: float
        :param rqh_bond_max: maximum distance between heavy atoms and hydrogens
        :type rqh_bond_max: float
        :param rhh_bond_max: maximum distance between hydrogens
        :type rhh_bond_max: float
        :rtype: automol molecular graph structure

    symbs = symbols(geo)
    xyzs = coordinates(geo)

    def _distance(idx_pair):
        xyz1, xyz2 = map(xyzs.__getitem__, idx_pair)
        dist = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(xyz1, xyz2))
        return dist

    def _are_bonded(idx_pair):
        sym1, sym2 = map(symbs.__getitem__, idx_pair)
        dist = _distance(idx_pair)
        return (False if 'X' in (sym1, sym2) else
                (dist < rqh_bond_max) if 'H' in (sym1, sym2) else
                (dist < rhh_bond_max) if (sym1 == 'H' and sym2 == 'H') else
                (dist < rqq_bond_max))

    idxs = range(len(xyzs))
    atm_symb_dct = dict(enumerate(symbs))
    bnd_keys = tuple(
        map(frozenset, filter(_are_bonded, itertools.combinations(idxs, r=2))))

    bnd_ord_dct = {bnd_key: 1 for bnd_key in bnd_keys}

    gra = create.graph.from_data(atom_symbols=atm_symb_dct,
    return gra
Пример #4
def from_subset(geo, idxs):
    """ Generate a new molecular geometry from a subset of the atoms in an
        input geometry.

        (Rename this and put it under operations?)

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param idxs: indices representing the subset of atoms
        :type idxs: tuple(int)
        :rtype: automol moleculer geometry data structure

    symbs = symbols(geo)
    xyzs = coordinates(geo)

    symbs = list(map(symbs.__getitem__, idxs))
    xyzs = list(map(xyzs.__getitem__, idxs))

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Пример #5
def insert(geo, symb, xyz, idx=None, angstrom=False):
    """ Insert an atom into a molecular geometry.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param symb: symbol of atom to add
        :type symb: str
        :param xyz: xyz coordinates of atom to add
        :type xyz: tuple(float)
        :param idx: index of geometry to place atom
        :type idx: int
        :rtype: automol geometry date structure

    symbs = list(symbols(geo))
    xyzs = list(coordinates(geo, angstrom=angstrom))

    idx = idx if idx is not None else len(symbs)

    symbs.insert(idx, symb)
    xyzs.insert(idx, xyz)

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs, angstrom=angstrom)