Пример #1
    def test1(self):
        #print '++++++++++ DEBUG: starting test1'
        s = """{
            "name" : "a-cluster",
            "idbversion" : "Latest", 
            "boxtype" : "cal-precise64",
            "rolespec" : {
                "pm" : {
                    "count" : 4,
                    "memory" : 1024,
                    "dbroots_per" : 1
            "hadoop"     : {
              "instance-templates" : "1 hadoop-namenode+hadoop-jobtracker,2 hadoop-datanode+hadoop-tasktracker"
        mgr = ClusterMgr()
        c = mgr.alloc_new('my-clustername',ConfigSpec(s),'vagrant')
        w = WhirrConfigWriter(c)
        ref_file = '%s/testwhirr-props' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.assertTrue( testutils.file_compare(ref_file, self._propcmp))
        ref_file = '%s/testwhirr-nodes' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.assertTrue( testutils.file_compare(ref_file, self._nodecmp))

Пример #2
    def run_install_recipe(self, cb=None):
        """Run the proper install recipe from the autooam cookbook."""
        ret = 0
        # skip whirr hadoop install if we are running in unittest mode
        if not common.props['vmi.vagrantvmi.unit-test']:
            if self._config['hadoop']:
                if cb:
                    cb('Whirr Hadoop install Step')
                Log.info('Executing whirr launch-cluster for Hadoop')
                w = WhirrConfigWriter( self )
                w.write_config( self._vmi._rundir )
                owd = os.getcwd()
                cmd = '%s/whirr launch-cluster --config hadoop.properties --private-key-file %s/insecure_private_key' %\
                    (common.props['cluster.cluster.whirrdir'], common.props['vmi.vagrantvmi.vagrantroot'])
                ret = utils.syscall_log(cmd, self._vmi._outfile)[0]
                # we also need to install libhdfs before moving on to the InfiniDB install
                if ret == 0:
                    if cb:
                        cb('Chef autooam::hadoop_postinstall Step')
                    # must be done on every InfiniDB node!
                    # TODO: consider moving this to an ansible playbook
                    for m in self._machines.keys():
                        if not m == "em1":
                            if ( vagboxes.get_os_family(self._config['boxtype']) == 'ubuntu' or\
                                 vagboxes.get_os_family(self._config['boxtype']) == 'debian' ):
                                cmd = 'sudo apt-get -y install libhdfs0'
                                cmd = 'sudo yum -y install hadoop-libhdfs'
                            ret = self.shell_command(m, cmd)

                            if ret != 0:

                if ret != 0:
                    Log.error('There were errors during Hadoop installation, did not attempt InfiniDB install')
                    return ret

        if cb:
            cb('InfiniDB install Step')
        Log.info('Performing InfiniDB install')
        recipe = 'autooam::binary_install' if self._config['binary'] else 'autooam::package_install'

        # Use EM to install Infinidb
        if self._emapi and common.props['cluster.cluster.use_em_for_dbinstall']:
            # Install EM (if applicable)
            ret = self._em_install(cb)
            if ret != 0:
                return ret

            # install db step
            ret = self._em_installdb(cb)

        # Install Infinidb through execution of ansible playbooks
            if self._chefmode:
                ret = self._run_chef_recipe(recipe)
                ret = self._run_ansible_playbook(recipe)
            if ret != 0:
                Log.error('There were errors installing InfiniDB')
                return ret

            if self._emapi:
                # Install and attach to EM (if applicable)
                ret = self._em_install(cb)
                if ret != 0:
                    return ret
                ret = self._em_attach( cb=cb )

        return ret