Пример #1

        # save some memory
        del train_x
        del train_meta

        # test serialization
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
            tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'model.bin')
            print('testing serialization in temp file', tmp_file)
            model.save(trained_model, tmp_file)
            trained_model = model.load(tmp_file)

        predicted_score = model.predict(trained_model, test_x,
        result_meta = test_meta.assign(predicted_score=predicted_score)
        result_meta = result_meta.assign(
        result_meta = result_meta.assign(label=np.round(result_meta.label))
        result_meta = result_meta.assign(
            correct=result_meta.predicted_label == result_meta.label)

        bias = trained_model[1]
        r = validate_speech_detection(result_meta)
        sync_r = test_correct_sync(result_meta, bias)

    sync_results = pd.concat(sync_results)
Пример #2
def synchronize(video_file, subtitle_file, output_file, verbose=False, \
    parallelism=3, fixed_skew=None, model_file=None, return_parameters=False, \
    Automatically synchronize subtitles with audio in a video file.
    Uses FFMPEG to extract the audio from the video file and the command line
    tool "ffmpeg" must be available. Uses temporary files which are deleted

        video_file (string): Input video file name
        subtitle_file (string): Input SRT subtitle file name
        output_file (string): Output (synchronized) SRT subtitle file name
        verbose (boolean): If True, print progress information to stdout
        return_parameters (boolean): If True, returns the syncrhonization
            parameters instead of just the success flag
        other arguments: Search parameters, see ``autosubsync --help``

        If return_parameters is False (default), returns
        True on success (quality of fit test passed), False if failed.

        If return_parameters is True, returns a tuple of four values

            success (boolean)   success flag as above
            quality (float)     metric used to determine the value of "success"
            skew (float)        best fit skew/speed (unitless)
            shift (float)       best fit shift in seconds


    # these are here to enable running as python3 autosubsync/main.py
    from autosubsync import features
    from autosubsync import find_transform
    from autosubsync import model
    from autosubsync import preprocessing
    from autosubsync import quality_of_fit

    # argument parsing
    if model_file is None:
        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
        model_file = resource_filename(__name__, '../trained-model.bin')

    fixed_skew = parse_skew(fixed_skew)

    # load model
    trained_model = model.load(model_file)

    if verbose: print('Extracting audio using ffmpeg and reading subtitles...')
    sound_data, subvec = preprocessing.import_target_files(
        video_file, subtitle_file)

    if verbose:        print(('computing features for %d audio samples ' + \
'using %d parallel process(es)') % (len(subvec), parallelism))

    features_x, shifted_y = features.compute(sound_data,

    if verbose:        print('extracted features of size %s, performing speech detection' % \

    y_scores = model.predict(trained_model, features_x)

    # save some memory before parallelization fork so we look less bad
    del features_x, sound_data, subvec

    if verbose:
        print('computing best fit with %d frames' % len(y_scores))

    skew, shift, quality = find_transform.find_transform_parameters(\
        shifted_y, y_scores, \
        parallelism=parallelism, fixed_skew=fixed_skew, bias=trained_model[1], \
        verbose=verbose, **kwargs)

    success = quality > quality_of_fit.threshold
    if verbose:
        print('quality of fit: %g, threshold %g' %
              (quality, quality_of_fit.threshold))
        print('Fit complete. Performing resync, writing to ' + output_file)

    transform_func = find_transform.parameters_to_transform(skew, shift)
    preprocessing.transform_srt(subtitle_file, output_file, transform_func)

    if verbose and success: print('success!')

    if return_parameters:
        return success, quality, skew, shift
        return success
Пример #3
        print('Training...', X_train.shape)
        trained_model = model.train_with_spleeter_output(X_train, y_train)

        # save some memory
        del X_train
        del y_train

        # test serialization
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
            tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'model.bin')
            print('testing serialization in temp file', tmp_file)
            model.save(trained_model, tmp_file)
            trained_model = model.load(tmp_file)

        predicted_score = model.predict(trained_model, X_test)
        predicted_label = np.round(predicted_score)
        correct = predicted_label == y_test

        result_meta = pd.DataFrame(
            np.array([y_test, predicted_score, predicted_label, correct]).T,
            columns=['label', 'predicted_score', 'predicted_label', 'correct'])
        result_meta['label'] = result_meta['label'].astype(float)

        from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
        print('AUC-ROC:', roc_auc_score(y_test, predicted_label))

        bias = trained_model[1]
        r = result_meta.groupby('label').agg('mean')
        sync_r = test_correct_sync(result_meta, bias)