Пример #1
def _fixPreProcessing(channel_dict, tap_dict, template_numeric_dict=None, timing_exp_list=None):
    after applying this, there is no template rule anymore, and every tap rule only causes one edge
    :param system:
    :param template_numeric_dict:
    # break down templates
    if not template_numeric_dict:
        template_numeric_dict = dict()
    if not timing_exp_list:
        timing_exp_list = list()
    for tap_name, tap in tap_dict.items():
        template_match = _triggerTemplateMatch(tap.trigger, list(template_numeric_dict.keys()))
        if template_match:
            del tap_dict[tap_name]
            template = template_match.group('template')
            operator = template_match.group('operator')
            value = float(template_match.group('value'))
            for crit_value in _getEnhancedNumericList(template_numeric_dict[template]):
                if (crit_value > value and operator == '>') or \
                        (crit_value < value and operator == '<') or (crit_value == value and operator == '='):
                    new_tap_name = tap_name + str(crit_value).replace('.', '_')
                    new_trigger = template + 'SetTo' + str(crit_value).replace('.', '_')
                    tap_dict[new_tap_name] = Tap(tap.action, new_trigger, tap.condition)

    _channel_dict = copy.deepcopy(channel_dict)
    result = generateIoTSystem('TempSystem', _channel_dict, tap_dict, timing_exp_list)

    # break down every rule
    tap_index_dict = {key: 0 for key, tap in result.tap_dict.items()}
    new_tap_dict = dict()

    ts = result.transition_system

    for transition in ts.trans_list:
        if '->' in transition.act:

            # add a new rule handling this
            rule_name = re.match(r'rule\((?P<rule_name>[\s\S]+)\)->[^ ]+', transition.act).group('rule_name')
            prev_index = ts.getPrevIndex(transition.src_index)
            prev_field = ts.getField(prev_index)
            ap_list = [ap for ap in result.getApList(prev_field)
                       if '@' not in ap and 'trigger' not in ap and ap not in result.tap_dict]
            ap_list = ap_list + ['!' + ap for ap in result.getAllAp()
                                 if '@' not in ap and 'trigger' not in ap and
                                 ap not in ap_list and ap not in result.tap_dict]
            new_rule_name = rule_name + '_' + str(tap_index_dict[rule_name])
            action = result.tap_dict[rule_name].action
            trigger = result.tap_dict[rule_name].trigger
            tap_index_dict[rule_name] = tap_index_dict[rule_name] + 1
            new_tap_dict[new_rule_name] = Tap(action, trigger, ap_list)

    _channel_dict = copy.deepcopy(channel_dict)
    result = generateIoTSystem('systemAfterPreProcess', _channel_dict, new_tap_dict, timing_exp_list)
    ts = result.transition_system
    # put system back to initial state
    return result
Пример #2
def _fixRuleEdges(system, ltl, record_exp_list):
    a pre-requirement it that each tap rule in the system only triggers one rule edge
    :param system:
    :param ltl:
    :param template_numeric_dict:
    name = 'systemAfterRuleEdgeFixing'
    channel_dict = {key: copy.deepcopy(value) for key, value in system.channel_dict.items()}
    timing_exp_list = [key[0] for key in system.timer_type1_dict.items()] + \
                      [key[0] for key in system.timer_type2_dict.items()]
    while True:
        # find all bad edges
        bad_edges, other_edges = _getBadEdges(system, ltl, record_exp_list)
        bad_edges = [edge for edge in bad_edges if '->' in edge.action]

        if not bad_edges:
            # terminate, no bad edges caused by rule
            # fix all rule edges
            tap_dict = system.tap_dict
            for edge in bad_edges:
                rule_name = re.match(r'rule\((?P<rule_name>[\s\S]+)\)->[^ ]+', edge.action).group('rule_name')
                if rule_name in tap_dict:
                    del tap_dict[rule_name]

            _channel_dict = copy.deepcopy(channel_dict)
            system = generateIoTSystem(name, _channel_dict, tap_dict, timing_exp_list)

    return system
Пример #3
def generateTrace(cap_dict,

    :param cap_dict: key: capability name, value: event generator (Generator)
    :param tap_dict:  key: name of the rule, value: TAP class
    :param length: maximum time
    :param template_dict: dict of template
    :return: a trace object (or list of events?)
    tap_list = [val for key, val in tap_dict.items()]
    exp_t_list, record_exp_list = generateTimeExp('0', tap_list)
    crit_value_dict = generateCriticalValue('0', tap_list)
    cap_name_list = list(set([cap_name for cap_name, gen in cap_dict.items()]))
    channel_name_list = list(
        set([cap_name.split('.')[0] for cap_name, gen in cap_dict.items()]))
    tap_dict = namedTapFormat(tap_dict, crit_value_dict)

    channel_dict = generateChannelDict(channel_name_list, crit_value_dict, {},
                                       cap_name_list, template_dict)
    system = generateIoTSystem('temp',
    init_field = system.saveToStateVector()

    current_time = 0
    event_time_list = list()
    while current_time < length:
        time_dict = {
            cap_name: gen.next(current_time)
            for cap_name, gen in cap_dict.items()
        nearest_event_time = min(
            [time for cap_name, time in time_dict.items()])
        smallest_timer = system.getSmallestTimerValue()
        if smallest_timer + current_time <= nearest_event_time:
            # should apply tick
            current_time = current_time + smallest_timer
            event_list = system.resolveTriggeredRules()
            event_time_list = event_time_list + [
                (current_time, textToformula(event), True)
                for event in event_list
            # should apply the nearest event
            selected_cap_list = [
                cap_name for cap_name, time in time_dict.items()
                if time == nearest_event_time
            selected_cap = random.choice(selected_cap_list)
            event_list = system.getPossibleEvents(selected_cap)
            selected_event = random.choice(event_list)
            interval = time_dict[selected_cap] - current_time
            current_time = time_dict[selected_cap]
            following_event_list = system.resolveTriggeredRules()
                (current_time, textToformula(selected_event), True))
            event_time_list = event_time_list + \
                              [(current_time, textToformula(event), True) for event in following_event_list]


    system_no_tap = generateIoTSystem('temp',
                                      channel_dict, {},
    init_field_no_tap = system_no_tap.saveToStateVector()

    return Trace(init_field_no_tap, system_no_tap, event_time_list)