Пример #1
  def testIsNotNone(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    """Test 'check_is_not_none' function."""

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument','hello') == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',1) ==       None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',0) ==       None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',-111) ==    None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',0.555) ==   None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',{}) ==      None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',[]) ==      None)
Пример #2
  def testIsNotNone(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    """Test 'check_is_not_none' function."""

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument','hello') == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',1) ==       None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',0) ==       None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',-111) ==    None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',0.555) ==   None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',{}) ==      None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_not_none('TestArgument',[]) ==      None)
Пример #3
    def testIsNotNone(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_not_none' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", "hello") == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 1) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 0) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", -111) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 0.555) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", {}) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", []) == None
Пример #4
    def testIsNotNone(
            self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_not_none' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", "hello")
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 1)
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 0)
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", -111)
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", 0.555)
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", {})
        assert auxiliary.check_is_not_none("TestArgument", [])
Пример #5
def SaveMatchDataSet(match_set, dataset1, id_field1, new_dataset_name1,
                     dataset2=None, id_field2=None, new_dataset_name2=None):
  """Save the original data set(s) with an additional field (attribute) that
     contains match identifiers.

     This functions creates unique match identifiers (one for each matched pair
     of record identifiers in the given match set), and inserts them into a new
     attribute (field) of a data set(s) which will be written.

     If the record identifier field is not one of the fields in the input data
     set, then additionally such a field will be added to the output data set
     (with the name of the record identifier from the input data set).

     Currently the output data set(s) to be written will be CSV type data sets.

     Match identifiers as or the form 'mid00001', 'mid0002', etc. with the
     number of digits depending upon the total number of matches in the match
     set. If a record is involved in several matches, then the match
     identifiers will be separated by a semi-colon (;).

     Only one new data set will be created for deduplication, and two new data
     sets for linkage.

     For a deduplication, it is assumed that the second data set is set to

  auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
  auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
  auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field1', id_field1)
  auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name1', new_dataset_name1)

  if (dataset2 != None):  # A linkage, check second set of parameters
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field2', id_field2)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name2', new_dataset_name2)
    do_link = True
    do_link = False

  match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

  if (len(match_set) > 0):
    num_digit = max(1,int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
    num_digit = 1
  mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

  # Generate a dictionary with record identifiers as keys and lists of match
  # identifiers as values
  match_id_dict1 = {}  # For first data set
  match_id_dict2 = {}  # For second data set, not required for deduplication

  for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
    rec_id1, rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple

    mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
    this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

    rec_id1_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id1, [])
    match_id_dict1[rec_id1] = rec_id1_mid_list

    if (do_link == True):  # Do the same for second data set
      rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id2, [])
      match_id_dict2[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

    else:  # Same dicionary for deduplication
      rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id2, [])
      match_id_dict1[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

    mid_count += 1

  # Now initialise new data set(s) for output based on input data set(s) - - -

  # First need to generate field list from input data set
  if (dataset1.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
    new_dataset1_field_list = dataset1.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
    last_col_index = new_dataset1_field_list[-1][1]+1

  elif (dataset1.dataset_type == 'COL'):
    new_dataset1_field_list = []
    col_index = 0
    for (field, col_width) in dataset1.field_list:
      new_dataset1_field_list.append((field, col_index))
      col_index += 1
    last_col_index = col_index

  # Check if the record identifier is not a normal input field (in which case
  # it has to be written into the output data set as well)
  rec_ident_name = dataset1.rec_ident

  add_rec_ident = True
  for (field_name, field_data) in dataset1.field_list:
    if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
      add_rec_ident = False

  if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
    new_dataset1_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
    last_col_index += 1

  # Append match id field
  new_dataset1_field_list.append((id_field1, last_col_index))

  new_dataset1_description =  dataset1.description+' with match identifiers'

  new_dataset1 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset1_description,
                                    strip_fields = dataset1.strip_fields,
                                    miss_val = dataset1.miss_val,
                                    field_list = new_dataset1_field_list,
                                    delimiter = dataset1.delimiter,
                                    file_name = new_dataset_name1)

  # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
  for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset1.readall():
    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

    mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id, [])
    mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)


  if (do_link == True):  # Second data set for linkage only - - - - - - - - - -

    if (dataset2.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
      new_dataset2_field_list = dataset2.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
      last_col_index = new_dataset2_field_list[-1][1]+1

    elif (dataset2.dataset_type == 'COL'):
      new_dataset2_field_list = []
      col_index = 0
      for (field, col_width) in dataset2.field_list:
        new_dataset2_field_list.append((field, col_index))
        col_index += 1
      last_col_index = col_index

    # Check if the record identifier is not an normal input field (in which
    # case it has to be written into the output data set as well)
    rec_ident_name = dataset2.rec_ident

    add_rec_ident = True
    for (field_name, field_data) in dataset2.field_list:
      if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
        add_rec_ident = False

    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
      new_dataset2_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
      last_col_index += 1

    # Append match id field
    new_dataset2_field_list.append((id_field2, last_col_index))

    new_dataset2_description =  dataset2.description+' with match identifiers'

    new_dataset2 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset2_description,
                                      strip_fields = dataset2.strip_fields,
                                      miss_val = dataset2.miss_val,
                                      field_list = new_dataset2_field_list,
                                      file_name = new_dataset_name2)

    # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
    for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset2.readall():

      if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

      mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id, [])
      mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)

def SaveMatchDataSet(match_set,
    """Save the original data set(s) with an additional field (attribute) that
     contains match identifiers.

     This functions creates unique match identifiers (one for each matched pair
     of record identifiers in the given match set), and inserts them into a new
     attribute (field) of a data set(s) which will be written.

     If the record identifier field is not one of the fields in the input data
     set, then additionally such a field will be added to the output data set
     (with the name of the record identifier from the input data set).

     Currently the output data set(s) to be written will be CSV type data sets.

     Match identifiers as or the form 'mid00001', 'mid0002', etc. with the
     number of digits depending upon the total number of matches in the match
     set. If a record is involved in several matches, then the match
     identifiers will be separated by a semi-colon (;).

     Only one new data set will be created for deduplication, and two new data
     sets for linkage.

     For a deduplication, it is assumed that the second data set is set to

    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field1', id_field1)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name1', new_dataset_name1)

    if (dataset2 != None):  # A linkage, check second set of parameters
        auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
        auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field2', id_field2)
        auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name2', new_dataset_name2)
        do_link = True
        do_link = False

    match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

    if (len(match_set) > 0):
        num_digit = max(1, int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
        num_digit = 1
    mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

    # Generate a dictionary with record identifiers as keys and lists of match
    # identifiers as values
    match_id_dict1 = {}  # For first data set
    match_id_dict2 = {}  # For second data set, not required for deduplication

    for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
        rec_id1, rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple

        mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
        this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

        rec_id1_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id1, [])
        match_id_dict1[rec_id1] = rec_id1_mid_list

        if (do_link == True):  # Do the same for second data set
            rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id2, [])
            match_id_dict2[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

        else:  # Same dicionary for deduplication
            rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id2, [])
            match_id_dict1[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

        mid_count += 1

    # Now initialise new data set(s) for output based on input data set(s) - - -

    # First need to generate field list from input data set
    if (dataset1.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
        new_dataset1_field_list = dataset1.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
        last_col_index = new_dataset1_field_list[-1][1] + 1

    elif (dataset1.dataset_type == 'COL'):
        new_dataset1_field_list = []
        col_index = 0
        for (field, col_width) in dataset1.field_list:
            new_dataset1_field_list.append((field, col_index))
            col_index += 1
        last_col_index = col_index

    # Check if the record identifier is not a normal input field (in which case
    # it has to be written into the output data set as well)
    rec_ident_name = dataset1.rec_ident

    add_rec_ident = True
    for (field_name, field_data) in dataset1.field_list:
        if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
            add_rec_ident = False

    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
        new_dataset1_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
        last_col_index += 1

    # Append match id field
    new_dataset1_field_list.append((id_field1, last_col_index))

    new_dataset1_description = dataset1.description + ' with match identifiers'

    new_dataset1 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset1_description,

    # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
    for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset1.readall():
        if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

        mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id, [])
        mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)
        new_dataset1.write({rec_id: rec_list})


    if (do_link == True
        ):  # Second data set for linkage only - - - - - - - - - -

        if (dataset2.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
            new_dataset2_field_list = dataset2.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
            last_col_index = new_dataset2_field_list[-1][1] + 1

        elif (dataset2.dataset_type == 'COL'):
            new_dataset2_field_list = []
            col_index = 0
            for (field, col_width) in dataset2.field_list:
                new_dataset2_field_list.append((field, col_index))
                col_index += 1
            last_col_index = col_index

        # Check if the record identifier is not an normal input field (in which
        # case it has to be written into the output data set as well)
        rec_ident_name = dataset2.rec_ident

        add_rec_ident = True
        for (field_name, field_data) in dataset2.field_list:
            if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
                add_rec_ident = False

        if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
            new_dataset2_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
            last_col_index += 1

        # Append match id field
        new_dataset2_field_list.append((id_field2, last_col_index))

        new_dataset2_description = dataset2.description + ' with match identifiers'

        new_dataset2 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset2_description,

        # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
        for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset2.readall():

            if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

            mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id, [])
            mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)
            new_dataset2.write({rec_id: rec_list})

Пример #7
def pairs_completeness(weight_vec_dict, dataset1, dataset2, get_id_funct,
    """Pairs completeness is measured as

       pc = Nm / M

     with Nm (<= M) being the number of correctly classified truly matched
     record pairs in the blocked comparison space, and M the total number of
     true matches.

     If both data sets are the same a deduplication is assumed, otherwise a

     The arguments that have to be set when this method is called are:
       weight_vec_dict    A dictionary containing weight vectors.
       dataset1           The initialised first data set object.
       dataset2           The initialised second data set object.
       get_id_funct       This has to be a function (or method), assumed to
                          have argument a record (assumed to be a list fo field
                          values), and returns the record identifier from that
       match_check_funct  This has to be a function (or method), assumed to
                          have as arguments the two record identifiers of a
                          record pair and its weight vector, and returns True
                          if the record pair is from a true match, or False
                          otherwise. Thus, 'match_check_funct' is of the form:

                            match_flag = match_check_funct(rec_id1, rec_id2,

    auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('weight_vec_dict', weight_vec_dict)
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
    auxiliary.check_is_function_or_method('get_id_funct', get_id_funct)

    # Check if a deduplication will be done or a linkage - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (dataset1 == dataset2):
        do_dedup = True
        do_dedup = False

    logging.info('Calculate pairs completeness:')
    logging.info('  Data set 1: %s (containing %d records)' % \
                 (dataset1.description, dataset1.num_records))
    if (do_dedup == True):
        logging.info('  Data sets are the same: Deduplication')
        logging.info('  Data set 2: %s (containing %d records)' % \
                     (dataset2.description, dataset2.num_records))
        logging.info('  Data sets differ:       Linkage')
    logging.info('  Number of record pairs in weight vector dictionary: %d' % \

    num_all_true_matches = 0  # Count the total number of all true matches

    # For a deduplication only process data set 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (do_dedup == True):

        # Build a dictionary with entity identifiers as keys and a list of their
        # record identifier (rec_ident) as values
        entity_ident_dict = {}

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

            this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict.get(ent_id, [])
            entity_ident_dict[ent_id] = this_rec_list

        logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 1: %d' % \

        for (ent_id, rec_list) in entity_ident_dict.iteritems():
            num_this_rec = len(rec_list)

            if (num_this_rec > 1):
                num_all_true_matches += num_this_rec * (num_this_rec - 1) / 2

        # More efficent version: Only count number of matches ber record don't
        # store them
        entity_ident_dict2 = {}

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
            ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict2.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
            entity_ident_dict2[ent_id] = ent_id_count

        assert sum(entity_ident_dict2.values()) == dataset1.num_records

        tm = 0  # Total number of true matches (without indexing)

        for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict2.iteritems():
            tm += ent_count * (ent_count - 1) / 2

        assert num_all_true_matches == tm

    else:  # For a linkage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        # Build two dictionaries with  entity identifiers as keys and a list of
        # their record identifier (rec_ident) as values
        entity_ident_dict1 = {}
        entity_ident_dict2 = {}

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

            this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict1.get(ent_id, [])
            entity_ident_dict1[ent_id] = this_rec_list

        logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 1: %d' % \

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset2.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

            this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict2.get(ent_id, [])
            entity_ident_dict2[ent_id] = this_rec_list

        logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 2: %d' % \

        # Now calculate total true match number (loop over smaller dict)
        if (len(entity_ident_dict1) < len(entity_ident_dict2)):
            for (ent_id1, rec_list1) in entity_ident_dict1.iteritems():

                if (ent_id1 in entity_ident_dict2):
                    rec_list2 = entity_ident_dict2[ent_id1]

                    num_all_true_matches += len(rec_list1) * len(rec_list2)
            for (ent_id2, rec_list2) in entity_ident_dict2.iteritems():

                if (ent_id2 in entity_ident_dict1):
                    rec_list1 = entity_ident_dict1[ent_id2]

                    num_all_true_matches += len(rec_list1) * len(rec_list2)

        # More efficent version: Only count number of matches ber record don't
        # store them
        entity_ident_dict3 = {}
        entity_ident_dict4 = {}

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
            ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict3.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
            entity_ident_dict3[ent_id] = ent_id_count

        for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset2.readall():
            ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
            ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict4.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
            entity_ident_dict4[ent_id] = ent_id_count

        assert sum(entity_ident_dict3.values()) == dataset1.num_records
        assert sum(entity_ident_dict4.values()) == dataset2.num_records

        tm = 0  # Total number of true matches (without indexing)

        if (len(entity_ident_dict3) < len(entity_ident_dict4)):
            for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict3.iteritems():
                if ent_id in entity_ident_dict4:
                    tm += ent_count * entity_ident_dict4[ent_id]
            for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict4.iteritems():
                if ent_id in entity_ident_dict3:
                    tm += ent_count * entity_ident_dict3[ent_id]

        assert num_all_true_matches == tm

    logging.info('  Number of all true matches: %d' % (num_all_true_matches))

    # Get number of true matches in weight vector dictionary - - - - - - - - - -
    num_true_matches = 0
    num_false_matches = 0

    for (rec_id_tuple, this_vec) in weight_vec_dict.iteritems():

        if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1],
                              this_vec) == True):
            num_true_matches += 1
            num_false_matches += 1

    assert len(weight_vec_dict) == num_true_matches + num_false_matches

    logging.info('  Number of true and false matches in weight vector ' + \
                 'dictionary: %d / %d' % (num_true_matches,num_false_matches))

    if (num_all_true_matches > 0):

        pc = float(num_true_matches) / float(num_all_true_matches)

        logging.info('  Pairs completeness: %.4f%%' %
                     (100.0 * pc))  # As percentage


        pc = 0.0

        logging.info('  No true matches - cannot calculate pairs completeness')

    assert pc <= 1.0, pc

    return pc
Пример #8
def pairs_completeness(weight_vec_dict, dataset1, dataset2, get_id_funct,
  """Pairs completeness is measured as

       pc = Nm / M

     with Nm (<= M) being the number of correctly classified truly matched
     record pairs in the blocked comparison space, and M the total number of
     true matches.

     If both data sets are the same a deduplication is assumed, otherwise a

     The arguments that have to be set when this method is called are:
       weight_vec_dict    A dictionary containing weight vectors.
       dataset1           The initialised first data set object.
       dataset2           The initialised second data set object.
       get_id_funct       This has to be a function (or method), assumed to
                          have argument a record (assumed to be a list fo field
                          values), and returns the record identifier from that
       match_check_funct  This has to be a function (or method), assumed to
                          have as arguments the two record identifiers of a
                          record pair and its weight vector, and returns True
                          if the record pair is from a true match, or False
                          otherwise. Thus, 'match_check_funct' is of the form:

                            match_flag = match_check_funct(rec_id1, rec_id2,

  auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('weight_vec_dict', weight_vec_dict)
  auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
  auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
  auxiliary.check_is_function_or_method('get_id_funct', get_id_funct)
  auxiliary.check_is_function_or_method('match_check_funct', match_check_funct)

  # Check if a deduplication will be done or a linkage - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (dataset1 == dataset2):
    do_dedup = True
    do_dedup = False

  logging.info('Calculate pairs completeness:')
  logging.info('  Data set 1: %s (containing %d records)' % \
               (dataset1.description, dataset1.num_records))
  if (do_dedup == True):
    logging.info('  Data sets are the same: Deduplication')
    logging.info('  Data set 2: %s (containing %d records)' % \
                 (dataset2.description, dataset2.num_records))
    logging.info('  Data sets differ:       Linkage')
  logging.info('  Number of record pairs in weight vector dictionary: %d' % \

  num_all_true_matches = 0  # Count the total number of all true matches

  # For a deduplication only process data set 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (do_dedup == True):

    # Build a dictionary with entity identifiers as keys and a list of their
    # record identifier (rec_ident) as values
    entity_ident_dict = {}

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

      this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict.get(ent_id, [])
      entity_ident_dict[ent_id] = this_rec_list

    logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 1: %d' % \

    for (ent_id, rec_list) in entity_ident_dict.iteritems():
      num_this_rec = len(rec_list)

      if (num_this_rec > 1):
        num_all_true_matches += num_this_rec*(num_this_rec-1)/2

    # More efficent version: Only count number of matches ber record don't
    # store them
    entity_ident_dict2 = {}

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
      ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict2.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
      entity_ident_dict2[ent_id] = ent_id_count

    assert sum(entity_ident_dict2.values()) == dataset1.num_records

    tm = 0  # Total number of true matches (without indexing)

    for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict2.iteritems():
      tm += ent_count*(ent_count-1)/2

    assert num_all_true_matches == tm

  else:  # For a linkage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    # Build two dictionaries with  entity identifiers as keys and a list of
    # their record identifier (rec_ident) as values
    entity_ident_dict1 = {}
    entity_ident_dict2 = {}

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

      this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict1.get(ent_id, [])
      entity_ident_dict1[ent_id] = this_rec_list

    logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 1: %d' % \

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset2.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)

      this_rec_list = entity_ident_dict2.get(ent_id, [])
      entity_ident_dict2[ent_id] = this_rec_list

    logging.info('  Number of unique entity identifiers in data set 2: %d' % \

    # Now calculate total true match number (loop over smaller dict)
    if (len(entity_ident_dict1) < len(entity_ident_dict2)):
      for (ent_id1, rec_list1) in entity_ident_dict1.iteritems():

        if (ent_id1 in entity_ident_dict2):
          rec_list2 = entity_ident_dict2[ent_id1]

          num_all_true_matches += len(rec_list1) * len(rec_list2)
      for (ent_id2, rec_list2) in entity_ident_dict2.iteritems():

        if (ent_id2 in entity_ident_dict1):
          rec_list1 = entity_ident_dict1[ent_id2]

          num_all_true_matches += len(rec_list1) * len(rec_list2)

    # More efficent version: Only count number of matches ber record don't
    # store them
    entity_ident_dict3 = {}
    entity_ident_dict4 = {}

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset1.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
      ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict3.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
      entity_ident_dict3[ent_id] = ent_id_count

    for (rec_ident, rec) in dataset2.readall():
      ent_id = get_id_funct(rec)
      ent_id_count = entity_ident_dict4.get(ent_id, 0) + 1
      entity_ident_dict4[ent_id] = ent_id_count

    assert sum(entity_ident_dict3.values()) == dataset1.num_records
    assert sum(entity_ident_dict4.values()) == dataset2.num_records

    tm = 0  # Total number of true matches (without indexing)

    if (len(entity_ident_dict3) < len(entity_ident_dict4)):
      for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict3.iteritems():
        if ent_id in entity_ident_dict4:
          tm += ent_count*entity_ident_dict4[ent_id]
      for (ent_id, ent_count) in entity_ident_dict4.iteritems():
        if ent_id in entity_ident_dict3:
          tm += ent_count*entity_ident_dict3[ent_id]

    assert num_all_true_matches == tm

  logging.info('  Number of all true matches: %d' % (num_all_true_matches))

  # Get number of true matches in weight vector dictionary - - - - - - - - - -
  num_true_matches =  0
  num_false_matches = 0

  for (rec_id_tuple, this_vec) in weight_vec_dict.iteritems():

    if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1], this_vec) == True):
      num_true_matches += 1
      num_false_matches += 1

  assert len(weight_vec_dict) == num_true_matches+num_false_matches

  logging.info('  Number of true and false matches in weight vector ' + \
               'dictionary: %d / %d' % (num_true_matches,num_false_matches))

  if (num_all_true_matches > 0):

    pc = float(num_true_matches) / float(num_all_true_matches)

    logging.info('  Pairs completeness: %.4f%%' % (100.0*pc)) # As percentage


    pc = 0.0

    logging.info('  No true matches - cannot calculate pairs completeness')

  assert pc <= 1.0, pc

  return pc