Пример #1
    for fromIndex in range(len(myList)):
        toIndex = random.randint(0, len(myList) - 1)
        temp = myList[fromIndex]
        myList[fromIndex] = myList[toIndex]
        myList[toIndex] = temp

myAVLTree = AVLTree()
testSize = 10000  # Number of items to search consisting of
myList = list(range(testSize))
print("Starting to add SORTED items 0 to", testSize - 1)
start = clock()
for item in myList:
    myAVLTree.put(item, item)
end = clock()
runTime = end - start
print("Time to add items 0 to %d is %.4f sec.\n" % (testSize - 1, runTime))

print("Starting to search for 0 to", testSize - 1)
start = clock()
for target in range(testSize):
    target in myAVLTree
# end for
end = clock()
runTime = end - start
print("Time to search for targets 0 to %d is %.4f sec.\n" %
      (testSize - 1, runTime))
print("AVL Tree Height after inserting in sorted order:", myAVLTree.height())