# in big simulation files, it's not always easy to find the right parameter # or variable sim.exist('q_flow') time = sim.get_value('Time') Q = sim.get_value(u'r.heatPort_a.Q_flow') Q_sum = np.trapz(Q, time) print "The total energy that flowed through the resistance is %.1f J" %Q_sum for p,v in zip(sim.parameters, sim.parametervalues): print ''.join([p, ' = ', str(v)]) # there are different ways to create a simdex s1 = Simdex() # an empty simdex object s1.scan() # scan current folder and add all found simulation files to the simdex print s1 # now, let's look at some attributes s1.get_filenames() # method, so add () s1.get_filenames('path') s1.parameters # attribute, so no () s1.parametermap s1.parametervalues s1.variables s1.variablemap s1.h5_path
# in big simulation files, it's not always easy to find the right parameter # or variable sim.exist('q_flow') time = sim.get_value('Time') Q = sim.get_value(u'r.heatPort_a.Q_flow') Q_sum = np.trapz(Q, time) print "The total energy that flowed through the resistance is %.1f J" % Q_sum for p, v in zip(sim.parameters, sim.parametervalues): print ''.join([p, ' = ', str(v)]) # there are different ways to create a simdex s1 = Simdex() # an empty simdex object s1.scan( ) # scan current folder and add all found simulation files to the simdex print s1 # now, let's look at some attributes s1.get_filenames() # method, so add () s1.get_filenames('path') s1.parameters # attribute, so no () s1.parametermap s1.parametervalues s1.variables s1.variablemap s1.h5_path