def disease_direction(X, y, label='Biomarker', plot_bool=False): """ disease_direction(X,y, [label]) Estimates disease progression direction by comparing empirical CDFs in controls and patients Author: Neil Oxtoby, November 2019 """ not_a_number = np.isnan(X) | np.isnan(y) not_a_number = not_a_number | (~np.isin(y, [0, 1])) y_ = y[~not_a_number] X_ = X[~not_a_number] sorted_idx = X_.argsort(axis=0) kde_values = X_.copy()[sorted_idx].reshape(-1, 1) kde_labels = y_.copy()[sorted_idx] bin_counts = np.bincount(y_).astype(float) mixture = sum(kde_labels == 0) / len( kde_labels) # Prior of being a control controls_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=0.3, diag_cov=False) patholog_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=0.1, diag_cov=False)[kde_labels == 0])[kde_labels == 1]) controls_score0 = controls_kde.predict(kde_values) patholog_score0 = patholog_kde.predict(kde_values) controls_score = controls_score0 * mixture patholog_score = patholog_score0 * (1 - mixture) ratio = controls_score / (controls_score + patholog_score) #* Empirical cumulative distribution: (CDF_patients-CDF_controls) < 0 => disease progression is positive cdf_controls = np.cumsum(controls_score) / max(np.cumsum(controls_score)) cdf_patholog = np.cumsum(patholog_score) / max(np.cumsum(patholog_score)) cdf_diff = (cdf_patholog - cdf_controls) / (cdf_patholog + cdf_controls) disease_dirn = -np.sign(np.nansum(cdf_diff)) #-np.sign(np.mean(cdf_diff)) if plot_bool: f, a = plt.subplots() a.plot(kde_values, cdf_controls, label='Controls') a.plot(kde_values, cdf_patholog, label='Patients') a.legend() a.set_title('Disease direction: {0}'.format(disease_dirn)) a.set_ylabel('Empirical Distribution (CDF)') a.set_xlabel(label) return disease_dirn
def fit(self, X, y, implement_fixed_controls=False, patholog_dirn=None): #* Requires direction of disease progression as input if patholog_dirn is None: patholog_dirn = disease_direction(X, y) # ####### Diagnostic # if patholog_dirn < 0: # print(' DIAGNOSTIC: fit(), Disease progresses with decreasing biomarker values - ') # elif patholog_dirn > 0: # print(' DIAGNOSTIC: fit(), Disease progresses with increasing biomarker values + ') # else: # print(' DIAGNOSTIC. fit(), ERROR: Disease direction in fit(...,patholog_dirn) must be either positive or negative. \n patholog_dirn = {0]}'.format(patholog_dirn)) # ####### sorted_idx = X.argsort(axis=0).flatten() kde_values = X.copy()[sorted_idx].reshape(-1, 1) kde_labels0 = y.copy()[sorted_idx] kde_labels = kde_labels0 #print('Original labels') #print(kde_labels.astype(int)) bin_counts = np.bincount(y).astype(float) mixture0 = sum(kde_labels == 0) / len( kde_labels) # Prior of being a control mixture = mixture0 old_ratios = np.zeros(kde_labels.shape) iter_count = 0 if (self.bandwidth is None): #* 1. Rule of thumb self.bandwidth = hscott(X) # #* 2. Estimate full density to inform variable bandwidth: wide in tails, narrow in peaks # all_kde = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel=self.kernel, # bandwidth=self.bandwidth) # # f = np.exp(all_kde.score_samples(kde_values)) # #* 3. Local, a.k.a. variable, bandwidth given by eq. 3 of # g = stats.mstats.gmean(f) # alpha = 0.5 # sensitivity parameter: 0...1 # lamb = np.power(f/g,-alpha) for i in range(self.n_iters): # print('Iteration {0}. kde_labels = {1}'.format(i,[int(k) for k in kde_labels])) #* Automatic variable/local bandwidth for each component: awkde package from github controls_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=self.beta, diag_cov=False) patholog_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=self.alpha, diag_cov=False) # controls_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=0.1, diag_cov=False) # patholog_kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="scott", alpha=0.1, diag_cov=False)[kde_labels == 0])[kde_labels == 1]) controls_score = controls_kde.predict(kde_values) patholog_score = patholog_kde.predict(kde_values) controls_score = controls_score * mixture patholog_score = patholog_score * (1 - mixture) ratio = controls_score / (controls_score + patholog_score) # print('Iteration {0}. ratio (percent) = {1}'.format(i,[int(r*100) for r in ratio])) #* Empirical cumulative distribution: used to swap labels for patients with super-normal values (greater/less than CDF=0.5) cdf_controls = np.cumsum(controls_score) / max( np.cumsum(controls_score)) cdf_patholog = np.cumsum(patholog_score) / max( np.cumsum(patholog_score)) cdf_diff = (cdf_patholog - cdf_controls) / (cdf_patholog + cdf_controls) disease_dirn = -np.sign(np.nansum( cdf_diff)) # disease_dirn = -np.sign(np.mean(cdf_diff)) if disease_dirn > 0: cdf_direction = 1 + cdf_diff else: cdf_direction = -cdf_diff #* Identify "normal" biomarkers as being on the healthy side of the controls median => flip patient labels if patholog_dirn < 0: #* More normal (greater) than half the controls: CDF_controls > 0.5 labels_forced_normal = cdf_controls > 0.5 labels_forced_normal_alt = kde_values > np.median( kde_values[kde_labels0 == 0]) elif patholog_dirn > 0: #* More normal (less) than half the controls: CDF_controls < 0.5 labels_forced_normal = cdf_controls < 0.5 labels_forced_normal_alt = kde_values < np.median( kde_values[kde_labels0 == 0]) #* FIXME: Make this a prior and change the mixture modelling to be Bayesian #* First iteration only: implement "prior" that flips healthy-looking patients (before median for controls) to pre-event label #* Refit the KDEs at this point if i == 0: #* Disease direction: force pre-event/healthy-looking patients to flip kde_labels[np.where(labels_forced_normal_alt)[0]] = 0 bin_counts = np.bincount(kde_labels).astype(float) mixture = bin_counts[0] / bin_counts.sum() #* Refit the KDE components. FIXME: this is copy-and-paste from above. Reimplement in a smarter way.[kde_labels == 0])[kde_labels == 1]) controls_score = controls_kde.predict(kde_values) patholog_score = patholog_kde.predict(kde_values) controls_score = controls_score * mixture patholog_score = patholog_score * (1 - mixture) ratio = controls_score / (controls_score + patholog_score) #* Empirical cumulative distribution: used to swap labels for patients with super-normal values (greater/less than CDF=0.5) cdf_controls = np.cumsum(controls_score) / max( np.cumsum(controls_score)) cdf_patholog = np.cumsum(patholog_score) / max( np.cumsum(patholog_score)) cdf_diff = (cdf_patholog - cdf_controls) / (cdf_patholog + cdf_controls) disease_dirn = -np.sign(np.nansum( cdf_diff)) # disease_dirn = -np.sign(np.mean(cdf_diff)) if disease_dirn > 0: cdf_direction = 1 + cdf_diff # print('Disease direction is estimated to be POSTIIVE') else: cdf_direction = -cdf_diff # print('Disease direction is estimated to be NEGATIVE') #* Identify "normal" biomarkers as being on the healthy side of the controls median => flip patient labels if patholog_dirn < 0: #* More normal (greater) than half the controls: CDF_controls > 0.5 labels_forced_normal = cdf_controls > 0.5 labels_forced_normal_alt = kde_values > np.median( kde_values[kde_labels0 == 0]) elif patholog_dirn > 0: #* More normal (less) than half the controls: CDF_controls < 0.5 labels_forced_normal = cdf_controls < 0.5 labels_forced_normal_alt = kde_values < np.median( kde_values[kde_labels0 == 0]) if (np.all(ratio == old_ratios)): # print('MM finished in {0} iterations'.format(iter_count)) break iter_count += 1 old_ratios = ratio kde_labels = ratio < 0.5 #* Labels to swap: diff_y = np.hstack( ([0], np.diff(kde_labels))) # !=0 where adjacent labels differ if ((np.sum(diff_y != 0) >= 2) & (np.unique(kde_labels).shape[0] == 2)): split_y = int( np.all(np.diff(np.where(kde_labels == 0)) == 1) ) # kde_label upon which to split: 1 if all 0s are adjacent, 0 otherwise sizes = [ x.shape[0] for x in np.split(diff_y, np.where(diff_y != 0)[0]) ] # lengths of each contiguous set of labels #* Identify which labels to swap using direction of abnormality: avg(controls) vs avg(patients) #* N ote that this is now like k-medians clustering, rather than k-means split_prior_smaller = (np.median( kde_values[kde_labels == split_y]) < np.median( kde_values[kde_labels == (split_y + 1) % 2])) if split_prior_smaller: replace_idxs = np.arange(kde_values.shape[0])[ -sizes[2]:] # greater values are swapped else: replace_idxs = np.arange( kde_values.shape[0] )[:sizes[0]] # lesser values are swapped kde_labels[replace_idxs] = (split_y + 1) % 2 # swaps labels #* Disease direction: force pre-event/healthy-looking patients to flip kde_labels[np.where(labels_forced_normal_alt)[0]] = 0 #*** Prevent label swapping for "strong controls" fixed_controls_criteria_0 = (kde_labels0 == 0) # Controls # #*** CDF criteria - do not delete: potentially also used for disease direction # en = 10 # cdf_threshold = (en-1)/(en+1) # cdf(p) = en*(1-cdf(c)), i.e., en-times more patients than remaining controls # controls_tail = cdf_direction > (cdf_threshold * max(cdf_direction)) # #fixed_controls_criteria_0 = fixed_controls_criteria_0 & (~controls_tail) # #*** PDF ratio criteria # ratio_threshold_strong_controls = 0.33 # P(control) / [P(control) + P(patient)] # fixed_controls_criteria = fixed_controls_criteria & (ratio > ratio_threshold_strong_controls) # "Strong controls" #*** Outlier criteria for weak (e.g., low-performing on test; or potentially prodromal in sporadic disease) controls: quantiles q = 0.90 # x-tiles if disease_dirn > 0: q = q # upper f = np.greater g = np.less # print('Disease direction: positive') else: q = 1 - q # lower f = np.less g = np.greater # print('Disease direction: negative') extreme_cases = f(kde_values, np.quantile(kde_values, q)).reshape(-1, 1) #& (kde_labels0==0) fixed_controls_criteria = fixed_controls_criteria_0.reshape( -1, 1) & ~(extreme_cases) if implement_fixed_controls: kde_labels[np.where(fixed_controls_criteria)[0]] = 0 #kde_labels[np.where(controls_outliers)[0]] = 1 # Flip outlier controls bin_counts = np.bincount(kde_labels).astype(float) mixture = bin_counts[0] / bin_counts.sum() if (mixture < 0.10 or mixture > 0.90): # if(mixture < (0.90*mixture0) or mixture > 0.90): # print('MM finished (mixture weight too low/high) in {0} iterations'.format(iter_count)) break self.controls_kde = controls_kde self.patholog_kde = patholog_kde self.mixture = mixture self.iter_ = iter_count return self
# a^2 * x * exp(-a * x) a = 100. n_samples = 1000 logE_sam = rndgen.normal(mean, sigma, size=n_samples) # From pythia8: u1, u2 = rndgen.uniform(size=(2, n_samples)) sigma_sam = -np.log(u1 * u2) / a # Shape must be (n_points, n_features) sample = np.vstack((logE_sam, sigma_sam)).T # Create KDE and fit it. Save model in JSON format print("Fitting model to {} sample points.".format(n_samples)) kde = GaussianKDE(glob_bw="silverman", alpha=0.5, diag_cov=True) # Save and load the model outf = "./example_KDE.json" print("Saving model to {}".format(outf)) kde.to_json(outf) print("Loading same model from {}".format(outf)) kde = GaussianKDE.from_json(outf) # Evaluate at dense grid minx, maxx = np.amin(sample[:, 0]), np.amax(sample[:, 0]) miny, maxy = np.amin(sample[:, 1]), np.amax(sample[:, 1]) x = np.linspace(minx, maxx, 100) y = np.linspace(miny, maxy, 100)