Пример #1
    def wmTestCloudConnection(self):
            sAccountID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sAccountID")
            sCloudID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sCloudID")

            c = cloud.Cloud()
            if c.ID is None:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Failed to get Cloud details for Cloud ID [" + sCloudID + "].\"}"

            ca = cloud.CloudAccount()
            if ca.ID is None:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Failed to get Cloud Account details for Cloud Account ID [" + sAccountID + "].\"}"

            # get the test cloud object type for this provider
            cot = c.Provider.GetObjectTypeByName(c.Provider.TestObject)
            if cot is not None:
                if not cot.ID:
                    return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Cannot find definition for requested object type [" + c.Provider.TestObject + "].\"}"
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"GetCloudObjectType failed for [" + c.Provider.TestObject + "].\"}"

            # different providers libs have different methods for building a url
            url = ""
            if c.Provider.Name.lower() == "openstack":
                """not yet implemented"""
                #ACWebMethods.openstackMethods acOS = new ACWebMethods.openstackMethods()
                #sXML = acOS.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(c.ID, cot, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr, null)
            else:  #Amazon aws, Eucalyptus, and OpenStackAws
                import aws
                awsi = aws.awsInterface()
                url, err = awsi.BuildURL(ca, c, cot)
                if err:
                    return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(
                        err) + "\"}"

            if not url:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Unable to build API URL.\"}"
            result, err = uiCommon.HTTPGet(url, 30)
            if err:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(
                    err) + "\"}"

            return "{\"result\":\"success\",\"response\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(
                result) + "\"}"
        except Exception:
            uiCommon.log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
            return traceback.format_exc()
Пример #2
    def wmTestCloudConnection(self):
            sAccountID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sAccountID")
            sCloudID = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sCloudID")
            c = cloud.Cloud()
            if c.ID is None:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Failed to get Cloud details for Cloud ID [" + sCloudID + "].\"}"
            ca = cloud.CloudAccount()
            if ca.ID is None:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Failed to get Cloud Account details for Cloud Account ID [" + sAccountID + "].\"}"

            # get the test cloud object type for this provider
            cot = c.Provider.GetObjectTypeByName(c.Provider.TestObject)
            if cot is not None:
                if not cot.ID:
                    return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Cannot find definition for requested object type [" + c.Provider.TestObject + "].\"}"
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"GetCloudObjectType failed for [" + c.Provider.TestObject + "].\"}"
            # different providers libs have different methods for building a url
            url = ""
            if c.Provider.Name.lower() =="openstack":
                """not yet implemented"""
                #ACWebMethods.openstackMethods acOS = new ACWebMethods.openstackMethods()
                #sXML = acOS.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(c.ID, cot, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr, null)
            else: #Amazon aws, Eucalyptus, and OpenStackAws
                import aws
                awsi = aws.awsInterface()
                url, err = awsi.BuildURL(ca, c, cot);            
                if err:
                    return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(err) +"\"}"

            if not url:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"Unable to build API URL.\"}"
            result, err = uiCommon.HTTPGet(url, 30)
            if err:
                return "{\"result\":\"fail\",\"error\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(err) + "\"}"
            return "{\"result\":\"success\",\"response\":\"" + uiCommon.packJSON(result) + "\"}"
        except Exception:
            uiCommon.log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 0)
            return traceback.format_exc()
Пример #3
def GetCloudObjectsAsList(sAccountID, sCloudID, sObjectType):
        log("Querying the cloud for %s" % sObjectType, 4)
        import cloud
        # first, get the cloud
        c = cloud.Cloud()
        if c is None:
            return None,  "Unable to get Cloud for ID [" + sCloudID + "]"
        cot = c.Provider.GetObjectTypeByName(sObjectType)
        if cot is not None:
            if not cot.ID:
                return None, "Cannot find definition for requested object type [" + sObjectType + "]"
            return None, "GetCloudObjectType failed for [" + sObjectType + "]"

        # ok, kick out if there are no properties for this type
        if not cot.Properties:
            return None, "No properties defined for type [" + sObjectType + "]"
        # All good, let's hit the API
        sXML = ""
        import aws
        if c.Provider.Name.lower() =="openstack":
            """not yet implemented"""
            #ACWebMethods.openstackMethods acOS = new ACWebMethods.openstackMethods()
            #sXML = acOS.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(c.ID, cot, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr, null)
        else: #Amazon aws, Eucalyptus, and OpenStackAws
            awsi = aws.awsInterface()
            sXML, err = awsi.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(sAccountID, sCloudID, cot)

        if err:
            return None, err
        if not sXML:
            return None, "GetCloudObjectsAsXML returned an empty document."

        # Got results, objectify them.

        # OK look, all this namespace nonsense is annoying.  Every AWS result I've witnessed HAS a namespace
        #  (which messes up all our xpaths)
        #  but I've yet to see a result that actually has two namespaces 
        #  which is the only scenario I know of where you'd need them at all.

        # So... to eliminate all namespace madness
        # brute force... parse this text and remove anything that looks like [ xmlns="<crud>"] and it's contents.
        sXML = RemoveDefaultNamespacesFromXML(sXML)

        xDoc = ET.fromstring(sXML)
        if xDoc is None:
            return None, "API Response XML document is invalid."
        log(sXML, 4)

        # FIRST ,we have to find which properties are the 'id' value.  That'll be the key for our dictionary.
        # an id can be a composite of several property values
        # this is just so we can kick back an error if no IsID exists.  
        # we build the actual id from values near the end
        sIDColumnName = ""
        for prop in cot.Properties:
            if prop.IsID:
                sIDColumnName += prop.Name

        # no sIDColumnName means we can't continue
        if not sIDColumnName:
            return None, "ID column(s) not defined for Cloud Object Type" + cot.Name

        # for each result in the xml
        #     for each column
        xRecords = xDoc.findall(cot.XMLRecordXPath)
        if len(xRecords):
            for xRecord in xRecords:
                record_id = ""
                row = []
                for prop in cot.Properties:
                    # NOW PAY ATTENTION.
                    # the CloudObjectTypeProperty class has a 'Value' attribute.
                    # but, we obviously can't set that property of THIS instance (prop)
                    # because it's gonna get changed each time.
                    # so, we create a clone of that property here, and give that copy the actual value,
                    # then append the copy to 'row', not the one we're looping here.
                    # cosmic?  yes... it is.
                    newprop = copy.copy(prop)
                    log("looking for property [%s]" % newprop.Name, 4)
                    # ok look, the property may be an xml attribute, or it might be an element.
                    # if there is an XPath value on the column, that means it's an element.
                    # the absence of an XPath means we'll look for an attribute.
                    # NOTE: the attribute we're looking for is the 'name' of this property
                    # which is the DataColumn.name.
                    if not newprop.XPath:
                        xa = xRecord.attrib[newprop.Name]
                        if xa is not None:
                            log(" -- found (attribute) - [%s]" % xa, 4)
                            newprop.Value = xa
                        # if it's a tagset column put the tagset xml in it
                        #  for all other columns, they get a lookup
                        xeProp = xRecord.find(newprop.XPath)
                        if xeProp is not None:
                            # does this column have the extended property "ValueIsXML"?
                            bAsXML = (True if newprop.ValueIsXML else False)
                            if bAsXML:
                                newprop.Value = ET.tostring(xeProp)
                                log(" -- found (as xml) - [%s]" % newprop.Value, 4)
                                newprop.Value = xeProp.text
                                log(" -- found - [%s]" % newprop.Value, 4)

                        # just because it's missing from the data doesn't mean we can omit the property
                        # it just has an empty value.    
                    if newprop.IsID:
                        if not newprop.Value:
                            return None, "A property [%s] cannot be defined as an 'ID', and have an empty value." % newprop.Name
                            log("[%s] is part of the ID... so [%s] becomes part of the ID" % (newprop.Name, newprop.Value), 4)
                            record_id += (newprop.Value if newprop.Value else "")
                    # an id is required
                    if not record_id:
                        return None, "Unable to construct an 'id' from property values."

                cot.Instances[record_id] = row 

            return cot.Instances, None
            return None, ""
    except Exception:
        log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 4)
        return None, None
Пример #4
def GetCloudObjectsAsList(sAccountID, sCloudID, sObjectType):
        log("Querying the cloud for %s" % sObjectType, 4)

        import cloud

        # first, get the cloud
        c = cloud.Cloud()
        if c is None:
            return None, "Unable to get Cloud for ID [" + sCloudID + "]"

        cot = c.Provider.GetObjectTypeByName(sObjectType)
        if cot is not None:
            if not cot.ID:
                return None, "Cannot find definition for requested object type [" + sObjectType + "]"
            return None, "GetCloudObjectType failed for [" + sObjectType + "]"

        # ok, kick out if there are no properties for this type
        if not cot.Properties:
            return None, "No properties defined for type [" + sObjectType + "]"

        # All good, let's hit the API
        sXML = ""

        import aws

        if c.Provider.Name.lower() == "openstack":
            """not yet implemented"""
            #ACWebMethods.openstackMethods acOS = new ACWebMethods.openstackMethods()
            #sXML = acOS.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(c.ID, cot, 0000BYREF_ARG0000sErr, null)
        else:  #Amazon aws, Eucalyptus, and OpenStackAws
            awsi = aws.awsInterface()
            sXML, err = awsi.GetCloudObjectsAsXML(sAccountID, sCloudID, cot)

        if err:
            return None, err

        if not sXML:
            return None, "GetCloudObjectsAsXML returned an empty document."

        # Got results, objectify them.

        # OK look, all this namespace nonsense is annoying.  Every AWS result I've witnessed HAS a namespace
        #  (which messes up all our xpaths)
        #  but I've yet to see a result that actually has two namespaces
        #  which is the only scenario I know of where you'd need them at all.

        # So... to eliminate all namespace madness
        # brute force... parse this text and remove anything that looks like [ xmlns="<crud>"] and it's contents.
        sXML = RemoveDefaultNamespacesFromXML(sXML)

        xDoc = ET.fromstring(sXML)
        if xDoc is None:
            return None, "API Response XML document is invalid."

        log(sXML, 4)

        # FIRST ,we have to find which properties are the 'id' value.  That'll be the key for our dictionary.
        # an id can be a composite of several property values
        # this is just so we can kick back an error if no IsID exists.
        # we build the actual id from values near the end
        sIDColumnName = ""
        for prop in cot.Properties:
            if prop.IsID:
                sIDColumnName += prop.Name

        # no sIDColumnName means we can't continue
        if not sIDColumnName:
            return None, "ID column(s) not defined for Cloud Object Type" + cot.Name

        # for each result in the xml
        #     for each column
        xRecords = xDoc.findall(cot.XMLRecordXPath)
        if len(xRecords):
            for xRecord in xRecords:
                record_id = ""
                row = []
                for prop in cot.Properties:
                    # NOW PAY ATTENTION.
                    # the CloudObjectTypeProperty class has a 'Value' attribute.
                    # but, we obviously can't set that property of THIS instance (prop)
                    # because it's gonna get changed each time.

                    # so, we create a clone of that property here, and give that copy the actual value,
                    # then append the copy to 'row', not the one we're looping here.

                    # cosmic?  yes... it is.
                    newprop = copy.copy(prop)
                    log("looking for property [%s]" % newprop.Name, 4)

                    # ok look, the property may be an xml attribute, or it might be an element.
                    # if there is an XPath value on the column, that means it's an element.
                    # the absence of an XPath means we'll look for an attribute.
                    # NOTE: the attribute we're looking for is the 'name' of this property
                    # which is the DataColumn.name.
                    if not newprop.XPath:
                        xa = xRecord.attrib[newprop.Name]
                        if xa is not None:
                            log(" -- found (attribute) - [%s]" % xa, 4)
                            newprop.Value = xa
                        # if it's a tagset column put the tagset xml in it
                        #  for all other columns, they get a lookup
                        xeProp = xRecord.find(newprop.XPath)
                        if xeProp is not None:
                            # does this column have the extended property "ValueIsXML"?
                            bAsXML = (True if newprop.ValueIsXML else False)

                            if bAsXML:
                                newprop.Value = ET.tostring(xeProp)
                                    " -- found (as xml) - [%s]" %
                                    newprop.Value, 4)
                                newprop.Value = xeProp.text
                                log(" -- found - [%s]" % newprop.Value, 4)

                        # just because it's missing from the data doesn't mean we can omit the property
                        # it just has an empty value.

                    if newprop.IsID:
                        if not newprop.Value:
                            return None, "A property [%s] cannot be defined as an 'ID', and have an empty value." % newprop.Name
                                "[%s] is part of the ID... so [%s] becomes part of the ID"
                                % (newprop.Name, newprop.Value), 4)
                            record_id += (newprop.Value
                                          if newprop.Value else "")

                    # an id is required
                    if not record_id:
                        return None, "Unable to construct an 'id' from property values."

                cot.Instances[record_id] = row

            return cot.Instances, None
            return None, ""
    except Exception:
        log_nouser(traceback.format_exc(), 4)
        return None, None