def main(): # P = preference_generator(2, 3) # print("Preferences P:") # print(P) f_rng = SCF("Random Choice", random_choice) #f_con = SCF("Condorcet", condorcet) f_plur = SCF("Plurality", plurality) g = Generator(2, 2, mode="bruteforce", max_m=4, max_n=3) a = Axiom("resolute", resolute) a.check_axiom(g, f_plur)
def generate(self, numAbstractions, numNodesPerLayer, abstractionsMax=False, nodesPerLayerMax=False): if abstractionsMax: numAbstractions = randint(1, numAbstractions) for i in range(numAbstractions): aL = AbstractionLayer() if nodesPerLayerMax: numNodesPerLayer = randint( len(self.outputNodes), numNodesPerLayer) # ensures diminishing tree to the right if i > 0: self.abstractionLayers.append( aL.create(self.abstractionLayers[i - 1].nodes)) else: self.abstractionLayers.append(aL.create(self.inputNodes)) for j in range(numNodesPerLayer): aL.addNewNode() for outNode in self.outputNodes: axOut = [] for prevN in self.abstractionLayers[-1].nodes: ax = Axiom(prevN, outNode, sigmoid(uniform(-1, 1))) axOut.append(ax) self.axiomOutList.extend(axOut) return self
def addNewNode(self): axIn = [] node = NodeFactory.create() for prevN in self.prevLayerNodes: ax = Axiom(prevN, node, sigmoid(uniform(-1, 1))) axIn.append(ax) node.assignAxioms(axIn) self.nodes.append(node) self.axiomList.extend(axIn)
def dfs(narr, axioms, debug=False, maxsteps=150, animation_mode=False, printTrim=False): any_err = None try: next_steps = [(narr, None, Axiom(name='原式'), -1)] return_steps = [] cnt = 0 while len(next_steps) > 0: narr, ani_narr, axiom, axiom_idx = next_steps[0] output_narr = deepcopy(narr) #print('[output narr]', narr) if animation_mode: if printTrim: rich.print('[blue]before trim[/]') expression.narr_prettyprint(narr) print('[tex]', expression.narr2tex(narr)) expression.trim_animations(narr) if printTrim: rich.print('[blue]after trim[/]') expression.narr_prettyprint(narr) print('[tex]', expression.narr2tex(narr)) return_steps.append((output_narr, ani_narr, axiom, axiom_idx)) next_steps = possible_next_steps(narr, axioms, state.value_v1, animation_mode=animation_mode, fast_return=True, debug=debug) if cnt > maxsteps: any_err = "maximum steps reached." break cnt += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return return_steps, any_err
n_steps += len(steps) print(f'steps: {len(steps)}') print(f'test case: {i} / {len(testcases)}') #input('Enter to continue...') timer.show_stats(n_steps=n_steps) if __name__ == '__main__': if False: all_axioms = [ Axiom(name='负号乘进因子', recursive_apply=True, strict_simplify=True, disable=False).add_rule( '-(x + *{1}) *{2} ', '(-x - *{1}) *{2}', animation='`-(x + *{1})`[replace]{-x - *{1}} *{2}'). add_test('-(3 - 2)x', '(-3 + 2) \\times x') ] else: from common_axioms import common_axioms all_axioms = common_axioms() args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) > 0: tex = args[0] narr = expression.tex2narr(tex) steps, err = dfs(narr, all_axioms, debug=False, animation_mode=True)
b = get_atom_number(rewrite_rules['b']) if a != None and b != None: c = a + b rewrite_rules['c'] = gen_atom_number(c) new_narr = rewrite_by_alpha(output_tempalate, rewrite_rules) return new_narr, True return narr, False calc_add = ( Axiom(name='加减法计算', root_sign_reduce=False) .add_rule('#(a + b)', 'c', animation='`#1(a + b)`[replace]{c}', dynamic_procedure=_calc_add) .add_test('-12 + 3', '-9') .add_test('(-12 - 3 - 1)', ['-15 - 1', '-13 - 3', '-4 - 12']) .add_test('-(12 - 1)', '-11') .add_test('-(1 + 14 + 2)', ['-(15 + 2)', '-(3 + 14)', '-(16 + 1)']) .add_test('0.25 - 3.25', '-3') .add_test('-(1 + 3) x + 3 y', '-4 \\times x + 3 \\times y') ) def _calc_mul(pattern_narr, signs, narr, rewrite_rules, output_tempalate): a = get_atom_number(rewrite_rules['a']) b = get_atom_number(rewrite_rules['b']) if a != None and b != None: c = a * b rewrite_rules['c'] = gen_atom_number(c) return rewrite_by_alpha(output_tempalate, rewrite_rules), True
print('\t', ani_tex) print('\t', tex) def nn_value(narr): tex = expression.narr2tex(narr) expr_val, _ = nn.predict_value(tex, nn_models) return expr_val if __name__ == '__main__': if False: all_axioms = [ Axiom(name='乘积写成乘方的形式', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#(#X)(#X)', '#0 X^{2}', animation='`#1(#2 X)(#3 X)`[replace]{#0 X^{2}}') ] else: from common_axioms import common_axioms all_axioms = common_axioms(full=True) testcase = ( "(-3 - \\frac{4}{17}) \\times (14 + \\frac{13}{15}) - (3 + \\frac{4}{17}) \\times (2 + \\frac{2}{15})" ) debug_NN = True if debug_NN: global nn_models
def mcts(narr0, all_axioms, sample_depth=4, n_sample_times=200, n_maxsteps=100, k=3, debug=False, nn_models=False, training=False, force_single_thread=False): # q n narr father axiom axiomIdx children root = [0, 1, narr0, None, None, -1, []] moves = [root] render_steps([(narr0, None, -1)]) global manager if not force_single_thread: # prepare proxy structure for parallel processes root[6] = manager.list([]) root = manager.list(root) moves = [root] else: manager = None node = root visited = set([expression.narr2tex(narr0)]) final_steps = [] while True: q, n, narr, father, axiom, axiom_idx, children = node # debug print if True: #if debug: print('\033[94m', end='') expr_val = state_value(narr) print(f'[current] step={len(moves)}, val={expr_val:.1f}:', expression.narr2tex(narr), end='') print('\033[0m', end='\n') expression.narr_prettyprint(narr) steps, step_probs = policy_steps(narr, all_axioms, k=k, debug=debug, nn_models=nn_models) if debug: rich.print(f'[magenta]Candidate steps: {len(steps)}[/]') for i, (n, a, ai) in enumerate(steps): val = state_value(n) rich.print(f'[red]#{i+1}[/]',, ':', end=' ') rich.print(f'val={val:.2f}', end=' ') print(expression.narr2tex(n), end='\n\n') if False: from axiom import Axiom render_steps([(narr, Axiom(), -1)] + steps, show_index=True) choices = input('Limit choices: ') choices = [ i for i in map(lambda x: int(x), choices.split(',')) ] rich.print(choices) steps = [steps[i - 1] for i in choices] if len(steps) == 0: if debug: print('[no more candidate steps]') if nn_models and training: policy = 0 #policy_fine_tuning(nn_models, expr, policy, debug=debug, all_axioms=all_axioms) break if manager and not force_single_thread: evaluate_parallel(node, all_axioms, steps, n_sample_times, sample_depth, visited, debug=debug, nn_models=nn_models, k=k, step_probs=step_probs) else: evaluate(node, all_axioms, steps, n_sample_times, sample_depth, visited, debug=debug, nn_models=nn_models, k=k, step_probs=step_probs) # selection move_choice, w, _ = best_child_of(node, c_param=.0, debug=debug) move_to_expr = expression.narr2tex(move_choice[2]) if w == 0 or move_to_expr in visited: print( f'[abort] best w={w:.2f}, visited: {move_to_expr in visited}') break else: if nn_models and training: policy = move_choice[5] + 1 #policy_fine_tuning(nn_models, expr, policy, debug=debug, all_axioms=all_axioms) moves.append(move_choice) node = move_choice # construct steps to be returned final_steps = [(e, a, ai) for q, n, e, f, a, ai, c in moves] render_steps(final_steps) visited.add(move_to_expr) #if debug: print('[visited]', visited) if len(moves) >= n_maxsteps: if debug: print('[exceed max steps]') break if len(final_steps) > 0: final_steps = back_off_step(final_steps, debug=True) if nn_models and training: # fine-tune value network for i, (e, _, _) in enumerate(final_steps): value = -(len(final_steps) - i - 1) #value_fine_tuning(nn_models, e, value, debug=debug) return final_steps
def common_axioms(full=False): """ 常用的规则集合(优先级已经按照数组元素的索引确定) """ axioms = [] axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.canonicalize) axioms.append( Axiom(name='一个数减去它本身是零', root_sign_reduce=False).add_rule( '#(n - n)', '0', animation='`#1(n - n)`[replace]{0}').add_rule( '#(a - \\frac{a}{1})', '0', animation='`#1(a - \\frac{a}{1})`[replace]{0}').add_rule( '#(\\frac{a}{1} - a)', '0', animation='`#1(\\frac{a}{1} - a)`[replace]{0}').add_test( '-(3 - 3 + 1)')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='任何数乘以零还是零', recursive_apply=True).add_rule( '# 0 \cdot *{1}', '0', animation='`#1 0 \cdot *{1}`[replace]{0}').add_rule( '#\\frac{#0}{x}', '0', animation='`#1 \\frac{#2 0}{x}`[replace]{0}').add_test( '0 a b')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='带分式的展开', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# & \\frac{a}{b}', '#1 (v + \\frac{a}{b})', animation="`#1 & \\frac{a}{b}`[replace]{#1 (v + \\frac{a}{b})}"). add_test('-3 \\frac{-2}{4}', '-(3 + \\frac{-2}{4})').add_test('-3 \\frac{1}{2}', '-(3 + \\frac{1}{2})')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='任何数加零还是它本身', recursive_apply=True, root_sign_reduce=False).add_rule( '#(0 + n)', 'n', animation='`0`[remove] + n').add_rule( '#(n - 0)', 'n', animation='n - `0`[remove]').add_test( '0+3+2').add_test('-(0+3+2)')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='一乘以任何数还是它本身', recursive_apply=True).add_rule( '# 1 \\times *{1}', '#1 *{1}', animation='#1 `1`[remove] *{1}').add_test( '1 \cdot 4', '4').add_test('-4 \\times 1', '-4').add_test( '- (a+b) \cdot 1', '-a - b').add_test('- 1 \cdot 4 \cdot 1', '-4')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='根号的平方是其本身').add_rule( '#(#\\sqrt{x})^{2}', '#1 x', animation='`#1 (#2\\sqrt{x})^{2}`[replace]{#1 x}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='一的平方还是一').add_rule( '#(# 1)^{2}', '#1 1', animation='`#1 (#2 1)^{2}`[replace]{#1 1}').add_test( '-1^{2}').add_test('(-1)^{2}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='负数的平方是其相反数的平方', strict_simplify=(not full)).add_rule( '#(-a)^{2}', '#1 a^{2}', animation='`#1 (-a)^{2}`[replace]{#1 a^{2}}').add_test( '(-3)^{2} - (6 \div (-\\frac{2}{3})^{2}) - (-2)^{2}'). add_test('(6 \div (-\\frac{2}{3})^{2})').add_test( '3^{2} - (1 + \\frac{1}{2}) \\times \\frac{2}{9} - (6 \div (-\\frac{2}{3})^{2}) - (-2)^{2}' )) axioms.append( Axiom(name='除以一个数等于乘上它的倒数', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# (#\\frac{w}{x}) \\div (# \\frac{y}{z})', '#0 \\frac{wz}{xy}', animation= '`#1 (#2 \\frac{w}{x}) \\div (#3 \\frac{y}{z})`[replace]{#0 \\frac{wz}{xy}}' ).add_rule( '# x \\div (# \\frac{y}{z})', '#0 \\frac{xz}{y}', animation='`#1 x \\div (#2 \\frac{y}{z})`[replace]{#0 \\frac{xz}{y}}' ).add_test('- 3 \\div (-\\frac{1}{2})', '-\\frac{3 \\times 2}{1}').add_test( '\\frac{2}{3} \div \\frac{4}{5}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='以分数表示除法', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# (#x) \\div (#y)', '#0 \\frac{x}{y}', animation="`#1(#2 x) \\div (#3 y)`[replace]{#0 \\frac{x}{y}}"). add_test('1 \\div 2x + 3').add_test("6 \div 3")) axioms.append( Axiom(name='因子和分母消去').add_rule( '# x \\times \\frac{a}{x}', '#1 a', animation="#1 `x`[remove] \\times \\frac{a}{`x`[removeDenom]}"). add_test('-3 \\times \\frac{-2}{3}', '2').add_test('3 \\times \\frac{-2}{3}', '-2')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='绝对值分配到分子分母中', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# \\left| # \\frac{a}{b} \\right|', '#1 \\frac{\\left| a \\right|}{\\left| b \\right|}', animation= '`#1 \\left| #2 \\frac{a}{b} \\right|`[replace]{#1 \\frac{\\left| a \\right|}{\\left| b \\right|}}' ).add_test('\\left| - \\frac{1}{2} \\right|')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='根号分配到分子分母中', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# \\sqrt{\\frac{a}{b}}', '#1 \\frac{\\sqrt{a}}{\\sqrt{b}}', animation= '`#1 \\sqrt{\\frac{a}{b}}`[replace]{#1 \\frac{\\sqrt{a}}{\\sqrt{b}} }' ).add_test('- \sqrt{\\frac{1}{2}}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='分子分母消除公因子', recursive_apply=True).add_rule( '# \\frac{# x *{1} }{# x *{2} }', '#1 \\frac{#2 *{1}}{#3 *{2}}', animation='#1 \\frac{#2 `x`[remove] *{1}}{#3 `x`[remove] *{2}}' ).add_rule( '# \\frac{# x }{# x *{2} }', '#0 \\frac{1}{*{2}}', animation='#0 \\frac{`x`[replace]{1} \\times 1}{`x`[remove] *{2}}' ).add_rule('# \\frac{# x *{1} }{# x }', '#0 *{1}', animation='#0 \\frac{`x`[remove] *{1} }{`x`[removeDenom]}'). add_rule('# \\frac{# x}{# x}', '#0 1', animation='`#1 \\frac{#2 x}{#3 x}`[replace]{#0 1}').add_test( '- \\frac{bx}{ax}', '-\\frac{b}{a}').add_test('- \\frac{-bx}{xa}', '-\\frac{-b}{a}').add_test( '- \\frac{-bxy}{-xay}', '-\\frac{-b}{-a}').add_test( '- \\frac{-x}{ax}', '\\frac{1}{a}'). add_test('\\frac{-x}{xay}', '\\frac{-1}{a \\times y}').add_test( '\\frac{3xy}{-xy}', '-3').add_test( '-\\frac{-a}{-a}', '-1').add_test('\\frac{-(a + b)}{a + b}', '-1').add_test( '\\frac{-3 - \\frac{1}{3}}{-(3 + \\frac{1}{3}) \\times x}', '\\frac{-1}{-x}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='乘积写成乘方的形式', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#(#X)(#X)', '#0 X^{2}', animation='`#1(#2 X)(#3 X)`[replace]{#0 X^{2}}').add_test( 'xx').add_test('-\\frac{1}{2} \cdot \\frac{1}{2}', '-(\\frac{1}{2})^{2}')) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_add) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_mul) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_pow) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_sqrt) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_abs) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.collapse_fraction_add_float) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.simplify_fraction) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.collapse_fraction) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.calc_sqrt) axioms.append( Axiom(name='等式移项') #.add_rule('#x # y = z', '#1 x #2 y -z=0', animation='#1 x #2 y - `z`[moveAfter,1] = `z`[moveBefore,1] + `0`[add]') .add_rule('x = z', 'x - z = 0', animation='x - `z`[add] = `z`[replace]{0}').add_test( '1 - 2 = -3 + 5', '1 - 2 + 3 - 5 = 0').add_test( 'ax = bx', 'a \\times x - b \\times x = 0')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='等式两边同乘', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#\\frac{x}{y} + *{1} = z', '#1 x + y(*{1}) = yz', animation= '#1 \\frac{x}{`y`[removeDenom]} + `y`[add](*{1}) = `y`[add] z'). add_rule( '#\\frac{x}{y} = z', '#1 x = yz', animation='#1 \\frac{x}{`y`[removeDenom]} = `y`[add] z').add_test( '-\\frac{-2}{-3} = -4', '2 = (-3) \\times (-4)').add_test( '\\frac{x}{2} + a - b = z', 'x + 2 \\times (a - b) = 2 \\times z')) if full: tmp_axiom = (Axiom( name='合并同类项', recursive_apply=True, allow_complication=True, root_sign_reduce=False, max_results=4 ).add_rule( '#(x + x)', '2x', animation='`#1(x + x)`[replace]{2x}' ).add_rule( '#(-x - x)', '-2x', animation='`#1(-x - x)`[replace]{-2x}' ).add_rule( '#(#x # kx)', '(#2 1 #3 k) x', animation='`#1(#2 x #3 kx)`[replace]{(#2 1 #3 k) x}' ).add_rule( '#(#x # xk)', '(#2 1 #3 k) x', animation='`#1(#2 x #3 xk)`[replace]{(#2 1 #3 k) x}' ).add_rule( '#(#x *{1} # x *{2})', '(#2 *{1} #3 *{2}) x', animation='`#1(#2 x *{1} #3 x *{2})`[replace]{(#2 *{1} #3 *{2}) x}' )) else: tmp_axiom = (Axiom( name='合并同类项', recursive_apply=True, allow_complication=True, root_sign_reduce=False, max_results=4 ).add_rule( '#(X + X)', '2X', animation='`#1(X + X)`[replace]{2X}' ).add_rule( '#(-X - X)', '-2X', animation='`#1(-X - X)`[replace]{-2X}' ).add_rule( '#(#X # kX)', '(#2 1 #3 k) X', animation='`#1(#2 X #3 kX)`[replace]{(#2 1 #3 k) X}' ).add_rule( '#(#X # Xk)', '(#2 1 #3 k) X', animation='`#1(#2 X #3 Xk)`[replace]{(#2 1 #3 k) X}' ).add_rule( '#(#X *{1} # X *{2})', '(#2 *{1} #3 *{2}) X', animation='`#1(#2 X *{1} #3 X *{2})`[replace]{(#2 *{1} #3 *{2}) X}' )) axioms.append( tmp_axiom.add_test('a + a', '2 \\times a').add_test( '-a - a', '2 \\times (-a)').add_test( 'x^{2} + x^{2}', '2 \\times x^{2}').add_test('-(-x + 3x)').add_test( '-x + 3x - 1x').add_test('(-1-1)x').add_test( '-(-x + 3x - 1x)').add_test('x + 2x + 3x').add_test( 'x - 3 \cdot x', '(1 - 3) \\times x')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='负号提出括号', strict_simplify=True, disable=(not full)).add_rule( '+(x + *{1})', '-(-x - *{1})', animation='`+(x + *{1})`[replace]{-(-x - *{1})}'). add_test("(1 + 2 + 3)").add_test("(-a - b) x").add_test( "(-a + b)x").add_test("(-a - b - c) x").add_test( '-3-\\frac{4}{17}').add_test('(-3-\\frac{4}{17}) x').add_test( '(-3-\\frac{4}{17}) x + y').add_test("(a - b - c) x")) axioms.append( Axiom(name='嵌套分式的化简').add_rule( '#\\frac{#\\frac{x}{y}}{#\\frac{a}{b}}', '#0 \\frac{bx}{ay}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 \\frac{x}{y}}{#3 \\frac{a}{b}}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{bx}{ay}}' ).add_rule( '#\\frac{#1}{#\\frac{x}{y}}', '#0 \\frac{y}{x}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 1}{#3 \\frac{x}{y}}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{y}{x}}' ).add_rule( '#\\frac{#\\frac{x}{y}}{#1}', '#0 \\frac{x}{y}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 \\frac{x}{y}}{#3 1}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{x}{y}}'). add_rule('#\\frac{a}{#\\frac{x}{y}}', '#0 \\frac{ay}{x}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{a}{#2 \\frac{x}{y}}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{ay}{x}}'). add_rule('#\\frac{#\\frac{x}{y}}{a}', '#0 \\frac{x}{ay}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 \\frac{x}{y}}{a}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{x}{ay}}'). add_test('-\\frac{-\\frac{4}{3}}{-\\frac{4}{3}}', '-1').add_test( '-\\frac{-\\frac{4}{3}}{\\frac{1}{2}}', '\\frac{2 \\times 4}{1 \\times 3}').add_test( '-\\frac{-\\frac{4}{3}}{x}', '\\frac{4}{x \\times 3}').add_test('-\\frac{4}{-\\frac{4}{3}}', '\\frac{4 \\times 3}{4}'). add_test('\\frac{-8}{\\frac{1}{4}}').add_test( '\\frac{-18}{\\frac{9 \\times (1 - \\frac{3}{4})}{4}}')) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.fraction_addition) axioms.append( Axiom(name='分母为一的分式化简').add_rule( '#\\frac{k}{#1}', '#0 k', animation='`#1 \\frac{k}{#2 1}`[replace]{#0 k}').add_test( '\\frac{3}{-1}', '-3')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='分式的乘法', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#\\frac{#1}{x} \\frac{#1}{y}', '#0 \\frac{1}{xy}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 1}{x} \\frac{#3 1}{y}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{1}{xy}}'). add_rule( '#\\frac{#1}{x} \\frac{y}{#1}', '#0 \\frac{y}{x}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{#2 1}{x} \\frac{y}{#3 1}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{y}{x}}'). add_rule( '#\\frac{x}{#1} \\frac{y}{#1}', '#0 xy', animation='`#1 \\frac{x}{#2 1} \\frac{y}{#3 1}`[replace]{#0 xy}' ).add_rule('#\\frac{a}{c} \\frac{b}{d}', '#1 \\frac{ab}{cd}', animation= '`#1 \\frac{a}{c} \\frac{b}{d}`[replace]{#1 \\frac{ab}{cd}}' ).add_test('-\\frac{1}{-2} \cdot \\frac{-2}{1}', '-\\frac{-2}{-2}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='乘数的指数是各个因子指数的乘数', recursive_apply=True, allow_complication=True). add_rule( '# (# a *{1})^{k}', '#1 (#2 a)^{k} \\times (*{1})^{k}', animation= '`#1 (#2 a *{1})^{k}`[replace]{#1 (#2 a)^{k} \\times (*{1})^{k}}'). add_test('-(-3xy)^{2}', '-(-3)^{2} \\times x^{2} \\times y^{2}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='将指数分配进分子分母', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#(-\\frac{#a}{#b})^{k}', '#1 (-1)^{k} \\frac{(#2 a)^{k}}{(#3 b)^{k}}', animation= '`#1 (-\\frac{#2 a}{#3 b})^{k}`[replace]{#1 (-1)^{k} \\frac{(#2 a)^{k}}{(#3 b)^{k}}}' ).add_rule( '#(+\\frac{#a}{#b})^{k}', '#1 \\frac{(#2 a)^{k}}{(#3 b)^{k}}', animation= '`#1 (+\\frac{#2 a}{#3 b})^{k}`[replace]{#1 \\frac{(#2 a)^{k}}{(#3 b)^{k}}}' ).add_test('(-\\frac{-2}{3})^{2}', '(-1)^{2} \\times \\frac{(-2)^{2}}{3^{2}}').add_test( '-(\\frac{-2}{3})^{2}', '-\\frac{(-2)^{2}}{3^{2}}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='系数乘进分式的分子', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '# a \\times \\frac{# 1}{b}', '#0 \\frac{a}{b}', animation='`#1 a \\times \\frac{#2 1}{b}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{a}{b}}' ).add_rule( '# a \\times \\frac{# c}{b}', '#0 \\frac{ac}{b}', animation='`#1 a \\times \\frac{#2 c}{b}`[replace]{#0 \\frac{ac}{b}}' ).add_test('-\\frac{-1}{3} \\times 12', '\\frac{4}{1}').add_test( '12 \cdot \\frac{3}{2}', '\\frac{18}{1}').add_test( '\\frac{9}{4} \\times (1 - \\frac{3}{4})', '\\frac{9 \\times (1 - \\frac{3}{4})}{4}')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='乘法分配率', allow_complication=True, recursive_apply=True, max_results=4). add_rule( '#a(x + *{1})', '#1 ax #1 a *{1}', animation= '`#1 a`[moveBefore,1] `(#1 `a`[moveAfter,1] x #1 `a`[moveAfter,1] *{1})`[removeOnly]' ).add_test( '3(a + b + c) + 1', '1 + 3 \\times a + 3 \\times b + 3 \\times c').add_test( '(a - b)(-2)', '-2 \\times a - 2 \\times (-b)').add_test('2(a + 3(b + c))') #.add_test('\\frac{60 \\times (1 - \\frac{2}{5}) + 3}{2}') ) axioms.append( Axiom(name='负号乘进因子', recursive_apply=True, strict_simplify=True, disable=(not full)).add_rule( '-(x + *{1}) *{2} ', '(-x - *{1}) *{2}', animation='`-(x + *{1})`[replace]{-x - *{1}} *{2}').add_test( '-(3 - 2)x', '(-3 + 2) \\times x')) axioms.append(dynamic_axioms.fraction_int_addition) axioms.append( Axiom(name='和平方公式', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#(#a + *{1})^{2}', '#1 ( a^{2} #2 2 a *{1} + (*{1})^{2} )', animation= '`#1 (#2 a + *{1})^{2}`[replace]{#1 (a^{2} #2 2 a *{1} + (*{1})^{2})}' ).add_rule( '# \\left| #a + *{1} \\right|^{2}', '#1 ( a^{2} #2 2 a *{1} + (*{1})^{2} )', animation= '`#1 \\left| #2 a + *{1} \\right|^{2}`[replace]{#1 ( a^{2} #2 2 a *{1} + (*{1})^{2} )}' ).add_test('-(3 - 2)^{2}', '-(3^{2} + 2 \\times 3 \\times (-2) + (-2)^{2})')) axioms.append( Axiom(name='平方差公式', allow_complication=True).add_rule( '#(a + *{1})(a - *{1})', '#1( a^{2} - (*{1})^{2} )', animation= '`#1 (a + *{1})(a - *{1})`[replace]{#1( a^{2} - (*{1})^{2} )}'). add_test('(3 + a + b)(-a - b + 3)', ['3^{2} - (a + b)^{2}', '3^{2} - (-a - b)^{2}'])) return axioms