Пример #1
def func_name2dotted_exec (node):
    logger.debug (ast.dump (node))

    complete_name= pprint (node)

    while type (node) in (Attribute, Subscript):
        node= node.value

    return (node.id, complete_name)
Пример #2
    def run_tree(self, tree, file_name, argv=None, params=None):
        logger.debug2('AST: %s', ast.dump(tree))
        logger.debug2('code: \n%s', pprint(tree))

        if params is not None:
            # we delay this assignment down to here because run_file(),
            # run_script() and run_tree() are entry points
            self.params = params

        code = compile(tree, file_name, 'exec')
        return self.run_code(code, file_name, argv)
Пример #3
    def run_tree (self, tree, file_name, argv=None, params=None):
        logger.debug2 ('AST: %s', ast.dump (tree))
        logger.debug2 ('code: \n%s', pprint (tree))

        if params is not None:
            # we delay this assignment down to here because run_file(),
            # run_script() and run_tree() are entry points
            self.params= params

        code= compile (tree, file_name, 'exec')
        return self.run_code (code, file_name, argv)
Пример #4
def func_name2dotted_exec (node):
    logger.debug (ast.dump (node))

    complete_name= str (pprint (node))

    while type (node) in (Attribute, Subscript, Call):
        if type (node) in (Attribute, Subscript):
            node= node.value
        elif type (node) in (Call, ):
            node= node.func

    if type (node)==Name:
        return (node.id, complete_name)
        return (None, None)
Пример #5
def func_name2dotted_exec(node):

    complete_name = str(pprint(node))

    while type(node) in (Attribute, Subscript, Call):
        if type(node) in (Attribute, Subscript):
            node = node.value
        elif type(node) in (Call, ):
            node = node.func

    if type(node) == Name:
        return (node.id, complete_name)
        return (None, None)
Пример #6
    def visit_Call (self, node):
        self.generic_visit (node)
        # Call(func=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None,
        #      kwargs=None)
        # Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='test', ctx=Load()), attr='py', ctx=Load()), ...)
        # NOTE: what other things can be the func part?
        name= None
        unknown= False

        if type (node.func)==Name:
            name= func_name= node.func.id
            defs= self.known_names[func_name]
            if defs==0:
                unknown= True

        elif type (node.func)==Attribute:
            name, func_name= func_name2dotted_exec (node.func)
            # node.func is not completely formed by Names
            # so leave it alone
            if name is None:
                return node

            defs= self.known_names[name]
            if defs==0:
                unknown= True

        logger.debug2 ("%s: %s", name, unknown)

        if unknown:
            if not name in self.environ:
                # it's not one of the builtin functions
                # I guess I have no other option but to try to execute
                # something here...
                new_node= Call (func=Name (id='Command', ctx=Load ()),
                                args=[Str (s=func_name)], keywords=[])

                # check if the first parameter is a Command; if so, redirect
                # its output, remove it from the args and put it in the _in
                # kwarg
                if len (node.args)>0:
                    first_arg= node.args[0]
                    if is_executable (first_arg) and not has_keyword (first_arg, '_err'):
                        out= keyword (arg='_out', value=Name (id='Pipe', ctx=Load ()))
                        update_keyword (first_arg, out)
                        bg= keyword (arg='_bg', value=Name (id='True', ctx=Load ()))
                        update_keyword (first_arg, bg)
                        node.args.pop (0)
                        update_keyword (node, keyword (arg='_in', value=first_arg))

                    for arg in node.args:
                        if is_option (arg):
                            # ast_pprinter takes care of expressions
                            kw= arg.keywords[0]
                            logger.debug2 ("->>>kw: %s", ast.dump (kw))
                            kw.arg= str (pprint (kw.arg))

                ast.copy_location (new_node, node)
                node.func= new_node
                ast.fix_missing_locations (node)
                # this is a normal function call
                # Call(func=Name(id='foo', ctx=Load()),
                #      args=[Call(func=Name(id='o', ctx=Load()),
                #                 args=[], keywords=[keyword(arg='a', value=Num(n=42))],
                #                 starargs=None, kwargs=None)],
                #      keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))
                # the parser has converted all the keyword arguments to o(k=v)
                # we need to convert them back to keywords and apply Python's syntax rules
                new_args= []
                used_keywords= set ()
                first_kw= False
                for index, arg in enumerate (node.args):
                    # NOTE: maybe o() can be left in its own namespace so it doesn't pollute
                    if is_option (arg):
                        kw_expr= arg.keywords[0].arg
                        if not isinstance (kw_expr, ast.Name) and not isinstance (kw_expr, str):
                            raise SyntaxError (self.file_name, node.lineno, node.col_offset,
                                               "keyword can't be an expression")

                        if isinstance (kw_expr, ast.Name):
                            kw_name= kw_expr.id
                            kw_name= kw_expr  # str

                        if kw_name in used_keywords:
                            raise SyntaxError (self.file_name, node.lineno, node.col_offset,
                                               "keyword argument repeated")

                        # convert the expr into a str
                        new_kw= keyword (kw_name, arg.keywords[0].value)
                        node.keywords.append (new_kw)
                        used_keywords.add (kw_name)
                        first_kw= True
                        if first_kw:
                            raise SyntaxError (self.file_name, node.lineno, node.col_offset,
                                               "non-keyword arg after keyword arg")

                        new_args.append (arg)

                node.args= new_args

        return node
Пример #7
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        # Call(func=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None,
        #      kwargs=None)
        # Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='test', ctx=Load()), attr='py', ctx=Load()), ...)
        # NOTE: what other things can be the func part?
        name = None
        unknown = False

        if type(node.func) == Name:
            name = func_name = node.func.id
            defs = self.known_names[func_name]
            if defs == 0:
                unknown = True

        elif type(node.func) == Attribute:
            name, func_name = func_name2dotted_exec(node.func)
            # node.func is not completely formed by Names
            # so leave it alone
            if name is None:
                return node

            defs = self.known_names[name]
            if defs == 0:
                unknown = True

        logger.debug2("%s: %s", name, unknown)

        if unknown:
            if not name in self.environ:
                # it's not one of the builtin functions
                # I guess I have no other option but to try to execute
                # something here...
                new_node = Call(func=Name(id='Command', ctx=Load()),

                # check if the first parameter is a Command; if so, redirect
                # its output, remove it from the args and put it in the _in
                # kwarg
                if len(node.args) > 0:
                    first_arg = node.args[0]
                    if is_executable(first_arg) and not has_keyword(
                            first_arg, '_err'):
                        out = keyword(arg='_out',
                                      value=Name(id='Pipe', ctx=Load()))
                        update_keyword(first_arg, out)
                        bg = keyword(arg='_bg',
                                     value=Name(id='True', ctx=Load()))
                        update_keyword(first_arg, bg)
                        update_keyword(node, keyword(arg='_in',

                    for arg in node.args:
                        if is_option(arg):
                            # ast_pprinter takes care of expressions
                            kw = arg.keywords[0]
                            logger.debug2("->>>kw: %s", ast.dump(kw))
                            kw.arg = str(pprint(kw.arg))

                ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
                node.func = new_node
                # this is a normal function call
                # Call(func=Name(id='foo', ctx=Load()),
                #      args=[Call(func=Name(id='o', ctx=Load()),
                #                 args=[], keywords=[keyword(arg='a', value=Num(n=42))],
                #                 starargs=None, kwargs=None)],
                #      keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))
                # the parser has converted all the keyword arguments to o(k=v)
                # we need to convert them back to keywords and apply Python's syntax rules
                new_args = []
                used_keywords = set()
                first_kw = False
                for index, arg in enumerate(node.args):
                    # NOTE: maybe o() can be left in its own namespace so it doesn't pollute
                    if is_option(arg):
                        kw_expr = arg.keywords[0].arg
                        if not isinstance(kw_expr,
                                          ast.Name) and not isinstance(
                                              kw_expr, str):
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                self.file_name, node.lineno, node.col_offset,
                                "keyword can't be an expression")

                        if isinstance(kw_expr, ast.Name):
                            kw_name = kw_expr.id
                            kw_name = kw_expr  # str

                        if kw_name in used_keywords:
                            raise SyntaxError(self.file_name, node.lineno,
                                              "keyword argument repeated")

                        # convert the expr into a str
                        new_kw = keyword(kw_name, arg.keywords[0].value)
                        first_kw = True
                        if first_kw:
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                self.file_name, node.lineno, node.col_offset,
                                "non-keyword arg after keyword arg")


                node.args = new_args

        return node
Пример #8
    def run_tree (self, tree, file_name, argv=None):
        logger.debug2 ('AST: %s', ast.dump (tree))
        logger.debug2 ('code: \n%s', pprint (tree))

        return self.run_code (compile (tree, file_name, 'exec'), file_name, argv)