Пример #1
def _filter_mods(command_loader,
    modules = modules or []

    # command tables and help entries must be copied to allow for seperate linter scope
    command_table = command_loader.command_table.copy()
    command_group_table = command_loader.command_group_table.copy()
    command_loader = copy.copy(command_loader)
    command_loader.command_table = command_table
    command_loader.command_group_table = command_group_table
    help_file_entries = help_file_entries.copy()
    name_index = get_name_index(include_whl_extensions=include_whl_extensions)

    for command_name in list(command_loader.command_table.keys()):
            source_name, _ = _get_command_source(command_name,
        except LinterError as ex:
            # command is unrecognized
            source_name = None

            long_name = name_index[source_name]
            is_specified = source_name in modules or long_name in modules
        except KeyError:
            is_specified = False
        if is_specified == exclude:
            # brute force method of ignoring commands from a module or extension
            command_loader.command_table.pop(command_name, None)
            help_file_entries.pop(command_name, None)

    # Remove unneeded command groups
    retained_command_groups = {
        ' '.join(x.split(' ')[:-1])
        for x in command_loader.command_table
    excluded_command_groups = set(
        command_loader.command_group_table.keys()) - retained_command_groups

    for group_name in excluded_command_groups:
        command_loader.command_group_table.pop(group_name, None)
        help_file_entries.pop(group_name, None)

    return command_loader, help_file_entries
Пример #2
def _discover_tests(profile):
    """ Builds an index of tests so that the user can simply supply the name they wish to test instead of the
        full path.
    profile_split = profile.split('-')
    profile_namespace = '_'.join([profile_split[-1]] + profile_split[:-1])

    heading('Discovering Tests')

    path_table = get_path_table()
    core_modules = path_table['core'].items()
    command_modules = path_table['mod'].items()
    extensions = path_table['ext'].items()
    inverse_name_table = get_name_index(invert=True)

    module_data = {}

    logger.info('\nCore Modules: %s', ', '.join([name for name, _ in core_modules]))
    for mod_name, mod_path in core_modules:
        file_path = mod_path
        for comp in mod_name.split('-'):
            file_path = os.path.join(file_path, comp)

        mod_data = {
            'alt_name': 'main' if mod_name == 'azure-cli' else mod_name.replace(COMMAND_MODULE_PREFIX, ''),
            'filepath': os.path.join(file_path, 'tests'),
            'base_path': '{}.tests'.format(mod_name).replace('-', '.'),
            'files': {}
        tests = _discover_module_tests(mod_name, mod_data)
        if tests:
            module_data[mod_name] = tests

    logger.info('\nCommand Modules: %s', ', '.join([name for name, _ in command_modules]))
    for mod_name, mod_path in command_modules:
        mod_data = {
            # Modules don't technically have azure-cli-foo moniker anymore, but preserving
            # for consistency.
            'alt_name': '{}{}'.format(COMMAND_MODULE_PREFIX, mod_name),
            'filepath': os.path.join(
                mod_path, 'tests', profile_namespace),
            'base_path': 'azure.cli.command_modules.{}.tests.{}'.format(mod_name, profile_namespace),
            'files': {}
        tests = _discover_module_tests(mod_name, mod_data)
        if tests:
            module_data[mod_name] = tests

    logger.info('\nExtensions: %s', ', '.join([name for name, _ in extensions]))
    for mod_name, mod_path in extensions:
        glob_pattern = os.path.normcase(os.path.join('{}*'.format(EXTENSION_PREFIX)))
            file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(mod_path, glob_pattern))[0]
        except IndexError:
            logger.debug("No extension found at: %s", os.path.join(mod_path, glob_pattern))
        import_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
        mod_data = {
            'alt_name': inverse_name_table[mod_name],
            'filepath': os.path.join(file_path, 'tests', profile_namespace),
            'base_path': '{}.tests.{}'.format(import_name, profile_namespace),
            'files': {}
        tests = _discover_module_tests(import_name, mod_data)
        if tests:
            module_data[mod_name] = tests

    test_index = {}
    conflicted_keys = []

    def add_to_index(key, path):
        from azdev.utilities import extract_module_name

        key = key or mod_name
        if key in test_index:
            if key not in conflicted_keys:
            mod1 = extract_module_name(path)
            mod2 = extract_module_name(test_index[key])
            if mod1 != mod2:
                # resolve conflicted keys by prefixing with the module name and a dot (.)
                logger.warning("'%s' exists in both '%s' and '%s'. Resolve using `%s.%s` or `%s.%s`",
                               key, mod1, mod2, mod1, key, mod2, key)
                test_index['{}.{}'.format(mod1, key)] = path
                test_index['{}.{}'.format(mod2, key)] = test_index[key]
                logger.error("'%s' exists twice in the '%s' module. "
                             "Please rename one or both and re-run --discover.", key, mod1)
            test_index[key] = path

    # build the index
    for mod_name, mod_data in module_data.items():
        # don't add empty mods to the index
        if not mod_data:

        mod_path = mod_data['filepath']
        for file_name, file_data in mod_data['files'].items():
            file_path = os.path.join(mod_path, file_name) + '.py'
            for class_name, test_list in file_data.items():
                for test_name in test_list:
                    test_path = '{}::{}::{}'.format(file_path, class_name, test_name)
                    add_to_index(test_name, test_path)
                class_path = '{}::{}'.format(file_path, class_name)
                add_to_index(class_name, class_path)
            add_to_index(file_name, file_path)
        add_to_index(mod_name, mod_path)
        add_to_index(mod_data['alt_name'], mod_path)

    # remove the conflicted keys since they would arbitrarily point to a random implementation
    for key in conflicted_keys:
        del test_index[key]

    return test_index