Пример #1
def _open_repository(repository, organization):
    """Opens the pull request in the default browser.
    :param repository: The repository to open.
    :type repository: str
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(repository.project.name)\
        + '/_git/' + uri_quote(repository.name)
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
Пример #2
def _open_pull_request(pull_request, organization):
    """Opens the pull request in the default browser.
    :param pull_request: The pull request to open.
    :type pull_request: str
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(pull_request.repository.project.name)\
        + '/_git/' + uri_quote(pull_request.repository.name) + '/pullrequest/'\
        + str(pull_request.pull_request_id)
def _open_pipeline(definition, organization):
    """Opens the build definition in the default browser.
    # https://dev.azure.com/OrgName/ProjectName/_build/index?definitionId=1234
    project = definition.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build?definitionId='\
        + uri_quote(str(definition.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
Пример #4
def _open_work_item(work_item, organization):
    """Opens the work item in the default browser.
    :param work_item: The work item to open.
    :type work_item: :class:`<WorkItem> <v5_0.work-item-tracking.models.WorkItem>`
    project = work_item.fields['System.TeamProject']
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_workitems?id='\
        + uri_quote(str(work_item.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
def _open_definition(definition, organization):
    """Opens the build definition in the default browser.
    :param :class:`<BuildDefinitionReference> <v5_0.build.models.BuildDefinitionReference>` definition:
    :param str organization:
    # https://dev.azure.com/OrgName/ProjectName/_build/index?definitionId=1234
    project = definition.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build/index?definitionId='\
        + uri_quote(str(definition.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
Пример #6
def _open_build(build, organization):
    """Open the build results page in your web browser.
    :param :class:`<Build> <build.v4_0.models.Build>` build:
    :param str organization:
    # https://dev.azure.com/OrgName/ProjectName/_build/index?buildId=1234
    project = build.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build/index?buildid='\
        + uri_quote(str(build.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
def _open_definition(definition, organization):
    """Opens the build definition in the default browser.
    :param :class:`<BuildDefinitionReference> <build.v4_0.models.BuildDefinitionReference>` definition:
    :param str organization:
    # https://mseng.visualstudio.com/vsts-cli/_build/index?definitionId=5419
    project = definition.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build/index?definitionId='\
        + uri_quote(str(definition.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
def _open_build(build, organization):
    """Open the build results page in your web browser.
    :param :class:`<Build> <build.v4_0.models.Build>` build:
    :param str organization:
    # https://mseng.visualstudio.com/vsts-cli/_build/index?buildId=4053990
    project = build.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build/index?buildid='\
        + uri_quote(str(build.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
def _open_pipeline_run(run, organization):
    """Open the build results page in your web browser.
    :param :class:`<Build> <build.v5_1.models.Build>` build:
    :param str organization:
    from webbrowser import open_new
    from azext_devops.dev.common.uri import uri_quote
    # https://dev.azure.com/OrgName/ProjectName/_build/results?buildId=1234
    project = run.project.name
    url = organization.rstrip('/') + '/' + uri_quote(project) + '/_build/results?buildid='\
        + uri_quote(str(run.id))
    logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
Пример #10
def _open_project(project):
    """Opens the project in the default browser.
    api_segment = '/_apis/'
    pos = project.url.find(api_segment)
    if pos >= 0:
        url = project.url[:pos + 1] + uri_quote(project.name)
        logger.debug('Opening web page: %s', url)
        raise CLIError("Failed to open web browser, due to unrecognized url in response.")
Пример #11
def query_work_items(wiql=None, id=None, path=None, organization=None, project=None, detect=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Query for a list of work items. Only supports flat queries.
    :param wiql: The query in Work Item Query Language format.  Ignored if --id or --path is specified.
    :type wiql: str
    :param id: The ID of an existing query.  Required unless --path or --wiql are specified.
    :type id: str
    :param path: The path of an existing query.  Ignored if --id is specified.
    :type path: str
    :rtype: :class:`<WorkItem> <v5_0.work-item-tracking.models.WorkItem>`
    if wiql is None and path is None and id is None:
        raise CLIError("Either the --wiql, --id, or --path argument must be specified.")
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project, project_required=False)
    client = get_work_item_tracking_client(organization)
    if id is None and path is not None:
        if project is None:
            raise CLIError("The --project argument must be specified for this query.")
        query = client.get_query(project=project, query=path)
        id = query.id
    if id is not None:
        query_result = client.query_by_id(id=id)
        wiql_object = Wiql()
        wiql_object.query = wiql
        query_result = client.query_by_wiql(wiql=wiql_object)
    if query_result.work_items:
        _last_query_result[_LAST_QUERY_RESULT_KEY] = query_result  # store query result for table view
        safety_buffer = 100  # a buffer in the max url length to protect going over the limit
        remaining_url_length = 2048 - safety_buffer
        remaining_url_length -= len(organization)
        # following subtracts relative url, the asof parameter and beginning of id and field parameters.
        # asof value length will vary, but this should be the longest possible
        remaining_url_length -=\
        fields = []
        fields_length_in_url = 0
        if query_result.columns:
            for field_ref in query_result.columns:
                if fields_length_in_url > 0:
                    fields_length_in_url += 3  # add 3 for %2C delimiter
                fields_length_in_url += len(uri_quote(field_ref.reference_name))
                if fields_length_in_url > 800:
                    logger.info("Not retrieving all fields due to max url length.")
        remaining_url_length -= fields_length_in_url
        max_work_items = 1000
        work_items_batch_size = 200
        current_batch = []
        work_items = []
        work_item_url_length = 0
        for work_item_ref in query_result.work_items:
            if len(work_items) >= max_work_items:
                logger.info("Only retrieving the first %s work items.", max_work_items)
            if work_item_url_length > 0:
                work_item_url_length += 3  # add 3 for %2C delimiter
            work_item_url_length += len(str(work_item_ref.id))

            if remaining_url_length - work_item_url_length <= 0 or len(current_batch) == work_items_batch_size:
                # url is near max length, go ahead and send first request for details.
                # url can go over by an id length because we have a safety buffer
                current_batched_items = client.get_work_items(ids=current_batch,
                for work_item in current_batched_items:
                current_batch = []
                work_item_url_length = 0

        if current_batch:
            current_batched_items = client.get_work_items(ids=current_batch,
            for work_item in current_batched_items:
        # put items in the same order they appeared in the initial query results
        work_items = sorted(work_items, key=_get_sort_key_from_last_query_results)
        return work_items
    return None