Пример #1
def set_mru(client,
    account_info = client.get(
        resource_group_name, account_name
    ) if resource_group_name else client.get_by_subscription(account_name)
    if account_info.encryption:
        raise BadRequestError(
            'The media reserved unit operation failed as the Media Services account was created'
            ' with the 2020-05-01 version of the API or later. Accounts created this way no'
            ' longer need to set media reserved units as the system will automatically'
            ' scale up and down based on load.')
    client = MediaV2Client(cmd.cli_ctx, resource_group_name, account_name)
    mru = client.get_mru()

    count = count if count is not None else int(mru['CurrentReservedUnits'])

    if type is None:
        type = int(mru['ReservedUnitType'])
            type = int(
            raise CLIError(
                'Invalid --type argument. Allowed values: {}.'.format(
                    ", ".join(get_mru_type_completion_list())))

    client.set_mru(mru['AccountId'], count, type)
    return _map_mru(client.get_mru())
Пример #2
def set_mru(cmd, resource_group_name, account_name, count=None, type=None):
    client = MediaV2Client(cmd.cli_ctx, resource_group_name, account_name)
    mru = client.get_mru()

    count = count if count is not None else int(mru['CurrentReservedUnits'])

    if type is None:
        type = int(mru['ReservedUnitType'])
            type = int(list(_rut_dict.keys())[list(_rut_dict.values()).index(type)])
            raise CLIError(
                'Invalid --type argument. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_mru_type_completion_list())))

    client.set_mru(mru['AccountId'], count, type)
    return _map_mru(client.get_mru())
Пример #3
def load_arguments(self, _):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
    name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='name', help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.', metavar='NAME')
    account_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--account-name', '-a'], id_part='name', help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.', metavar='ACCOUNT_NAME')
    storage_account_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--storage-account'], validator=validate_storage_account_id, metavar='STORAGE_NAME')
    password_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--password', '-p'], metavar='PASSWORD_NAME')
    transform_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--transform-name', '-t'], metavar='TRANSFORM_NAME')
    expiry_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--expiry'], type=datetime_format, metavar='EXPIRY_TIME')
    default_policy_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--content-key-policy-name'], help='The default content key policy name used by the streaming locator.', metavar='DEFAULT_CONTENT_KEY_POLICY_NAME')
    archive_window_length_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--archive-window-length'], validator=validate_archive_window_length, metavar='ARCHIVE_WINDOW_LENGTH')
    key_frame_interval_duration_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--key-frame-interval-duration'], validator=validate_archive_window_length, metavar='ARCHIVE_WINDOW_LENGTH')
    correlation_data_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_correlation_data, help="Space-separated correlation data in 'key[=value]' format. This customer provided data will be returned in Job and JobOutput state events.", nargs='*', metavar='CORRELATION_DATA')
    token_claim_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_token_claim, help="Space-separated required token claims in '[key=value]' format.", nargs='*', metavar='ASYMMETRIC TOKEN CLAIMS')
    output_assets_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_output_assets, nargs='*', help="Space-separated assets in 'assetName=label' format. An asset without label can be sent like this: 'assetName='", metavar='OUTPUT_ASSETS')

    with self.argument_context('ams') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', name_arg_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams account') as c:
        c.argument('location', arg_type=get_location_type(self.cli_ctx),
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams account create') as c:
        c.argument('storage_account', storage_account_arg_type,
                   help='The name or resource ID of the primary storage account to attach to the Azure Media Services account. The storage account MUST be in the same Azure subscription as the Media Services account. It is strongly recommended that the storage account be in the same resource group as the Media Services account. Blob only accounts are not allowed as primary.')

    with self.argument_context('ams account check-name') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part=None,
                   help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.')
        c.argument('location', arg_type=get_location_type(self.cli_ctx))

    with self.argument_context('ams account mru') as c:
        c.argument('type', help='Speed of reserved processing units. The cost of media encoding depends on the pricing tier you choose. See https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/media-services/ for further details. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_mru_type_completion_list())))
        c.argument('count', type=int, help='The number of the encoding reserved units that you want to be provisioned for this account for concurrent tasks (one unit equals one task).')

    with self.argument_context('ams account storage') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('storage_account', name_arg_type,
                   help='The name or resource ID of the secondary storage account to detach from the Azure Media Services account.',

    with self.argument_context('ams account storage sync-storage-keys') as c:
        c.argument('id', required=True)

    with self.argument_context('ams account sp') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('sp_name', name_arg_type,
                   help="The app name or app URI to associate the RBAC with. If not present, a default name like '{amsaccountname}-access-sp' will be generated.")
        c.argument('sp_password', password_arg_type,
                   help="The password used to log in. Also known as 'Client Secret'. If not present, a random secret will be generated.")
        c.argument('role', help='The role of the service principal.', completer=get_role_definition_name_completion_list)
        c.argument('xml', action='store_true', help='Enables xml output format.')
        c.argument('years', help='Number of years for which the secret will be valid. Default: 1 year.', type=int, default=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams transform') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('transform_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the transform.')
        c.argument('preset', help='Preset that describes the operations that will be used to modify, transcode, or extract insights from the source file to generate the transform output. Allowed values: {}. In addition to the allowed values, you can also pass a path to a custom Standard Encoder preset JSON file. See https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/transforms/createorupdate#standardencoderpreset for further details on the settings to use to build a custom preset.'
                   .format(", ".join(get_presets_definition_name_completion_list())))
        c.argument('insights_to_extract', arg_group='Video Analyzer', arg_type=get_enum_type(InsightsType), help='The type of insights to be extracted. If not set then the type will be selected based on the content type. If the content is audio only then only audio insights will be extracted and if it is video only video insights will be extracted.')
        c.argument('audio_language', arg_group='Audio/Video Analyzer', help='The language for the audio payload in the input using the BCP-47 format of \"language tag-region\" (e.g: en-US). If not specified, automatic language detection would be employed. This feature currently supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. The automatic detection works best with audio recordings with clearly discernable speech. If automatic detection fails to find the language, transcription would fallback to English. Allowed values: {}.'
                   .format(", ".join(get_allowed_languages_for_preset_completion_list())))
        c.argument('relative_priority', arg_type=get_enum_type(Priority), help='Sets the relative priority of the transform outputs within a transform. This sets the priority that the service uses for processing TransformOutputs. The default priority is Normal.')
        c.argument('on_error', arg_type=get_enum_type(OnErrorType), help="A Transform can define more than one output. This property defines what the service should do when one output fails - either continue to produce other outputs, or, stop the other outputs. The overall Job state will not reflect failures of outputs that are specified with 'ContinueJob'. The default is 'StopProcessingJob'.")
        c.argument('description', help='The description of the transform.')

    with self.argument_context('ams transform output remove') as c:
        c.argument('output_index', help='The element index of the output to remove.',
                   type=int, default=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams transform list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams asset') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('asset_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the asset.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams asset create') as c:
        c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
        c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')
        c.argument('asset_name', name_arg_type, help='The name of the asset.')
        c.argument('storage_account', help='The name of the storage account.')
        c.argument('container', help='The name of the asset blob container.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset update') as c:
        c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
        c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset get-sas-urls') as c:
        c.argument('permissions', arg_type=get_enum_type(AssetContainerPermission),
                   help='The permissions to set on the SAS URL.')
        c.argument('expiry_time', expiry_arg_type, help="Specifies the UTC datetime (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') at which the SAS becomes invalid.")

    with self.argument_context('ams asset-filter') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.', id_part='child_name_1')
        c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2', help='The name of the asset filter.')
        c.argument('start_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD) or Live Streaming. This is a long value that represents an absolute start point of the stream. The value gets rounded to the closest next GOP start. The unit is the timescale, so a startTimestamp of 150000000 would be for 15 seconds. Use startTimestamp and endTimestampp to trim the fragments that will be in the playlist (manifest). For example, startTimestamp=40000000 and endTimestamp=100000000 using the default timescale will generate a playlist that contains fragments from between 4 seconds and 10 seconds of the VoD presentation. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the manifest.')
        c.argument('end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD).For the Live Streaming presentation, it is silently ignored and applied when the presentation ends and the stream becomes VoD.This is a long value that represents an absolute end point of the presentation, rounded to the closest next GOP start. The unit is the timescale, so an endTimestamp of 1800000000 would be for 3 minutes.Use startTimestamp and endTimestamp to trim the fragments that will be in the playlist (manifest).For example, startTimestamp=40000000 and endTimestamp=100000000 using the default timescale will generate a playlist that contains fragments from between 4 seconds and 10 seconds of the VoD presentation. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the manifest.')
        c.argument('presentation_window_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only.Use presentationWindowDuration to apply a sliding window of fragments to include in a playlist.The unit for this property is timescale (see below).For example, set presentationWindowDuration=1200000000 to apply a two-minute sliding window. Media within 2 minutes of the live edge will be included in the playlist. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the playlist. The minimum presentation window duration is 60 seconds.')
        c.argument('live_backoff_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only. This value defines the latest live position that a client can seek to. Using this property, you can delay live playback position and create a server-side buffer for players. The unit for this property is timescale (see below). The maximum live back off duration is 300 seconds (3000000000). For example, a value of 2000000000 means that the latest available content is 20 seconds delayed from the real live edge.')
        c.argument('timescale', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to all timestamps and durations in a Presentation Time Range, specified as the number of increments in one second.Default is 10000000 - ten million increments in one second, where each increment would be 100 nanoseconds long. For example, if you want to set a startTimestamp at 30 seconds, you would use a value of 300000000 when using the default timescale.')
        c.argument('force_end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Indicates whether the endTimestamp property must be present. If true, endTimestamp must be specified or a bad request code is returned. Allowed values: false, true.')
        c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(target='--bitrate', redirect='--first-quality', hide=True))
        c.argument('first_quality', help='The first quality (lowest) bitrate to include in the manifest.')
        c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/assetfilters/assetfilters_createorupdate#filtertrackselection')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset-filter list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams job') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('transform_name', transform_name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the transform.')
        c.argument('job_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2',
                   help='The name of the job.')
        c.argument('description', help='The job description.')
        c.argument('priority', arg_type=get_enum_type(Priority),
                   help='The priority with which the job should be processed.')

    with self.argument_context('ams job list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams job create') as c:
        c.argument('correlation_data', arg_type=correlation_data_type)
                   arg_group='Asset Job Input',
                   help='The name of the input asset.')
        c.argument('output_assets', arg_type=output_assets_type)
                   arg_group='Http Job Input',
                   help='Base uri for http job input. It will be concatenated with provided file names. If no base uri is given, then the provided file list is assumed to be fully qualified uris.')
                   help='Space-separated list of files. It can be used to tell the service to only use the files specified from the input asset.')
        c.argument('label', help="A label that is assigned to a Job Input that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform. For example, a Transform can be authored to take an image file with the label 'xyz' and apply it as an overlay onto the input video before it is encoded. When submitting a Job, exactly one of the JobInputs should be the image file, and it should have the label 'xyz'.")
        c.argument('correlation_data', arg_type=correlation_data_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams job cancel') as c:
        c.argument('delete', action='store_true', help='Delete the job being cancelled.')

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('content_key_policy_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The content key policy name.')
        c.argument('description', help='The content key policy description.')
                   arg_group='Clear Key Configuration (AES Encryption)',
                   help='Use Clear Key configuration, a.k.a AES encryption. It\'s intended for non-DRM keys.')
                   arg_group='Open Restriction',
                   help='Use open restriction. License or key will be delivered on every request. Not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('policy_option_name', help='The content key policy option name.')
        c.argument('policy_option_id', help='The content key policy option identifier. This value can be obtained from "policyOptionId" property by running a show operation on a content key policy resource.')
        c.argument('issuer', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The token issuer.')
        c.argument('audience', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The audience for the token.')
        c.argument('token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Either a string (for symmetric key) or a filepath to a certificate (x509) or public key (rsa). Must be used in conjunction with --token-key-type.')
        c.argument('token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token key to be used for the primary verification key. Allowed values: {}'.format(", ".join(get_token_completion_list())))
        c.argument('add_alt_token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Creates an alternate token key with either a string (for symmetric key) or a filepath to a certificate (x509) or public key (rsa). Must be used in conjunction with --add-alt-token-key-type.')
        c.argument('add_alt_token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token key to be used for the alternate verification key. Allowed values: {}'.format(", ".join(get_token_completion_list())))
        c.argument('alt_symmetric_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate symmetric token keys.')
        c.argument('alt_rsa_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate rsa token keys.')
        c.argument('alt_x509_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate x509 certificate token keys.')
        c.argument('token_claims', arg_group='Token Restriction', arg_type=token_claim_type)
        c.argument('token_type', arg_group='Token Restriction',
                   help='The type of token. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_token_type_completion_list())))
        c.argument('open_id_connect_discovery_document', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The OpenID connect discovery document.')
        c.argument('widevine_template', arg_group='Widevine Configuration', help='JSON Widevine license template. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('ask', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The key that must be used as FairPlay Application Secret Key, which is a 32 character hex string.')
        c.argument('fair_play_pfx_password', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The password encrypting FairPlay certificate in PKCS 12 (pfx) format.')
        c.argument('fair_play_pfx', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The filepath to a FairPlay certificate file in PKCS 12 (pfx) format (including private key).')
        c.argument('rental_and_lease_key_type', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental and lease key type. Available values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_fairplay_rentalandlease_completion_list())))
        c.argument('rental_duration', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental duration. Must be greater than or equal to 0.')
        c.argument('play_ready_template', arg_group='PlayReady Configuration', help='JSON PlayReady license template. Use @{file} to load from a file.')

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy show') as c:
                   help='Include secret values of the content key policy.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-locator') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('default_content_key_policy_name', default_policy_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('streaming_locator_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the streaming locator.')
                   help='The name of the asset used by the streaming locator.')
                   help='The name of the streaming policy used by the streaming locator. You can either create one with `az ams streaming policy create` or use any of the predefined policies: {}'.format(", ".join(get_default_streaming_policies_completion_list())))
        c.argument('start_time', type=datetime_format,
                   help="The ISO 8601 DateTime start time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
        c.argument('end_time', type=datetime_format,
                   help="The ISO 8601 DateTime end time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
        c.argument('streaming_locator_id', help='The identifier of the streaming locator.')
        c.argument('alternative_media_id', help='An alternative media identifier associated with the streaming locator.')
        c.argument('content_keys', help='JSON string with the content keys to be used by the streaming locator. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streaminglocators/streaminglocators_create#streaminglocatorcontentkey')
        c.argument('filters', nargs='+', help='A space-separated list of asset filter names and/or account filter names.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-locator list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-policy') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('streaming_policy_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the streaming policy.')
        c.argument('default_content_key_policy_name', help='Default Content Key used by current streaming policy.')
        c.argument('no_encryption_protocols', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for NoEncryption. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('envelope_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Envelope Encryption. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('envelope_clear_tracks', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('envelope_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('envelope_default_key_label', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Label used to specify Content Key when creating a streaming locator.')
        c.argument('envelope_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Policy used by Default Key.')
        c.argument('envelope_template', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The KeyAcquistionUrlTemplate is used to point to user specified service to delivery content keys.')
        c.argument('cenc_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Common Encryption CENC. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cenc_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Label to specify Default Content Key for an encryption scheme.')
        c.argument('cenc_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Policy used by Default Content Key.')
        c.argument('cenc_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('cenc_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('cenc_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Custom attributes for PlayReady.')
        c.argument('cenc_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cenc_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cenc_disable_widevine', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='If specified, no Widevine cenc DRM will be configured. If --cenc-disable-widevine is set, --cenc-disable-play-ready cannot also be set.')
        c.argument('cenc_disable_play_ready', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='If specified, no PlayReady cenc DRM will be configured. If --cenc-disable-play-ready is set, --cenc-disable-widevine cannot also be set.')
        c.argument('cbcs_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Common Encryption CBCS. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cbcs_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Label to specify Default Content Key for an encryption scheme.')
        c.argument('cbcs_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Policy used by Default Content Key.')
        c.argument('cbcs_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('cbcs_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Custom attributes for PlayReady.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(hide=True))
        c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(hide=True))
        c.argument('cbcs_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(hide=True))
        c.argument('cbcs_fair_play_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cbcs_fair_play_allow_persistent_license', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Allows the license to be persistent or not.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-policy list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint') as c:
        c.argument('streaming_endpoint_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the streaming endpoint.')
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
        c.argument('description', help='The streaming endpoint description.')
        c.argument('scale_units', help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints. For Standard StreamingEndpoints, set this value to 0. Use the Scale operation to adjust this value for Premium StreamingEndpoints.')
        c.argument('availability_set_name', help='The name of the AvailabilitySet used with this StreamingEndpoint for high availability streaming. This value can only be set at creation time.')
        c.argument('max_cache_age', help='Max cache age.')
        c.argument('custom_host_names', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of custom host names for the streaming endpoint. Use "" to clear existing list.')
        c.argument('cdn_provider', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN provider name. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_cdn_provider_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cdn_profile', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN profile name.')
        c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies',
                   help='The XML representing the clientaccesspolicy data used by Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the XML structure please refer to documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/operations/crosssiteaccesspolicies')
        c.argument('cross_domain_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies',
                   help='The XML representing the crossdomain data used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the XML structure please refer to documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/operations/crosssiteaccesspolicies')
        c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be automatically started on creation.')
        c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Access Control Support', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. If no IP addresses are specified any IP address will be allowed.')
        c.argument('disable_cdn', arg_group='CDN Support', action='store_true', help='Use this flag to disable CDN for the streaming endpoint.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint scale') as c:
        c.argument('scale_unit', options_list=['--scale-units'], help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint akamai') as c:
        c.argument('identifier', help='The identifier for the authentication key. This is the nonce provided by Akamai.')
        c.argument('base64_key', help='Base64-encoded authentication key that will be used by the CDN. The authentication key provided by Akamai is an ASCII encoded string, and must be converted to bytes and then base64 encoded.')
        c.argument('expiration', type=datetime_format,
                   help='The ISO 8601 DateTime value that specifies when the Akamai authentication expires.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-event') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('live_event_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the live event.')
        c.argument('streaming_protocol', arg_type=get_enum_type(LiveEventInputProtocol),
                   arg_group='Input', help='The streaming protocol for the live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be automatically started on creation.')
        c.argument('encoding_type', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding type for live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_encoding_types_list())))
        c.argument('preset_name', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding preset name. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
        c.argument('key_frame_interval_duration', key_frame_interval_duration_arg_type, arg_group='Input', validator=validate_key_frame_interval_duration,
                   help='ISO 8601 timespan duration of the key frame interval duration in seconds. The value should be an interger in the range of 1 (PT1S or 00:00:01) to 30 (PT30S or 00:00:30) seconds.')
        c.argument('access_token', arg_group='Input', help='A unique identifier for a stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value.')
        c.argument('description', help='The live event description.')
        c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Input', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Preview', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_locator', arg_group='Preview', help='The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created.')
        c.argument('streaming_policy_name', arg_group='Preview', help='The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('alternative_media_id', arg_group='Preview', help='An Alternative Media Identifier associated with the StreamingLocator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field.')
        c.argument('vanity_url', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Specifies whether to use a vanity url with the Live Event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('cross_domain_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the crossdomain.xml used by Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('stream_options', nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(StreamOptionsFlag), help='The options to use for the LiveEvent. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('remove_outputs_on_stop', action='store_true', help='Remove live outputs on stop.')

    with self.argument_context('ams live-event list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('live_event_name', id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the live event.')
        c.argument('live_output_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2',
                   help='The name of the live output.')

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output create') as c:
        c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.')
        c.argument('archive_window_length', archive_window_length_arg_type, validator=validate_archive_window_length,
                   help="ISO 8601 timespan duration of the archive window length. This is the duration that customer want to retain the recorded content. Minimum window is 5 minutes (PT5M or 00:05:00). Maximum window is 25 hours (PT25H or 25:00:00). For example, to retain the output for 10 minutes, use PT10M or 00:10:00")
        c.argument('manifest_name', help='The manifest file name. If not provided, the service will generate one automatically.')
        c.argument('description', help='The live output description.')
        c.argument('fragments_per_ts_segment', help='The number of fragments per HLS segment.')
        c.argument('output_snap_time', help='The output snapshot time.')

    with self.argument_context('ams account-filter') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the account filter.')
        c.argument('start_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD) or Live Streaming. This is a long value that represents an absolute start point of the stream. The value gets rounded to the closest next GOP start. The unit is the timescale, so a startTimestamp of 150000000 would be for 15 seconds. Use startTimestamp and endTimestampp to trim the fragments that will be in the playlist (manifest). For example, startTimestamp=40000000 and endTimestamp=100000000 using the default timescale will generate a playlist that contains fragments from between 4 seconds and 10 seconds of the VoD presentation. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the manifest.')
        c.argument('end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Video on Demand (VoD). For the Live Streaming presentation, it is silently ignored and applied when the presentation ends and the stream becomes VoD. This is a long value that represents an absolute end point of the presentation, rounded to the closest next GOP start. The unit is the timescale, so an endTimestamp of 1800000000 would be for 3 minutes. Use startTimestamp and endTimestamp to trim the fragments that will be in the playlist (manifest). For example, startTimestamp=40000000 and endTimestamp=100000000 using the default timescale will generate a playlist that contains fragments from between 4 seconds and 10 seconds of the VoD presentation. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the manifest.')
        c.argument('presentation_window_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Use presentationWindowDuration to apply a sliding window of fragments to include in a playlist. The unit for this property is timescale (see below). For example, set presentationWindowDuration=1200000000 to apply a two-minute sliding window. Media within 2 minutes of the live edge will be included in the playlist. If a fragment straddles the boundary, the entire fragment will be included in the playlist. The minimum presentation window duration is 60 seconds.')
        c.argument('live_backoff_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only. This value defines the latest live position that a client can seek to. Using this property, you can delay live playback position and create a server-side buffer for players. The unit for this property is timescale (see below). The maximum live back off duration is 300 seconds (3000000000). For example, a value of 2000000000 means that the latest available content is 20 seconds delayed from the real live edge.')
        c.argument('timescale', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   help='Applies to all timestamps and durations in a Presentation Time Range, specified as the number of increments in one second. Default is 10000000 - ten million increments in one second, where each increment would be 100 nanoseconds long. For example, if you want to set a startTimestamp at 30 seconds, you would use a value of 300000000 when using the default timescale.')
        c.argument('force_end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
                   help='Applies to Live Streaming only. Indicates whether the endTimestamp property must be present. If true, endTimestamp must be specified or a bad request code is returned. Allowed values: false, true.')
        c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.', deprecate_info=c.deprecate(target='--bitrate', redirect='--first-quality', hide=True))
        c.argument('first_quality', help='The first quality (lowest) bitrate to include in the manifest.')
        c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/accountfilters/createorupdate#filtertrackselection')

    with self.argument_context('ams account-filter list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)
Пример #4
def load_arguments(self, _):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
    name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part='name', help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.', metavar='NAME')
    account_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--account-name', '-a'], id_part='name', help='The name of the Azure Media Services account.', metavar='ACCOUNT_NAME')
    storage_account_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--storage-account'], validator=validate_storage_account_id, metavar='STORAGE_NAME')
    password_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--password', '-p'], metavar='PASSWORD_NAME')
    transform_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--transform-name', '-t'], metavar='TRANSFORM_NAME')
    expiry_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--expiry'], type=datetime_format, metavar='EXPIRY_TIME')
    default_policy_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--content-key-policy-name'], help='The default content key policy name used by the streaming locator.', metavar='DEFAULT_CONTENT_KEY_POLICY_NAME')
    correlation_data_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_correlation_data, help="Space-separated correlation data in 'key[=value]' format. This customer provided data will be returned in Job and JobOutput state events.", nargs='*', metavar='CORRELATION_DATA')
    token_claim_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_token_claim, help="Space-separated required token claims in '[key=value]' format.", nargs='*', metavar='ASYMMETRIC TOKEN CLAIMS')
    output_assets_type = CLIArgumentType(validator=validate_output_assets, nargs='*', help="Space-separated assets in 'assetName=label' format. An asset without label can be sent like this: 'assetName='", metavar='OUTPUT_ASSETS')

    with self.argument_context('ams') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', name_arg_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams account') as c:
        c.argument('location', arg_type=get_location_type(self.cli_ctx),
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams account create') as c:
        c.argument('storage_account', storage_account_arg_type,
                   help='The name or resource ID of the primary storage account to attach to the Azure Media Services account. Blob only accounts are not allowed as primary.')

    with self.argument_context('ams account check-name') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], id_part=None,
                   help='The name of the Azure Media Services account')
        c.argument('location', arg_type=get_location_type(self.cli_ctx))

    with self.argument_context('ams account mru') as c:
        c.argument('type', help='Speed of reserved processing units. The cost of media encoding depends on the pricing tier you choose. See https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/media-services/ for further details. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_mru_type_completion_list())))
        c.argument('count', type=int, help='The number of the encoding reserved units that you want to be provisioned for this account for concurrent tasks (one unit equals one task).')

    with self.argument_context('ams account storage') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('storage_account', name_arg_type,
                   help='The name or resource ID of the secondary storage account to detach from the Azure Media Services account.',

    with self.argument_context('ams account storage sync-storage-keys') as c:
        c.argument('id', required=True)

    with self.argument_context('ams account sp') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('sp_name', name_arg_type,
                   help="The app name or app URI to associate the RBAC with. If not present, a default name like '{amsaccountname}-access-sp' will be generated.")
        c.argument('sp_password', password_arg_type,
                   help="The password used to log in. Also known as 'Client Secret'. If not present, a random secret will be generated.")
        c.argument('role', help='The role of the service principal.', completer=get_role_definition_name_completion_list)
        c.argument('xml', action='store_true', help='Enables xml output format.')
        c.argument('years', help='Number of years for which the secret will be valid. Default: 1 year.', type=int, default=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams transform') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('transform_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the transform.')
        c.argument('preset', help='Preset that describes the operations that will be used to modify, transcode, or extract insights from the source file to generate the transform output. Allowed values: {}. In addition to the allowed values, you can also pass a path to a custom Standard Encoder preset JSON file. See https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/media/transforms/createorupdate#standardencoderpreset for further details on the settings to use to build a custom preset.'
                   .format(", ".join(get_presets_definition_name_completion_list())))
        c.argument('insights_to_extract', arg_group='Video Analyzer', arg_type=get_enum_type(InsightsType), help='The type of insights to be extracted. If not set then the type will be selected based on the content type. If the content is audio only then only audio insights will be extracted and if it is video only video insights will be extracted.')
        c.argument('audio_language', arg_group='Audio/Video Analyzer', help='The language for the audio payload in the input using the BCP-47 format of \"language tag-region\" (e.g: en-US). If not specified, automatic language detection would be employed. This feature currently supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. The automatic detection works best with audio recordings with clearly discernable speech. If automatic detection fails to find the language, transcription would fallback to English. Allowed values: {}.'
                   .format(", ".join(get_allowed_languages_for_preset_completion_list())))
        c.argument('relative_priority', arg_type=get_enum_type(Priority), help='Sets the relative priority of the transform outputs within a transform. This sets the priority that the service uses for processing TransformOutputs. The default priority is Normal.')
        c.argument('on_error', arg_type=get_enum_type(OnErrorType), help="A Transform can define more than one output. This property defines what the service should do when one output fails - either continue to produce other outputs, or, stop the other outputs. The overall Job state will not reflect failures of outputs that are specified with 'ContinueJob'. The default is 'StopProcessingJob'.")
        c.argument('description', help='The description of the transform.')

    with self.argument_context('ams transform output remove') as c:
        c.argument('output_index', help='The element index of the output to remove.',
                   type=int, default=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams transform list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams asset') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('asset_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the asset.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams asset create') as c:
        c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
        c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')
        c.argument('asset_name', name_arg_type, help='The name of the asset.')
        c.argument('storage_account', help='The name of the storage account.')
        c.argument('container', help='The name of the asset blob container.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset update') as c:
        c.argument('alternate_id', help='The alternate id of the asset.')
        c.argument('description', help='The asset description.')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset get-sas-urls') as c:
        c.argument('permissions', arg_type=get_enum_type(AssetContainerPermission),
                   help='The permissions to set on the SAS URL.')
        c.argument('expiry_time', expiry_arg_type, help="Specifies the UTC datetime (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') at which the SAS becomes invalid.")

    with self.argument_context('ams asset-filter') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.', id_part='child_name_1')
        c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2', help='The name of the asset filter.')
        c.argument('start_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The absolute start time boundary.')
        c.argument('end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The absolute end time boundary.')
        c.argument('presentation_window_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The relative to end sliding window.')
        c.argument('live_backoff_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The relative to end right edge.')
        c.argument('timescale', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The time scale of time stamps.')
        c.argument('force_end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range',
                   arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Indicates whether to force the existance of an end timestamp.')
        c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.')
        c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/assetfilters/assetfilters_createorupdate#filtertrackselection')

    with self.argument_context('ams asset-filter list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams job') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('transform_name', transform_name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the transform.')
        c.argument('job_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2',
                   help='The name of the job.')
        c.argument('description', help='The job description.')
        c.argument('priority', arg_type=get_enum_type(Priority),
                   help='The priority with which the job should be processed.')

    with self.argument_context('ams job list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams job start') as c:
        c.argument('correlation_data', arg_type=correlation_data_type)
                   arg_group='Asset Job Input',
                   help='The name of the input asset.')
        c.argument('output_assets', arg_type=output_assets_type)
                   arg_group='Http Job Input',
                   help='Base uri for http job input. It will be concatenated with provided file names. If no base uri is given, then the provided file list is assumed to be fully qualified uris.')
                   help='Space-separated list of files. It can be used to tell the service to only use the files specified from the input asset.')
        c.argument('label', help='A label that is assigned to a JobInput, that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform.')
        c.argument('label', help="A label that is assigned to a Job Input, that is used to satisfy a reference used in the Transform. For example, a Transform can be authored so as to take an image file with the label 'xyz' and apply it as an overlay onto the input video before it is encoded. When submitting a Job, exactly one of the JobInputs should be the image file, and it should have the label 'xyz'.")
        c.argument('correlation_data', arg_type=correlation_data_type)

    with self.argument_context('ams job cancel') as c:
        c.argument('delete', action='store_true', help='Delete the job being cancelled.')

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('content_key_policy_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The content key policy name.')
        c.argument('description', help='The content key policy description.')
                   arg_group='Clear Key Configuration (AES Encryption)',
                   help='Use Clear Key configuration, a.k.a AES encryption. It\'s intended for non-DRM keys.')
                   arg_group='Open Restriction',
                   help='Use open restriction. License or key will be delivered on every request. Not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('policy_option_name', help='The content key policy option name.')
        c.argument('policy_option_id', help='The content key policy option identifier. This value can be obtained from "policyOptionId" property by running a show operation on a content key policy resource.')
        c.argument('issuer', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The token issuer.')
        c.argument('audience', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The audience for the token.')
        c.argument('token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Either a string (for symmetric key) or a filepath to a certificate (x509) or public key (rsa). Must be used in conjunction with --token-key-type.')
        c.argument('token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token key to be used for the primary verification key. Allowed values: {}'.format(", ".join(get_token_completion_list())))
        c.argument('add_alt_token_key', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Creates an alternate token key with either a string (for symmetric key) or a filepath to a certificate (x509) or public key (rsa). Must be used in conjunction with --add-alt-token-key-type.')
        c.argument('add_alt_token_key_type', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The type of the token key to be used for the alternate verification key. Allowed values: {}'.format(", ".join(get_token_completion_list())))
        c.argument('alt_symmetric_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate symmetric token keys.')
        c.argument('alt_rsa_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate rsa token keys.')
        c.argument('alt_x509_token_keys', nargs='+', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='Space-separated list of alternate x509 certificate token keys.')
        c.argument('token_claims', arg_group='Token Restriction', arg_type=token_claim_type)
        c.argument('token_type', arg_group='Token Restriction',
                   help='The type of token. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_token_type_completion_list())))
        c.argument('open_id_connect_discovery_document', arg_group='Token Restriction', help='The OpenID connect discovery document.')
        c.argument('widevine_template', arg_group='Widevine Configuration', help='JSON Widevine license template. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('ask', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The key that must be used as FairPlay Application Secret key.')
        c.argument('fair_play_pfx_password', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The password encrypting FairPlay certificate in PKCS 12 (pfx) format.')
        c.argument('fair_play_pfx', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The filepath to a FairPlay certificate file in PKCS 12 (pfx) format (including private key).')
        c.argument('rental_and_lease_key_type', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental and lease key type. Available values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_fairplay_rentalandlease_completion_list())))
        c.argument('rental_duration', arg_group='FairPlay Configuration', help='The rental duration. Must be greater than or equal to 0.')
        c.argument('play_ready_template', arg_group='PlayReady Configuration', help='JSON PlayReady license template. Use @{file} to load from a file.')

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams content-key-policy show') as c:
                   help='Include secret values of the content key policy.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-locator') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('default_content_key_policy_name', default_policy_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('streaming_locator_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the streaming locator.')
                   help='The name of the asset used by the streaming locator.')
                   help='The name of the streaming policy used by the streaming locator. You can either create one with `az ams streaming policy create` or use any of the predefined policies: {}'.format(", ".join(get_default_streaming_policies_completion_list())))
        c.argument('start_time', type=datetime_format,
                   help="The start time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
        c.argument('end_time', type=datetime_format,
                   help="The end time (Y-m-d'T'H:M:S'Z') of the streaming locator.")
        c.argument('streaming_locator_id', help='The identifier of the streaming locator.')
        c.argument('alternative_media_id', help='An alternative media identifier associated with the streaming locator.')
        c.argument('content_keys', help='JSON string with the content keys to be used by the streaming locator. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streaminglocators/streaminglocators_create#streaminglocatorcontentkey')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-locator list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-policy') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('streaming_policy_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the streaming policy.')
        c.argument('default_content_key_policy_name', help='Default Content Key used by current streaming policy.')
        c.argument('no_encryption_protocols', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for NoEncryption. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('envelope_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Envelope Encryption. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('envelope_clear_tracks', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('envelope_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('envelope_default_key_label', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Label used to specify Content Key when creating a streaming locator.')
        c.argument('envelope_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='Policy used by Default Key.')
        c.argument('envelope_template', arg_group='Envelope Encryption', help='The KeyAcquistionUrlTemplate is used to point to user specified service to delivery content keys.')
        c.argument('cenc_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Common Encryption CENC. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cenc_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Label to specify Default Content Key for an encryption scheme.')
        c.argument('cenc_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Policy used by Default Content Key.')
        c.argument('cenc_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('cenc_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('cenc_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='Custom attributes for PlayReady.')
        c.argument('cenc_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cenc_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CENC', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cbcs_protocols', nargs='+', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Space-separated list of enabled protocols for Common Encryption CBCS. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_protocols_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cbcs_default_key_label', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Label to specify Default Content Key for an encryption scheme.')
        c.argument('cbcs_default_key_policy_name', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Policy used by Default Content Key.')
        c.argument('cbcs_clear_tracks', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON representing which tracks should not be encrypted. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#trackselection')
        c.argument('cbcs_key_to_track_mappings', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The JSON representing a list of StreamingPolicyContentKey. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/streamingpolicies/create#streamingpolicycontentkey')
        c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_attributes', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='Custom attributes for PlayReady.')
        c.argument('cbcs_widevine_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cbcs_play_ready_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cbcs_fair_play_template', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', help='The custom license acquisition URL template for a customer service to deliver keys to end users. Not needed when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys.')
        c.argument('cbcs_fair_play_allow_persistent_license', arg_group='Common Encryption CBCS', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Allows the license to be persistent or not.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-policy list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint') as c:
        c.argument('streaming_endpoint_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the streaming endpoint.')
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
        c.argument('description', help='The streaming endpoint description.')
        c.argument('scale_units', help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints. For Standard StreamingEndpoints, set this value to 0. Use the Scale operation to adjust this value for Premium StreamingEndpoints.')
        c.argument('availability_set_name', help='The name of the AvailabilitySet used with this StreamingEndpoint for high availability streaming. This value can only be set at creation time.')
        c.argument('max_cache_age', help='Max cache age.')
        c.argument('custom_host_names', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of custom host names for the streaming endpoint. Use "" to clear existing list.')
        c.argument('cdn_provider', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN provider name. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_cdn_provider_completion_list())))
        c.argument('cdn_profile', arg_group='CDN Support', help='The CDN profile name.')
        c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies',
                   help='Filepath to the clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('cross_domain_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies',
                   help='Filepath to the crossdomain.xml used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be automatically started on creation.')
        c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Access Control Support', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. If no IP addresses are specified any IP address will be allowed.')
        c.argument('disable_cdn', arg_group='CDN Support', action='store_true', help='Use this flag to disable CDN for the streaming endpoint.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint scale') as c:
        c.argument('scale_unit', options_list=['--scale-units'], help='The number of scale units for Premium StreamingEndpoints.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint akamai') as c:
        c.argument('identifier', help='Identifier of the key.')
        c.argument('base64_key', help='Authentication key.')
        c.argument('expiration', help='The expiration time of the authentication key.')

    with self.argument_context('ams streaming-endpoint list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-event') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('live_event_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the live event.')
        c.argument('streaming_protocol', arg_type=get_enum_type(LiveEventInputProtocol),
                   arg_group='Input', help='The streaming protocol for the live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('auto_start', action='store_true', help='The flag indicates if the resource should be automatically started on creation.')
        c.argument('encoding_type', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding type for live event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. Allowed values: {}.'.format(", ".join(get_encoding_types_list())))
        c.argument('preset_name', arg_group='Encoding', help='The encoding preset name. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
        c.argument('key_frame_interval_duration', arg_group='Input',
                   help='ISO 8601 timespan duration of the key frame interval duration.')
        c.argument('access_token', arg_group='Input', help='A unique identifier for a stream. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated. If omitted, the service will generate a unique value.')
        c.argument('description', help='The live event description.')
        c.argument('ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Input', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_ips', nargs='+', arg_group='Preview', help='Space-separated IP addresses for access control. Allowed IP addresses can be specified as either a single IP address (e.g. "") or as an IP range using an IP address and a CIDR subnet mask (e.g. ""). Use "" to clear existing list. Use "AllowAll" to allow all IP addresses. Allowing all IPs is not recommended for production environments.')
        c.argument('preview_locator', arg_group='Preview', help='The identifier of the preview locator in Guid format. Specifying this at creation time allows the caller to know the preview locator url before the event is created. If omitted, the service will generate a random identifier. This value cannot be updated once the live event is created.')
        c.argument('streaming_policy_name', arg_group='Preview', help='The name of streaming policy used for the live event preview. This can be specified at creation time but cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('alternative_media_id', arg_group='Preview', help='An Alternative Media Identifier associated with the StreamingLocator created for the preview. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated. The identifier can be used in the CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate or the CustomKeyAcquisitionUrlTemplate of the StreamingPolicy specified in the StreamingPolicyName field.')
        c.argument('vanity_url', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Specifies whether to use a vanity url with the Live Event. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('client_access_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the clientaccesspolicy.xml used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('cross_domain_policy', arg_group='Cross Site Access Policies', help='Filepath to the crossdomain.xml used by Silverlight. Use @{file} to load from a file.')
        c.argument('stream_options', nargs='+', arg_type=get_enum_type(StreamOptionsFlag), help='The options to use for the LiveEvent. This value is specified at creation time and cannot be updated.')
        c.argument('remove_outputs_on_stop', action='store_true', help='Remove live outputs on stop.')

    with self.argument_context('ams live-event list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('live_event_name', id_part='child_name_1',
                   help='The name of the live event.')
        c.argument('live_output_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_2',
                   help='The name of the live output.')

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)

    with self.argument_context('ams live-output create') as c:
        c.argument('asset_name', help='The name of the asset.')
        c.argument('manifest_name', help='The manifest file name. If not provided, the service will generate one automatically.')
        c.argument('archive_window_length', help='ISO 8601 timespan duration of the archive window length. This is the duration that customer want to retain the recorded content.')
        c.argument('description', help='The live output description.')
        c.argument('fragments_per_ts_segment', help='The amount of fragments per HLS segment.')
        c.argument('output_snap_time', help='The output snapshot time.')

    with self.argument_context('ams account-filter') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', account_name_arg_type)
        c.argument('filter_name', name_arg_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The name of the account filter.')
        c.argument('start_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The absolute start time boundary.')
        c.argument('end_timestamp', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The absolute end time boundary.')
        c.argument('presentation_window_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The relative to end sliding window.')
        c.argument('live_backoff_duration', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The relative to end right edge.')
        c.argument('timescale', arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='The time scale of time stamps.')
        c.argument('force_end_timestamp', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), arg_group='Presentation Time Range', help='Indicates whether to force the existance of an end timestamp.')
        c.argument('bitrate', help='The first quality bitrate.')
        c.argument('tracks', help='The JSON representing the track selections. Use @{file} to load from a file. For further information about the JSON structure please refer to swagger documentation on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/accountfilters/accountfilters_createorupdate#filtertrackselection')

    with self.argument_context('ams account-filter list') as c:
        c.argument('account_name', id_part=None)