Пример #1
def _validate_secrets(secrets, os_type):
    Validates a parsed JSON array containing secrets for use in VM Creation
    Secrets JSON structure
        "sourceVault": { "id": "value" },
        "vaultCertificates": [{
            "certificateUrl": "value",
            "certificateStore": "cert store name (only on windows)"
    :param dict secrets: Dict fitting the JSON description above
    :param string os_type: the type of OS (linux or windows)
    :return: errors if any were found
    :rtype: list
    is_windows = os_type == 'windows'
    errors = []

        loaded_secret = [validate_file_or_dict(secret) for secret in secrets]
    except Exception as err:
        raise CLIError('Error decoding secrets: {0}'.format(err))

    for idx_arg, narg_secret in enumerate(loaded_secret):
        for idx, secret in enumerate(narg_secret):
            if 'sourceVault' not in secret:
                    'Secret is missing sourceVault key at index {0} in arg {1}'
                    .format(idx, idx_arg))
            if 'sourceVault' in secret and 'id' not in secret['sourceVault']:
                    'Secret is missing sourceVault.id key at index {0}  in arg {1}'
                    .format(idx, idx_arg))
            if 'vaultCertificates' not in secret or not secret[
                err = 'Secret is missing vaultCertificates array or it is empty at index {0} in ' \
                      'arg {1} '
                errors.append(err.format(idx, idx_arg))
                for jdx, cert in enumerate(secret['vaultCertificates']):
                    message = 'Secret is missing {0} within vaultCertificates array at secret ' \
                              'index {1} and vaultCertificate index {2} in arg {3}'
                    if 'certificateUrl' not in cert:
                            message.format('certificateUrl', idx, jdx,
                    if is_windows and 'certificateStore' not in cert:
                            message.format('certificateStore', idx, jdx,

    if errors:
        raise CLIError('\n'.join(errors))
Пример #2
def _validate_secrets(secrets, os_type):
    Validates a parsed JSON array containing secrets for use in VM Creation
    Secrets JSON structure
        "sourceVault": { "id": "value" },
        "vaultCertificates": [{
            "certificateUrl": "value",
            "certificateStore": "cert store name (only on windows)"
    :param dict secrets: Dict fitting the JSON description above
    :param string os_type: the type of OS (linux or windows)
    :return: errors if any were found
    :rtype: list
    is_windows = os_type == 'windows'
    errors = []

        loaded_secret = [validate_file_or_dict(secret) for secret in secrets]
    except Exception as err:
        raise CLIError('Error decoding secrets: {0}'.format(err))

    for idx_arg, narg_secret in enumerate(loaded_secret):
        for idx, secret in enumerate(narg_secret):
            if 'sourceVault' not in secret:
                    'Secret is missing sourceVault key at index {0} in arg {1}'.format(
                        idx, idx_arg))
            if 'sourceVault' in secret and 'id' not in secret['sourceVault']:
                    'Secret is missing sourceVault.id key at index {0}  in arg {1}'.format(
                        idx, idx_arg))
            if 'vaultCertificates' not in secret or not secret['vaultCertificates']:
                err = 'Secret is missing vaultCertificates array or it is empty at index {0} in ' \
                      'arg {1} '
                errors.append(err.format(idx, idx_arg))
                for jdx, cert in enumerate(secret['vaultCertificates']):
                    message = 'Secret is missing {0} within vaultCertificates array at secret ' \
                              'index {1} and vaultCertificate index {2} in arg {3}'
                    if 'certificateUrl' not in cert:
                        errors.append(message.format('certificateUrl', idx, jdx, idx_arg))
                    if is_windows and 'certificateStore' not in cert:
                        errors.append(message.format('certificateStore', idx, jdx, idx_arg))

    if errors:
        raise CLIError('\n'.join(errors))
Пример #3
    def test_validate_file_or_dict(self):
        # verify user folder is expanded before load the file
        temp_name = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())
        file_path = '~/' + temp_name
        local_file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path)
        with open(local_file_path, 'w') as f:

        # verify we load the json content correctly
            res = validate_file_or_dict(file_path)
            self.assertEqual(res['prop'], "val")

        # verify expanduser call won't mess up the json data
        data = '{"~d": "~/haha"}'
        res = validate_file_or_dict(data)
        self.assertEqual(res['~d'], '~/haha')

        # verify expanduser call again, but use single quot
        data = "{'~d': '~/haha'}"
        res = validate_file_or_dict(data)
        self.assertEqual(res['~d'], '~/haha')