Пример #1
    def __init__(self, partition_key_target_range, client, collection_link,
                 query, document_producer_comp, options):
        self._options = options
        self._partition_key_target_range = partition_key_target_range
        self._doc_producer_comp = document_producer_comp
        self._client = client
        self._buffer = deque()

        self._is_finished = False
        self._has_started = False
        self._cur_item = None
        # initiate execution context

        path = _base.GetPathFromLink(collection_link, "docs")
        collection_id = _base.GetResourceIdOrFullNameFromLink(collection_link)

        def fetch_fn(options):
            return self._client.QueryFeed(path, collection_id, query, options,

        self._ex_context = _DefaultQueryExecutionContext(
            client, self._options, fetch_fn)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, partition_key_target_range, client, collection_link,
                 query, document_producer_comp):
        # TODO: is that fine we build the options dict and we don't inherit it?
        self._options = {}
        self._partition_key_target_range = partition_key_target_range
        self._doc_producer_comp = document_producer_comp
        self._client = client
        self._buffer = deque()

        self._is_finished = False
        self._has_started = False
        self._cur_item = None
        # initiate execution context

        path = _base.GetPathFromLink(collection_link, 'docs')
        collection_id = _base.GetResourceIdOrFullNameFromLink(collection_link)

        def fetch_fn(options):
            return self._client.QueryFeed(path, collection_id, query, options,

        self._ex_context = _DefaultQueryExecutionContext(
            client, self._options, fetch_fn)
    def __init__(self, client, resource_link, query, options, fetch_function):
        super(_ProxyQueryExecutionContext, self).__init__(client, options)

        self._execution_context = _DefaultQueryExecutionContext(client, options, fetch_function)
        self._resource_link = resource_link
        self._query = query
        self._fetch_function = fetch_function
    def _test_default_execution_context(self, options, query,

        page_size = options['maxItemCount']
        collection_link = self.GetDocumentCollectionLink(
            self.created_db, self.created_collection)
        path = base.GetPathFromLink(collection_link, 'docs')
        collection_id = base.GetResourceIdOrFullNameFromLink(collection_link)

        def fetch_fn(options):
            return self.client.client_connection.QueryFeed(
                path, collection_id, query, options)

        # test next() behavior
        ex = base_execution_context._DefaultQueryExecutionContext(
            self.client.client_connection, options, fetch_fn)

        it = ex.__iter__()

        def invokeNext():
            return next(it)

        results = {}
        # validate that invocations of next() produces the same results as expected
        for _ in xrange(expected_number_of_results):
            item = invokeNext()
            results[item['id']] = item

        self.assertEqual(len(results), expected_number_of_results)

        # after the result set is exhausted, invoking next must raise a StopIteration exception
        self.assertRaises(StopIteration, invokeNext)

        # test fetch_next_block() behavior
        ex = base_execution_context._DefaultQueryExecutionContext(
            self.client.client_connection, options, fetch_fn)

        results = {}
        cnt = 0
        while True:
            fetched_res = ex.fetch_next_block()
            fetched_size = len(fetched_res)

            for item in fetched_res:
                results[item['id']] = item
            cnt += fetched_size

            if (cnt < expected_number_of_results):
                # backend may not necessarily return exactly page_size of results
                self.assertEqual(fetched_size, page_size, "page size")
                if cnt == expected_number_of_results:
                    self.assertTrue(fetched_size <= page_size,
                                    "last page size")
                    #cnt > expected_number_of_results
                    self.fail("more results than expected")

        # validate the number of collected results
        self.assertEqual(len(results), expected_number_of_results)

        # no more results will be returned
        self.assertEqual(ex.fetch_next_block(), [])