Пример #1
    def _predict_remotely(
        self, ws, experiment, predict_data, model_id, threshold):
        input_payload = predict_data.to_json(orient='split', index = False)

        remote_run = AutoMLRun(experiment = experiment, run_id = model_id)
        model_name = remote_run.properties['model_name']
        aci_service_name = self._aci_service_name(model_name)
        aci_service = AciWebservice(ws, aci_service_name)

        input_payload = json.loads(input_payload)
        # If you have a classification model, you can get probabilities by changing this to 'predict_proba'.        
        method = 'predict'
        if threshold is not None:
            method = 'predict_proba'
        input_payload = {
            'method': method,
            'data': input_payload['data']
        input_payload = json.dumps(input_payload)
            response = aci_service.run(input_data = input_payload)
        except Exception as e:
            print('err log', aci_service.get_logs())
            raise e

        results_proba = None
        proba_classes = None

        return json.loads(response)['result'], results_proba, proba_classes
Пример #2
    def _predict_remotely(self, predict_data, model_id, predict_proba):
        from azureml.core.webservice import AciWebservice
        from azureml.train.automl.run import AutoMLRun
        from azureml.core.run import Run

        import numpy as np

        ws, experiment = self._get_experiment()

        model_features = None
        target_categories = None

        remote_run = AutoMLRun(experiment = experiment, run_id = model_id)
        model_features, target_categories = self._get_remote_model_features(remote_run)
        if model_id.startswith("AutoML_"):
            model_name = remote_run.properties['model_name']
            model_name = model_id

        if model_features:
            predict_data = predict_data[model_features]

        input_payload = predict_data.to_json(orient='split', index = False)

        aci_service_name = self._aci_service_name(model_name)
        aci_service = AciWebservice(ws, aci_service_name)

        input_payload = json.loads(input_payload)
        # If you have a classification model, you can get probabilities by changing this to 'predict_proba'.
        method = 'predict'
        if predict_proba:
            method = 'predict_proba'
        input_payload = {
            'data': {'data': input_payload['data'], 'method': method}
        input_payload = json.dumps(input_payload)
            response = aci_service.run(input_data = input_payload)
        except Exception as e:
            log_file = 'automl_errors.log'
            fsclient.write_text_file(log_file, aci_service.get_logs(), mode="a")
            raise AzureException("Prediction service error. Please redeploy the model. Log saved to file '%s'. Details: %s"%(log_file, str(e)))

        response = json.loads(response)
        if "error" in response or not 'result' in response:
            raise AzureException('Prediction service return error: %s'%response.get('error'))

        results_proba = None
        proba_classes = None
        results = response['result']
        if predict_proba:
            results_proba = results
            proba_classes = response['proba_classes']
            results_proba = np.array(results_proba)

        return results, results_proba, proba_classes, target_categories
Пример #3
# Show output of the deployment on stdout
print("State of Service: {}".format(dev_service.state))

# Checking status of web service
print("Checking status of ACI Dev Deployment")
if dev_service.state != "Healthy":
    raise Exception(
        "Dev Deployment on ACI failed with the following status: {} and logs: \n{}"
        .format(dev_service.state, dev_service.get_logs()))

# Testing ACI web service
print("Testing ACI web service")
test_sample = test_functions.get_test_data_sample()
print("Test Sample: ", test_sample)
test_sample_encoded = bytes(test_sample, encoding='utf8')
    prediction = dev_service.run(input_data=test_sample)
except Exception as e:
    result = str(e)
    logs = dev_service.get_logs()
    raise Exception(
        "ACI Dev web service is not working as expected: \n{} \nLogs: \n{}".
        format(result, logs))

# Delete aci after test
print("Deleting ACI Dev web service after successful test")
import json
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from azureml.core.workspace import Workspace
import azureml.train.automl
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from azureml.core.model import Model

ws = Workspace.from_config('./config.json')

from azureml.core.webservice import Webservice, AciWebservice, AksWebservice
service = AciWebservice(ws, "sentiment-scorer-korean")
# service = AksWebservice(ws, "sentiment-scorer-korean-aks")

# input_sample = pd.DataFrame({'id': pd.Series(['6471903'], dtype='int64'), 'document': pd.Series(['진짜 별로다 헐 ㅡ'], dtype='object')})
from load_dataset import testdata as input_sample

import json
test = json.dumps({"data": input_sample.values.tolist()})
result = service.run(input_data=bytes(test, encoding="utf8"))

input_sample['predicted'] = list(json.loads(result).values())[0]
Пример #5
    with open("aml_config/aci_webservice.json") as f:
        config = json.load(f)
    print('No new model, thus no deployment on ACI')
    #raise Exception('No new model to register as production model perform better')

service_name = config['aci_name']
print("Service :", service_name)
# Get the hosted web service
service = AciWebservice(ws, service_name)

# Input for Model with all features
# load the dataset
test_file = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'preprocessed', 'X_test.hkl')
X = hkl.load(test_file)
X_test = X[:10]

json_data = json.dumps({"data": X_test.tolist()})
json_data = bytes(json_data, encoding='utf8')

print("Service URL:", service.scoring_uri)

    prediction = service.run(json_data)
except Exception as e:
    result = str(e)
    raise Exception('ACI service is not working as expected')
Пример #6
import torch
from torchvision import transforms

def preprocess(image_file):
    """Preprocess the input image."""
    data_transforms = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

    image = Image.open(image_file)
    image = data_transforms(image).float()
    image = image.clone().detach()
    image = image.unsqueeze(0)
    return image.numpy()

input_data = preprocess('test_img.jpg')
result = service.run(input_data=json.dumps({'data': input_data.tolist()}))

# Clean up

# Once you no longer need the web service, you can delete it with a simple API call.
