Пример #1
def load_config(manager, basename, path):
    """Unless ignore-config is set, search configuration
    basename.jam in path and loads it.  The jamfile module
    for that file will be loaded 'basename'."""

    if not ignore_config:
        found = glob(path, [basename + ".jam"])
        if found:
            found = found[0]
        if debug_config:
            print "notice: searching '%s' for '%s.jam'" % (path, basename)
            if found:
                print "notice: loading %s.jam from %s" % (basename, found)

        manager.projects().load_standalone(basename, found)
Пример #2
def load_config(manager, basename, path):
    """Unless ignore-config is set, search configuration
    basename.jam in path and loads it.  The jamfile module
    for that file will be loaded 'basename'."""

    if not ignore_config:
        found = glob(path, [basename + ".jam"])
        if found:
            found = found[0]
        if debug_config:
            print "notice: searching '%s' for '%s.jam'" % (path, basename)
            if found:
                print "notice: loading %s.jam from %s" % (basename, found)

        manager.projects().load_standalone(basename, found)
Пример #3
def main_real():

    global ignore_config
    global debug_config
    boost_build_path = bjam.variable("BOOST_BUILD_PATH")

    engine = Engine()

    global_build_dir = get_string_option("build-dir")
    debug_config = get_boolean_option("debug-configuration")
    manager = Manager(engine, global_build_dir)

    # This module defines types and generator and what not,
    # and depends on manager's existence
    import b2.tools.builtin

    # Check if we can load 'test-config.jam'. If we can, load it and
    # ignore user configs.
    test_config = glob(boost_build_path, ["test-config.jam"])
    if test_config:
        test_config = test_config[0]

    if test_config:
        if debug_config:
            print "notice: loading testing-config.jam from '%s'" % test_config
            print "notice: user-config.jam and site-config.jam will be ignored"

        manager.projects().load_standalone("test-config", test_config)

    ignore_config = test_config or get_boolean_option("ignore-config")
    user_path = home_directories() + boost_build_path

    site_path = ["/etc"] + user_path
    if bjam.variable("OS") in ["NT", "CYGWIN"]:
        site_path = [os.environ("SystemRoot")] + user_path

    load_config(manager, "site-config", site_path)

    user_config_path = get_string_option("user-config")
    if not user_config_path:
        user_config_path = os.environ.get("BOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG")

    if user_config_path:
        if debug_config:
            print "Loading explicitly specifier user configuration file:"
            print "    %s" % user_config_path
        manager.projects().load_standalone("user-config", user_config_path)

        load_config(manager, "user-config", user_path)

## #
## # Autoconfigure toolsets based on any instances of --toolset=xx,yy,...zz or
## # toolset=xx,yy,...zz in the command line
## #
## local option-toolsets = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH ^--toolset=(.*) : $(argv) ] : "," ] ;
## local feature-toolsets = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH ^toolset=(.*) : $(argv) ] : "," ] ;

## # if the user specified --toolset=..., we need to add toolset=... to
## # the build request
## local extra-build-request ;

    extra_build_request = []

## if ! $(ignore-config)
## {
##     for local t in $(option-toolsets) $(feature-toolsets)
##     {
##         # Parse toolset-version/properties
##         local (t-v,t,v) = [ MATCH (([^-/]+)-?([^/]+)?)/?.* : $(t) ] ;
##         local toolset-version = $((t-v,t,v)[1]) ;
##         local toolset = $((t-v,t,v)[2]) ;
##         local version = $((t-v,t,v)[3]) ;

##         if $(debug-config)
##         {
##             ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] Detected command-line request for 
##               $(toolset-version): toolset= \"$(toolset)\" "version= \""$(version)\" ;
##         }

##         local known ;

##         # if the toolset isn't known, configure it now.
##         if $(toolset) in [ feature.values <toolset>  ]
##         {
##             known = true ;
##         }

##         if $(known) && $(version) 
##           && ! [ feature.is-subvalue toolset : $(toolset) : version : $(version) ]
##         {
##             known = ;
##         }

##         if ! $(known)
##         {
##             if $(debug-config)
##             {
##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] toolset $(toolset-version) 
##                   not previously configured; configuring now ; 
##             }
##             toolset.using $(toolset) : $(version) ;
##         }
##         else
##         {
##             if $(debug-config)
##             {
##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] toolset $(toolset-version) already configured ;
##             }
##         }

##         # make sure we get an appropriate property into the build request in
##         # case the user used the "--toolset=..." form
##         if ! $(t) in $(argv)
##             && ! $(t) in $(feature-toolsets) 
##         {
##             if $(debug-config)
##             {
##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] adding toolset=$(t) "to build request." ;
##             }
##             extra-build-request += toolset=$(t) ;
##         }
##     }
## }

## {
##     USER_MODULE site-config user-config ;
## }

    if get_boolean_option("version"):
        # FIXME: Move to a separate module. Include bjam
        # verision.
        print "Boost.Build M15 (Python port in development)"


    # We always load project in "." so that 'use-project' directives has
    # any chance of been seen. Otherwise, we won't be able to refer to
    # subprojects using target ids.

    current_project = None
    projects = manager.projects()
    if projects.find(".", "."):
        current_project = projects.target(projects.load("."))

    # FIXME: revive this logic, when loading of gcc works
    if not feature.values("<toolset>") and not ignore_config and 0:
        default_toolset = "gcc" ;
        if bjam.variable("OS") == "NT":
            default_toolset = "msvc"
        print "warning: No toolsets are configured." ;
        print "warning: Configuring default toolset '%s'" % default_toolset
        print "warning: If the default is wrong, you may not be able to build C++ programs."
        print "warning: Use the \"--toolset=xxxxx\" option to override our guess."
        print "warning: For more configuration options, please consult"
        print "warning: http://boost.org/boost-build2/doc/html/bbv2/advanced/configuration.html"


    (target_ids, properties) = b2.build.build_request.from_command_line(
        argv[1:] + extra_build_request)

    if properties:
        expanded = b2.build.build_request.expand_no_defaults(properties)
        xexpanded = []
        for e in expanded:
        expanded = xexpanded
        expanded = [property_set.empty()]

    targets = []
    clean = get_boolean_option("clean")
    clean_all = get_boolean_option("clean-all")

    bjam_targets = []

    # Given a target id, try to find and return corresponding target.
    # This is only invoked when there's no Jamfile in "."
    # This code somewhat duplicates code in project-target.find but we can't  reuse
    # that code without project-targets instance.
    def find_target (target_id):
        split = target_id.split("//")
        pm = None
        if len(split) > 1:
            pm = projects.find(split[0], ".")
            pm = projects.find(target_id, ".")

        result = None
        if pm:
            result = projects.target(pm)

        if len(split) > 1:
            result = result.find(split[1])

    if not current_project and not target_ids:
        print "error: no Jamfile in current directory found, and no target references specified."

    for id in target_ids:
        if id == "clean":
            clean = 1
            t = None
            if current_project:
                t = current_project.find(id, no_error=1)
                t = find_target(id)

            if not t:
                print "notice: could not find main target '%s'" % id
                print "notice: assuming it's a name of file to create " ;

    if not targets:
        targets = [projects.target(projects.module_name("."))]
    virtual_targets = []

    # Virtual targets obtained when building main targets references on
    # the command line. When running
    #   bjam --clean main_target
    # we want to clean the files that belong only to that main target,
    # so we need to record which targets are produced.
    results_of_main_targets = []

    for p in expanded:
        for t in targets:
                g = t.generate(p)
                if not isinstance(t, ProjectTarget):
            except ExceptionWithUserContext, e:
            except Exception:                
Пример #4
def main_real():

    global ignore_config
    global debug_config

    boost_build_path = bjam.variable("BOOST_BUILD_PATH")

    engine = Engine()

    global_build_dir = get_string_option("build-dir")
    debug_config = get_boolean_option("debug-configuration")

    manager = Manager(engine, global_build_dir)

    # This module defines types and generator and what not,
    # and depends on manager's existence
    import b2.tools.builtin

    # Check if we can load 'test-config.jam'. If we can, load it and
    # ignore user configs.

    test_config = glob(boost_build_path, ["test-config.jam"])
    if test_config:
        test_config = test_config[0]

    if test_config:
        if debug_config:
            print "notice: loading testing-config.jam from '%s'" % test_config
            print "notice: user-config.jam and site-config.jam will be ignored"

        manager.projects().load_standalone("test-config", test_config)

    ignore_config = test_config or get_boolean_option("ignore-config")
    user_path = home_directories() + boost_build_path

    site_path = ["/etc"] + user_path
    if bjam.variable("OS") in ["NT", "CYGWIN"]:
        site_path = [os.environ("SystemRoot")] + user_path

    load_config(manager, "site-config", site_path)

    user_config_path = get_string_option("user-config")
    if not user_config_path:
        user_config_path = os.environ.get("BOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG")

    if user_config_path:
        if debug_config:
            print "Loading explicitly specifier user configuration file:"
            print "    %s" % user_config_path

        manager.projects().load_standalone("user-config", user_config_path)

        load_config(manager, "user-config", user_path)

## #
## # Autoconfigure toolsets based on any instances of --toolset=xx,yy,...zz or
## # toolset=xx,yy,...zz in the command line
## #
## local option-toolsets = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH ^--toolset=(.*) : $(argv) ] : "," ] ;
## local feature-toolsets = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH ^toolset=(.*) : $(argv) ] : "," ] ;

## # if the user specified --toolset=..., we need to add toolset=... to
## # the build request
## local extra-build-request ;

    extra_build_request = []

    ## if ! $(ignore-config)
    ## {
    ##     for local t in $(option-toolsets) $(feature-toolsets)
    ##     {
    ##         # Parse toolset-version/properties
    ##         local (t-v,t,v) = [ MATCH (([^-/]+)-?([^/]+)?)/?.* : $(t) ] ;
    ##         local toolset-version = $((t-v,t,v)[1]) ;
    ##         local toolset = $((t-v,t,v)[2]) ;
    ##         local version = $((t-v,t,v)[3]) ;

    ##         if $(debug-config)
    ##         {
    ##             ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] Detected command-line request for
    ##               $(toolset-version): toolset= \"$(toolset)\" "version= \""$(version)\" ;
    ##         }

    ##         local known ;

    ##         # if the toolset isn't known, configure it now.
    ##         if $(toolset) in [ feature.values <toolset>  ]
    ##         {
    ##             known = true ;
    ##         }

    ##         if $(known) && $(version)
    ##           && ! [ feature.is-subvalue toolset : $(toolset) : version : $(version) ]
    ##         {
    ##             known = ;
    ##         }

    ##         if ! $(known)
    ##         {
    ##             if $(debug-config)
    ##             {
    ##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] toolset $(toolset-version)
    ##                   not previously configured; configuring now ;
    ##             }
    ##             toolset.using $(toolset) : $(version) ;
    ##         }
    ##         else
    ##         {
    ##             if $(debug-config)
    ##             {
    ##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] toolset $(toolset-version) already configured ;
    ##             }
    ##         }

    ##         # make sure we get an appropriate property into the build request in
    ##         # case the user used the "--toolset=..." form
    ##         if ! $(t) in $(argv)
    ##             && ! $(t) in $(feature-toolsets)
    ##         {
    ##             if $(debug-config)
    ##             {
    ##                 ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] adding toolset=$(t) "to build request." ;
    ##             }
    ##             extra-build-request += toolset=$(t) ;
    ##         }
    ##     }
    ## }

    # FIXME:
    ## if USER_MODULE in [ RULENAMES ]
    ## {
    ##     USER_MODULE site-config user-config ;
    ## }

    if get_boolean_option("version"):
        # FIXME: Move to a separate module. Include bjam
        # verision.
        print "Boost.Build M15 (Python port in development)"


    # We always load project in "." so that 'use-project' directives has
    # any chance of been seen. Otherwise, we won't be able to refer to
    # subprojects using target ids.

    current_project = None
    projects = manager.projects()
    if projects.find(".", "."):
        current_project = projects.target(projects.load("."))

    # FIXME: revive this logic, when loading of gcc works
    if not feature.values("<toolset>") and not ignore_config and 0:
        default_toolset = "gcc"
        if bjam.variable("OS") == "NT":
            default_toolset = "msvc"

        print "warning: No toolsets are configured."
        print "warning: Configuring default toolset '%s'" % default_toolset
        print "warning: If the default is wrong, you may not be able to build C++ programs."
        print "warning: Use the \"--toolset=xxxxx\" option to override our guess."
        print "warning: For more configuration options, please consult"
        print "warning: http://boost.org/boost-build2/doc/html/bbv2/advanced/configuration.html"


    (target_ids, properties
     ) = b2.build.build_request.from_command_line(argv[1:] +

    if properties:
        expanded = b2.build.build_request.expand_no_defaults(properties)
        xexpanded = []
        for e in expanded:
        expanded = xexpanded
        expanded = [property_set.empty()]

    targets = []

    clean = get_boolean_option("clean")
    clean_all = get_boolean_option("clean-all")

    bjam_targets = []

    # Given a target id, try to find and return corresponding target.
    # This is only invoked when there's no Jamfile in "."
    # This code somewhat duplicates code in project-target.find but we can't  reuse
    # that code without project-targets instance.
    def find_target(target_id):
        split = target_id.split("//")
        pm = None
        if len(split) > 1:
            pm = projects.find(split[0], ".")
            pm = projects.find(target_id, ".")

        result = None
        if pm:
            result = projects.target(pm)

        if len(split) > 1:
            result = result.find(split[1])

    if not current_project and not target_ids:
        print "error: no Jamfile in current directory found, and no target references specified."

    for id in target_ids:
        if id == "clean":
            clean = 1
            t = None
            if current_project:
                t = current_project.find(id, no_error=1)
                t = find_target(id)

            if not t:
                print "notice: could not find main target '%s'" % id
                print "notice: assuming it's a name of file to create "

    if not targets:
        targets = [projects.target(projects.module_name("."))]

    virtual_targets = []

    # Virtual targets obtained when building main targets references on
    # the command line. When running
    #   bjam --clean main_target
    # we want to clean the files that belong only to that main target,
    # so we need to record which targets are produced.
    results_of_main_targets = []

    for p in expanded:

        for t in targets:
                g = t.generate(p)
                if not isinstance(t, ProjectTarget):
            except ExceptionWithUserContext, e:
            except Exception: