def run_as_batch_worker(task_list, cli_args, kwargs): found_task = False for root_task in task_list: for task in task_iterator(root_task): if task.task_id != cli_args.task_id: continue found_task = True set_setting("_dispatch_local_execution", True) # TODO: We do not process the information if (a) we have a new dependency and (b) why the task has failed. # TODO: Would be also nice to run the event handlers try: create_output_dirs(task) task.on_success() except BaseException as ex: task.on_failure(ex) raise ex return if not found_task: raise ValueError(f"The task id {task.task_id} to be executed by this batch worker " f"does not exist in the locally reproduced task graph.")
def run_test_mode(task_list, cli_args, kwargs): set_setting("_dispatch_local_execution", True), log_level="DEBUG", local_scheduler=True, **kwargs)
def run_local(task_list, cli_args, kwargs): set_setting("batch_system", "local") run_luigi(task_list, cli_args, kwargs)