Пример #1
 def unpgettext(self, context, singular, plural, num):
     """Do a plural-forms lookup of a message id.  `singular` is used as the
     message id for purposes of lookup in the catalog, while `num` is used to
     determine which plural form to use.  The returned message string is a
     Unicode string.
     If the message id for `context` is not found in the catalog, and a
     fallback is specified, the request is forwarded to the fallback's
     ``unpgettext()`` method.  Otherwise, when `num` is 1 `singular` is
     returned, and `plural` is returned in all other cases.
     ctxt_message_id = self.CONTEXT_ENCODING % (context, singular)
         tmsg = self._catalog[(ctxt_message_id, self.plural(num))]
     except KeyError:
         if self._fallback:
             return self._fallback.unpgettext(context, singular, plural, num)
         if num == 1:
             tmsg = text_type(singular)
             tmsg = text_type(plural)
     return tmsg
Пример #2
    def unpgettext(self, context, singular, plural, num):
        """Do a plural-forms lookup of a message id.  `singular` is used as the
        message id for purposes of lookup in the catalog, while `num` is used to
        determine which plural form to use.  The returned message string is a
        Unicode string.

        If the message id for `context` is not found in the catalog, and a
        fallback is specified, the request is forwarded to the fallback's
        ``unpgettext()`` method.  Otherwise, when `num` is 1 `singular` is
        returned, and `plural` is returned in all other cases.
        ctxt_message_id = self.CONTEXT_ENCODING % (context, singular)
            tmsg = self._catalog[(ctxt_message_id, self.plural(num))]
        except KeyError:
            if self._fallback:
                return self._fallback.unpgettext(context, singular, plural, num)
            if num == 1:
                tmsg = text_type(singular)
                tmsg = text_type(plural)
        return tmsg
Пример #3
 def upgettext(self, context, message):
     """Look up the `context` and `message` id in the catalog and return the
     corresponding message string, as a Unicode string.  If there is no entry
     in the catalog for the `message` id and `context`, and a fallback has
     been set, the look up is forwarded to the fallback's ``upgettext()``
     method.  Otherwise, the `message` id is returned.
     ctxt_message_id = self.CONTEXT_ENCODING % (context, message)
     missing = object()
     tmsg = self._catalog.get(ctxt_message_id, missing)
     if tmsg is missing:
         if self._fallback:
             return self._fallback.upgettext(context, message)
         return text_type(message)
     return tmsg
Пример #4
 def upgettext(self, context, message):
     """Look up the `context` and `message` id in the catalog and return the
     corresponding message string, as a Unicode string.  If there is no entry
     in the catalog for the `message` id and `context`, and a fallback has
     been set, the look up is forwarded to the fallback's ``upgettext()``
     method.  Otherwise, the `message` id is returned.
     ctxt_message_id = self.CONTEXT_ENCODING % (context, message)
     missing = object()
     tmsg = self._catalog.get(ctxt_message_id, missing)
     if tmsg is missing:
         if self._fallback:
             return self._fallback.upgettext(context, message)
         return text_type(message)
     return tmsg
Пример #5
 def __unicode__(self):
     return text_type(self.value)
Пример #6
 def __unicode__(self):
     return text_type(self.value)
Пример #7
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog path/to/cldr')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
        parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')

    srcdir = args[0]
    destdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])),
                           '..', 'babel')

    sup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'supplementalData.xml'))

    # Import global data from the supplemental files
    global_data = {}

    territory_zones = global_data.setdefault('territory_zones', {})
    zone_aliases = global_data.setdefault('zone_aliases', {})
    zone_territories = global_data.setdefault('zone_territories', {})
    for elem in sup.findall('.//timezoneData/zoneFormatting/zoneItem'):
        tzid = elem.attrib['type']
        territory_zones.setdefault(elem.attrib['territory'], []).append(tzid)
        zone_territories[tzid] = elem.attrib['territory']
        if 'aliases' in elem.attrib:
            for alias in elem.attrib['aliases'].split():
                zone_aliases[alias] = tzid

    # Import Metazone mapping
    meta_zones = global_data.setdefault('meta_zones', {})
    tzsup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'metazoneInfo.xml'))
    for elem in tzsup.findall('.//timezone'):
        for child in elem.findall('usesMetazone'):
            if 'to' not in child.attrib: # FIXME: support old mappings
                meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = child.attrib['mzone']

    outfile = open(os.path.join(destdir, 'global.dat'), 'wb')
        pickle.dump(global_data, outfile, 2)

    # build a territory containment mapping for inheritance
    regions = {}
    for elem in sup.findall('.//territoryContainment/group'):
        regions[elem.attrib['type']] = elem.attrib['contains'].split()

    # Resolve territory containment
    territory_containment = {}
    region_items = sorted(regions.items())
    for group, territory_list in region_items:
        for territory in territory_list:
            containers = territory_containment.setdefault(territory, set([]))
            if group in territory_containment:
                containers |= territory_containment[group]

    # prepare the per-locale plural rules definitions
    plural_rules = {}
    prsup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'plurals.xml'))
    for elem in prsup.findall('.//plurals/pluralRules'):
        rules = []
        for rule in elem.findall('pluralRule'):
            rules.append((rule.attrib['count'], text_type(rule.text)))
        pr = PluralRule(rules)
        for locale in elem.attrib['locales'].split():
            plural_rules[locale] = pr

    filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(srcdir, 'main'))
    filenames.sort(key=lambda a: len(a))
    filenames.insert(0, 'root.xml')

    for filename in filenames:
        stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if ext != '.xml':

        sys.stderr.write('Processing input file %r\n' % filename)
        tree = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'main', filename))
        data = {}

        language = None
        elem = tree.find('.//identity/language')
        if elem is not None:
            language = elem.attrib['type']
        sys.stderr.write('  Language:  %r\n' % language)

        territory = None
        elem = tree.find('.//identity/territory')
        if elem is not None:
            territory = elem.attrib['type']
            territory = '001' # world
        sys.stderr.write('  Territory: %r\n' % territory)
        regions = territory_containment.get(territory, [])
        sys.stderr.write('  Regions:    %r\n' % regions)

        # plural rules
        locale_id = '_'.join([_f for _f in [
            territory != '001' and territory or None
        ] if _f])
        if locale_id in plural_rules:
            data['plural_form'] = plural_rules[locale_id]

        # <localeDisplayNames>

        territories = data.setdefault('territories', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//territories/territory'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in territories:
            territories[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        languages = data.setdefault('languages', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//languages/language'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in languages:
            languages[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        variants = data.setdefault('variants', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//variants/variant'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in variants:
            variants[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        scripts = data.setdefault('scripts', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//scripts/script'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in scripts:
            scripts[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        # <dates>

        week_data = data.setdefault('week_data', {})
        supelem = sup.find('.//weekData')

        for elem in supelem.findall('minDays'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['min_days'] = int(elem.attrib['count'])

        for elem in supelem.findall('firstDay'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['first_day'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        for elem in supelem.findall('weekendStart'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['weekend_start'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        for elem in supelem.findall('weekendEnd'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['weekend_end'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        zone_formats = data.setdefault('zone_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/gmtFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['gmt'] = text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%s')
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/regionFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['region'] = text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%s')
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/fallbackFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['fallback'] = text_type(elem.text) \
                    .replace('{0}', '%(0)s').replace('{1}', '%(1)s')

        time_zones = data.setdefault('time_zones', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/zone'):
            info = {}
            city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity')
            if city:
                info['city'] = text_type(city)
            for child in elem.findall('long/*'):
                info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            for child in elem.findall('short/*'):
                info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            time_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info

        meta_zones = data.setdefault('meta_zones', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/metazone'):
            info = {}
            city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity')
            if city:
                info['city'] = text_type(city)
            for child in elem.findall('long/*'):
                info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            for child in elem.findall('short/*'):
                info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            info['common'] = elem.findtext('commonlyUsed') == 'true'
            meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info

        for calendar in tree.findall('.//calendars/calendar'):
            if calendar.attrib['type'] != 'gregorian':
                # TODO: support other calendar types

            months = data.setdefault('months', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('months/monthContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = months.setdefault(ctxt_type, {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('monthWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'month':
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                    and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                            widths[int(elem.attrib.get('type'))] = text_type(elem.text)
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                _translate_alias(['months', ctxt_type, width_type],

            days = data.setdefault('days', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('days/dayContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = days.setdefault(ctxt_type, {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('dayWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'day':
                            dtype = weekdays[elem.attrib['type']]
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' not in elem.attrib) \
                                    and dtype in widths:
                            widths[dtype] = text_type(elem.text)
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                _translate_alias(['days', ctxt_type, width_type],

            quarters = data.setdefault('quarters', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('quarters/quarterContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = quarters.setdefault(ctxt.attrib['type'], {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('quarterWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'quarter':
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                    and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                            widths[int(elem.attrib['type'])] = text_type(elem.text)
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                _translate_alias(['quarters', ctxt_type, width_type],

            eras = data.setdefault('eras', {})
            for width in calendar.findall('eras/*'):
                width_type = NAME_MAP[width.tag]
                widths = eras.setdefault(width_type, {})
                for elem in width.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'era':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                        widths[int(elem.attrib.get('type'))] = text_type(elem.text)
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        eras[width_type] = Alias(
                            _translate_alias(['eras', width_type],

            # AM/PM
            periods = data.setdefault('periods', {})
            for elem in calendar.findall('am'):
                if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                        and elem.tag in periods:
                periods[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)
            for elem in calendar.findall('pm'):
                if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                        and elem.tag in periods:
                periods[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)

            date_formats = data.setdefault('date_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('dateFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'dateFormatLength':
                        if 'draft' in elem.attrib and \
                                elem.attrib.get('type') in date_formats:
                            date_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        date_formats = Alias(_translate_alias(
                            ['date_formats'], elem.attrib['path'])

            time_formats = data.setdefault('time_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('timeFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'timeFormatLength':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and elem.attrib.get('type') in time_formats:
                            time_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        time_formats = Alias(_translate_alias(
                            ['time_formats'], elem.attrib['path'])

            datetime_formats = data.setdefault('datetime_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('dateTimeFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'dateTimeFormatLength':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and elem.attrib.get('type') in datetime_formats:
                            datetime_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        datetime_formats = Alias(_translate_alias(
                            ['datetime_formats'], elem.attrib['path'])

        # <numbers>

        number_symbols = data.setdefault('number_symbols', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//numbers/symbols/*'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib):
            number_symbols[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)

        decimal_formats = data.setdefault('decimal_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//decimalFormats/decimalFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in decimal_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('decimalFormat/pattern'))
            decimal_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern)

        scientific_formats = data.setdefault('scientific_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//scientificFormats/scientificFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in scientific_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('scientificFormat/pattern'))
            scientific_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern)

        currency_formats = data.setdefault('currency_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in currency_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('currencyFormat/pattern'))
            currency_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern)

        percent_formats = data.setdefault('percent_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//percentFormats/percentFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in percent_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('percentFormat/pattern'))
            percent_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern)

        currency_names = data.setdefault('currency_names', {})
        currency_symbols = data.setdefault('currency_symbols', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//currencies/currency'):
            code = elem.attrib['type']
            # TODO: support plural rules for currency name selection
            for name in elem.findall('displayName'):
                if ('draft' in name.attrib or 'count' in name.attrib) \
                        and code in currency_names:
                currency_names[code] = text_type(name.text)
            # TODO: support choice patterns for currency symbol selection
            symbol = elem.find('symbol')
            if symbol is not None and 'draft' not in symbol.attrib \
                    and 'choice' not in symbol.attrib:
                currency_symbols[code] = text_type(symbol.text)

        # <units>

        unit_patterns = data.setdefault('unit_patterns', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//units/unit'):
            unit_type = elem.attrib['type']
            unit_pattern = unit_patterns.setdefault(unit_type, {})
            for pattern in elem.findall('unitPattern'):
                unit_patterns[unit_type][pattern.attrib['count']] = \

        dest = os.path.join(destdir, 'localedata', stem + '.dat')
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):

        outfile = open(dest, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(data, outfile, 2)
Пример #8
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog path/to/cldr')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
        parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')

    srcdir = args[0]
    destdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), '..',

    sup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'supplementalData.xml'))

    # Import global data from the supplemental files
    global_data = {}

    territory_zones = global_data.setdefault('territory_zones', {})
    zone_aliases = global_data.setdefault('zone_aliases', {})
    zone_territories = global_data.setdefault('zone_territories', {})
    for elem in sup.findall('.//timezoneData/zoneFormatting/zoneItem'):
        tzid = elem.attrib['type']
        territory_zones.setdefault(elem.attrib['territory'], []).append(tzid)
        zone_territories[tzid] = elem.attrib['territory']
        if 'aliases' in elem.attrib:
            for alias in elem.attrib['aliases'].split():
                zone_aliases[alias] = tzid

    # Import Metazone mapping
    meta_zones = global_data.setdefault('meta_zones', {})
    tzsup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'metazoneInfo.xml'))
    for elem in tzsup.findall('.//timezone'):
        for child in elem.findall('usesMetazone'):
            if 'to' not in child.attrib:  # FIXME: support old mappings
                meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = child.attrib['mzone']

    outfile = open(os.path.join(destdir, 'global.dat'), 'wb')
        pickle.dump(global_data, outfile, 2)

    # build a territory containment mapping for inheritance
    regions = {}
    for elem in sup.findall('.//territoryContainment/group'):
        regions[elem.attrib['type']] = elem.attrib['contains'].split()

    # Resolve territory containment
    territory_containment = {}
    region_items = sorted(regions.items())
    for group, territory_list in region_items:
        for territory in territory_list:
            containers = territory_containment.setdefault(territory, set([]))
            if group in territory_containment:
                containers |= territory_containment[group]

    # prepare the per-locale plural rules definitions
    plural_rules = {}
    prsup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'plurals.xml'))
    for elem in prsup.findall('.//plurals/pluralRules'):
        rules = []
        for rule in elem.findall('pluralRule'):
            rules.append((rule.attrib['count'], text_type(rule.text)))
        pr = PluralRule(rules)
        for locale in elem.attrib['locales'].split():
            plural_rules[locale] = pr

    filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(srcdir, 'main'))
    filenames.sort(key=lambda a: len(a))
    filenames.insert(0, 'root.xml')

    for filename in filenames:
        stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if ext != '.xml':

        sys.stderr.write('Processing input file %r\n' % filename)
        tree = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'main', filename))
        data = {}

        language = None
        elem = tree.find('.//identity/language')
        if elem is not None:
            language = elem.attrib['type']
        sys.stderr.write('  Language:  %r\n' % language)

        territory = None
        elem = tree.find('.//identity/territory')
        if elem is not None:
            territory = elem.attrib['type']
            territory = '001'  # world
        sys.stderr.write('  Territory: %r\n' % territory)
        regions = territory_containment.get(territory, [])
        sys.stderr.write('  Regions:    %r\n' % regions)

        # plural rules
        locale_id = '_'.join([
            _f for _f in [language, territory != '001' and territory or None]
            if _f
        if locale_id in plural_rules:
            data['plural_form'] = plural_rules[locale_id]

        # <localeDisplayNames>

        territories = data.setdefault('territories', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//territories/territory'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in territories:
            territories[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        languages = data.setdefault('languages', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//languages/language'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in languages:
            languages[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        variants = data.setdefault('variants', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//variants/variant'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in variants:
            variants[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        scripts = data.setdefault('scripts', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//scripts/script'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib['type'] in scripts:
            scripts[elem.attrib['type']] = _text(elem)

        # <dates>

        week_data = data.setdefault('week_data', {})
        supelem = sup.find('.//weekData')

        for elem in supelem.findall('minDays'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any(
                [r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['min_days'] = int(elem.attrib['count'])

        for elem in supelem.findall('firstDay'):
            if 'alt' not in elem.attrib:  # ignore alternatives
                territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
                if territory in territories or any(
                    [r in territories for r in regions]):
                    week_data['first_day'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        for elem in supelem.findall('weekendStart'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any(
                [r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['weekend_start'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        for elem in supelem.findall('weekendEnd'):
            territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split()
            if territory in territories or any(
                [r in territories for r in regions]):
                week_data['weekend_end'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']]

        zone_formats = data.setdefault('zone_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/gmtFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['gmt'] = text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%s')
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/regionFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['region'] = text_type(elem.text).replace(
                    '{0}', '%s')
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/fallbackFormat'):
            if 'draft' not in elem.attrib and 'alt' not in elem.attrib:
                zone_formats['fallback'] = text_type(elem.text) \
                    .replace('{0}', '%(0)s').replace('{1}', '%(1)s')

        time_zones = data.setdefault('time_zones', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/zone'):
            info = {}
            city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity')
            if city:
                info['city'] = text_type(city)
            for child in elem.findall('long/*'):
                info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            for child in elem.findall('short/*'):
                info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            time_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info

        meta_zones = data.setdefault('meta_zones', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/metazone'):
            info = {}
            city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity')
            if city:
                info['city'] = text_type(city)
            for child in elem.findall('long/*'):
                info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            for child in elem.findall('short/*'):
                info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text)
            info['common'] = elem.findtext('commonlyUsed') == 'true'
            meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info

        for calendar in tree.findall('.//calendars/calendar'):
            if calendar.attrib['type'] != 'gregorian':
                # TODO: support other calendar types

            months = data.setdefault('months', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('months/monthContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = months.setdefault(ctxt_type, {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('monthWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'month':
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                    and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                            widths[int(elem.attrib.get('type'))] = text_type(
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                    ['months', ctxt_type, width_type],

            days = data.setdefault('days', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('days/dayContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = days.setdefault(ctxt_type, {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('dayWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'day':
                            dtype = weekdays[elem.attrib['type']]
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' not in elem.attrib) \
                                    and dtype in widths:
                            widths[dtype] = text_type(elem.text)
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                    ['days', ctxt_type, width_type],

            quarters = data.setdefault('quarters', {})
            for ctxt in calendar.findall('quarters/quarterContext'):
                ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type']
                ctxts = quarters.setdefault(ctxt.attrib['type'], {})
                for width in ctxt.findall('quarterWidth'):
                    width_type = width.attrib['type']
                    widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {})
                    for elem in width.getiterator():
                        if elem.tag == 'quarter':
                            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                    and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                            widths[int(elem.attrib['type'])] = text_type(
                        elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                            ctxts[width_type] = Alias(
                                    ['quarters', ctxt_type, width_type],

            eras = data.setdefault('eras', {})
            for width in calendar.findall('eras/*'):
                width_type = NAME_MAP[width.tag]
                widths = eras.setdefault(width_type, {})
                for elem in width.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'era':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and int(elem.attrib['type']) in widths:
                        widths[int(elem.attrib.get('type'))] = text_type(
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        eras[width_type] = Alias(
                            _translate_alias(['eras', width_type],

            # AM/PM
            periods = data.setdefault('periods', {})
            for elem in calendar.findall('am'):
                if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                        and elem.tag in periods:
                periods[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)
            for elem in calendar.findall('pm'):
                if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                        and elem.tag in periods:
                periods[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)

            date_formats = data.setdefault('date_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('dateFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'dateFormatLength':
                        if 'draft' in elem.attrib and \
                                elem.attrib.get('type') in date_formats:
                            date_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        date_formats = Alias(

            time_formats = data.setdefault('time_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('timeFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'timeFormatLength':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and elem.attrib.get('type') in time_formats:
                            time_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        time_formats = Alias(

            datetime_formats = data.setdefault('datetime_formats', {})
            for format in calendar.findall('dateTimeFormats'):
                for elem in format.getiterator():
                    if elem.tag == 'dateTimeFormatLength':
                        if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                                and elem.attrib.get('type') in datetime_formats:
                            datetime_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = \
                        except ValueError:
                            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
                    elif elem.tag == 'alias':
                        datetime_formats = Alias(

        # <numbers>

        number_symbols = data.setdefault('number_symbols', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//numbers/symbols/*'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib):
            number_symbols[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text)

        decimal_formats = data.setdefault('decimal_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//decimalFormats/decimalFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in decimal_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('decimalFormat/pattern'))
            decimal_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(

        scientific_formats = data.setdefault('scientific_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall(
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in scientific_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('scientificFormat/pattern'))
                'type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern)

        currency_formats = data.setdefault('currency_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in currency_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('currencyFormat/pattern'))
            currency_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(

        percent_formats = data.setdefault('percent_formats', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//percentFormats/percentFormatLength'):
            if ('draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib) \
                    and elem.attrib.get('type') in percent_formats:
            pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('percentFormat/pattern'))
            percent_formats[elem.attrib.get('type')] = numbers.parse_pattern(

        currency_names = data.setdefault('currency_names', {})
        currency_symbols = data.setdefault('currency_symbols', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//currencies/currency'):
            code = elem.attrib['type']
            # TODO: support plural rules for currency name selection
            for name in elem.findall('displayName'):
                if ('draft' in name.attrib or 'count' in name.attrib) \
                        and code in currency_names:
                currency_names[code] = text_type(name.text)
            # TODO: support choice patterns for currency symbol selection
            symbol = elem.find('symbol')
            if symbol is not None and 'draft' not in symbol.attrib \
                    and 'choice' not in symbol.attrib:
                currency_symbols[code] = text_type(symbol.text)

        # <units>

        unit_patterns = data.setdefault('unit_patterns', {})
        for elem in tree.findall('.//units/unit'):
            unit_type = elem.attrib['type']
            unit_pattern = unit_patterns.setdefault(unit_type, {})
            for pattern in elem.findall('unitPattern'):
                unit_patterns[unit_type][pattern.attrib['count']] = \

        outfile = open(os.path.join(destdir, 'localedata', stem + '.dat'),
            pickle.dump(data, outfile, 2)