Пример #1
    def _check_markup_0(msgid, msgid_name, msgstr, msgstr_name):
        from xml.etree import ElementTree

        def count_tags(text):
            text = '<html>\n%s\n</html>' % text.encode('utf-8')
            counts = {}
            for event in ElementTree.iterparse(io.BytesIO(text)):
                tag = event[1].tag
                counts.setdefault(tag, 0)
                counts[tag] += 1
            counts['html'] -= 1
            return counts

            msgid_counts = count_tags(msgid)
        except ElementTree.ParseError:
            msgstr_counts = count_tags(msgstr)
        except ElementTree.ParseError as e:
            yield TranslationError(e)

        for tag in (set(msgid_counts) | set(msgstr_counts)):
            msgid_count = msgid_counts.get(tag, 0)
            msgstr_count = msgstr_counts.get(tag, 0)
            if msgid_count != msgstr_count:
                yield TranslationError(
                    "mismatched '%s' tag between %s and %s (%d != %d)" %
                    (tag, msgid_name, msgstr_name, msgid_count, msgstr_count))
Пример #2
Файл: dist.py Проект: t2y/trac
 def _parse_genshi_markup(message):
     from genshi.filters.i18n import parse_msg
         return set([idx for idx, text in parse_msg(message) if idx > 0])
     except Exception as e:
         raise TranslationError('cannot parse message (%s: %s)' % \
                                (e.__class__.__name__, unicode(e)))
Пример #3
Файл: dist.py Проект: t2y/trac
 def _validate_genshi_markup(markup, alternative):
     indices_markup = _parse_genshi_markup(markup)
     indices_alternative = _parse_genshi_markup(alternative)
     indices = indices_markup - indices_alternative
     if indices:
         raise TranslationError(
             'genshi markups are unbalanced %s' % \
             ' '.join(['[%d:]' % idx for idx in indices]))
Пример #4
def num_plurals(catalog, message):
    """Verify the number of plurals in the translation."""
    if not message.pluralizable:
        if not isinstance(message.string, string_types):
            raise TranslationError("Found plural forms for non-pluralizable "

    # skip further tests if no catalog is provided.
    elif catalog is None:

    msgstrs = message.string
    if not isinstance(msgstrs, (list, tuple)):
        msgstrs = (msgstrs, )
    if len(msgstrs) != catalog.num_plurals:
        raise TranslationError("Wrong number of plural forms (expected %d)" %
Пример #5
 def _check_positional(results):
     positional = None
     for name, char in results:
         if positional is None:
             positional = name is None
             if (name is None) != positional:
                 raise TranslationError('format string mixes positional '
                                        'and named placeholders')
     return bool(positional)
Пример #6
def _validate_format(format, alternative):
    """Test format string `alternative` against `format`.  `format` can be the
    msgid of a message and `alternative` one of the `msgstr`\s.  The two
    arguments are not interchangeable as `alternative` may contain less
    placeholders if `format` uses named placeholders.

    The behavior of this function is undefined if the string does not use
    string formattings.

    If the string formatting of `alternative` is compatible to `format` the
    function returns `None`, otherwise a `TranslationError` is raised.

    Examples for compatible format strings:

    >>> _validate_format('Hello %s!', 'Hallo %s!')
    >>> _validate_format('Hello %i!', 'Hallo %d!')

    Example for an incompatible format strings:

    >>> _validate_format('Hello %(name)s!', 'Hallo %s!')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TranslationError: the format strings are of different kinds

    This function is used by the `python_format` checker.

    :param format: The original format string
    :param alternative: The alternative format string that should be checked
                        against format
    :raises TranslationError: on formatting errors
    def _parse(string):
        result = []
        for match in PYTHON_FORMAT.finditer(string):
            name, format, typechar = match.groups()
            if typechar == '%' and name is None:
            result.append((name, str(typechar)))
        return result

    def _compatible(a, b):
        if a == b:
            return True
        for set in _string_format_compatibilities:
            if a in set and b in set:
                return True
        return False

    def _check_positional(results):
        positional = None
        for name, char in results:
            if positional is None:
                positional = name is None
                if (name is None) != positional:
                    raise TranslationError('format string mixes positional '
                                           'and named placeholders')
        return bool(positional)

    a, b = map(_parse, (format, alternative))

    # now check if both strings are positional or named
    a_positional, b_positional = map(_check_positional, (a, b))
    if a_positional and not b_positional and not b:
        raise TranslationError('placeholders are incompatible')
    elif a_positional != b_positional:
        raise TranslationError('the format strings are of different kinds')

    # if we are operating on positional strings both must have the
    # same number of format chars and those must be compatible
    if a_positional:
        if len(a) != len(b):
            raise TranslationError('positional format placeholders are '
        for idx, ((_, first), (_, second)) in enumerate(izip(a, b)):
            if not _compatible(first, second):
                raise TranslationError('incompatible format for placeholder '
                                       '%d: %r and %r are not compatible' %
                                       (idx + 1, first, second))

    # otherwise the second string must not have names the first one
    # doesn't have and the types of those included must be compatible
        type_map = dict(a)
        for name, typechar in b:
            if name not in type_map:
                raise TranslationError('unknown named placeholder %r' % name)
            elif not _compatible(typechar, type_map[name]):
                raise TranslationError('incompatible format for '
                                       'placeholder %r: '
                                       '%r and %r are not compatible' %
                                       (name, typechar, type_map[name]))
Пример #7
def check_sources_without_named_placeholders_work(catalog, msg):
    if '%(' in msg.string and '%(' not in msg.id:
        raise TranslationError("Translation contains named placeholder "
                               "but source doesn't: %s" % msg.string)