Пример #1
    def buildRootInfo(self, name=""):
        """ Builds "solver" info object of the state dictionary """
        from backend.caffe.path_loader import PathLoader
        proto = PathLoader().importProto()
        protosolver = proto.SolverParameter()

        descr = info.ParameterGroupDescriptor(protosolver)
        params = descr.parameter().copy()
        return self.buildInfo(name,params, [])
Пример #2
def loadSolver(solverstring):
    """ Return a dictionary which represent the caffe-solver-prototxt solverstring """
    from backend.caffe.path_loader import PathLoader
    proto = PathLoader().importProto()
    solver = proto.SolverParameter()

    # Get DESCRIPTION for meta infos
    descr = info.ParameterGroupDescriptor(solver)
    # "Parse" the solver-definition in prototxt-format
        text_format.Merge(solverstring, solver)
    except ParseError as ex:
        raise ParseException(str(ex))
    params = descr.parameter().copy()  # All Parameters of the solver
    return copy.deepcopy(_extract_param(solver, params))
Пример #3
def _import_solver(solverdict):
    from backend.caffe.path_loader import PathLoader
    proto = PathLoader().importProto()
    solver = proto.SolverParameter()

    for entry in solverdict:

        # special case: inline-net definition in solver
        # (required to handle layers and layerOrder the same way it is handled for a standalone net definition)
        if entry == "net_param":
            net = _import_dictionary(solverdict["net_param"])
            _insert(entry, solverdict[entry], solver)

    return solver
Пример #4
def extractNetFromSolver(solverstring):
    """Read a protoxt string(!) of a solver and return the network protoxt string(!).

    This works only, if the solver specifies a network using the "net_param" parameter. A reference to a file using the
    "net" parameter can not be handled by this method.
    from backend.caffe.path_loader import PathLoader
    proto = PathLoader().importProto()
    # create empty solver message
    solver = proto.SolverParameter()

    # "Parse" the solver-definition in prototxt-format
        text_format.Merge(solverstring, solver)

        # extract net as a message and convert it into a string
        netString = text_format.MessageToString(solver.net_param)

        return netString
    except ParseError as ex:
        raise ParseException(str(ex))