def send_email_alert(to_address: str,
                         username: str,
                         message_id: int = None):
        """ Send an email to user to alert them they have a new message"""
        current_app.logger.debug(f"Test if email required {to_address}")
        if not to_address:
            return False  # Many users will not have supplied email address so return
        message_path = ""
        if message_id is not None:
            message_path = f"/message/{message_id}"

        # TODO these could be localised if needed, in the future
        html_template = get_template("message_alert_en.html")
        text_template = get_template("message_alert_en.txt")
        inbox_url = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/inbox{message_path}"

        html_template = html_template.replace("[USERNAME]", username)
        html_template = html_template.replace("[PROFILE_LINK]", inbox_url)

        text_template = text_template.replace("[USERNAME]", username)
        text_template = text_template.replace("[PROFILE_LINK]", inbox_url)

        subject = "You have a new message on the HOT Tasking Manager"
        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template,

        return True
    def send_email_alert(to_address: str, username: str, message_id: int,
                         subject: str, content: str):
        """Send an email to user to alert that they have a new message"""
        current_app.logger.debug(f"Test if email required {to_address}")
        org_code = current_app.config["ORG_CODE"]
        settings_url = "{}/settings#notifications".format(

        if not to_address:
            return False  # Many users will not have supplied email address so return
        message_path = ""
        if message_id is not None:
            message_path = f"/message/{message_id}"

        # TODO these could be localised if needed, in the future
        html_template = get_template("message_alert_en.html")
        text_template = get_template("message_alert_en.txt")
        inbox_url = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/inbox{message_path}"
        replace_list = [
            ["[ORG_CODE]", org_code],
            ["[PROFILE_LINK]", inbox_url],
            ["[SETTINGS_LINK]", settings_url],
        html_replace_list = replace_list + [[
            "[CONTENT]", format_username_link(content)
        html_template = template_var_replacing(html_template,
        replace_list += [["[CONTENT]", content]]
        text_template = template_var_replacing(text_template, replace_list)

        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template,

        return True
Пример #3
    def notify_level_upgrade(user_id: int, username: str, level: str):
        text_template = get_template("level_upgrade_message_en.txt")

        if username is not None:
            text_template = text_template.replace("[USERNAME]", username)

        text_template = text_template.replace("[LEVEL]", level)
        level_upgrade_message = Message()
        level_upgrade_message.to_user_id = user_id
        level_upgrade_message.subject = "Mapper Level Upgrade "
        level_upgrade_message.message = text_template
Пример #4
    def send_verification_email(to_address: str, username: str):
        """ Sends a verification email with a unique token so we can verify user owns this email address """
        # TODO these could be localised if needed, in the future
        verification_url = SMTPService._generate_email_verification_url(
            to_address, username)
        values = {
            "USERNAME": username,
            "VERIFICATION_LINK": verification_url,
        html_template = get_template("email_verification_en.html", values)

        subject = "Confirm your email address"
        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template)
        return True
    def send_verification_email(to_address: str, username: str):
        """ Sends a verification email with a unique token so we can verify user owns this email address """
        org_code = current_app.config["ORG_CODE"]
        # TODO these could be localised if needed, in the future
        html_template = get_template("email_verification_en.html")
        text_template = get_template("email_verification_en.txt")

        verification_url = SMTPService._generate_email_verification_url(
            to_address, username)
        replace_list = [
            ["[USERNAME]", username],
            ["[VERIFICATION_LINK]", verification_url],
            ["[ORG_CODE]", org_code],
            ["[ORG_NAME]", current_app.config["ORG_NAME"]],
        html_template = template_var_replacing(html_template, replace_list)
        text_template = template_var_replacing(text_template, replace_list)

        subject = "{} Tasking Manager - Email Verification".format(org_code)
        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template,

        return True
    def notify_level_upgrade(user_id: int, username: str, level: str):
        text_template = get_template("level_upgrade_message_en.txt")
        replace_list = [
            ["[USERNAME]", username],
            ["[LEVEL]", level],
            ["[ORG_CODE]", current_app.config["ORG_CODE"]],
        text_template = template_var_replacing(text_template, replace_list)

        level_upgrade_message = Message()
        level_upgrade_message.to_user_id = user_id
        level_upgrade_message.subject = "Mapper level upgrade"
        level_upgrade_message.message = text_template
    def send_verification_email(to_address: str, username: str):
        """ Sends a verification email with a unique token so we can verify user owns this email address """

        # TODO these could be localised if needed, in the future
        html_template = get_template("email_verification_en.html")
        text_template = get_template("email_verification_en.txt")

        verification_url = SMTPService._generate_email_verification_url(
            to_address, username)

        html_template = html_template.replace("[USERNAME]", username)
        html_template = html_template.replace("[VEFIFICATION_LINK]",

        text_template = text_template.replace("[USERNAME]", username)
        text_template = text_template.replace("[VEFIFICATION_LINK]",

        subject = "HOT Tasking Manager - Email Verification"
        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template,

        return True
Пример #8
    def send_welcome_message(user: User):
        """ Sends welcome message to all new users at Sign up"""
        text_template = get_template("welcome_message_en.txt")

        text_template = text_template.replace("[USERNAME]", user.username)
        text_template = text_template.replace("[PROFILE_LINK]",

        welcome_message = Message()
        welcome_message.message_type = MessageType.SYSTEM.value
        welcome_message.to_user_id =
        welcome_message.subject = "Welcome to the HOT Tasking Manager"
        welcome_message.message = text_template

Пример #9
    def send_email_alert(
        to_address: str,
        username: str,
        user_email_verified: bool,
        message_id: int,
        from_username: str,
        project_id: int,
        task_id: int,
        subject: str,
        content: str,
        message_type: int,
        """Send an email to user to alert that they have a new message."""

        if not user_email_verified:
            return False

        current_app.logger.debug(f"Test if email required {to_address}")
        from_user_link = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/users/{from_username}"
        project_link = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/projects/{project_id}"
        task_link = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/projects/{project_id}/tasks/?search={task_id}"
        settings_url = "{}/settings#notifications".format(

        if not to_address:
            return False  # Many users will not have supplied email address so return
        message_path = ""
        if message_id is not None:
            message_path = f"/message/{message_id}"

        inbox_url = f"{current_app.config['APP_BASE_URL']}/inbox{message_path}"
        values = {
            "FROM_USER_LINK": from_user_link,
            "FROM_USERNAME": from_username,
            "PROJECT_LINK": project_link,
            "PROJECT_ID": str(project_id) if project_id is not None else None,
            "TASK_LINK": task_link,
            "TASK_ID": str(task_id) if task_id is not None else None,
            "PROFILE_LINK": inbox_url,
            "SETTINGS_LINK": settings_url,
            "CONTENT": format_username_link(content),
            "MESSAGE_TYPE": message_type,
        html_template = get_template("message_alert_en.html", values)
        SMTPService._send_message(to_address, subject, html_template)

        return True
Пример #10
    def send_message_after_validation(
        status: int, validated_by: int, mapped_by: int, task_id: int, project_id: int
        """ Sends mapper a notification after their task has been marked valid or invalid """
        if validated_by == mapped_by:
            return  # No need to send a message to yourself

        user = UserService.get_user_by_id(mapped_by)
        text_template = get_template(
            if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED
            else "validation_message_en.txt"
        status_text = (
            "marked invalid" if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED else "validated"
        task_link = MessageService.get_task_link(project_id, task_id)
        replace_list = [
            ["[USERNAME]", user.username],
            ["[TASK_LINK]", task_link],
            ["[ORG_NAME]", current_app.config["ORG_NAME"]],
        text_template = template_var_replacing(text_template, replace_list)

        messages = []
        validation_message = Message()
        validation_message.message_type = (
            if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED
            else MessageType.VALIDATION_NOTIFICATION.value
        validation_message.project_id = project_id
        validation_message.task_id = task_id
        validation_message.from_user_id = validated_by
        validation_message.to_user_id = mapped_by
        validation_message.subject = (
            f"{task_link} mapped by you in Project {project_id} has been {status_text}"
        validation_message.message = text_template
        messages.append(dict(message=validation_message, user=user))

        # For email alerts
Пример #11
    def send_message_after_validation(
        status: int, validated_by: int, mapped_by: int, task_id: int, project_id: int
        """ Sends mapper a notification after their task has been marked valid or invalid """
        if validated_by == mapped_by:
            return  # No need to send a message to yourself

        user = UserService.get_user_by_id(mapped_by)
        if user.validation_message is False:
            return  # No need to send validation message
        if user.projects_notifications is False:

        text_template = get_template(
            if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED
            else "validation_message_en.txt"
        status_text = (
            "marked invalid" if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED else "validated"
        task_link = MessageService.get_task_link(project_id, task_id)
        text_template = text_template.replace("[USERNAME]", user.username)
        text_template = text_template.replace("[TASK_LINK]", task_link)

        validation_message = Message()
        validation_message.message_type = (
            if status == TaskStatus.INVALIDATED
            else MessageType.VALIDATION_NOTIFICATION.value
        validation_message.project_id = project_id
        validation_message.task_id = task_id
        validation_message.from_user_id = validated_by
        validation_message.to_user_id = mapped_by
        validation_message.subject = f"Your mapping in Project {project_id} on {task_link} has just been {status_text}"
        validation_message.message = text_template

            user.email_address, user.username,
Пример #12
    def send_welcome_message(user: User):
        """ Sends welcome message to all new users at Sign up"""
        org_code = current_app.config["ORG_CODE"]
        text_template = get_template("welcome_message_en.txt")
        replace_list = [
            ["[USERNAME]", user.username],
            ["[ORG_CODE]", org_code],
            ["[ORG_NAME]", current_app.config["ORG_NAME"]],
            ["[SETTINGS_LINK]", MessageService.get_user_settings_link()],
        text_template = template_var_replacing(text_template, replace_list)

        welcome_message = Message()
        welcome_message.message_type = MessageType.SYSTEM.value
        welcome_message.to_user_id =
        welcome_message.subject = "Welcome to the {} Tasking Manager".format(org_code)
        welcome_message.message = text_template

Пример #13
    def test_variable_replacing(self):
        # Act
        content = get_template("email_verification_en.html")
        replace_list = [
            ["[USERNAME]", "test_user"],
            ["[VERIFICATION_LINK]", "http://localhost:30/verify.html#1234"],
            ["[ORG_CODE]", "HOT"],
            ["[ORG_NAME]", "Organization Test"],
        processed_content = template_var_replacing(content, replace_list)
        # Assert
        self.assertIn("test_user", processed_content)
        self.assertIn("http://localhost:30/verify.html#1234", processed_content)
        self.assertIn("HOT", processed_content)
        self.assertIn("Organization Test", processed_content)

        self.assertNotIn("[USERNAME]", processed_content)
        self.assertNotIn("[VERIFICATION_LINK]", processed_content)
        self.assertNotIn("[ORG_CODE]", processed_content)
        self.assertNotIn("[ORG_NAME]", processed_content)