Пример #1
	def run_goto(self):
		self.newurl = backend.goto(self.lastword)
		if self.newurl == None:
			self.text = 'Sorry, you have to stay in the bubble.'
			self.url = self.newurl
Пример #2
	def __init__(self):
		#letter takes the user's input letters and makes a string...
		#until enter is pressed
		def letter(self, thekey, userinput):
			self.theletter = thekey
			#theletter = theletter.strip()
			return ''.join(self.userinput)


		#makes the GUI screen & sets the top caption
		self.background = pygame.display.set_mode((920,800))
		#self.character = pygame.display.set_mode()
		#needed variables
		self.userinput = []
		text = 'Welcome to Olin!'
		url = 'BirdsEye.jpg'
		global theword
		theword = ''
		global thefinalword
		thefinalword = ''
		global image
		image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('BirdsEye.jpg'))
		global person
		person = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('StickFig1.png'))
		#establishing colors
		GREEN = (0,255,0)
		BLUE = (0,0,128) 
		BLACK = (0,0,0)
		WHITE = (255,255,255)
		#The Font and the text box
		self.fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 24)
		self.inputthings = self.fontObj.render('>>', True, WHITE)
		self.inputrect = self.inputthings.get_rect()
		self.inputrect.center = (35, 768)

		while True:	#main game loop
			self.background.fill(BLUE)		#makes white bg
			pygame.draw.rect(self.background, BLACK, (10, 580, 900, 160))	#makes dialogue box
			pygame.draw.rect(self.background, BLACK, (10, 750, 900, 40))	#makes black textbar
			self.background.blit(self.inputthings, self.inputrect)		#inputs '>>'
			#The main event loop; reads and uses the user's input events
			for event in pygame.event.get():
			#event = pygame.event.poll()
				if event.type == QUIT:	#enables program to quit
				elif event.type == KEYDOWN:	#reads when & what key is pressed
					theword = letter(self, event.dict['unicode'], self.userinput)	#the growing string
					if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_RETURN:
						thefinalword = theword		#the final string
						thefinalword = thefinalword.lower()
						thefinalword = thefinalword.strip()
						#identifying the string & running backend
						thefinalstring = thefinalword.split()
						j = len(thefinalstring)
						if j == 0:
							firstword = thefinalstring[0]
							lastword = thefinalstring[1:j]	
							k = len(lastword)
							delimiter = ' '
							lastword = delimiter.join(lastword)
							#print lastword[0]	
							#GOTO identifier
							if firstword == 'goto' or firstword == 'go':
								if k == 0:
									text = 'Go where?'
								elif lastword[0] == 'to':
									lastword = lastword[1:k]
								elif lastword == 'modcon':
									print 'passed condit'
									ls_sleep, ls_options = modconlec(1) #input is sleep var
									#Prints the current text/dialogue onto the GUI
									self.thedialogueSurface = self.fontObj.render(text, True, WHITE)
									self.thedialogueRect = self.thedialogueSurface.get_rect()
									#self.thedialogueRect = Rect(10, 580, 900, 160)
									self.thedialogueRect.topleft = (20, 588)
									self.background.blit(self.thedialogueSurface, self.thedialogueRect)
								elif l != 1:
									newurl = backend.goto(lastword)
									if newurl == None:
										text = 'Sorry, you have to stay in the bubble.'
										url = newurl

							image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(url))
							person = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('StickFig2.png'))
							self.userinput = []
							theword = ''
					if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_BACKSPACE:	#backspace!
						i = len(theword)
						self.userinput = self.userinput[0:i-2]
						theword = theword[0:i-2]
			#Prints the current bg and character onto GUI				
			self.background.blit(image, (10,10))
			self.background.blit(person, (10,10))
			#Prints the current string onto the GUI
			self.thestringSurface = self.fontObj.render(theword, True, WHITE)
			self.thestringRect = self.thestringSurface.get_rect()
			self.thestringRect.midleft = (58, 771)
			self.background.blit(self.thestringSurface, self.thestringRect)
			#Prints the current text/dialogue onto the GUI
			self.thedialogueSurface = self.fontObj.render(text, True, WHITE)
			self.thedialogueRect = self.thedialogueSurface.get_rect()
			#self.thedialogueRect = Rect(10, 580, 900, 160)
			self.thedialogueRect.topleft = (20, 588)
			self.background.blit(self.thedialogueSurface, self.thedialogueRect)
			#changes the display