def askCityBox(parent): if parent == "?": parent = mainWin row = gtk.HBox() label = gtk.Label("Location:") label.set_width_chars(7) label.set_alignment(1,0.5) choices = backends.getCityList() loc = gtk.combo_box_new_text() loc.set_size_request(200,32) keys = [] i = 0 for key in sorted(choices.keys()): if choices.get(key) and choices[key][0] and choices[key][2]: loc.append_text("%s, %s" % (choices[key][0],choices[key][2])) keys.append(key) i += 1 askBox = None if len(keys) > 0: askbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent,gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION,gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL) else: askbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent,gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING,gtk.BUTTONS_OK) if len(keys) > 0: askbox.set_markup("Choose a city:") row.pack_start(label,False,False,2) row.pack_start(loc,True,True,2) else: askbox.format_secondary_markup("Please create at least one city and state before using this dialog.") askbox.vbox.pack_end(row,True,True,0) width, height = askbox.get_size() askbox.move((gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 2) - (width / 2),(gtk.gdk.screen_height() / 2) - (height / 2)) askbox.move((gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 2) - (width / 2),(gtk.gdk.screen_height() / 2) - (height / 2)) key = None if len(keys) > 0: key = loc.get_active_text() askbox.destroy() loc.destroy() loc = [False,None,None,None,None] lockeys = {} if key is not None and len(key) > 0: lockeys = backends.getCityList(1) key = lockeys.get(key,'N') lockeys = backends.getCityList() if config['debug'] > 0: print "new key: %s" % key print "%s (%s), %s (%s)" % (lockeys[key][0],key,lockeys[key][2],lockeys[key][1]) loc[1] = key loc[2] = lockeys[key][0] loc[3] = lockeys[key][1] loc[4] = lockeys[key][2] loc[0] = True if config['debug'] > 0: printPretty(loc) return loc
def chooseCity(parent,target,tabs,scroll,data,statef,ar,stalts,title = ""): global status global cities city = recordSelectBox(None,statef,title,'c') if city and city[1] == "city": cityname = "" citlist = getCityList(0) cityf = validateFileid(citlist.get(statef,["",""])[1]) cityname = citlist.get(statef,["",""])[0] statename = citlist.get(statef,["","",""])[2] try: cityname = cities[city[0]]['info']['name'][0] cities[city[0]]['info']['state'] = [statename,True] cities[city[0]]['info']['statefile'] = [statef,True] cities[city[0]]['info']['loc'] = [cityname,True] cities[city[0]]['info']['locfile'] = [cityf,True] cities[city[0]]['changed'] = True saveThisC(parent,city[0]) # reloadPlaceTab(place[0]) # TODO: Write a function like this except KeyError: # placename = getPlaceNameFromID(place[0]) cityname = askBox("?"," Please type the city name that goes with %s" % city[0],"Name",subtext=" I tried to load this from memory, but you\ndon't have %s open. Without it open, I can't\nsynchronize its city and state values.\n This requirement prevents unintentional\nchanges to your place records." % city[0]) # Maybe some day, I'll make this grab the placename from the file, and automatically load its record for updating if cityname == "": status.push(0,"Registering place in %s cancelled" % cityf) return False packCity(target,scroll,data,statef,city[0],cityname,tabs,True,ar,stalts) status.push(0,"Registered %s in %s" % (city[1],statef)) return True else: status.push(0,"Registering place in %s cancelled" % statef) return False
def setLoc(caller,fileid,key): global places lockeys = {} if len(key) > 1: lockeys = getCityList(1) key = lockeys.get(key,'N') lockeys = getCityList() if config['debug'] > 3: print "new key: %s" % key print "%s (%s), %s (%s)" % (lockeys[key][0],key,lockeys[key][2],lockeys[key][1]) if preRead(False,'l',[fileid,"info"],2): places[fileid]['info']['locfile'] = [key,True] places[fileid]['info']['loc'] = [lockeys[key][0],True] places[fileid]['info']['statefile'] = [lockeys[key][1],True] places[fileid]['info']['state'] = [lockeys[key][2],True] places[fileid]['changed'] = True if config['debug'] > 0: print "New Loc: %s" % key else: bsay(None,"setLoc: Could not set loc for %s." % fileid)
def buildLocRow(data,fileid): row = gtk.HBox() label = gtk.Label("Location:") row.pack_start(label,False,False,2) label.set_width_chars(20) label.set_alignment(1,0.5) choices = getCityList() loc = gtk.Label() row.pack_start(loc,True,True,2) g = getInf(data,["info","loc"]) h = getInf(data,["info","state"]) loc.set_text("%s, %s" % (g,h)) addLocButton(row,1,entry=loc,cat='l',city="loc",cityfile="locfile",state="state",statefile="statefile",data=data) return row
def choosePlace(parent, target, tabs, scroll, data, cityf, ar, ctalts, title=""): global status global places place = recordSelectBox(None, cityf, title, "l") if place and place[1] == "place": placename = "" citlist = getCityList(0) statef = validateFileid(citlist.get(cityf, ["", ""])[1]) cityname = citlist.get(cityf, ["", ""])[0] statename = citlist.get(cityf, ["", "", ""])[2] try: placename = places[place[0]]["info"]["name"][0] places[place[0]]["info"]["state"] = [statename, True] places[place[0]]["info"]["statefile"] = [statef, True] places[place[0]]["info"]["loc"] = [cityname, True] places[place[0]]["info"]["locfile"] = [cityf, True] places[place[0]]["changed"] = True saveThisL(parent, place[0]) # reloadPlaceTab(place[0]) # TODO: Write a function like this except KeyError: # placename = getPlaceNameFromID(place[0]) placename = askBox( None, " Please type the location name that goes with %s" % place[0], "Name", subtext=" I tried to load this from memory, but you\ndon't have %s open. Without it open, I can't\nsynchronize its city and state values.\n This requirement prevents unintentional\nchanges to your place records." % place[0], ) # Maybe some day, I'll make this grab the placename from the file, and automatically load its record for updating if placename == "": status.push(0, "Registering place in %s cancelled" % cityf) return False packPlace(target, scroll, data, cityf, place[0], placename, tabs, True, ar, ctalts) status.push(0, "Registered %s in %s" % (place[1], cityf)) return True else: status.push(0, "Registering place in %s cancelled" % cityf) return False