Пример #1
 def parse_header(self, h):
     fields = iter(h.split())
     assert fields.next() == "W"
     assert fields.next() == ":"
     self.num_parents = int(fields.next())
     self.backoff_graph = BackoffGraph(islice(fields, self.num_parents))
     self._count_file = fields.next()
     self._model_file = fields.next()
     self.num_backoff_edges = int(fields.next())
Пример #2
class FLM_Specification:

    def __init__(self, filename):
        with open(filename) as file:
            self._factor_file = filename
            lines = ifilter(
                imap(str.strip, file)
            assert lines.next() == "1", "there must be only one model declaration in file"
            header = lines.next()
            for line in islice(lines, self.num_backoff_edges):  # remaining lines..
            next_line = next(lines, None)
            assert next_line is None, "there should be no more uncommented lines: '%s'" % next_line

    def parse_header(self, h):
        fields = iter(h.split())
        assert fields.next() == "W"
        assert fields.next() == ":"
        self.num_parents = int(fields.next())
        self.backoff_graph = BackoffGraph(islice(fields, self.num_parents))
        self._count_file = fields.next()
        self._model_file = fields.next()
        self.num_backoff_edges = int(fields.next())

    def visualize(self):
        "generates graphviz's neato script, render with 'neato -n Tpng > image.png'"
        s = """digraph {
            node[style="filled", fillcolor="white", shape="circle", size="30,30", fixedsize=true]
        n = self.order()
        factors = list(self.factors() - {"W"}) + ["W"]  # force W to be allways at the end
        for i in xrange(n):
            x = (n - i) * 100
            for j, factor in enumerate(factors):
                y = (len(self.factors()) - j) * 100
                s += '%s%d [pos="%d,%d", label="%s%s"%s];\n' % (
                    ("-%d" % i) if i > 0 else "",
                    ', fillcolor="gray"' if factor == "W" else ""
        for parent in self.backoff_graph.parents:
            s += parent.lower() + " -> w0;\n"
        s += "}\n"
        return s

    def factors(self):
        return self.backoff_graph.factors()

    def convert_to_flm_format(self, tagged_word):
        return ":".join([tagged_word.in_ascii()] + self.extract_factors(tagged_word))

    def extract_factors(self, tagged_word):
        category_code = tagged_word.category_code()
        info = reduce(extend, map(lambda c: parse_category_brief(c), category_code.split("+")), {})
        if tagged_word.in_ascii() != "<s>":
            info["L"] = tagged_word.lemma()
        return ["%s-%s" % (key, value) for key, value in info.iteritems() if key in self.factors()]

    def predictor(self):
        return FLM_Predictor(self)

    def order(self):
        return self.backoff_graph.order()

    def model_file(self):
        return self._model_file

    def count_file(self):
        return self._count_file

    def factor_file(self):
        return self._factor_file