def generate_keys(path): # generate private/public key pair key = rsa.generate_private_key(backend=default_backend(), public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048) # get public key in OpenSSH format public_key = key.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH) # get private key in PEM container format pem = key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()) # decode to printable strings private_key_str = pem.decode('utf-8') public_key_str = public_key.decode('utf-8') ensure_dir(path) with open(os.path.join(path, "id_rsa"), "w") as w: w.write(private_key_str) with open(os.path.join(path, ""), "w") as w: w.write(public_key_str) return private_key_str, public_key_str
def get_config(): if not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_PATH): ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(CONFIG_PATH)) shutil.copy(CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT, CONFIG_PATH) with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f: return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return
def get_id(self): run_folder = self.get_run_folder() if not ensure_dir(run_folder): return 0 log_files = self.get_log_files() for i, folder in enumerate(log_files): # print(i, folder) if str(i) != str(folder): return str(i) return len(log_files)
def run_backup(self): pub.sendMessage(START_JOB_MSG, self.prepare_job() if debug: print("hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") config = get_config() self.process_object = SyncProcess(self.window) self.process_object.Redirect() bin_path, ssh_path = self.get_bin_ssh_path() if get_os() == "windows": cmd = [ bin_path, "-v6", "--remote-schema", '"' + ssh_path + " -p " + str(self.port) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i '" + self.key + "' %s rdiff-backup --server" + '"', "--", '"' + self.source + '"', self.dest ] command = " ".join(cmd) known_hosts_location = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ssh_path), "..", "home", os.getlogin())) ensure_dir(known_hosts_location) else: cmd = [ bin_path, "-v6", " --remote-schema 'ssh -p " + str(self.port) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \"" + self.key + "\" %s rdiff-backup --server'", "--", quote(self.source), quote(self.dest) ] command = " ".join(cmd) if debug: print("running: " + command) print("running: " + str(command)) = wx.Execute(command, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, callback=self.process_object) if debug: print("pid: " + str( time.sleep(1) stream = self.process_object.GetInputStream() while stream is not None and stream.CanRead(): text = self.update_log(text) wx.LogMessage(text) stream_err = self.process_object.GetErrorStream() while stream_err is not None and stream_err.CanRead(): text = self.update_log(text) wx.LogMessage(text) print("Finish reading") return
def run_backup(self): self.prepare_job() if debug: print("hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") config = get_config() self.process_object = SyncProcess(self.window) self.process_object.Redirect() bin_path = config["main"]["bin"] ssh_path = config["main"]["ssh"] if "win" in sys.platform: if debug: print("windows detected, adjusting binary path in package") # rdiff_path = r'"C:\Users\user\Desktop\backupfriend-client\src\rdiff-backup.exe"' # ssh_path = r'C:\Users\user\Desktop\backupfriend-client\ssh.exe' ssh_path = ssh_path.replace("__package_path__", resource_path()) bin_path = bin_path.replace("__package_path__", resource_path()) cmd = [ bin_path, "-v6", "--remote-schema", '"' + ssh_path + " -p " + str(self.port) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i '" + self.key + "' %s rdiff-backup --server" + '"', "--", self.source, self.dest ] command = " ".join(cmd) known_hosts_location = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ssh_path), "..", "home", os.getlogin())) ensure_dir(known_hosts_location) else: cmd = [ bin_path, "-v6", " --remote-schema 'ssh -p " + str(self.port) + " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " + self.key + " %s rdiff-backup --server'", "--", self.source, self.dest ] command = " ".join(cmd) if debug: print("running: " + command) print("running: " + str(command)) = wx.Execute(command, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, callback=self.process_object) if debug: print("pid: " + str( time.sleep(1) stream = self.process_object.GetInputStream() while stream is not None and stream.CanRead(): text = self.update_log(text) wx.LogMessage(text) stream_err = self.process_object.GetErrorStream() while stream_err is not None and stream_err.CanRead(): text = self.update_log(text) wx.LogMessage(text) print("Finish reading") return