Пример #1
        ticks = 0

# start a timer for the main loop
timer = Timer(0)
timer.init(period=int(dt * 1000), mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=tick)

# turn off garbage collection for deterministic loop times
# requires gc.collect() to be called periodically, without it
# MemoryErrors will occur after some time
# the collect is done inside balancer.do_balance()

balancer = Balance(pidL, pidR, imu, dt)
balancer.set_balance_pi(bp, bi)
balancer.set_motor_pi(mp, mi)

# use an infinite loop with flag so that the callback is short
# in case code inside takes too long
# instead of directly calling everything needed in the callback
while (True):
    if loopReady:
        loopReady = False
        led(sec % 2)  # status LED, toggle every second

        if (sec != old_sec):
            old_sec = sec
