Пример #1
def get_genome_coverage(bam_fhands):
    coverage_hist = IntCounter()
    for bam_fhand in bam_fhands:
        bam_fpath = bam_fhand.name
        cmd = [get_binary_path('bedtools'), 'genomecov', '-ibam', bam_fpath]
        cover_process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
        for line in cover_process.stdout:
            if line.startswith('genome'):
                cov, value = line.split('\t')[1:3]
                coverage_hist[int(cov)] += int(value)
    return coverage_hist
Пример #2
def get_genome_coverage(bam_fhands):
    coverage_hist = IntCounter()
    for bam_fhand in bam_fhands:
        bam_fpath = bam_fhand.name
        cmd = [get_binary_path('bedtools'), 'genomecov', '-ibam', bam_fpath]
        cover_process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
        for line in cover_process.stdout:
            if line.startswith('genome'):
                cov, value = line.split('\t')[1: 3]
                coverage_hist[int(cov)] += int(value)
    return coverage_hist
Пример #3
def get_reference_counts(bam_fpath):
    'Using samtools idxstats it generates dictionaries with read counts'
    cmd = [get_binary_path('samtools'), 'idxstats', bam_fpath]
    idx_process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
    # we're not using pysam.idxstats here because the stdout differed
    # depending on how the tests were run
    for line in idx_process.stdout:
        ref_name, ref_length, mapped_reads, unmapped_reads = line.split()
        if ref_name == '*':
            ref_name = None
            ref_length = None
            ref_length = int(ref_length)
        yield {'reference': ref_name, 'length': ref_length,
               'mapped_reads': int(mapped_reads),
               'unmapped_reads': int(unmapped_reads)}
Пример #4
def get_reference_counts(bam_fpath):
    'Using samtools idxstats it generates dictionaries with read counts'
    cmd = [get_binary_path('samtools'), 'idxstats', bam_fpath]
    idx_process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
    # we're not using pysam.idxstats here because the stdout differed
    # depending on how the tests were run
    for line in idx_process.stdout:
        ref_name, ref_length, mapped_reads, unmapped_reads = line.split()
        if ref_name == '*':
            ref_name = None
            ref_length = None
            ref_length = int(ref_length)
        yield {
            'reference': ref_name,
            'length': ref_length,
            'mapped_reads': int(mapped_reads),
            'unmapped_reads': int(unmapped_reads)