Пример #1
class TestHDFMapMSI(ut.TestCase):
    """Test class for HDFMapMSI"""

    # What to test?
    # X  1. returned object is a dictionary
    # X  2. if input is not h5py.Group instance, then TypeError is
    #       raised
    # X  3. existence of:
    #       a. mappable_devices
    #          - check it's a tuple
    # X  4. MSI group has no sub-groups
    #       - dict is empty
    # X  5. MSI has unknown & known sub-groups
    #       - only known group is added to dictionary
    # X  6. MSI has a known sub-group, but mapping fails
    #       - failed map should not be added to to dict
    # X  7. all diagnostics are mappable, but not all mappable
    #       diagnostics are included
    # X  8. MSI group has a diagnostic dataset

    def setUp(self):
        self.f = FauxHDFBuilder()

    def tearDown(self):

    def map(self):
        """Map of MSI Group"""
        return self.map_msi(self.msi_group)

    def msi_group(self):
        """MSI group"""
        return self.f['MSI']

    def map_msi(group):
        """Mapping function"""
        return HDFMapMSI(group)

    def test_not_h5py_group(self):
        """Test error if object to map is not h5py.Group"""
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_msi_scenarios(self):
        Test various scenarios of mappable and non-mappable diagnostics
        in the MSI group
        # the MSI group is empty                                    ----
        _map = self.map
        self.assertEqual(_map, {})

        # the MSI group has all mappable diagnostics                ----
        self.f.add_module('Discharge', {})
        self.f.add_module('Heater', {})
        self.f.add_module('Magnetic field', {})
        _map = self.map

        # check all diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 3)
        self.assertIn('Discharge', _map)
        self.assertIn('Heater', _map)
        self.assertIn('Magnetic field', _map)

        # the MSI group has mappable and unknown diagnostics        ----
        self.f.add_module('Discharge', {})
        self.f.add_module('Heater', {})
        self.f.add_module('Magnetic field', {})
        self.f['MSI'].create_group('Not known')
        _map = self.map

        # check correct diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 3)
        self.assertIn('Discharge', _map)
        self.assertIn('Heater', _map)
        self.assertIn('Magnetic field', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('Not known', _map)

        # delete unknown group
        del self.f['MSI/Not known']

        # the MSI group has a dataset                               ----
        self.f.add_module('Discharge', {})
        self.f.add_module('Heater', {})
        self.f.add_module('Magnetic field', {})
        data = np.empty((2, 100), dtype=np.float32)
        self.f['MSI'].create_dataset('A dataset', data=data)
        _map = self.map

        # check correct diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 3)
        self.assertIn('Discharge', _map)
        self.assertIn('Heater', _map)
        self.assertIn('Magnetic field', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('A dataset', _map)

        # delete dataset
        del self.f['MSI/A dataset']

        # the MSI group has a mappable diagnostic                   ----
        # but mapping fails                                         ----
        self.f.add_module('Discharge', {})
        self.f.add_module('Heater', {})

        # remove a dataset from 'Discharge'
        # - this will cause mapping of 'Discharge' to fail
        del self.f['MSI/Discharge/Discharge current']

        # check map
        _map = self.map

        # check correct diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 1)
        self.assertIn('Heater', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('Discharge', _map)

    def assertBasics(self, msi_map: HDFMapMSI):
        # mapped object is a dictionary
        self.assertIsInstance(msi_map, dict)

        # all dict items are a mapping class
        for val in msi_map.values():
            self.assertIsInstance(val, HDFMapMSITemplate)

        # look for map attributes
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(msi_map, 'mappable_devices'))

        # check attribute types
        self.assertIsInstance(msi_map.mappable_devices, tuple)
Пример #2
class TestHDFMapControls(ut.TestCase):
    """Test class for HDFMapControls"""
    # What to test?
    # X  1. returned object is a dictionary
    # X  2. if input is not h5py.Group instance, then TypeError is
    #       raised
    # X  3. existence of:
    #       a. mappable_devices
    #          - check it's a tuple
    # X  4. data group has no sub-groups
    #       - dict is empty
    # X  5. data group has unknown & known control device sub-groups
    #       - only known group is added to dictionary
    #    6. data group has a known control sub-group, but mapping fails
    #       - failed map should not be added to to dict
    # X  7. all control devices are mappable, but not all mappable
    #       controls are included
    # X  8. data group has a dataset

    def setUp(self):
        self.f = FauxHDFBuilder()

    def tearDown(self):

    def map(self):
        """Map of Control Group"""
        return self.map_control(self.data_group)

    def data_group(self):
        """MSI group"""
        return self.f['Raw data + config']

    def map_control(group):
        """Mapping function"""
        return HDFMapControls(group)

    def test_not_h5py_group(self):
        """Test error if object to map is not h5py.Group"""
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_msi_scenarios(self):
        Test various scenarios of mappable and non-mappable control
        device groups.
        # the data group has NO control device groups               ----
        _map = self.map
        self.assertEqual(_map, {})

        # the control group has all mappable devices                ----
        self.f.add_module('6K Compumotor', {})
        self.f.add_module('Waveform', {})
        _map = self.map

        # check all controls were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 2)
        self.assertIn('6K Compumotor', _map)
        self.assertIn('Waveform', _map)

        # the data group has mappable and unknown controls          ----
        self.f.add_module('6K Compumotor', {})
        self.f.add_module('Waveform', {})
        self.f['Raw data + config'].create_group('Not known')
        _map = self.map

        # check correct diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 2)
        self.assertIn('6K Compumotor', _map)
        self.assertIn('Waveform', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('Not known', _map)

        # delete unknown group
        del self.f['Raw data + config/Not known']

        # the data group has a dataset                              ----
        self.f.add_module('Waveform', {})
        data = np.empty((2, 100), dtype=np.float32)
        self.f['Raw data + config'].create_dataset('A dataset',
        _map = self.map

        # check correct diagnostics were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 1)
        self.assertIn('Waveform', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('A dataset', _map)

        # delete dataset
        del self.f['Raw data + config/A dataset']

        # the data group has a mappable control devices             ----
        # but mapping fails                                         ----
        self.f.add_module('6K Compumotor', {})
        self.f.add_module('Waveform', {})

        # remove a dataset from 'Waveform'
        # - this will cause mapping of 'Waveform' to fail
        del self.f['Raw data + config/Waveform/config01']

        # check map
        _map = self.map

        # check correct controls were mapped
        self.assertEqual(len(_map), 1)
        self.assertIn('6K Compumotor', _map)
        self.assertNotIn('Waveform', _map)

    def assertBasics(self, _map: HDFMapControls):
        # mapped object is a dictionary
        self.assertIsInstance(_map, dict)

        # all dict items are a mapping class
        for val in _map.values():
            self.assertIsInstance(val, (HDFMapControlTemplate,

        # look for map attributes
            hasattr(_map, 'mappable_devices'))

        # check attribute types