def main(args): ''' ************************** Step 1: get arguments from argparse variables ************************** ''' logger = init_root_logger('logger.log', 'INFO') pga = db_info.get_db_info(args.config_name, args.db_config_csv_path) DB_USER_NAME = pga.username if DB_USER_NAME is not None and len(DB_USER_NAME) < 1: DB_USER_NAME = None DB_PASSWORD = pga.password dburl = pga.dburl databasename = pga.databasename ''' ************************** Step 2: build an instance of BuildDb ************************** ''' bdb = build_db.BuildDb(None, dburl=dburl, databasename=databasename, schema_name=args.schema_name, username=DB_USER_NAME, password=DB_PASSWORD) ''' ************************** Step 3: make a new table, if testorlive==live ************************** ''' if str(args.testorlive).lower() == 'live': print(f'creating schema {bdb.schema_name}') bdb.pga.exec_sql_raw(f"create schema IF NOT EXISTS {bdb.schema_name};") print(f'creating futures table') bdb.make_underlying_table() print(f'creating options table') bdb.make_options_table() ''' ************************* END **************************** '''"finished")
parser.add_argument('--db_config_csv_path',type=str, help='path to the csv file that holds config_name,dburl,databasename,username,password info for the postgres db that you will update (default is ./postgres_info.csv', default="./postgres_info.csv") parser.add_argument('--config_name',type=str, help='value of the config_name column in the db config csv file (default is local', default="local") parser.add_argument('--strike_divisor_json_path',type=str, help='if specified, a path to a json file that contains divisors for each commodity in contract_list', default = './divisor_dict.json') parser.add_argument('--write_to_postgres',type=str, help='if True the data will be written to postgres. Otherwise, a psql COPY command will be printed to the console. Default=False', default="False") args = parser.parse_args() logger = build_db.init_root_logger(args.log_file_path, args.logging_level) pga = db_info.get_db_info(args.config_name, args.db_config_csv_path) WRITE_TO_POSTGRES = str(args.write_to_postgres).lower()=='true' # create a builder just so that you can get it's logger and it's pga instance"fetching commod lists for options and futures") opt_contract_list = get_commod_list_from_max_settle_date(pga,tablename=OPTTAB) fut_contract_list = get_commod_list_from_max_settle_date(pga,tablename=FUTTAB) # get contract list of commod symbols (like CL and ES) for options and futures # get first day to start upload df_all_options = None df_all_futures = None yyyymmdds_to_fetch = get_dates_to_fetch(pga,OPTTAB) for yyyymmdd in tqdm_notebook(yyyymmdds_to_fetch):
# importlib.reload(db_info) # In[2]: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # ### important global variables # In[3]: DEBUG_IT = False opttab = 'sec_schema.options_table' futtab = 'sec_schema.underlying_table' pga = db_info.get_db_info() SYMBOL_TO_RESEARCH = 'ES' STRIKE_DIVISORS = {} # df_expiry_dates_additions = pd.read_csv('df_expiry_dates_additions.csv') df_expiry_dates_additions = pd.read_csv('live_option_expirations.csv') # ### methods to build options # In[4]: def _get_contract_number_from_symbol(symbol): c = symbol[0:2] if c in ['CL', 'ES', 'NG']: return 2
MONTH_CODES = 'FGHJKMNQUVXZ' DICT_MONTH_NUMS = {MONTH_CODES[i]: i + 1 for i in range(len(MONTH_CODES))} # ### important global variables # In[3]: DEBUG_IT = False opttab = 'sec_schema.options_table' futtab = 'sec_schema.underlying_table' config_name = None argvs = sys.argv if len(argvs) > 1: config_name = argvs[1] pga = db_info.get_db_info(config_name=config_name) SYMBOL_TO_RESEARCH = 'ES' STRIKE_DIVISORS = {} # df_expiry_dates_additions = pd.read_csv('df_expiry_dates_additions.csv') df_expiry_dates_additions = pd.read_csv('live_option_expirations.csv') # ### methods to build options # In[4]: def _get_contract_number_from_symbol(symbol): c = symbol[0:2] if c in ['CL', 'CB', 'ES', 'GE', 'NG']: return 2
'--strike_divisor_json_path', type=str, help= 'if specified, a path to a json file that contains divisors for each commodity in contract_list', default='./divisor_dict.json') parser.add_argument( '--write_to_postgres', type=str, help= 'if True the data will be written to postgres. Otherwise, a psql COPY command will be printed to the console. Default=False', default="False") args = parser.parse_args() # create logger and pga instance logger = build_db.init_root_logger('logfile.log', 'INFO') pga = db_info.get_db_info(args.config_name, './postgres_info.csv') # see if we are updating db write_to_postgres = str(args.write_to_postgres).lower() == 'true'"fetching commod lists for options and futures") # get commodities to be processed commods = args.contract_list.split(',') # get dates to be processed for options, grouped by commod print(f"geting dates to process for {OPTTAB} symols: {commods}") dict_options_yyyymmdds_per_commod = get_dates_to_fetch( pga, OPTTAB, commods) options_yyyymmdds_to_fetch = [] for yyyymmdds in dict_options_yyyymmdds_per_commod.values(): options_yyyymmdds_to_fetch.extend(yyyymmdds) options_yyyymmdds_to_fetch = list(set(options_yyyymmdds_to_fetch))