Пример #1
def datref(datfile, outfile):
    dataset = bark.read_sampled(datfile)
    data, params = dataset.data, dataset.attrs
    outparams = params.copy()
    bark.write_sampled(outfile, data, outparams)
    outdset = bark.read_sampled(outfile, 'r+')
    out = outdset.data
    # determine reference coefficient
    n_channels = len(params["columns"])
    coefs = np.zeros((n_channels, len(range(0, len(out), BUF))))
    power = np.zeros_like(coefs)
    for ith, i in enumerate(range(0, len(out), BUF)):
        for c in range(n_channels):
            refs = np.delete(data[i:i + BUF, :], c, axis=1)  # remove col c
            ref = np.mean(refs, axis=1)
            x = data[i:i + BUF, c]
            coefs[c, ith] = np.dot(x, ref) / np.dot(ref, ref)

    best_C = np.zeros(n_channels)
    for c in range(n_channels):
        c_coefs = coefs[c, :]
        c_power = power[c, :]
        mask = c_power >= np.percentile(c_power, 90)
        best_C[c] = np.nanmean(c_coefs[mask])
    print("best reference coefficients: {}".format(best_C))
    for i, c in enumerate(best_C):
        outparams['columns'][i]['reference_coefficient'] = float(c)
    for i in range(0, len(out), BUF):
        for c in range(n_channels):
            refs = np.delete(data[i:i + BUF, :], c, axis=1)  # remove col c
            ref = np.mean(refs, axis=1)
            x = data[i:i + BUF, c]
            out[i:i + BUF,
                c] = data[i:i + BUF, c] - best_C[c] * np.median(refs, axis=1)
    bark.write_metadata(outfile, **outparams)
Пример #2
def main(datfile, labelfile, outfile=None, shortcutfile=None, use_ops=True):
    if not labelfile:
        labelfile = os.path.splitext(datfile)[0] + '.csv'
    sampled = bark.read_sampled(datfile)
    assert len(sampled.attrs['columns']) == 1
    labels = bark.read_events(labelfile)
    labeldata = to_seconds(labels).data.to_dict('records')
    if len(labeldata) == 0:
        print('{} has no data'.format(labelfile))
    shortcuts = build_shortcut_map(shortcutfile)
    opsfile = labelfile + '.ops.json'
    opstack = load_opstack(opsfile, labelfile, labeldata, use_ops)
    if not outfile:
        outfile = os.path.splitext(labelfile)[0] + '_edit.csv'
    # Oscillogram and Spectrogram get
    # three times the vertical space as the minimap.
    osc_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=3)
    spec_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (3, 0), rowspan=3, sharex=osc_ax)
    map_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (6, 0))
    # Segement review is a context manager to ensure a save prompt
    # on exit. see SegmentReviewer.__exit__
    with SegmentReviewer(osc_ax, spec_ax, map_ax, sampled, opstack, shortcuts,
                         outfile, labels.attrs, opsfile) as reviewer:
Пример #3
def datenrich(dat, out, label_file, window):
    dataset = bark.read_sampled(dat)
    data, params = dataset.data, dataset.attrs
    rate = params["sampling_rate"]
    total_samples = data.shape[0]
    # cut out labelled segments
    label_dset = bark.read_events(label_file)
    for x in label_dset.data.itertuples():
        assert x.start > 0
        assert x.start * rate < total_samples
        assert x.stop > 0
        assert x.stop * rate < total_samples
        if x.start - window < 0:
            print('warning, cannot place a full window at beginning of data')
    segs, newlabels = get_segments(label_dset.data, window)
    # convert to samples
    segs = np.array(segs * rate, dtype=int)
    # write to new file
    with open(out, "wb") as outfp:
        for start, stop in segs:
            assert stop > 0
            assert start < total_samples
            assert start >= 0
            if stop >= total_samples:
                print('warning, cannot place a full window at end of data')
                stop = total_samples - 1
            outfp.write(data[start:stop, :].tobytes())
    bark.write_metadata(out, **params)
        os.path.splitext(out)[0] + ".csv", newlabels, **label_dset.attrs)
Пример #4
def _run():
    ''' Function for getting commandline args.'''
    import argparse

    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
    Create a segment label file from a 2D categorical probability series

    Uses method from Koumura & Okanoya 2016.

    First the most likely syllable is created.
    Then from these threshold crossings, any short gaps are annealed,
    and any short syllables are removed.
    p.add_argument('cat', help='name of a sampled dataset')
    p.add_argument('out', help='name of output event dataset')
                   help='minimum syllable length in ms, default: {}'.format(
                   help='minimum silence length in ms, default: {}'.format(
    args = p.parse_args()
    sampled = bark.read_sampled(args.cat)
    sr = sampled.sampling_rate
    decoder = sampled.attrs['decoder']
    main(sampled.data, sr, decoder, args.out, args.min_syl, args.min_silent)
Пример #5
def main(dat, csv, thresh, is_std, order=default_order, min_dist=0):
    if is_std:
        std = compute_std(dat)
        threshs = thresh * std
        # make threshs a vector if it's a scalar
        n_channels = bark.read_sampled(dat).data.shape[1]
        threshs = np.ones(n_channels) * thresh
    print('thresholds:', threshs)
    s = stream.read(dat)
    pad_len = order
    with open(csv, 'w') as fp:
        for (channel, sample) in stream_spikes(s, threshs, pad_len, order,
                                               min_dist * s.sr):
            fp.write('{},{}\n'.format(channel, sample / s.sr))
                            'channel': {
                                'units': None
                            'start': {
                                'units': 's'
Пример #6
def rb_select():
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
    Select a subset of channels from a sampled dataset
    p.add_argument('dat', help='dat file')
    p.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='name of output datfile')
                   help='''channels to extract,
                   zero indexed channel numbers
                   unless --col-attr is set, in which case
                   channels are metadata values''',
                   help='name of column attribute to select channels with')
    args = p.parse_args()
    fname, outfname, channels, col_attr = (args.dat, args.out, args.channels,
    stream = bark.read_sampled(fname).toStream()
    if col_attr:
        columns = stream.attrs['columns']
        rev_attr = {
            col[col_attr]: idx
            for idx, col in columns.items() if col_attr in col
        }  # so you can tag only some channels
        channels = [rev_attr[c] for c in channels]
        channels = [int(c) for c in channels]
Пример #7
def datref(datfile, outfile):
    shutil.copyfile(datfile, outfile)
    shutil.copyfile(datfile + '.meta.yaml', outfile + '.meta.yaml')
    outdset = bark.read_sampled(outfile, 'r+')
    out = outdset.data
    # determine reference coefficient
    n_samples, n_channels = out.shape
    coefs = np.zeros((n_channels, len(range(0, n_samples, BUF))))
    power = np.zeros_like(coefs)
    for ith, i in enumerate(range(0, n_samples, BUF)):
        total_mean = np.mean(out[i:i + BUF, :], axis=1)
        for c in range(n_channels):
            x = out[i:i + BUF, c]
            # this way we avoid re-calculating the entire mean for each channel
            ref = (total_mean * n_channels - x) / (n_channels - 1)
            coefs[c, ith] = np.dot(x, ref) / np.dot(ref, ref)
    best_C = np.zeros(n_channels)
    for c in range(n_channels):
        c_coefs = coefs[c, :]
        c_power = power[c, :]
        mask = c_power >= np.percentile(c_power, 90)
        best_C[c] = np.nanmean(c_coefs[mask])
    print("best reference coefficients: {}".format(best_C))
    for i, c in enumerate(best_C):
        outdset.attrs['columns'][i]['reference_coefficient'] = float(c)
    # we want to avoid re-calculating the median from scratch for each channel
    # unfortunately, the "new median after removing an element" calculation
    # is less succinct than for the mean
    if n_channels % 2 == 0:
        median_idx = [int(n_channels / 2) - 1, int(n_channels / 2)]
        idx_smaller = [median_idx[0] + 1]  # new median if elt removed < median
        idx_equal = [median_idx[0]]  # new median if elt removed == median
        idx_greater = [median_idx[0]]  # new median if elt removed > median
        median_idx = [int(n_channels / 2)]
        idx_smaller = [median_idx[0], median_idx[0] + 1]
        idx_equal = [median_idx[0] - 1, median_idx[0] + 1]
        idx_greater = [median_idx[0] - 1, median_idx[0]]
    for i in range(0, n_samples, BUF):
        sorted_buffer = np.sort(out[i:i + BUF, :], axis=1)
        total_medians = np.mean(sorted_buffer[:, median_idx], axis=1)
        new_med_smaller = np.mean(sorted_buffer[:, idx_smaller], axis=1)
        new_med_equal = np.mean(sorted_buffer[:, idx_equal], axis=1)
        new_med_greater = np.mean(sorted_buffer[:, idx_greater], axis=1)
        for c in range(n_channels):
            less = np.less(out[i:i + BUF, c], total_medians)
            equal = np.equal(out[i:i + BUF, c], total_medians)
            greater = np.greater(out[i:i + BUF, c], total_medians)
            out[i:i + BUF,
                c][less] = out[i:i + BUF,
                               c][less] - best_C[c] * new_med_smaller[less]
            out[i:i + BUF,
                c][equal] = out[i:i + BUF,
                                c][equal] - best_C[c] * new_med_equal[equal]
            out[i:i + BUF, c][greater] = out[
                i:i + BUF, c][greater] - best_C[c] * new_med_greater[greater]
    bark.write_metadata(outfile, **outdset.attrs)
Пример #8
def _helper_test(fname_wav, fname_dat, dir_path, data):
	rate = 48000
	#1.  Create wav file
	wavfile.write(fname_wav, rate, data)
	assert os.path.exists(fname_wav), 'File Not Found: test.wav'

	#2. Generate .dat and .dat.meta.yaml file
	attrs = {"name": "hello bark", "project": "bark"}
	dat_file = dfw.dat_from_wav(fname_wav, fname_dat, **attrs)
	assert os.path.exists(fname_dat), 'File Not Found: test.dat'
	assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_path, 'test.dat.meta.yaml')), 'File Not Found: test.dat.meta.yaml'

	#3. Compare data, dtype, rate in .dat file
	assert np.array_equal(data, bark.read_sampled(fname_dat).data), 'Data in .wav and .dat files does not match' 
	assert data.dtype==bark.read_sampled(fname_dat).data.dtype, 'dtypes does not match'
	assert rate == bark.read_sampled(fname_dat).sampling_rate, 'Sampling rates does not match'
	assert 'hello bark' == bark.read_sampled(fname_dat).attrs['name'], 'name attribute does not match'
	assert 'bark' == bark.read_sampled(fname_dat).attrs['project'], 'project attribute does not match'
Пример #9
def read(fname, chunksize=2e6, **kwargs):
    """ input: the filename of a raw binary file
        should have an associated meta file
        returns FileStream
    bark_obj = bark.read_sampled(fname)
    data = bark_obj.data
    sr = bark_obj.attrs["sampling_rate"]
    return Stream(data, sr=sr, chunksize=chunksize, attrs=kwargs)
Пример #10
def main(datfile, trigfile, outfile, wavfiles):
    common_sr = 22050  # everything is resampled to this
    # get wav envelopes
    stim_names, stim_envs = wav_envelopes(wavfiles, common_sr)
    mic_dset = bark.read_sampled(datfile)
    mic_sr = mic_dset.sampling_rate
    starts = bark.read_events(trigfile).data.start
    # get most likely stimulus for each trigger time
    labels = classify_stimuli(mic_dset.data, mic_sr, starts, stim_names,
                              stim_envs, common_sr)
    stops = get_stops(labels, starts, stim_names, stim_envs, common_sr)
    write(outfile, starts, stops, labels)
Пример #11
def test_read_sampled(tmpdir):
    test_write_sampled(tmpdir)  # create 'test_sampled'
    path = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "test_sampled")
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    assert os.path.exists(path + ".meta.yaml")
    dset = bark.read_sampled(path)
    assert isinstance(dset, bark.SampledData)
    assert isinstance(dset.path, str)
    assert isinstance(dset.attrs, dict)
    assert isinstance(dset.data, np.memmap)
    assert np.allclose(np.zeros((10,3)), dset.data)
    assert np.allclose(dset.data.shape, (10, 3))
Пример #12
def test_write(tmpdir):
    fname = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "mydat")
    columns = bark.sampled_columns(data1)
    attrs = dict(sampling_rate=100, columns=columns, fluffy="cat")
    a = Stream(data1, attrs=attrs)
    sdataset = bark.read_sampled(fname)
    sdata = sdataset.data
    assert eq(data1, sdata)
    sattrs = sdataset.attrs
    for key in attrs:
        assert attrs[key] == sattrs[key]
Пример #13
def getfiles():
    file = FileDialog()
    files = file.openFileNamesDialog()
    if not files:
    sampled = [bark.read_sampled(file) for file in files]
    readonlylabelfile = file.openFileNameDialog()
    if not readonlylabelfile:
        import pandas as pd
        origin_labels = pd.DataFrame()
        origin_labels = bark.read_events(readonlylabelfile).data
    return files, sampled, sampled
Пример #14
def test_datchunk(tmpdir):
    from bark.tools import barkutils
    CHUNK = 350
    TOTAL_SIZE = 1000
    data = np.array([range(TOTAL_SIZE),
                     range(TOTAL_SIZE, 2 * TOTAL_SIZE)]).transpose()
    params = dict(sampling_rate=30000, units="mV", unit_scale=0.025,
    dset = bark.write_sampled(os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "test.dat"), data=data, **params)
    barkutils.datchunk(dset.path, CHUNK, use_seconds=False, one_cut=True)
    first_fn = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "test-chunk-0.dat")
    second_fn = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "test-chunk-1.dat")
    assert os.path.exists(first_fn)
    assert os.path.exists(second_fn)
    first = bark.read_sampled(first_fn)
    second = bark.read_sampled(second_fn)
    assert (first.data == dset.data[:CHUNK,:]).all()
    assert first.attrs.pop('offset') == 0
    assert first.attrs == dset.attrs
    assert (second.data == dset.data[CHUNK:TOTAL_SIZE,:]).all()
    assert second.attrs.pop('offset') == CHUNK
    assert second.attrs == dset.attrs
    del first, second
    assert not os.path.exists(first_fn)
    assert not os.path.exists(second_fn)
    barkutils.datchunk(dset.path, CHUNK, use_seconds=False, one_cut=False)
    third_fn = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "test-chunk-2.dat")
    assert os.path.exists(first_fn)
    assert os.path.exists(second_fn)
    assert os.path.exists(third_fn)
    first = bark.read_sampled(first_fn)
    second = bark.read_sampled(second_fn)
    third = bark.read_sampled(third_fn)
    assert (first.data == dset.data[:CHUNK,:]).all()
    assert (second.data == dset.data[CHUNK:2*CHUNK,:]).all()
    assert (third.data == dset.data[2*CHUNK:,:]).all()
Пример #15
def rb_to_wave_clus():
    import argparse
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="dat2wave_clus",
    Converts a raw binary file to a wav_clus compatible matlab file
    p.add_argument("dat", help="dat file")
    p.add_argument("-o", "--out", help="name of output .mat file")
    opt = p.parse_args()
    from scipy.io import savemat
    dataset = bark.read_sampled(opt.dat)
            {'data': dataset.data.T,
             'sr': dataset.attrs['sampling_rate']},
Пример #16
def main(datfile):
    sampled = bark.read_sampled(datfile)
    # assert len(sampled.attrs['columns']) == 1
    # Oscillogram and Spectrogram get
    osc_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=3)
    spec_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (3, 0), rowspan=3, sharex=osc_ax)
    map_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (6, 0), rowspan=1)

    # Segement review is a context manager to ensure a save prompt
    # on exit. see SegmentReviewer.__exit__
    with SegmentReviewer(osc_ax, spec_ax, map_ax, sampled) as reviewer:
Пример #17
def read_files(bird_dir, load_events):
    bird_dir: location of data
    load_events: If true, also load matching csvs

    Reads raw files for testing and training.

    Returns a list of sampled datasets and a list of event datasets
    data_files = glob(join(bird_dir, "*.dat"))
    print('number of files: ', len(data_files))
    sampled_dsets = [bark.read_sampled(dfile) for dfile in data_files]
    if not load_events:
        return sampled_dsets
    target_files = [splitext(x)[0] + ".csv" for x in data_files]
    event_dsets = [bark.read_events(tfile) for tfile in target_files]
    return sampled_dsets, event_dsets
Пример #18
def datchunk(dat, stride, use_seconds, one_cut):
    def write_chunk(chunk, attrs, i):
        filename = "{}-chunk-{}.dat".format(basename, i)
        attrs['offset'] = stride * i
        bark.write_sampled(filename, chunk, **attrs)
    attrs = bark.read_metadata(dat)
    if use_seconds:
        stride = stride * attrs['sampling_rate']
    stride = int(stride)
    basename = os.path.splitext(dat)[0]
    if one_cut:
        sds = bark.read_sampled(dat)
        write_chunk(sds.data[:stride,:], attrs, 0)
        write_chunk(sds.data[stride:,:], attrs, 1)
        for i, chunk in enumerate(stream.read(dat, chunksize=stride)):
            write_chunk(chunk, attrs, i)
Пример #19
def _main():
    args = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
    spike_ds = bark.read_events(args.spikes)
    stim_time_ds = bark.read_events(args.stimtimes)
    if args.stim:
        if os.path.splitext(args.stim)[-1] == '.wav':
            sr, stim = scipy.io.wavfile.read(args.stim)
            stimulus = Stimulus(args.name, stim, sr)
            stim = bark.read_sampled(args.stim)
            stimulus = Stimulus(args.name, stim.data, stim.sampling_rate)
        stimulus = None
    title_str = '"{}"-aligned spike raster, unit {}'
    fn_str = '{}_aligned_raster_unit_{}.{}'
    for unit in set(spike_ds['name']):
        f = aligned_raster(spike_ds[spike_ds['name'] == unit]['start'],
                           padding=(args.bef, args.aft),
                           title=title_str.format(args.name, unit),
        f.savefig(fn_str.format(args.name, unit, args.ext))
Пример #20
def datartifact(datfile, outfile, std_lim):
    assert datfile != outfile
    copyfile(datfile, outfile)
    copyfile(datfile + ".meta.yaml", outfile + ".meta.yaml")
    dataset = read_sampled(datfile)
    data, params = dataset.data, dataset.attrs
    out_dataset = read_sampled(outfile, mode="r+")
    out, outparams = out_dataset.data, dataset.attrs
    n_channels = len(params["columns"])

    # compute standard deviation
    stds = np.std(data[0:BUF * 50], axis=0)
    print("standard deviations: {}".format(stds))
    # find locations of artifacts
    pos_artifacts = [[] for x in range(n_channels)]
    neg_artifacts = [[] for x in range(n_channels)]
    assert len(stds) == n_channels
    for i in range(0, len(out), BUF):
        for c in range(n_channels):
            x = data[i:i + BUF, c].copy().flatten()
            x[x < stds[c] * std_lim] = 0
            peaks, = argrelmax(x)
            pos_artifacts[c] += [int(pe) + i for pe in peaks]

            x = data[i:i + BUF, c].copy().flatten()
            x[x > -stds[c] * std_lim] = 0
            peaks, = argrelmin(x)
            neg_artifacts[c] = neg_artifacts[c] + [int(pe) + i for pe in peaks]
    # remove artifacts
    print("{}\t negative artifacts".format([len(x) for x in neg_artifacts]))
    print("locations: {}".format(
        [np.array(x) / params["sampling_rate"] for x in neg_artifacts]))
    print("{}\t positive artifacts".format([len(x) for x in pos_artifacts]))
    print("locations: {}".format(
        [np.array(x) / params["sampling_rate"] for x in pos_artifacts]))
    for c in range(n_channels):
        print([data[x, c] / stds[c] for x in pos_artifacts[c]])
        print([data[x, c] / stds[c] for x in neg_artifacts[c]])

    make_artifact_plots(data, outfile, pos_artifacts, neg_artifacts, stds)
    for chan in range(n_channels):
        for samp in pos_artifacts[c]:
            out[samp, chan] = 0
            t = samp + 1
            while out[t, chan] > stds[chan]:
                out[t, chan] = 0
                t += 1
            t = samp - 1
            while out[t, chan] > stds[chan]:
                out[t, chan] = 0
                t -= 1

        for samp in neg_artifacts[c]:
            out[samp, chan] = 0
            t = samp + 1
            while out[t, chan] < -stds[chan]:
                out[t, chan] = 0
                t += 1
            t = samp - 1
            while out[t, chan] < -stds[chan]:
                out[t, chan] = 0
                t -= 1
Пример #21
def readfiles(outfile=None, shortcutfile=None, use_ops=True):
    """Read all files from the fileDialog and create files if those files are missing.

    If no .dat files, exit.
    Auto find label file named with '[dat_name]_split.csv' 
    If not exist, create a new one with customize label and a .meta file 
    create opstack and outfiles

    Returns: origin_labels,trace_num, gap, sampled, opstack, shortcuts, outfile, labels.attrs, opsfile
    gap = 0
    file = FileDialog()
    files = file.openFileNamesDialog()
    if not files:
    sampled = [bark.read_sampled(file) for file in files]
    readonlylabelfile = file.openFileNameDialog()
    if not readonlylabelfile:
        import pandas as pd
        origin_labels = pd.DataFrame()
        origin_labels = bark.read_events(readonlylabelfile).data
    trace_num = len(files)
    dat = files[0]
    labelfile = os.path.splitext(dat)[0] + '_split.csv'
    exist = os.path.exists(labelfile)
    opsfile = labelfile + '.ops.json'
    metadata = labelfile + '.meta.yaml'
    if not os.path.exists(labelfile):

    if not os.path.exists(labelfile):
        showDia = Input()
        gap = int(showDia.showDialog())
        start = 0
        end = int(
            round(len(sampled[0].data) / sampled[0].attrs["sampling_rate"]))
        trace_num = len(sampled)
        createlabel(labelfile, start, end, gap)

    labels = bark.read_events(labelfile)
    labeldata = to_seconds(labels).data.to_dict('records')
    if len(labeldata) == 0:
        print('{} contains no intervals.'.format(labelfile))
    opstack = load_opstack(opsfile, labelfile, labeldata, use_ops)
    if not gap:
        if len(opstack.events) == 0:
            print('opstack is empty. Please delete {}.'.format(opstack))
        gap = opstack.events[0]['stop'] - opstack.events[0]['start']

    shortcuts = build_shortcut_map(shortcutfile)
    #create a new outfile
    if not outfile:
        outfile = os.path.splitext(labelfile)[0] + '_edit.csv'
    channelname = []
    import re
    for name in files:
        searchObj = re.search(r'(.*)/(.*).dat', name, re.M | re.I)

    return origin_labels, trace_num, channelname, gap, sampled, opstack, shortcuts, outfile, labels.attrs, opsfile