#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister import sys import copy import time trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:7667/content") client = barrister.Client(trans) # # Test 1 - Try adding a page with incorrect types. Note that server.py # has no type validation code. Type enforcement is done # automatically by Barrister based on the IDL invalid_add_page = [ # use an int for authorId [1, "title", "body", "sports"], # pass a null title ["author-1", None, "body", "sports"], # pass a float for body ["author-1", "title", 32.3, "sports"], # pass a bool for category ["author-1", "title", "body", True], # pass an invalid enum value ["author-1", "title", "body", "op-ed"] ] for page_data in invalid_add_page: try: client.ContentService.addPage(*page_data)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import barrister import codecs import logging try: import json except: import simplejson as json logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger("barrister").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:9233/") client = barrister.Client(trans, validate_request=False) batch = None f = open(sys.argv[1]) out = codecs.open(sys.argv[2], "w", "utf-8") def get_and_log_result(iface, func, params, result, error): status = "ok" resp = result if error != None: status = "rpcerr" resp = error.code print "RPCERR: %s" % error.msg
#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister import sys trans = barrister.HttpTransport(sys.argv[1]) client = barrister.Client(trans) print "1+5.1=%.1f" % client.Calculator.add(1, 5.1) print "8-1.1=%.1f" % client.Calculator.subtract(8, 1.1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister import urllib2 import sys password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_mgr.add_password(None, 'http://localhost:3000/','admin','admin') auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr) trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:3000/v1/todos", handlers=[auth_handler]) client = barrister.Client(trans) try: result = client.TodoManager.createTodo({ "title" : "Call Mom", "completed" : False }) print result except barrister.RpcException as e: print "err.code=%d" % e.code
#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister import urllib2 import sys password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_mgr.add_password(None, 'http://localhost:7667/', 'johndoe', 'johnpass') auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr) trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:7667/contact", handlers=[auth_handler]) client = barrister.Client(trans) contact = { "contactId": "1234", "username": "******", "firstName": "Mary", "lastName": "Smith" } contactId = client.ContactService.put(contact) print "put contact: %s" % contactId contact2 = client.ContactService.get(contactId) assert contact2 == contact deleted = client.ContactService.remove(contactId) assert deleted == True
def __init__(self, address): trans = barrister.HttpTransport(address) self.client = barrister.Client(trans)
#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:3000/v1/todos") client = barrister.Client(trans) batch = client.start_batch() batch.TodoManager.createTodo({"title": "Call Mom", "completed": False}) batch.TodoManager.createTodo({"title": "Call Dad", "completed": False}) batch.TodoManager.createTodo({"title": "Wash car", "completed": False}) batch.TodoManager.createTodo({"title": "Eat Ham", "completed": False}) results = batch.send() for res in results: # either res.error or res.result will be set if res.error: # res.error is a barrister.RpcException, so you can raise it if desired print "err.code=%d" % res.error.code else: # result from a successful call print res.result
new_individuals = [] for i in range(0, noIndividuals): chromosome = [] onlyIndividual = sample['sample'][i] for j in range(0, len(onlyIndividual['chromosome'])): chromosome.append(onlyIndividual['chromosome'][j] + 100) individual = {'chromosome': chromosome} new_individuals.append(individual) return {'sample_id': sample_id, 'sample': new_individuals} # Conexion con el Server trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:1818/") client = barrister.Client(trans) # Parametros namePop = "popTest" # Crear, Inicializar y Preparar la Poblracion result = client.namePopulations.createPopulation(namePop) print result # Insertar la Poblacion Inicial putSample = createPopulation(50) putSample = json.dumps(putSample) PutSample = client.Population.put_sample(namePop, putSample) print PutSample
#!/usr/bin/env python import barrister trans = barrister.HttpTransport("http://localhost:7667/batch") client = barrister.Client(trans) print client.Echo.echo("hello") try: client.Echo.echo("err") except barrister.RpcException as e: print "err.code=%d" % e.code batch = client.start_batch() batch.Echo.echo("batch 0") batch.Echo.echo("batch 1") batch.Echo.echo("err") batch.Echo.echo("batch 2") batch.Echo.echo("batch 3") results = batch.send() for res in results: if res.result: print res.result else: # res.error is a barrister.RpcException # you can throw it here if desired print "err.code=%d" % res.error.code