Пример #1
def start_client():
        Creates the Qt application and shows the main window.

    # create app
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])

    # TODO multiple screen support?

    # test for desktop availability
    desktop = app.desktop()
    rect = desktop.screenGeometry()
    if rect.width() < constants.MINIMAL_SCREEN_SIZE[0] or rect.height() < constants.MINIMAL_SCREEN_SIZE[1]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Warning',
            'Actual screen size below minimal screen size {}.'.format(constants.MINIMAL_SCREEN_SIZE))

    # if no bounds are set, set resonable bounds
    if tools.get_option(constants.Opt.MAINWINDOW_BOUNDS) is None:
        tools.set_option(constants.Opt.MAINWINDOW_BOUNDS, desktop.availableGeometry().adjusted(50, 50, -100, -100))
        tools.set_option(constants.Opt.MAINWINDOW_MAXIMIZED, True)
        tools.log_info('No previous bounds of the main window stored, start maximized')

    # load global stylesheet to app
    with open(constants.GLOBAL_STYLESHEET_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        style_sheet = file.read()

    # setup sound system

    # start audio player if wished
    if not tools.get_option(constants.Opt.SOUNDTRACK_MUTE):

    # create client object and switch to start screen
    client = Client()

    tools.log_info('client initialized, start Qt app execution')
    # TODO is this necessary to run as event?
    # QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, network_start)
Пример #2
def start():
        Creates the Qt application and shows the main window.

    # create app
    app = QtGui.QApplication([])

    # TODO multiple screen support?

    # test for desktop availability
    desktop = app.desktop()
    rect = desktop.screenGeometry()
    if rect.width() < c.Screen_Min_Size[0] or rect.height() < c.Screen_Min_Size[1]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Warning',
                                  'Actual screen size below minimal screen size {}.'.format(c.Screen_Min_Size))

    # if no bounds are set, set resonable bounds
    if t.get_option(c.O.MW_BOUNDS) is None:
        t.set_option(c.O.MW_BOUNDS, desktop.availableGeometry().adjusted(50, 50, -100, -100))
        t.set_option(c.O.MW_MAXIMIZED, True)
        t.log_info('No previous bounds of the main window stored, start maximized')

    # load global stylesheet to app
    with open(c.Global_Stylesheet, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        style_sheet = file.read()

    # create client object and switch to start screen
    client = Client()

    t.log_info('client initialized, start Qt app execution')
    # TODO is this necessary to run as event?
    QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, network_start)
Пример #3
    if not c.Debug_Mode:
        sys.stdout = codecs.open(Log_File, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
        sys.stderr = codecs.open(Error_File, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')

    # import some base libraries
    from base import constants as c
    from base import tools as t

    # search for existing options file, if not existing, save it once (should just save an empty dictionary
    Options_File = os.path.join(User_Folder, 'options.info')
    if not os.path.exists(Options_File):

    # create single options object, load options and send a log message
    t.log_info('options loaded from user folder ({})'.format(User_Folder))

    # test for phonon availability
    if t.get_option(c.O.PHONON_SUPPORTED):
            from PySide.phonon import Phonon
        except ImportError:
            t.log_error('Phonon backend not available, no sound.')
            t.set_option(c.O.PHONON_SUPPORTED, False)

    # special case of some desktop environments under Linux where full screen mode does not work well
    if t.get_option(c.O.FULLSCREEN_SUPPORTED):
        desktop_session = os.environ.get("DESKTOP_SESSION")
        if desktop_session and (desktop_session.startswith('ubuntu')
                                or 'xfce' in desktop_session
                                or desktop_session.startswith('xubuntu')
Пример #4
    if not c.Debug_Mode:
        sys.stdout = codecs.open(Log_File, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
        sys.stderr = codecs.open(Error_File, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')

    # import some base libraries
    from base import constants as c
    from base import tools as t

    # search for existing options file, if not existing, save it once (should just save an empty dictionary
    Options_File = os.path.join(User_Folder, 'options.info')
    if not os.path.exists(Options_File):

    # create single options object, load options and send a log message
    t.log_info('options loaded from user folder ({})'.format(User_Folder))

    # test for phonon availability
    if t.get_option(c.O.PHONON_SUPPORTED):
            from PySide.phonon import Phonon
        except ImportError:
            t.log_error('Phonon backend not available, no sound.')
            t.set_option(c.O.PHONON_SUPPORTED, False)

    # special case of some desktop environments under Linux where full screen mode does not work well
    if t.get_option(c.O.FULLSCREEN_SUPPORTED):
        desktop_session = os.environ.get("DESKTOP_SESSION")
        if desktop_session and (desktop_session.startswith('ubuntu') or 'xfce' in desktop_session
                                or desktop_session.startswith('xubuntu') or 'gnome' in desktop_session):
            t.set_option(c.O.FULLSCREEN_SUPPORTED, False)