Пример #1
    def _Prepare(self):
        if self._isPrepared: return
        self._isPrepared = True
        if isinstance(self.d, dict): # FuncDesigner startPoint 
            self.x0 = self.d
        if self.isFDmodel:
            equations = self.C
            AsSparse = bool(self.useSparse) if type(self.useSparse) != str else self._useSparse()
            C, d = [], []
            if len(self._fixedVars) < len(self._freeVars):
                Z = dict([(v, zeros_like(self._x0[v]) if v not in self._fixedVars else self._x0[v]) for v in self._x0.keys()])
                Z = dict([(v, zeros_like(self._x0[v]) if v in self._freeVars else self._x0[v]) for v in self._x0.keys()])
            #Z = self.x0#self._vector2point(zeros(self.n))

            for lin_oofun in equations:
                if lin_oofun.getOrder(self.freeVars, self.fixedVars) > 1:
                    raise OpenOptException('SLE constructor requires all equations to be linear')
                C.append(self._pointDerivative2array(lin_oofun.D(Z, **self._D_kwargs), useSparse = AsSparse))
            self.d = hstack(d).flatten()
            self.C  = Vstack(C)
            if hasattr(self.C, 'tocsc'): self.C_as_csc = self.C.tocsc()
            if isinstance(self.C,ndarray) and self.n > 100 and len(flatnonzero(self.C))/self.C.size < 0.3:
                s = "Probably you'd better solve this SLE as sparse"
                if not scipyInstalled: s += ' (requires scipy installed)'

        self.x0 = zeros(self.C.shape[1])
Пример #2
    def _Prepare(self):
        if self._isPrepared: return
        self._isPrepared = True
        if isinstance(self.d, dict): # FuncDesigner startPoint 
            self.x0 = self.d
        if self.isFDmodel:
            equations = self.C
            AsSparse = bool(self.useSparse) if type(self.useSparse) != str else self._useSparse()
            C, d = [], []
            if len(self._fixedVars) < len(self._freeVars):
                Z = dict([(v, zeros_like(self._x0[v]) if v not in self._fixedVars else self._x0[v]) for v in self._x0.keys()])
                Z = dict([(v, zeros_like(self._x0[v]) if v in self._freeVars else self._x0[v]) for v in self._x0.keys()])
            #Z = self.x0#self._vector2point(zeros(self.n))

            for lin_oofun in equations:
                if lin_oofun.getOrder(self.freeVars, self.fixedVars) > 1:
                    raise OpenOptException('SLE constructor requires all equations to be linear')
                C.append(self._pointDerivative2array(lin_oofun.D(Z, **self._D_kwargs), useSparse = AsSparse))
            self.d = hstack(d).flatten()
            self.C  = Vstack(C)
            if hasattr(self.C, 'tocsc'): self.C_as_csc = self.C.tocsc()
            if isinstance(self.C,ndarray) and self.n > 100 and len(flatnonzero(self.C))/self.C.size < 0.3:
                s = "Probably you'd better solve this SLE as sparse"
                if not scipyInstalled: s += ' (requires scipy installed)'

        self.x0 = zeros(self.C.shape[1])
Пример #3
    def _Prepare(self):
        if self._lp_prepared: return
        self._lp_prepared = True
        if self.x0 is None: self.x0 = zeros(self.n)
        if hasattr(self.f, 'is_oovar'): # hence is oofun or oovar
            # freeVars and fixedVars are already rendered to both not-None here (if it's the case)
            # but current .D() implementation doesn't allow to use both arguments
            # BTW translator ignores fixed vars in derivatives, so passing fixedVars here can be omitted 
            # but is performed for more safety wrt future changes
            _f = self._point2vector(self.f.D(self._x0, fixedVars = self.fixedVars)) 
            self.f, self._f = _f, self.f
            self.user.f = (self._f, )
            self._init_f_vector = _f # we don't take p.goal into account here
            _c = self._f(self._x0) - dot(self.f, self.x0)
            self._c = _c
            self._init_f_vector = self.f # we don't take p.goal into account here
            self._c = 0
        self.f = atleast_1d(self.f)
        if not hasattr(self, 'n'): self.n = len(self.f)
        #print 'lb:', self.lb, 'ub:', self.ub
        if not hasattr(self, 'lb'): self.lb = -inf * ones(self.n)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ub'): self.ub = inf * ones(self.n)
#        if any(isnan(self.lb)): 
#            if self.lb.size != 1: self.err('NaN in lower bound for a variable from the problem')
#            self.lb = -inf * ones(self.n)
#        if any(isnan(self.ub)): 
#            if self.ub.size != 1: self.err('NaN in upper bound for a variable from the problem')
#            self.ub = inf * ones(self.n)
        if self.goal in ['max', 'maximum']:
            self.f = -asfarray(self.f)
Пример #4
    def _Prepare(self):
        if self._lp_prepared: return
        self._lp_prepared = True
        if self.x0 is None: self.x0 = zeros(self.n)
        if hasattr(self.f, 'is_oovar'):  # hence is oofun or oovar
            # freeVars and fixedVars are already rendered to both not-None here (if it's the case)
            # but current .D() implementation doesn't allow to use both arguments
            # BTW translator ignores fixed vars in derivatives, so passing fixedVars here can be omitted
            # but is performed for more safety wrt future changes
            _f = self._point2vector(
                self.f.D(self._x0, fixedVars=self.fixedVars))
            self.f, self._f = _f, self.f
            self.user.f = (self._f, )
            self._init_f_vector = _f  # we don't take p.goal into account here
            _c = self._f(self._x0) - dot(self.f, self.x0)
            self._c = _c
            self._init_f_vector = self.f  # we don't take p.goal into account here
            self._c = 0
        self.f = atleast_1d(self.f)
        if not hasattr(self, 'n'): self.n = len(self.f)
        #print 'lb:', self.lb, 'ub:', self.ub
        if not hasattr(self, 'lb'): self.lb = -inf * ones(self.n)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ub'): self.ub = inf * ones(self.n)
        #        if any(isnan(self.lb)):
        #            if self.lb.size != 1: self.err('NaN in lower bound for a variable from the problem')
        #            self.lb = -inf * ones(self.n)
        #        if any(isnan(self.ub)):
        #            if self.ub.size != 1: self.err('NaN in upper bound for a variable from the problem')
        #            self.ub = inf * ones(self.n)

        if self.goal in ['max', 'maximum']:
            self.f = -asfarray(self.f)
Пример #5
 def _Prepare(self):
     if self._isFDmodel():
         C, d, q, s = renderFDmodel(self)        
         self.C, self.d, self.q, self.s = C, d, q, s
         D = self.f.D(self._x0, fixedVars = self.fixedVars)
         _f = self._point2vector(D).flatten()
         self.f, self._f = _f, self.f
Пример #6
 def _Prepare(self):
     if isinstance(self.d, dict): # FuncDesigner startPoint 
         self.x0 = self.d
     if self.isFDmodel:
         self.C, self.d = self._linearOOFunsToMatrices(self.C)
     if not self.damp is None and (not hasattr(self, 'X') or not any(isfinite(self.X))):
         self.X = zeros(self.n)
Пример #7
 def _Prepare(self):
     if isinstance(self.d, dict):  # FuncDesigner startPoint
         self.x0 = self.d
     if self.isFDmodel:
         self.C, self.d = self._linearOOFunsToMatrices(self.C)
     if not self.damp is None and (not hasattr(self, 'X')
                                   or not any(isfinite(self.X))):
         self.X = zeros(self.n)
Пример #8
 def _Prepare(self):
     if self.solver.__name__ in ['cvxopt_sdp', 'dsdp']:
             from cvxopt.base import matrix
             matrixConverter = lambda x: matrix(x, tc='d')
             self.err('cvxopt must be installed')
         matrixConverter = asfarray
     for i in self.S.keys(): self.S[i] = matrixConverter(self.S[i])
     for i in self.d.keys(): self.d[i] = matrixConverter(self.d[i])
Пример #9
    def _Prepare(self):
        if not self._isFDmodel():
            if not isspmatrix(self.H):
                self.H = asfarray(
                    self.H)  # TODO: handle the case in runProbSolver()
            self.n = self.H.shape[0]
            if not hasattr(self, 'x0') or self.x0 is None or self.x0[0] is nan:
                self.x0 = zeros(self.n)
        if self._isFDmodel():
            H, f, C = quad_render(self.H, self)
            self.user.f = (self.H, )
            self.H, self.f, self.C = H, f, C
            #            print(H, f, C)

            if self.fixedVars is None or (self.freeVars is not None and len(
                    self.freeVars) < len(self.fixedVars)):
                order_kw = {'Vars': self.freeVarsSet}
                order_kw = {'fixedVars': self.fixedVarsSet}
            order_kw['fixedVarsScheduleID'] = self._FDVarsID
            from FuncDesigner import ooarray
            for c in self.constraints:
                if isinstance(c, ooarray):
                    for elem in c:
                        processConstraint(elem, order_kw, self)
                    processConstraint(c, order_kw, self)
            r = []
            for v in self._freeVarsList:
                if isinstance(v.domain, (tuple, list, ndarray, set)):
                        'for FuncDesigner MILP models only variables with domains int, bool or None (real) are implemented for now'
                if v.domain is int or v.domain is 'int' or v.domain is bool or v.domain is 'bool':
                    r1, r2 = self._oovarsIndDict[v]
                    r += arange(r1, r2).tolist()

            self.intVars, self._intVars = r, self.intVars
        self._intVars_vector = self.intVars
Пример #10
 def _Prepare(self):
     if not self.damp is None and not any(isfinite(self.X)):
         self.X = zeros(self.n)
Пример #11
 def _Prepare(self):
     # TODO: handle cvxopt sparse matrix case here
     self.n = self.H.shape[0]
     if not hasattr(self, 'x0') or self.x0 is None or self.x0[0] == nan:
         self.x0 = zeros(self.n)
Пример #12
 def _Prepare(self):
     if not self.damp is None and not any(isfinite(self.X)):
         self.X = zeros(self.n)
Пример #13
 def _Prepare(self):
     # TODO: handle cvxopt sparse matrix case here
     self.n = self.H.shape[0]
     if not hasattr(self, 'x0') or self.x0 is None or self.x0[0] == nan:
         self.x0 = zeros(self.n)