def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZMuMuSelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if bool(row.muGlbIsoVetoPt10): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'm1','m2','m3','t') : return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False ### if row.m3Pt < 10: return False ### if row.m3AbsEta > 2.4: return False ### if row.m3DZ > 0.1: return False ### return True #return selections.signalMuonSelection(row,'m3') if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','m3','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t'): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonTight2): return False if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row,'m3'): return False #if not bool(row.tAntiElectronLoose): return False # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm1') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm2') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm3') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return False # XXX Count Test if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 0: return False if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 3: return False return True
def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZMuMuSelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'm1','m2','e','t') : return False #if bool(row.eVetoMVAIso): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False ## if row.ePt < 10: return False ## if row.eAbsEta > 2.5: return False ## if row.eDZ > 0.1: return False ## return True #return selections.signalElectronSelection(row,'e') if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','e','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t'): return False #if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return False #if not bool(row.tAntiElectronTight): return False #if row.LT < 45: return False if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e'): return False # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm1') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm2') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return False # XXX Count Test if not row.muTightCountZH_0 == 2: return False if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 1: return False return True
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return (False, 1) if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return (False, 2) if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row,'m'): return (False, 3) if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','e3','m'): return (False, 4) # XXX Count Test - no requirements if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 1: return (False, 4) if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 3: return (False, 4) if (row.e3Pt + row.mPt < 25): return (False, 5) # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e1') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e2') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e3') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return (False, 6) return (True, -1)
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return (False, 1) if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return (False, 2) if not selections.looseTauSelectionTESUp(row,'t'): return (False, 3) if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return (False, 3) if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return (False, 3) if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','e3','t'): return (False, 4) if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 0: return (False, 4) if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 3: return (False, 4) if (row.e3Pt + row.tPt < 30): return (False, 5) # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e1') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e2') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e3') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return (False, 6) return (True, -1)
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','e3','m') : return False if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row,'m'): return False if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return False if (row.e3Pt + row.mPt < 25): return False return True
def zSelection(self, row): if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','t1','t2'): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row, 't1'): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row, 't2'): return False if (row.t1Pt + row.t2Pt < 50): return False if not bool(row.t1AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t1AntiElectronLoose): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiElectronLoose): return False if row.t1Pt < row.t2Pt: return False return True
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','m3','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t'): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonTight2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronLoose): return False if (row.m3Pt + row.tPt < 45): return False return selections.looseMuonSelection(row,'m3')
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' #Z Selection if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','e','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t'): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return False if (row.ePt + row.tPt < 30): return False return selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e')
def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZEESelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'e1','e2','e3','t') : return False #if bool(row.eVetoMVAIso): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False #if not selections.signalElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return False if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','e3','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t',5): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return False if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return False return True
def preselection(self, row): ''' Preselection applied to events. Excludes FR object IDs and sign cut. ''' if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','t1','t2') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t1'): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t2'): return False if not bool(row.t1AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t1AntiElectronLoose): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiElectronLoose): return False if row.t1Pt < row.t2Pt: return False #Avoid double counting if (row.t1Pt + row.t2Pt < 70): return False return True
def zSelection(self, row): if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','m','t'): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row, 't'): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonTight2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronLoose): return False if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row, 'm'): return False # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e1') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e2') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return False #XXX Count Test if not row.eTightCountZH_0 == 2: return False if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 1: return False return True
def preselection(self, row): if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','e','m3') : return False if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row, 'e'): return False if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row, 'm3'): return False if (row.ePt + row.m3Pt < 25): return False #if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'm1','m2','e','m3') : return False #if not selections.signalMuonSelection(row,'m3'): return False #if not selections.signalElectronSelection(row,'e'): return False #if row.LT < 25: return False #if (row.ePt + row.m3Pt < 25): return False #if row.eMissingHits > 1: return False #if (row.e_m3_SVfitMass < 100 or row.e_m3_SVfitMass > 150): return False # for MSSM return True
def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZEESelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if bool(row.muGlbIsoVetoPt10): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'e1','e2','m','t') : return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False ## if row.mPt < 10: return False ## if row.mAbsEta > 2.4: return False ## if row.mDZ > 0.1: return False ## return True #return selections.signalMuonSelection(row,'m') if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','m','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t',5): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonTight2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronLoose): return False return selections.looseMuonSelection(row,'m')
def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZMuMuSelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'm1','m2','e','t') : return False #if bool(row.eVetoMVAIso): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False ## if row.ePt < 10: return False ## if row.eAbsEta > 2.5: return False ## if row.eDZ > 0.1: return False ## return True #return selections.signalElectronSelection(row,'e') if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','e','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t',5): return False if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return False #if not bool(row.tAntiElectronTight): return False #if row.LT < 45: return False return selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e')
def preselection(self, row): if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return (False, 1) if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row, 'e'): return (False, 2) if not selections.looseMuonSelection(row, 'm3'): return (False, 3) if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'm1','m2','e','m3'): return (False, 4) if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 3: return (False, 4) if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 1 and row.eMuOverlapZHTight == 0: return (False, 4) if (row.ePt + row.m3Pt < 25): return (False, 5) # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm1') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm2') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e') + selections.bJetOverlapMu(row, 'm3') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return (False, 6) return (True, -1)
def zSelection(self, row): if not selections.ZMuMuSelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, "m1", "m2", "t1", "t2"): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row, "t1"): return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row, "t2"): return False if row.t1Pt + row.t2Pt < 50: return False if not bool(row.t1AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t1AntiElectronLoose): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.t2AntiElectronLoose): return False if row.t1Pt < row.t2Pt: return False return True
def zSelection(self, row): #if not selections.ZEESelectionNoVetos(row): return False #if selections.overlap(row, 'e1','e2','e3','t') : return False #if bool(row.eVetoMVAIso): return False #if bool(row.bjetCSVVeto): return False #if row.tPt < 5: return False #if not selections.signalElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return False if not selections.ZEESelection(row): return False if not selections.generalCuts(row, 'e1','e2','e3','t') : return False if not selections.looseTauSelection(row,'t'): return False #if not bool(row.tAntiMuonLoose2): return False if not bool(row.tAntiElectronMVA3Tight): return False if not selections.looseElectronSelection(row,'e3'): return False # Out homemade bJet Veto, bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 counts total number of bJets, upper line removes those which overlapped with tight E/Mu removedBJets = selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e1') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e2') + selections.bJetOverlapElec(row, 'e3') if (row.bjetCSVVetoZHLikeNoJetId_2 > removedBJets): return False # XXX Count check if row.muTightCountZH_0 > 0: return False if row.eTightCountZH_0 > 3: return False return True