def preprocess_and_sanity_check(png_files):
    hasWarning = False

    for fname in png_files:
        if not fname.endswith(".png"):
            print ("Warning: %s is not a PNG file. Deleting it from the frames list" % fname)
            hasWarning = True

    png_files = sorted(png_files, key=frameid_from_filename)

    prev_idx = 0
    for fname in png_files:
        # check if the index starts with one, and is free of gap (e.g. free of jumping from i to i+2)
        while prev_idx + 1 != frameid_from_filename(fname)[1]:
            print ("Warning: there is a gap between frames. Missing frame ID: %d" % (prev_idx+1))
            hasWarning = True
            prev_idx += 1
        prev_idx += 1

    if hasWarning:
        print "There are warnings. Sleeping for 2 sec..."

    return png_files
print "Reading optical flow images..."
val_fid = []
png_files = []
with open(LABELS_FILE_VAL, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith("#") or line == "":
            continue  # skip comments or empty lines
        fname, lbl, x, y, w = line.split(' ')
        file_name = splitext(fname)[0]
        if file_name[-2] == '_' and file_name[
                -1] == '1':  # skip the first frame, because they don't have optical flow

N = len(png_files)
val_predict = np.empty((N, RESIZE_SHAPE[0], RESIZE_SHAPE[1], 1),

def read_thread(PID):
    d = os.path.dirname(LABELS_FILE_VAL)
    for i in range(PID, N, num_thread):
        img = misc.imread(os.path.join(d + '/optical_flow', png_files[i]))
        SUM = img.sum()
        img = img.astype(
        ) / SUM  # normalize the bottom up saliency map to a probability distribution
        val_predict[i, :, :, 0] = img
    png_tar = sys.argv[1]
    tar =, 'r')
    #asc_path = sys.argv[1].split(".")[0] + ".asc"
    asc_path = sys.argv[2]
    result_path = sys.argv[3]
    dataset_dir = os.path.dirname(png_tar)+'/'

    png_files = tar.getnames()
    png_files = preprocess_and_sanity_check(png_files)
    print "\nYou can control the replay using keyboard. Try pressing space/up/down/left/right." 
    print "For all available keys, see event_handler_func() code.\n"
    print "Uncompressing PNG tar file into memory (/dev/shm/)..."
    UTIDhash = frameid_from_filename(png_files[2])[0]

    # init pygame and other stuffs
    RESIZE_SHAPE = (84,84,1)
    w, h = 160*V.xSCALE, 210*V.ySCALE
    pygame.display.set_mode((w, h), RESIZABLE | DOUBLEBUF | RLEACCEL, 32)
    screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
    print "Reading gaze data in ASC file into memory..."
    frameid2pos, _, _, _, _ = read_gaze_data_asc_file(asc_path)
    predicts = read_result_data(result_path, RESIZE_SHAPE)
    dw = drawgc_wrapper('original')
    dw_pred = drawgc_wrapper('predict')

    ds.target_fps = 60
    ds.total_frame = len(png_files)
Пример #4
def use_spec_file():

    print ("Reading dataset specification file...")
    spec_file, dataset_name, output_path = sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]
    lines = []
    with open(spec_file,'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.strip().startswith("#") or line == "": 
                continue # skip comments or empty lines
    spec = '\n'.join(lines)
    import ast
    spec = ast.literal_eval(spec)
    # some simple sanity checks
    assert isinstance(spec,list)
    for fname in [e['TAR'] for e in spec] + [e['ASC'] for e in spec]:
        if not os.path.exists(fname): 
            raise IOError("No such file: %s" % fname)
    print ("Untaring files in parallel...")
    def untar_thread(PID):
        png_files_each[PID] = untar(spec[PID]['TAR'], output_path)
    untar_work=ForkJoiner(num_thread=len(spec), target=untar_thread)

    print ("Reading asc files while untaring...")
    for i in range(len(spec)):
        frameid2pos_each[i], frameid2action_each[i], _, _, _ = read_gaze_data_asc_file(spec[i]['ASC'])

    print ("Concatenating asc file while untaring...")
    asc_filename = output_path+'/'+dataset_name+'.asc'
    with open(asc_filename, 'w') as f:['cat']+[entry['ASC'] for entry in spec], stdout=f)
    print ("Waiting for untaring to finish...")

    print ("Generating train/val label files...")
    xy_str_train = []
    xy_str_val =   []
    BAD_GAZE = (-1,-1)
    RESIZE_SHAPE = (84,84)
    for i in range(len(spec)):
        # prepare xy_str[] --- all (example, label) strings
        xy_str = []
        for png in png_files_each[i]:
            fid = frameid_from_filename(png)
            if fid in frameid2action_each[i] and frameid2action_each[i][fid] != None:
                # TODO(zhuode): Here, Luxin saves weight in label file, and outputs the last gaze/bad_gaze in label file, but it is not the best
                # place to store such infomation, because the label file should not be designed to meet the need of training a specific model.
                # the label file is used by all models, so we should guarantee it only stores info needed by all models.
                # If a model needs such information, it should compute them in input_utils or store them in another file.
                # An bad scenerio is when we have models that doesn't use the last gaze or the weight in label file, then such info in label file
                # can only adds confusion. 
                if fid in frameid2pos_each[i] and frameid2pos_each[i][fid]:
                    weight = 1
                    # loop to find if there is bad gaze; if there is, then set weight to 0
                    for j in range(len(frameid2pos_each[i][fid])):
                        isbad, _, _ = rescale_and_clip_gaze_pos(frameid2pos_each[i][fid][j][0], frameid2pos_each[i][fid][j][1], RESIZE_SHAPE[0], RESIZE_SHAPE[1])
                        if isbad:
                            frameid2pos_each[i][fid] = [BAD_GAZE]
                            weight = 0

                    l = len(frameid2pos_each[i][fid])
                    xy_str.append('%s %d %f %f %f' % (png, frameid2action_each[i][fid], frameid2pos_each[i][fid][l-1][0], frameid2pos_each[i][fid][l-1][1], weight))
                else:# if no gaze, set gaze to -1 and weight to 0
                    xy_str.append('%s %d %f %f %f' % (png, frameid2action_each[i][fid], BAD_GAZE[0], BAD_GAZE[1], 0))
                print ("Warning: Cannot find the label for frame ID %s. Skipping this frame." % str(fid))
        # assign each xy_str to the train/val part of the dataset
        def assign(range_list, target):
            # sort the ranges using left bound as key (e.g. ["0.5-1", "0-0.2"] becomes ["0-0.2", "0.5-1"])
            # A must, because Dataset_PastKFramesByTime in assert data_is_sorted_by_timestamp()
            range_list=sorted(range_list, key=lambda x: float(x.split('-')[0]))
            for range_ in range_list:
                l, r = range_.split('-')
                l, r = float(l), float(r)
        assign(spec[i]['TRAIN'], xy_str_train)
        assign(spec[i]['VAL'], xy_str_val)

    train_file_name = output_path + "/" + dataset_name + '-train.txt'
    val_file_name =   output_path + "/" + dataset_name + '-val.txt'

    with open(train_file_name, 'w') as f:
        f.write('# ' + '# '.join(lines) + '\n') # echo spec file content

    with open(val_file_name, 'w') as f:
        f.write('# ' + '# '.join(lines) + '\n') # echo spec file content

    print ("\nDone. Outputs are:")
    print (" %s" % asc_filename)
    print (" %s (%d examples)" % (train_file_name, len(xy_str_train)))
    print (" %s (%d examples)" % (val_file_name, len(xy_str_val)))
    print ("For convenience, dataset specification is also prepended to train/val text file.")