def model(): tf.reset_default_graph() m = Model() with m.sess.graph.as_default(): ema_op, load, restore = _add_ema(m, 0.99) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_op]): train_op = m.opt.minimize(m.loss) yield m, train_op, load, restore m.sess.close()
def __init__(self, model_params, **kwargs): """Create a Trainer, and give it the parameters needed to instantiate the model :param model_params: The model parameters :param kwargs: See below :Keyword Arguments: * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9` * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999` * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8 """ super().__init__() if type(model_params) is dict: self.model = create_model_for('classify', **model_params) else: self.model = model_params self.sess = self.model.sess self.loss = self.model.create_loss() self.test_loss = self.model.create_test_loss() self.global_step, train_op = optimizer( self.loss, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True, variables=self.model.trainable_variables, **kwargs) self.nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps', six.MAXSIZE) decay = kwargs.get('ema_decay', None) if decay is not None: self.ema = True ema_op, self.ema_load, self.ema_restore = _add_ema( self.model, float(decay)) with tf.compat.v1.control_dependencies([ema_op]): self.train_op = tf.identity(train_op) else: self.ema = False self.train_op = train_op tables = tf.compat.v1.tables_initializer() self.model.set_saver(tf.compat.v1.train.Saver()) checkpoint = kwargs.get('checkpoint') if checkpoint is not None: skip_blocks = kwargs.get('blocks_to_skip', ['OptimizeLoss']) reload_checkpoint(self.model.sess, checkpoint, skip_blocks)
def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): super(ClassifyTrainerTf, self).__init__() self.sess = model.sess self.loss = model.create_loss() self.test_loss = model.create_test_loss() self.model = model self.global_step, train_op = optimizer(self.loss, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True, **kwargs) self.nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps', six.MAXSIZE) decay = kwargs.get('ema_decay', None) if decay is not None: self.ema = True ema_op, self.ema_load, self.ema_restore = _add_ema(model, float(decay)) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_op]): self.train_op = tf.identity(train_op) else: self.ema = False self.train_op = train_op