def test(test_iter, test_loader, weigths_path, num_epoch, model_type=0, threshold=0.7): if model_type == 0: model = Baseline(in_channels=7, out_channels_1=7, out_channels_2=7, KT_1=4, KT_2=3, num_nodes=39, batch_size=32, frames=33, frames_0=12, num_generator=10) elif model_type == 1: model = GAT() elif model_type == 2: model = GAT_edge() else: raise model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weigths_path)) # model = nn.DataParallel(model) model = model.cuda() model.eval() accu = 0 true_labels = np.array([]) pred_labels = np.array([]) label_float = np.array([]) for epoch in range(num_epoch): try: Y, infos, labels = next(test_iter) Y, infos, labels = Y.float().cuda(), infos.float().cuda( ), labels.type(torch.int32) except StopIteration: batch_iterator = iter(test_loader) Y, infos, labels = next(batch_iterator) Y, infos, labels = Y.float().cuda(), infos.float().cuda( ), labels.type(torch.int32) label_predicted = model(Y, infos) label_float = np.concatenate( (label_float, label_predicted.cpu().reshape((1, -1))[0])) labels_threshold = label_predicted > threshold true_labels = np.concatenate((true_labels, labels.reshape((1, -1))[0])) pred_labels = np.concatenate( (pred_labels, labels_threshold.cpu().reshape((1, -1))[0])) all_right = 1 - torch.mean( (labels ^ labels_threshold.cpu()).type(torch.float32)) print('epoch:{}, accu:{}'.format(epoch, all_right)) accu += all_right accu /= num_epoch plot(confusion_matrix(true_labels, pred_labels)) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=100) distance = 0.1 group_num = int((max(label_float) - min(label_float)) / distance) plt.hist(label_float, bins=group_num) # plt.xticks(range(min(label_float), max(label_float))[::2]) plt.grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel("label output") plt.ylabel("frequency") plt.savefig('./data/frequency.png') return accu
class FACERecognition(object): def __init__(self, cfg, inference=False, threshold=0.5): self.device = torch.device( "cuda") if cfg.MODEL.DEVICE == 'cuda' else torch.device("cpu") if not inference: print('load training data') self.dataloader, class_num = get_train_loader(cfg) print('load testing data') if cfg.TEST.MODE == 'face': self.agedb_30, self.cfp_fp, self.lfw, self.agedb_30_issame, self.cfp_fp_issame, self.lfw_issame = get_val_data( self.dataloader.dataset.root.parent) else: pairs = read_pairs( os.path.join(cfg.DATASETS.FOLDER, 'pairs.txt')), self.data_issame = get_paths( os.path.join(cfg.DATASETS.FOLDER, 'test'), pairs) print('load model') self.model = Baseline(cfg) self.model = self.load_state(cfg) if cfg.SOLVER.OPT == 'SGD': self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': self.model.parameters() }], lr=cfg.SOLVER.BASE_LR, momentum=cfg.SOLVER.MOMENTUM, weight_decay=cfg.SOLVER.WEIGHT_DECAY) else: self.optimizer = optim.Adam( [{ 'params': self.model.parameters() }], lr=cfg.SOLVER.BASE_LR, weight_decay=cfg.SOLVER.WEIGHT_DECAY) self.scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( self.optimizer, T_max=cfg.SOLVER.MAX_EPOCH, eta_min=cfg.SOLVER.ETA_MIN_LR) checkpoints = cfg.CHECKPOINT.SAVE_DIR os.makedirs(checkpoints, exist_ok=True) self.best_score = 0. self.best_threshold = 0. else: self.device = torch.device( "cuda") if cfg.TEST.DEVICE == 'cuda' else torch.device("cpu") print('load model') self.model = Baseline(cfg) self.model = self.load_state(cfg) self.threshold = threshold self.test_transform = trans.Compose([ trans.ToTensor(), trans.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) ]) def load_state(self, cfg): if cfg.CHECKPOINT.RESTORE: os.makedirs(cfg.CHECKPOINT.SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True) weights_path = osp.join(cfg.CHECKPOINT.SAVE_DIR, cfg.CHECKPOINT.RESTORE_MODEL) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path, map_location=self.device), strict=False) print('loaded model {}'.format(weights_path)) def save_state(self, cfg, save_name): save_path = Path(cfg.CHECKPOINT.SAVE_DIR), save_path / save_name) def evaluate(self, cfg, carray, issame, nrof_folds=5, tta=False): self.model.eval() idx = 0 embeddings = np.zeros([len(carray), cfg.MODEL.HEADS.EMBEDDING_DIM]) batch_size = cfg.SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH with torch.no_grad(): while idx + batch_size <= len(carray): batch = torch.tensor(carray[idx:idx + batch_size]) if tta: fliped = hflip_batch(batch) emb_batch = self.model( + self.model( embeddings[idx:idx + batch_size] = l2_norm(emb_batch) else: embeddings[idx:idx + batch_size] = self.model( idx += batch_size if idx < len(carray): batch = torch.tensor(carray[idx:]) if tta: fliped = hflip_batch(batch) emb_batch = self.model( + self.model( embeddings[idx:] = l2_norm(emb_batch) else: embeddings[idx:] = self.model( tpr, fpr, accuracy, best_thresholds = scores(embeddings, issame, nrof_folds) buf = gen_plot(fpr, tpr) roc_curve = roc_curve_tensor = trans.ToTensor()(roc_curve) return accuracy.mean(), best_thresholds.mean(), roc_curve_tensor def train(self, cfg): self.model.train() step = 0 for e in range(cfg.SOLVER.MAX_EPOCH): for data, labels in tqdm(self.dataloader, desc=f"Epoch {e}/{cfg.SOLVER.MAX_EPOCH}", ascii=True, total=len(self.dataloader)): data = labels = self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss_dict = self.model(data, labels) losses = sum(loss_dict.values()) losses.backward() self.optimizer.step() accuracy = 0.0 if step % cfg.TEST.SHOW_PERIOD == 0: print( f"Epoch {e}/{cfg.SOLVER.MAX_EPOCH}, Step {step}, CE Loss: {loss_dict.get('loss_cls')}, Triplet Loss: {loss_dict.get('loss_triplet')}, Circle Loss: {loss_dict.get('loss_circle')}, Cos Loss: {loss_dict.get('loss_cosface')}" ) if step % cfg.TEST.EVAL_PERIOD == 0: if cfg.TEST.MODE == 'face': accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor = self.evaluate( cfg, self.agedb_30, self.agedb_30_issame) print("dataset {}, acc {}, best_threshold {}".format( 'agedb_30', accuracy, best_threshold, )) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor = self.evaluate( cfg, self.lfw, self.lfw_issame) print("dataset {}, acc {}, best_threshold {}".format( 'lfw', accuracy, best_threshold)) if accuracy > self.best_score: self.best_score = accuracy self.best_threshold = best_threshold self.save_state( cfg, 'model_{}_best_accuracy:{:.3f}_step:{}.pth'. format(get_time(), accuracy, step)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor = self.evaluate( cfg, self.cfp_fp, self.cfp_fp_issame) print("dataset {}, acc {}, best_threshold {}".format( 'cfp_fp', accuracy, best_threshold)) else: accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor = self.evaluate( cfg,, self.data_issame) print("dataset {}, acc {}, best_threshold {}".format( 'test', accuracy, best_threshold)) if accuracy > self.best_score: self.best_score = accuracy self.best_threshold = best_threshold self.save_state( cfg, 'model_{}_best_accuracy:{:.3f}_step:{}.pth'. format(get_time(), accuracy, step)) self.model.train() if step % cfg.TEST.SAVE_PERIOD == 0: self.save_state( cfg, 'model_{}_accuracy:{:.3f}_step:{}.pth'.format( get_time(), accuracy, step)) step += 1 self.save_state(cfg, 'model_{}_step:{}.pth'.format(get_time(), step)) self.scheduler.step() def infer(self, faces, target_embs, tta=False): ''' faces : list of PIL Image target_embs : [n, 512] computed embeddings of faces in facebank names : recorded names of faces in facebank tta : test time augmentation (hfilp, that's all) ''' embs = [] for img in faces: if tta: mirror = trans.functional.hflip(img) emb = self.model( self.test_transform(img).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)) emb_mirror = self.model( self.test_transform(mirror).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)) embs.append(l2_norm(emb + emb_mirror)) else: embs.append( self.model( self.test_transform(img).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0))) source_embs = if isinstance(target_embs, list): tmp = [] for img in target_embs: if tta: mirror = trans.functional.hflip(img) tmp = self.model( self.test_transform(img).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)) tmp_mirror = self.model( self.test_transform(mirror).to( self.device).unsqueeze(0)) tmp.append(l2_norm(tmp + tmp_mirror)) else: tmp.append( self.model( self.test_transform(img).to( self.device).unsqueeze(0))) target_embs = diff = source_embs.unsqueeze(-1) - target_embs.transpose( 1, 0).unsqueeze(0) dist = torch.sum(torch.pow(diff, 2), dim=1) minimum, min_idx = torch.min(dist, dim=1) min_idx[minimum > self.threshold] = -1 # if no match, set idx to -1 return min_idx, minimum