Пример #1
    def testInsertBaselineDoc(self):
        ''' Inserts a completed baseline document into the baseline collection.'''
        # Connect and get handle
        c, dbh = mdb.getHandle()
        dbh = mdb.setupCollections(dbh, dropCollections=True)

        # Build a keyword object
        testKywd = kw(keyword='keyword1',
                   lat=34.4, lon=45.5,
                   text='this text contained the hashtag #keyword1',
                   tweetID=346664, userID=4444, source='twitter')
        # Instantiate the baseline object/class
        baseLine = bl.baseline(kywd=testKywd,cellBuildPeriod=600)

        # Build the document and insert it
        doc = baseLine.buildDoc()
        bl.insertBaselineDoc(dbh, doc)
        res = dbh.baseline.find()[0]
        print res
        self.assertEquals(res['keyword'], 'keyword1')
        self.assertEquals(res['mgrs'], '38SND4595706622')
        self.assertEquals(res['mgrsPrecision'], 10)

        # Close the connection
        mdb.close(c, dbh)
Пример #2
    def testlastBaselined(self):
        ''' Builds a baseline document for inserting.'''

        # Connect and get handle
        c, dbh = mdb.getHandle()
        dbh = mdb.setupCollections(dbh, dropCollections=True)
        # Build a keyword object
        testKywd = kw(keyword='keyword1',
                   lat=34.4, lon=45.5,
                   text='this text contained the hashtag #keyword1',
                   tweetID=346664, userID=4444, source='twitter')
        # Create a new baseline object
        baseLine = bl.baseline(kywd=testKywd, cellBuildPeriod=600)
        baseLine.outputs['days30_all']      = 0.5
        baseLine.outputs['days7_all']       = 0.4
        baseLine.outputs['hrs30_all']       = 0.3
        baseLine.outputs['days30_weekly']   = 0.2
        baseLine.outputs['days7_daily']     = 0.1
        doc = baseLine.buildDoc()
        bl.insertBaselineDoc(dbh, doc)
        # Method returns the date of last baseline calculation
        lastBaseline = baseLine.lastBaselined()
        self.assertEquals(lastBaseline, datetime.datetime(2011,6,22,12,10))

        # Close the connection
        mdb.close(c, dbh)
Пример #3
    def testProcessBaselineLast30Days(self):
        ''' Checks accurate population of an array for 30 day all '''
        # Connect and get handle
        c, dbh = mdb.getHandle()
        dbh = mdb.setupCollections(dbh, dropCollections=True)

        # Set up some times to work with
        tweetTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        thisMinute = tweetTime.replace(second=0,microsecond=0)
        today = tweetTime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        # Thirty days ago - at the start of the day
        lastMonthTweet = tweetTime - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
        # Build a keyword object
        testKywd = kw(keyword='keyword1',
                      lat=34.4, lon=45.5,
                      text='this text contained the hashtag #keyword1',
                      tweetID=346664, userID=4444, source='twitter')
        # Insert a new timeseries object for the tweet 30 days ago
        ts = timeSeries()
        success = ts.insertBlankDoc()
        # Create a keyword object for the current tweet
        testKywd2 = kw(keyword='keyword1',
                       timeStamp=lastMonthTweet + datetime.timedelta(hours=1),
                       lat=34.4, lon=45.5,
                       text='this text contained the hashtag #keyword1',
                       tweetID=346664, userID=4444, source='twitter')
        # Insert the current keyword - NOTE HOW THIS IS AFTER THE BASELINE BUILD
        ts2 = timeSeries()
        success = ts2.insertBlankDoc()
        # Create a keyword object for the current tweet
        testKywd3 = testKywd
        testKywd3.timeStamp = tweetTime
        # Instantiate the baseline object/class
        base = bl.baseline(kywd=testKywd3, cellBuildPeriod=600)
        if base.needUpdate == True:
            if not base.lastBaselined():
                doc = base.buildDoc()
                bl.insertBaselineDoc(dbh, doc)
        # Insert the current keyword - NOTE HOW THIS IS AFTER THE BASELINE BUILD
        ts3 = timeSeries()
        success = ts3.insertBlankDoc()

        tweetTimeMinus2Days = tweetTime - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
        # Create a new keyword object to test the daily slicing
        testKywd5 = kw(keyword='keyword1',
                       lat=34.4, lon=45.5,
                       text='this text contained the hashtag #keyword1',
                       tweetID=346664, userID=4444, source='twitter')
        # Insert the current keyword - NOTE HOW THIS IS AFTER THE BASELINE BUILD
        ts5 = timeSeries()
        success = ts5.insertBlankDoc()

        # Process Baseline
        # Get back the 30 day array
        arr = base.test30DayArray
        # Calculate what the array length should be
        soFarToday = (thisMinute - today).seconds/60.0
        # The start of the array datetime
        lastMonthDay = lastMonthTweet.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        # The number of days between today and the start of the array (then in minutes)
        dateDiff = (today - lastMonthDay)
        minsDiff = dateDiff.days*1440 + dateDiff.seconds/60.0 
        total = minsDiff + soFarToday
        # Confirm its the right length
        self.assertEqual(total, len(arr))
        # Get the minutes for the first 2 keywords (the third shouldn't be there)
        kwd1Min = int((testKywd.timeStamp - lastMonthDay).seconds/60)
        kwd2Min = int((testKywd2.timeStamp - lastMonthDay).seconds/60)
        kwd1Test = [arr[kwd1Min-1], arr[kwd1Min], arr[kwd1Min+1]]
        kwd2Test = [arr[kwd2Min-1], arr[kwd2Min], arr[kwd2Min+1]]
        for j in arr:
            if arr[j] > 0:
                print j, arr[j]
        self.assertEquals(kwd1Test, [0,1,0])
        self.assertEquals(kwd2Test, [0,1,0])
        arr = base.test30DaySliced
        # weekly 
        testSliced = int(30/7) * 6 * 60
        self.assertEquals(testSliced, len(arr))
        arr7Day = base.test7DayArray
        test7DayAll = (thisMinute - today).seconds/60.0 + 1440*7
        self.assertEquals(len(arr7Day), int(test7DayAll))
        arr30Hrs = base.test30hrArray
        test30Hours = 30*60
        self.assertEquals(len(arr30Hrs), int(test30Hours))
        # Close the connection
        mdb.close(c, dbh)