Пример #1
    def buildvalid(self):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        from iotemp import Template

        for v in self.propts:
            # Thing.name のテンプレート処理 - list編
            if v not in Holder.master('Thing').keys():
                idx = self.propts.index(v)
                del self.propts[idx]
                    tname = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
                    self.propts.insert(idx, tname)
                except Exception:
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Role.propts -{0}-'.format(self.name))

        for v in self.routes:
            # Route.name のテンプレート処理 - list編
            if v not in Holder.master('Route').keys():
                idx = self.routes.index(v)
                del self.routes[idx]
                    tname = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
                    self.routes.insert(idx, tname)
                except Exception:
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Role.routes -{0}- v={1}, idx={2}'.
                          format(self.name, v, idx))
Пример #2
    def buildvalid(self):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        from iotemp import Template

        # Param.name のテンプレート処理 - scala編
        if self.gtarget not in Holder.master('Param').keys():
                self.gtarget = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt('Param')][self.gtarget]
            except Exception:
                print('TEMPLATEERROR: Process.gtarget -{0}-'.format(self.name))

        # Param.name のテンプレート処理 - scala編
        if self.gsbj_param not in Holder.master('Param').keys():
                self.gsbj_param = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt('Param')][self.gsbj_param]
            except Exception:
                print('TEMPLATEERROR: Process.gsbj_param -{0}-'.format(self.name))
        # Param.name のテンプレート処理 - scala編
        if self.gobj_param not in Holder.master('Param').keys():
                self.gobj_param = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt('Param')][self.gobj_param]
            except Exception:
                print('TEMPLATEERROR: Process.gobj_param -{0}-'.format(self.name))
Пример #3
 def dumprolething():
     if type(self.trpgobj) is Holder.classt('Thing'):
         self.argdic['name'] = self.trpgobj.name
         self.argdic['params'] = self.trpgobj.params
         self.argdic['propts'] = self.trpgobj.propts
     elif type(self.trpgobj) is Holder.classt('Role'):
         self.argdic['name'] = self.trpgobj.name
         self.argdic['propts'] = self.trpgobj.propts
         self.argdic['params'] = self.trpgobj.params
Пример #4
    def buildvalid(self):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        from iotemp import Template

        # Process.name のテンプレート処理 - scala編
        if self.procs not in Holder.master('Process').keys():
                self.procs = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
            except Exception:
                print('TEMPLATEERROR: Event.procs')

        lis_role = list(self.role)
        for v in lis_role:
            # Role.name のテンプレート処理 - tuple編
            if v not in Holder.master('Role').keys():
                idx = lis_role.index(v)
                del lis_role[idx]
                    tname1 = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
                except Exception:
                    tname1 = ''
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Event.role -{0}- v={1}, idx={2}'.
                          format(self.name, v, idx))
                lis_role.insert(idx, tname1)
        self.role = tuple(lis_role)

        lis_thing = list(self.thing)
        for v in lis_thing:
            # Thing.name のテンプレート処理 - tuple編
            if v not in Holder.master('Thing').keys():
                idx = lis_thing.index(v)
                del lis_thing[idx]
                    tname2 = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
                except Exception:
                    tname2 = ''
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Event.thing -{0}- v={1}, idx={2}'.
                          format(self.name, v, idx))
                lis_thing.insert(idx, tname2)
        self.thing = tuple(lis_thing)

        if len(self.role) != 2:
            raise TrpgError('引数 -{0}- のリストサイズが2ではありません'.format('role'))
        if len(self.thing) != 2:
            raise TrpgError('引数 -{0}- のリストサイズが2ではありません'.format('thing'))
Пример #5
    def buildvalid(self):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        from iotemp import Template

        for k in list(self.route.keys()):  # delしているのでgeneratorでなくしてやる
            # int の Dice テンプレート処理 'xdy+z' - dict*tuple編
            lis_route = list(self.route[k])
            for i, v in zip(range(len(lis_route)), lis_route):
                if type(v) is str and v != 'next':
                    lis_route[i] = Dice.makedice(lis_route[i])
            self.route[k] = tuple(lis_route)

            # Route.name のテンプレート処理 - dict編
            if k not in Route.master.keys():
                value = self.route[k]
                del self.route[k]
                    tname = Template.holder[self.group][Route][k]
                    self.route[tname] = value
                except Exception:
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Route.route -{0}- k={1}, value={2}'.
                          format(self.name, k, value))

        # Event.name のテンプレート処理 - scala編
        if self.gevent not in Holder.master('Event').keys():
                self.gevent = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
            except Exception:
                print('TEMPLATEERROR: Route.gevent -{0}-'.format(self.name))

        # int の Dice テンプレート処理 'xdy+z' - scala編
        if type(self.prev) is str:
            self.prev = Dice.makedice(self.prev)
Пример #6
    def buildvalid(self):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        from iotemp import Template

        for k in list(self.params.keys()):  # delしているのでgeneratorでなくしてやる
            # int の Dice テンプレート処理 'xdy+z' - dict編
            if type(self.params[k]) is str:
                self.params[k] = Dice.makedice(self.params[k])

            # Param.name のテンプレート処理 - dict編
            if k not in Holder.master('Param').keys():
                value = self.params[k]
                del self.params[k]
                    tname = Template.holder[self.group][Holder.classt(
                    self.params[tname] = value
                except Exception:
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Thing.params -{0}-'.format(

        # Thing.name のテンプレート処理 - list編
        for v in self.propts:
            if v not in Thing.master.keys():
                idx = self.propts.index(v)
                del self.propts[idx]
                    tname = Template.holder[self.group][Thing][v]
                    self.propts.insert(idx, tname)
                except Exception:
                    print('TEMPLATEERROR: Thing.propts -{0}-'.format(
Пример #7
    def class_out(cls):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder

        classts = ('Param', 'Thing', 'Process', 'Event', 'Route', 'Role')

        Scenario.candi = [Holder.classt(c) for c in classts]

        return (Scenario.candi, 'クラスを選んでください', True)
Пример #8
    def action_in(self, act):
        """ Request In """
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder

        if act is None:
            act = self.getroutes()[0]
        self.act = act

        if type(act) is Holder.classt('Route'):
            return {
                'curr_func': self.way_node,
                'arg': (act, ),
                'next_func': self.way_in
            return {
                'curr_func': self.focus_out_thing,
                'arg': (),
                'next_func': self.focus_in_thing
Пример #9
    def check_in(self, s_name, tmpl, desc, opted):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder
        tmpls = tmpl.split('-')

        typet = tmpls[0]
        numbt = None 
        if len(tmpls) > 1:
            numbt = int(tmpls[1]) # tuple 定数a, list 無制限=0, dict 無制限=0の場合
            if numbt < 1 or 100 < numbt:
                numbt = 100

        if typet == 'str':
            if s_name == 'name':
                if self.name != '':
                    rtn = self.name
                    rtn = opted
                # 更新の場合
                if rtn in list(self.classt.master.keys()):
                    self.existclss = self.classt.master[rtn]
                rtn = opted
        elif typet == 'int':
                rtn = int(opted)
            except ValueError as e:
                if Dice.checkdice(rtn) > 0:
                    print('MESSAGE: ダイス形式で設定')
                    rtn = opted
                    print('Exception: {0}'.format(e))
                    rtn = 0
        elif typet == 'bool':
            rtn = bool(opted)
        elif typet == 'tuple':
            self.tlis = list(opted)
            rtn = tuple(self.tlis)
        elif typet == 'list':
            self.tlis = list(opted)
            rtn = self.tlis
        elif typet == 'dict':
            keyt = opted
            valt = opted
            self.tlis.append((keyt, valt))
            rtn = dict(self.tlis)
            rtn = opted
            tt = typet.split('.')
            classtnames = ('Param', 'Thing', 'Process', 'Event', 'Route', 'Role')
            if tt[0] in classtnames:
                s_classt = Holder.classt(tt[0])
                if tt[1] == 'name':
                    s_candi = list(s_classt.master.keys())
                elif tt[1] == 'deed':
                    gg = getmembers(s_classt, isfunction)
                    s_candi = [g[0] for g in gg]

                if tt[1] == 'name' and rtn not in s_candi:
                    t = Template(s_classt, self.group, rtn)
                    print('グループ -{0}- > クラス -{1}- > テンプレート -{2}- を作成しました'.format(self.group, s_classt.__name__, rtn))
                    t.holdermap(self.group, s_classt, rtn)
        if self.existclss is not None:
            if rtn == '':
                default = getattr(self.existclss, s_name)
                if type(default) in (int, str, bool):
                    rtn = default
                    raise TrpgError('デフォルトを設定します')

            setattr(self.existclss, s_name, rtn)
Пример #10
    def check_out(self, s_name, tmpl, desc):
        # インポート部分
        from basemods import Holder

        def outputu(desc, typet, candi=list(), numbt=None):
            default = None
                if self.existclss is not None:
                    default = getattr(self.existclss, s_name)
                    # message = '{0}({1}): {2} (default: {3})'.format(desc, s_name, typet, default)

                # (型, 候補リスト, 繰り返し回数, 入力領域, デフォルト)
                return (typet, candi, numbt, list(), default)
            except TrpgError as e:
                raise e
        tmpls = tmpl.split('-')

        typet = tmpls[0]
        valut = ''
        numbt = None 
        if len(tmpls) > 1:
            numbt = int(tmpls[1]) # tuple 定数a, list 無制限=0, dict 無制限=0の場合
            if numbt < 1 or 100 < numbt:
                numbt = 100
            valut = '-'.join(tmpls[2:])

        if typet == 'str':
            if s_name == 'name':
                if self.name == '':
                    print('UPDATE IN {0}'.format(list(self.classt.master.keys())))
                return outputu(desc, typet)
                return outputu(desc, typet)
        elif typet == 'int':
            return outputu(desc, typet)
        elif typet == 'bool':
            return outputu(desc, typet)
        elif typet == 'tuple':
            return outputu(desc, 'tuple', self.check_out(s_name, valut, desc), numbt)
        elif typet == 'list':
            return outputu(desc, 'list', self.check_out(s_name, valut, desc), numbt)
        elif typet == 'dict':
            tt = valut.split(':')
            tt0 = self.check_out(s_name, tt[0], desc)
            tt1 = self.check_out(s_name, tt[1], desc)
            return outputu(desc, 'dict', (tt0, tt1), numbt)
            tt = typet.split('.')
            classtnames = ('Param', 'Thing', 'Process', 'Event', 'Route', 'Role')
            if tt[0] in classtnames:
                s_classt = Holder.classt(tt[0])
                if tt[1] == 'name':
                    s_candi = list(s_classt.master.keys())
                elif tt[1] == 'deed':
                    gg = getmembers(s_classt, isfunction)
                    s_candi = [g[0] for g in gg]

                print('SELECT IN {0}'.format(s_candi))

                return outputu(desc, typet, s_candi)