import os, sys import pickle from easydict import EasyDict as edict from collections import OrderedDict as odict import cv2 import numpy as np from basic.common import env, Open, add_path from basic.util import load_yaml from numpy_db import npy_table, npy_db, dtype_summary, reorder_dtype add_path('../anno_db_v2') from db_type import viewpoint, proj_info, image_info, object_anno # , pose_hypo from util_v2 import rescale_anno conf = load_yaml('config.yml') # odict Pascal3D_root = os.path.expanduser(conf['Pascal3D_release_root']) # Pascal3D_root = env.Home+'/working/cvpr17pose/dataset/PASCAL3D+_release1.1' # Image_sets/%s_imagenet_%s.txt PascalVOC_root = Pascal3D_root + '/PASCAL' assert os.path.exists( Pascal3D_root), "Please replace with your path/to/PASCAL3D+_release1.1" assert os.path.exists(PascalVOC_root), "Cannot find %s" % PascalVOC_root protocol = conf[ 'pkl_protocol'] # pickle dump protocol. Change -1 to 2 for python2.x compatibility. if True: print('\n\n--------- viewpoint --------') dtype_summary(np.dtype(viewpoint)) print('\n\n--------- proj_info --------') dtype_summary(np.dtype(proj_info))
def __init__(self, db_path, mode='r', map_N=30000, max_readers=256, always_load_color=True, silent=False, **kwargs): # map_N=250000 """ [kwargs examples]: remap=dict(png_dtype='uint16',npy_dtype='float32', min=[0,0], max=[1,1] ) # for png handler of opt-flow (2-channel float32 img) """ self.db_path = os.path.abspath( db_path.rstrip("/")) # remove last '/' if there's any. # assert os.path.exists(self.db_path) self.mode = mode if self.mode == 'w': os.system( 'rm -rf %s' % self.db_path ) # overwrite if overwrite and os.path.exists(self.db_path): elif self.mode in ['r', 'a+']: assert os.path.exists( self.db_path), "[Path not exists] %s" % self.db_path else: raise NotImplementedError # self.lmdb_env =, map_size=self.map_size) if self.mode == 'r': self.map_size = (map_N * 256 * 256 * 3 * 4) self.lmdb_env =, map_size=self.map_size, max_readers=max_readers, readahead=True, readonly=True, lock=False) # else: self.map_size = (map_N * 256 * 256 * 3 * 4) * 10 self.lmdb_env =, map_size=self.map_size, max_readers=max_readers) # lock=True if self.db_path.endswith('.Rawjpg.lmdb'): if not silent: print("[Using] Handle_Rawjpg") self.handle = Handle_Rawjpg(always_load_color=always_load_color ) # bytes data handler (pack/unpack) elif self.db_path.endswith('.Rawpng.lmdb'): if not silent: print("[Using] Handle_Rawpng") yamlfile = os.path.join(db_path, 'remap.yml') if self.mode in ['r', 'a']: ''' e.g. {dtype: 32FC2, min : 0.0, max : 1.0} ''' remap = load_yaml(yamlfile) if os.path.exists( yamlfile) else None print('---------> remap yaml: ', remap) else: # write mode remap = kwargs.get('remap', None) print("Write png with remap: %s" % remap) dump_yaml(remap, yamlfile) self.handle = Handle_Rawpng( always_load_color=always_load_color, remap=remap) # bytes data handler (pack/unpack) elif self.db_path.endswith('.Npyarr.lmdb'): if not silent: print("[Using] Handle_Npyarr") self.handle = Handle_Npyarr() elif self.db_path.endswith('.Rawebp.lmdb'): if not silent: print("[Using] Handle_Rawebp") if self.mode in ['w', 'a']: QUALITY = kwargs.get('QUALITY', 95) print("Compress QUALITY: ", QUALITY) self.handle = Handle_Rawebp(QUALITY=QUALITY) else: self.handle = Handle_Rawebp() else: print('Unrecognized imagedata_lmdb extension:\n[db_path] %s' % self.db_path) raise NotImplementedError if not silent: print(self) # print(self.len) """ --- patch for rename keys --- In lmdb, "keys are always lexicographically sorted". This prevent us to shuffle the storage order of images, which is necessary when the training dataset size is really large, e.g ImageNet (45G~120G). Pre-shuffling image order favor image data loader in training code, as it can read sequentially along the physical storage. To do this, we re-name all image keys to '0000XXXXX' ('%09d' % image_id) format as it would be sorted by lmdb (same trick in caffe). So when imgId2dbId.pkl, we need to map the actual image_id to db_id for retrieve a data. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.db_path, 'imgId2dbId.pkl')): assert self.mode not in ['w', 'a+'], 'Not implement renamed key ' self.key_renamed = True self.imgId2dbId = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.db_path, 'imgId2dbId.pkl'), 'rb')) # OrderedDict else: self.key_renamed = False