def execute(self, bot, update, args): username = update.effective_user.username if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(username): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 4: update.message.reply_text(text=f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return send_to = args[0] amount = args[1] operation = "" if len(args) > 2: operation = args[2] data = "" if len(args) > 3: data = args[3] if not BismuthUtil.valid_address(send_to): update.message.reply_text( text=f"{emo.ERROR} Bismuth address is not valid", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return if not utl.is_numeric(amount) or float(amount) < 0: update.message.reply_text( text=f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return message = update.message.reply_text(text=f"{emo.WAIT} Sending...", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) bis = Bismuth(username) bis.load_wallet() trx = bis.send(send_to, amount, operation, data) url = f"{self.BLCK_EXPL_URL}{utl.encode_url(trx)}" if trx: bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.DONE} Done!\n[View on Block Explorer]({url})\n" f"(Available after ~1 minute)", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Not able to send Transaction")
def _callback(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query username = update.effective_user["username"] sql = self.get_resource("select_bisurl.sql") res = self.execute_sql(sql, user = res["data"][0][1] address = res["data"][0][2] amount = res["data"][0][3] operation = res["data"][0][4] message = res["data"][0][5] if user == username: msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Processing..." bot.answer_callback_query(, msg) bis = Bismuth(user) bis.load_wallet() try: # Execute sending transaction via BISURL trx = bis.send(address, amount, operation, message) except Exception as e: error = f"Error sending via BISURL {amount} BIS " \ f"from @{user} " \ f"to {address} " \ f"with operation '{operation}' " \ f"and message '{message}': {e}" logging.error(error) trx = None if trx: logging.debug(f"Sent via BISURL {amount} BIS " f"from @{user} " f"to {address} " f"with operation '{operation}' " f"and message '{message}'") url = f"{self.BLCK_EXPL_URL}{utl.encode_url(trx)}" # Send success message query.edit_message_text( f"{emo.DONE} DONE!\n[View on Block Explorer]({url})\n" f"(Available after ~1 minute)", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: # Send error message query.edit_message_text( f"{emo.ERROR} Sending via BISURL not executed. Something went wrong..." ) else: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Wrong user" bot.answer_callback_query(, msg)
def execute(self, bot, update, args): username = update.effective_user.username if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(username): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return message = update.message.reply_text( text=f"{emo.WAIT} Checking balance...", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) bis = Bismuth(username) bis.load_wallet() balance = bis.get_balance() if utl.is_numeric(balance): balance = f"`{balance}` BIS" bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"Balance: {balance}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def execute(self, bot, update, args): if not args: update.message.reply_text(text=f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # command <total amount> <number of users> if len(args) == 2: amount = args[0] users = args[1] # command <total amount>/<number of users> elif len(args) == 1 and "/" in args[0]: lst = args[0].split("/") if len(lst) == 2: amount = lst[0] users = lst[1] else: update.message.reply_text(text=f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return else: update.message.reply_text(text=f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Make sure that 'amount' and 'users' are valid values try: amount = float(amount) users = int(users) except ValueError as e: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Arguments not valid" update.message.reply_text(msg) logging.error(e) return if users < 1: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} You have to rain on at least one user" update.message.reply_text(msg) return multiplier = 10**2 user_amount = math.floor(amount / users * multiplier) / multiplier if user_amount < 0.01: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Amount per user to small. Has to be at least `0.01`" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return from_user = update.effective_user.username from_user_id = # Check if sender has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(from_user): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return sql = self.get_resource("read_users.sql") res = self.execute_sql(sql, plugin="wallet") if not res["success"]: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Not possible to retrieve users" update.message.reply_text(msg) error = res["data"] logging.error(error) self.notify(error) return # Remove own user from list of users to rain on user_list = [x for x in res["data"] if x[1] != from_user] # Check if enough users available to be rained on if len(user_list) < users: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Not enough users. {len(user_list)} available" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Randomly choose users from all users chosen = random.sample(user_list, users) msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Processing..." message = update.message.reply_text(msg) # Init sender wallet bis = Bismuth(from_user) bis.load_wallet() # Check for sufficient funds fees = amount + (users * self.FEE) if float(bis.get_balance()) < fees: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Not enough funds" update.message.reply_text(msg) return result = f"{emo.DONE} @{utl.esc_md(from_user)} sent `{user_amount}` BIS each to: " for to_data in chosen: to_user_id = to_data[0] to_user = to_data[1] try: # Execute tipping trx = bis.tip(to_user, user_amount) except Exception as e: error = "Error while executing rain tip" logging.error(f"{error}: {e}") self.notify(e) trx = None if trx: # Save tipping in database # TODO: Do i have to lock the DB while writing? insert = self.get_resource("insert_rain.sql") self.execute_sql(insert, from_user, to_user, amount) # Add username of tipped user to confirmation message result += f"@{utl.esc_md(to_user)} " try: # Send success message to tipped user msg = f"You've been tipped with `{user_amount}` BIS by @{utl.esc_md(from_user)}" bot.send_message(to_user_id, msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except Exception as e: error = f"Not possible to notify user '{to_user}' about rain tip" logging.debug(f"{error}: {e}") else: try: # Send error message to tipping user msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Not possible to send `{user_amount}` BIS to @{utl.esc_md(to_user)}" bot.send_message(from_user_id, msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) logging.error(msg) self.notify(msg) except Exception as e: error = f"Not possible to notify tipping user '{from_user}' about failed rain tip" logging.debug(f"{error}: {e}") # Check if at least one user got tipped if result.count("@") > 1: # TODO: Use 'split_msg' from utils here # Send success message bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=result, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: # Send error message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Rain not executed. Something went wrong...", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def execute(self, bot, update, args): user = update.effective_user.username if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 4: update.message.reply_text(text=f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return address = args[0] amount = args[1] operation = "" if len(args) > 2: operation = args[2] data = "" if len(args) > 3: data = args[3] # Check if provided amount is valid if not utl.is_numeric(amount) or float(amount) < 0: update.message.reply_text( text=f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Check if provided address is valid if not BismuthUtil.valid_address(address): update.message.reply_text( text=f"{emo.ERROR} Provided address is not valid", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Check if user has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(user): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return message = update.message.reply_text(text=f"{emo.WAIT} Processing...", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) bis = Bismuth(user) bis.load_wallet() balance = bis.get_balance() total = float(amount) + BismuthUtil.fee_for_tx(data) # Check for sufficient funds if not utl.is_numeric(balance) or float(balance) < total: bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Not enough funds") return try: # Execute withdrawing trx = bis.send(address, amount, operation, data) except Exception as e: error = f"Error withdrawing {amount} BIS " \ f"from @{user} " \ f"to {address} " \ f"with '{operation}' " \ f"and '{data}': {e}" logging.error(error) self.notify(error) trx = None if trx: logging.debug(f"Withdraw {amount} BIS " f"from @{user} " f"to {address} " f"with '{operation}' " f"and '{data}'") # Save withdrawing to database insert = self.get_resource("insert_withdraw.sql") self.execute_sql(insert, user, address, amount) url = f"{self.BLCK_EXPL_URL}{utl.encode_url(trx)}" # Send success message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.DONE} DONE!\n[View on Block Explorer]({url})\n" f"(Available after ~1 minute)", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: # Send error message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text= f"{emo.ERROR} Withdrawing not executed. Something went wrong..." )
def execute(self, bot, update, args): reply = update.message.reply_to_message # Tip the user that you reply to if reply: # Determine amount to tip if len(args) == 0: # Tip default BIS amount amount = self.DEFAULT_TIP elif len(args) == 1: # Tip specified BIS amount try: amount = float(args[0]) except: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid" update.message.reply_text(msg) return else: msg = "You are tipping the user you reply to. " \ "Only allowed argument is the amount." update.message.reply_text(msg) return to_user = reply.from_user.username # Provide username to be tipped else: if not args: msg = f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Determine amount to tip if len(args) == 1: # Tip default BIS amount amount = self.DEFAULT_TIP elif len(args) == 2: # Tip specified BIS amount try: amount = float(args[1]) except: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid" update.message.reply_text(msg) return else: # Wrong syntax msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Wrong number of arguments:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return to_user = args[0] # Check if username starts with @ if not to_user.startswith("@"): msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Username not valid:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return to_user = to_user[1:] from_user = update.effective_user.username # Check if sender has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(from_user): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return # Check if recipient has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(to_user): msg = f"{emo.ERROR} User @{utl.esc_md(to_user)} doesn't have a wallet yet" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Processing..." message = update.message.reply_text(msg) # Init sender wallet bis = Bismuth(from_user) bis.load_wallet() # Check for sufficient funds if float(bis.get_balance()) <= amount: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Not enough funds" update.message.reply_text(msg) return # Process actual tipping if bis.tip(to_user, amount): # Save tipping in database insert = self.get_resource("insert_tip.sql") self.execute_sql(insert, from_user, to_user, amount) # Send success message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.DONE} @{utl.esc_md(to_user)} received `{amount}` BIS", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) try: # Get user ID from tipped user sql = self.get_resource("get_user_id.sql") res = self.execute_sql(sql, to_user, plugin="wallet") user_id = res["data"][0][0] if res["success"] else None if user_id: # Send message to tipped user msg = f"You've been tipped with `{amount}` BIS by @{utl.esc_md(from_user)}" bot.send_message(user_id, msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except Exception as e: logging.warning(e) else: # Send error message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Something went wrong")
def execute(self, bot, update, args): reply = update.message.reply_to_message # Tip the user that you reply to if reply: # Determine amount to tip if len(args) == 0: # Tip default BIS amount amount = self.DEFAULT_TIP elif len(args) == 1: # Tip specified BIS amount try: amount = float(args[0]) except: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid" update.message.reply_text(msg) return else: msg = "You are tipping the user you reply to. " \ "Only allowed argument is the amount." update.message.reply_text(msg) return to_user = reply.from_user.username # Provide username to be tipped else: if not args: msg = f"Usage:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Determine amount to tip if len(args) == 1: # Tip default BIS amount amount = self.DEFAULT_TIP elif len(args) == 2: # Tip specified BIS amount try: amount = float(args[1]) except: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Specified amount is not valid" update.message.reply_text(msg) return else: # Wrong syntax msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Wrong number of arguments:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return to_user = args[0] # Check if username starts with @ if not to_user.startswith("@"): msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Username not valid:\n{self.get_usage()}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return to_user = to_user[1:] from_user = update.effective_user.username # Check if sender has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(from_user): msg = "Accept terms and create a wallet first with:\n/accept" update.message.reply_text(msg) return # Check if recipient has a wallet if not Bismuth.wallet_exists(to_user): msg = f"{emo.ERROR} User @{utl.esc_md(to_user)} doesn't have a wallet yet" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Processing..." message = update.message.reply_text(msg) # Init sender wallet bis = Bismuth(from_user) bis.load_wallet() balance = bis.get_balance() total = amount + con.TRX_FEE # Check for sufficient funds if not utl.is_numeric(balance) or float(balance) < total: bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Not enough funds") return try: # Execute tipping trx = bis.tip(to_user, amount) except Exception as e: error = f"Error executing tip from @{from_user} to @{to_user} with {amount}: {e}" logging.error(error) self.notify(error) trx = None if trx: logging.debug(f"Tip from '{from_user}' to '{to_user}' with {amount} BIS - TRX: {trx}") # Save tipping to database insert = self.get_resource("insert_tip.sql") self.execute_sql(insert, from_user, to_user, amount) # Send success message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.DONE} @{utl.esc_md(to_user)} received `{amount}` BIS", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) # Get user ID from tipped user sql = self.get_resource("get_user_id.sql") res = self.execute_sql(sql, to_user, plugin="wallet") to_user_id = res["data"][0][0] if res["success"] else None if to_user_id: try: # Send success message to tipped user msg = f"You've been tipped with `{amount}` BIS by @{utl.esc_md(from_user)}" bot.send_message(to_user_id, msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except Exception as e: error = f"Can't notify user '{to_user}' about tip" logging.debug(f"{error}: {e}") else: error = f"Can't notify user '{to_user}' about tip. User ID not found in DB" logging.error(error) self.notify(error) else: # Send error message bot.edit_message_text( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, text=f"{emo.ERROR} Tipping not executed. Something went wrong...")