Пример #1
        def compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents):

            # Compute weighted average of the parameters

            # Cluster parameters
            Phi = distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
            # Contributions/weights/probabilities
            P = u_parents[0][0]

            phi = list()

            for ind in range(len(Phi)):
                # Compute element-wise product and then sum over K clusters.
                # Note that the dimensions aren't perfectly aligned because
                # the cluster dimension (K) may be arbitrary for phi, and phi
                # also has dimensions (Dd,..,D0) of the parameters.
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # General broadcasting rules apply for Nn,..,N0, that is,
                # preceding dimensions may be missing or dimension may be
                # equal to one. Probably, shape(phi) has lots of missing
                # dimensions and/or dimensions that are one.

                if cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = cluster_plate - distribution.ndims[ind]
                #    cluster_axis = cluster_plate

                # Move cluster axis to the last:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0,K]
                phi.append(utils.moveaxis(Phi[ind], cluster_axis, -1))

                # Add axes to p:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K,1,..,1]
                p = utils.add_trailing_axes(P, distribution.ndims[ind])
                # Move cluster axis to the last:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,..,1,K]
                p = utils.moveaxis(p, -(distribution.ndims[ind] + 1), -1)
                #print('Mixture.compute_phi, p:', np.sum(p, axis=-1))
                #print('mixture.compute_phi shapes:')

                # Now the shapes broadcast perfectly and we can sum
                # p*phi over the last axis:
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                phi[ind] = utils.sum_product(p, phi[ind], axes_to_sum=-1)

            return phi
Пример #2
        def compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents):

            # Compute weighted average of the parameters

            # Cluster parameters
            Phi = distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
            # Contributions/weights/probabilities
            P = u_parents[0][0]

            phi = list()
            for ind in range(len(Phi)):
                # Compute element-wise product and then sum over K clusters.
                # Note that the dimensions aren't perfectly aligned because
                # the cluster dimension (K) may be arbitrary for phi, and phi
                # also has dimensions (Dd,..,D0) of the parameters.
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # General broadcasting rules apply for Nn,..,N0, that is,
                # preceding dimensions may be missing or dimension may be
                # equal to one. Probably, shape(phi) has lots of missing
                # dimensions and/or dimensions that are one.

                if cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = cluster_plate - distribution.ndims[ind]
                #    cluster_axis = cluster_plate

                # Move cluster axis to the last:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0,K]
                phi.append(utils.moveaxis(Phi[ind], cluster_axis, -1))

                # Add axes to p:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K,1,..,1]
                p = utils.add_trailing_axes(P, distribution.ndims[ind])
                # Move cluster axis to the last:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,..,1,K]
                p = utils.moveaxis(p, -(distribution.ndims[ind]+1), -1)
                #print('Mixture.compute_phi, p:', np.sum(p, axis=-1))
                #print('mixture.compute_phi shapes:')
                # Now the shapes broadcast perfectly and we can sum
                # p*phi over the last axis:
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                phi[ind] = utils.sum_product(p, phi[ind], axes_to_sum=-1)
            return phi
Пример #3
        def compute_message(index, u, u_parents):
            """ . """


            if index == 0:

                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

                # Compute g:
                # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                g = distribution.compute_g_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
                # Reshape(g):
                # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                g = utils.moveaxis(g, cluster_plate, -1)

                # Compute phi:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                phi = distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
                # Reshape phi:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
                for ind in range(len(phi)):
                    phi[ind] = utils.moveaxis(
                        phi[ind], cluster_plate - distribution.ndims[ind],
                        -1 - distribution.ndims[ind])

                # Reshape u:
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
                u_self = list()
                for ind in range(len(u)):
                                       axis=(-1 - distribution.ndims[ind])))

                # Compute logpdf:
                # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                L = distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0)

                # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
                # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
                # that automatically

                ## print(np.shape(phi[0]))
                ## print(np.shape(u_self[0]))
                ## print(np.shape(g))
                ## print(np.shape(L))

                return [L]

            elif index >= 1:

                # Parent index for the distribution used for the
                # mixture.
                index = index - 1

                # Reshape u:
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                u_self = list()
                for ind in range(len(u)):
                    if cluster_plate < 0:
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate - distribution.ndims[ind]
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate
                    u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

                # Message from the mixed distribution
                m = distribution.compute_message(index, u_self, u_parents[1:])

                # Weigh the messages with the responsibilities
                for i in range(len(m)):

                    # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                    # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]

                    # Number of axes for the variable dimensions for
                    # the parent message.
                    D = distribution.ndims_parents[index][i]

                    # Responsibilities for clusters are the first
                    # parent's first moment:
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                    p = u_parents[0][0]
                    # Move the cluster axis to the proper place:
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                    p = utils.moveaxis(p, -1, cluster_plate)
                    # Add axes for variable dimensions to the contributions
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,1,..,1]
                    p = utils.add_trailing_axes(p, D)

                    if cluster_plate < 0:
                        # Add the variable dimensions
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate - D

                    # Add axis for clusters:
                    # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    #m[i] = np.expand_dims(m[i], axis=cluster_axis)

                    # TODO: You could do summing here already so that
                    # you wouldn't compute huge matrices as
                    # intermediate result. Use einsum.

                    ## print(np.shape(m[i]))
                    ## print(np.shape(p))

                    # Compute the message contributions for each
                    # cluster:
                    # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    m[i] = m[i] * p


                return m
Пример #4
        def compute_message(index, u, u_parents):
            """ . """

            if index == 0:

                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

                # Compute g:
                # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                g = distribution.compute_g_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
                # Reshape(g):
                # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                g = utils.moveaxis(g, cluster_plate, -1)

                # Compute phi:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                phi = distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(u_parents[1:])
                # Reshape phi:
                # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
                for ind in range(len(phi)):
                    phi[ind] = utils.moveaxis(phi[ind],

                # Reshape u:
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
                u_self = list()
                for ind in range(len(u)):
                # Compute logpdf:
                # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                L = distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0)
                # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
                # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
                # that automatically

                ## print(np.shape(phi[0]))
                ## print(np.shape(u_self[0]))
                ## print(np.shape(g))
                ## print(np.shape(L))
                return [L]

            elif index >= 1:

                # Parent index for the distribution used for the
                # mixture.
                index = index - 1

                # Reshape u:
                # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                u_self = list()
                for ind in range(len(u)):
                    if cluster_plate < 0:
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate - distribution.ndims[ind]
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate
                    u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))
                # Message from the mixed distribution
                m = distribution.compute_message(index, u_self, u_parents[1:])

                # Weigh the messages with the responsibilities
                for i in range(len(m)):

                    # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                    # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    # Number of axes for the variable dimensions for
                    # the parent message.
                    D = distribution.ndims_parents[index][i]

                    # Responsibilities for clusters are the first
                    # parent's first moment:
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                    p = u_parents[0][0]
                    # Move the cluster axis to the proper place:
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                    p = utils.moveaxis(p, -1, cluster_plate)
                    # Add axes for variable dimensions to the contributions
                    # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,1,..,1]
                    p = utils.add_trailing_axes(p, D)

                    if cluster_plate < 0:
                        # Add the variable dimensions
                        cluster_axis = cluster_plate - D

                    # Add axis for clusters:
                    # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    #m[i] = np.expand_dims(m[i], axis=cluster_axis)
                    # TODO: You could do summing here already so that
                    # you wouldn't compute huge matrices as
                    # intermediate result. Use einsum.

                    ## print(np.shape(m[i]))
                    ## print(np.shape(p))

                    # Compute the message contributions for each
                    # cluster:
                    # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                    m[i] = m[i] * p

                return m