Пример #1
def include(oldfn, fn, data, error_out):

    error_out If True a ParseError will be reaised if the to be included
    if oldfn == fn:  # prevent infinate recursion
        return None

    import bb
    fn = bb.data.expand(fn, data)
    oldfn = bb.data.expand(oldfn, data)

    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        dname = os.path.dirname(oldfn)
        bbpath = "%s:%s" % (dname, bb.data.getVar("BBPATH", data, 1))
        abs_fn = bb.which(bbpath, fn)
        if abs_fn:
            fn = abs_fn

    from bb.parse import handle
        ret = handle(fn, data, True)
    except IOError:
        if error_out:
            raise ParseError("Could not %(error_out)s file %(fn)s" % vars())
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF file '%s' not found" % fn)
Пример #2
        def fetch_uri(uri, basename, dl, md5, d):
            if os.path.exists(dl):
                #               file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again..
                fetchcmd = bb.data.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND", d, 1)
                fetchcmd = bb.data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND", d, 1)

            bb.note("fetch " + uri)
            fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri)
            fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", basename)
            bb.debug(2, "executing " + fetchcmd)
            ret = os.system(fetchcmd)
            if ret != 0:
                return False

            #           supposedly complete.. write out md5sum
            if bb.which(bb.data.getVar("PATH", d), "md5sum"):
                    md5pipe = os.popen("md5sum " + dl)
                    md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [""])[0]
                except OSError:
                    md5data = ""
                md5out = file(md5, "w")
                md5out = file(md5, "w")
            return True
Пример #3
def include(oldfn, fn, data, error_out):

    error_out If True a ParseError will be reaised if the to be included
    if oldfn == fn: # prevent infinate recursion
        return None

    import bb
    fn = bb.data.expand(fn, data)
    oldfn = bb.data.expand(oldfn, data)

    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        dname = os.path.dirname(oldfn)
        bbpath = "%s:%s" % (dname, bb.data.getVar("BBPATH", data, 1))
        abs_fn = bb.which(bbpath, fn)
        if abs_fn:
            fn = abs_fn

    from bb.parse import handle
        ret = handle(fn, data, True)
    except IOError:
        if error_out:
            raise ParseError("Could not %(error_out)s file %(fn)s" % vars() )
        bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF file '%s' not found" % fn)
Пример #4
def resolve_file(fn, d):
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        bbpath = bb.data.getVar("BBPATH", d, True)
        newfn = bb.which(bbpath, fn)
        if not newfn:
            raise IOError("file %s not found in %s" % (fn, bbpath))
        fn = newfn

    logger.debug(2, "LOAD %s", fn)
    return fn
Пример #5
def resolve_file(fn, d):
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        bbpath = bb.data.getVar("BBPATH", d, True)
        newfn = bb.which(bbpath, fn)
        if not newfn:
            raise IOError("file %s not found in %s" % (fn, bbpath))
        fn = newfn

    bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "LOAD %s" % fn)
    return fn
Пример #6
def main():
    cache = nodecache.NodeCache(bitbakec.parsefile)
    # Read the Configuration
    my_init = bb.data.init()
    my_init.setVar('TOPDIR', os.getcwd() )
    conf = bitbakec.parsefile(bb.which(os.environ['BBPATH'], "conf/bitbake.conf"), True)
    conf.eval( my_init, cache )

    # micro optimisation INHERIT the bases once...
    import ast
    root = ast.Root("none")
    inherits = (my_init.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
    inherits.insert(0, "base")
    for inherit in inherits:
        print "Inheriting %s" % inherit
        root.add_statement( ast.Inherit( inherit ) )

    root.eval( my_init, cache )
    cache.base_classes = root.classes
    cache.task_base    = root.tasks
    cache.queue_base   = root.anonqueue
    print cache.base_classes

    print root.handler
    add_handler( root, my_init )
    # Initialize the fetcher stuff
    def set_additional_vars(the_data):
        """Deduce rest of variables, e.g. ${A} out of ${SRC_URI}"""

        src_uri = bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', the_data)
        if not src_uri:
        src_uri = bb.data.expand(src_uri, the_data)

        a = bb.data.getVar('A', the_data)
        if a:
            a = bb.data.expand(a, the_data).split()
            a = []

        from bb import fetch
            fetch.init(src_uri.split(), the_data)
        except fetch.NoMethodError:
        except bb.MalformedUrl,e:
            raise bb.parse.ParseError("Unable to generate local paths for SRC_URI due to malformed uri: %s" % e)

        a += fetch.localpaths(the_data)
        del fetch
        bb.data.setVar('A', " ".join(a), the_data)
Пример #7
    def visitRequire(self, data, nodecache):
        node.get_direct_root().expand( data, nodecache )
        bbpath = os.environ['BBPATH']
        if node.has_root():
            bbpath = "%s:%s" % (os.path.dirname(node.root.filename), bbpath)

        require = bb.which(bbpath, data.expand(node.file, None))

        #print "Require", node.file, require, node.root.filename
        ast = nodecache.parse_include(require)
        root = EvaluateRoot(self)
        root.accept( ast, data, nodecache )
        bb.parse.mark_dependency(data, require)
Пример #8
 def localpath(url, d):
     """Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
     path = url.split("://")[1]
     newpath = path
     if path[0] != "/":
         filespath = bb.data.getVar("FILESPATH", d, 1)
         if filespath:
             newpath = bb.which(filespath, path)
         if not newpath:
             filesdir = bb.data.getVar("FILESDIR", d, 1)
             if filesdir:
                 newpath = os.path.join(filesdir, path)
     return newpath
Пример #9
    def visitInherit(self, node, data, nodecache):
        self.master.expand( data, nodecache )
        if node.file in self.classes or node.file in nodecache.base_classes:
        node.get_direct_root().classes[node.file] = 1

        inherit = data.expand(node.file, None)

        # Remember what we inherites
        ast = nodecache.parse_class( node.file, bb.which(os.environ['BBPATH'], "classes/%s.bbclass" % node.file ) )
        ast.root = node.root
        root = EvaluateRoot(self)
        root.accept( ast, data, nodecache )
Пример #10
 def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
     """Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
     path = url.split("://")[1]
     newpath = path
     if path[0] != "/":
         filespath = data.getVar('FILESPATH', d, 1)
         if filespath:
             newpath = bb.which(filespath, path)
         if not newpath:
             filesdir = data.getVar('FILESDIR', d, 1)
             if filesdir:
                 newpath = os.path.join(filesdir, path)
     # We don't set localfile as for this fetcher the file is already local!
     return newpath
Пример #11
    def visitInclude(self, data, nodecache):
        node.get_direct_root().expand( data, nodecache )
        bbpath = os.environ['BBPATH']
        if node.has_root():
            bbpath = "%s:%s" % (os.path.dirname(node.root.filename), bbpath)

        include = bb.which(bbpath, data.expand(node.file, None))

            ast = nodecache.parse_include(include)
            root = EvaluateRoot(self)
            root.accept( ast, data, nodecache )
            bb.parse.mark_dependency(data, include)
        except Exception, e:
            print "Didn't work %s %s" % (node.file, include)
Пример #12
    def write_md5sum(url, ud, d):
        if bb.which(data.getVar('PATH', d), 'md5sum'):
                md5pipe = os.popen('md5sum ' + ud.localpath)
                md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
            except OSError:
                md5data = ""

        # verify the md5sum
        if not Fetch.verify_md5sum(ud, md5data):
            raise MD5SumError(url)

        md5out = file(ud.md5, 'w')
Пример #13
 def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
     Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
     path = url.split("://")[1]
     path = path.split(";")[0]
     newpath = path
     if path[0] != "/":
         filespath = data.getVar('FILESPATH', d, 1)
         if filespath:
             newpath = bb.which(filespath, path)
         if not newpath:
             filesdir = data.getVar('FILESDIR', d, 1)
             if filesdir:
                 newpath = os.path.join(filesdir, path)
     # We don't set localfile as for this fetcher the file is already local!
     return newpath
Пример #14
        def fetch_uri(uri, basename, dl, md5, parm, d):
            # the MD5 sum we want to verify
            wanted_md5sum = md5_sum(parm, d)
            if os.path.exists(dl):
#               file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again..
                fetchcmd = data.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND", d, 1)
                fetchcmd = data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND", d, 1)

            bb.note("fetch " + uri)
            fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri)
            fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", basename)
            bb.debug(2, "executing " + fetchcmd)
            ret = os.system(fetchcmd)
            if ret != 0:
                return False

            # check if sourceforge did send us to the mirror page
            dl_dir = data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True)
            if not os.path.exists(dl):
                os.system("rm %s*" % dl) # FIXME shell quote it
                bb.debug(2,"sourceforge.net send us to the mirror on %s" % basename)
                return False

#           supposedly complete.. write out md5sum
            if bb.which(data.getVar('PATH', d), 'md5sum'):
                    md5pipe = os.popen('md5sum ' + dl)
                    md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
                except OSError:
                    md5data = ""

            # verify the md5sum
            if not verify_md5sum(wanted_md5sum, md5data):
                raise MD5SumError(uri)

            md5out = file(md5, 'w')
            return True
Пример #15
def handle(fn, d, include):
    print ""
    print "fn: %s" % fn
    print "data: %s" % d
    print dir(d)
    print d.getVar.__doc__
    print "include: %s" % include

    # check if we include or are the beginning
    if include:
        oldfile = d.getVar('FILE')
        oldfile = None

    # find the file
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        bb.error("No Absolute FILE name")
        abs_fn = bb.which(d.getVar('BBPATH'), fn)
        abs_fn = fn

    # check if the file exists
    if not os.path.exists(abs_fn):
        raise IOError("file '%(fn)' not found" % locals() )

    # now we know the file is around mark it as dep
    if include:
        parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)

    # now parse this file - by defering it to C++
    parsefile(fn, d)

    # restore the original FILE
    if oldfile:
        d.setVar('FILE', oldfile)

    return d
Пример #16
def handle(fn, d, include):
    from bb import data, parse

    (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
    base_name = "%s%s" % (root,ext)

    # initialize with some data

    # check if we include or are the beginning
    oldfile = None
    if include:
        oldfile = d.getVar('FILE', False)
        is_conf = False
    elif ext == ".conf":
        is_conf = True

    # find the file
    if not os.path.isabs(fn):
        abs_fn = bb.which(d.getVar('BBPATH', True), fn)
        abs_fn = fn

    # check if the file exists
    if not os.path.exists(abs_fn):
        raise IOError("file '%(fn)s' not found" % locals() )

    # now we know the file is around mark it as dep
    if include:
        parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)

    # manipulate the bbpath
    if ext != ".bbclass" and ext != ".conf":
        old_bb_path = data.getVar('BBPATH', d)
        data.setVar('BBPATH', os.path.dirname(abs_fn) + (":%s" %old_bb_path) , d)

    # handle INHERITS and base inherit
    if ext != ".bbclass" and ext != ".conf":
        data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)

    # now parse this file - by defering it to C++
    parsefile(abs_fn, d, is_conf)

    # Finish it up
    if include == 0:
        #### !!! XXX Finish it up by executing the anonfunc

    # restore the original FILE
    if oldfile:
        d.setVar('FILE', oldfile)

    # restore bbpath
    if ext != ".bbclass" and ext != ".conf":
        data.setVar('BBPATH', old_bb_path, d )

    return d