pass # If BBB config is found, proceed with configuration from datafile if mybeagle_config: "Found a compatible device in spreadsheet: {}. Proceed with BBB configuration!" .format(mybeagle_config)) # Save found config into a json file with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as fp: json.dump(mybeagle_config, fp) # Update hostname"BBB hostname: {}".format( mybeagle_config[BBB_HOSTNAME_COLUMN])) mybbb.update_hostname(mybeagle_config[BBB_HOSTNAME_COLUMN]) # If same subnet and desided IP is available, proceed with IP configuration # Check primary IP IP_AVAILABLE_1 =[ "ping", "-c", "1", "-W", "1", mybeagle_config[BBB_IP_1_COLUMN] ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) # Check secondary IP, if available on spreadsheet if mybeagle_config[BBB_IP_2_COLUMN]: IP_AVAILABLE_2 =[ "ping", "-c", "1", "-W", "1", mybeagle_config[BBB_IP_2_COLUMN] ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) else:
class RedisClient: """ A class to write BBB information on a REDIS server """ def __init__( self, path: str = CONFIG_PATH, log_path: str = LOG_PATH_BBB, ): # Configuring logging self.logger = logging.getLogger("bbbread") self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(message)s") file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_path, maxBytes=15000000, backupCount=5) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(file_handler)"Starting BBBread up") # Defining local and remote database self.local_db = redis.StrictRedis(host="", port=6379, socket_timeout=4)"Searching for active database") self.remote_db = self.find_active() # Defining BBB object and formatting remote hash name as "BBB:IP_ADDRESS:HOSTNAME" if CONFIG_PATH != path or LOG_PATH_BBB != log_path: self.bbb = BBB(path=path, logfile=log_path) else: self.bbb = node self.nw_service = None for service in subprocess.check_output(["connmanctl", "services"]).decode().split("\n")[:-1]: if "Wired" in service: self.nw_service = service.split(16 * " ")[1] break self.l_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.bbb_ip_type, self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_nameservers = self.get_network_specs() self.bbb_hostname = socket.gethostname() self.local_db.hmset( "device", { "name": self.bbb_hostname, "sector": self.bbb.node.sector, "details": self.bbb.node.details, "state_string": self.bbb.node.state_string, "state": self.bbb.node.state, "ip_type": self.bbb_ip_type, "ip_address": self.bbb_ip, "nameservers": self.bbb_nameservers, }, ) self.hashname = f"BBB:{self.bbb_ip}:{self.bbb_hostname}" self.command_listname = f"{self.hashname}:Command" self.remote_db.hmset(self.hashname, self.local_db.hgetall("device")) # Pinging thread self.ping_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ping_remote, daemon=True) self.ping_thread.start()"Pinging thread started") # Listening thread self.listening = True"Listening thread started")"BBBread startup completed") self.logs_name = f"{self.hashname}:Logs" self.listen() def get_network_specs(self): nameservers = "" ip_type = "" ip_address = "" if not self.nw_service: try: self.l_socket.connect(("", 1)) except OSError: self.l_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return ip_type, ip_address, nameservers ip_address, ip_type = self.l_socket.getsockname()[0], "dhcp" return ip_type, ip_address, nameservers command_out = subprocess.check_output(["connmanctl", "services", self.nw_service]).decode().split("\n")[:-1] if command_out: for line in command_out: # Address line if "IPv4 = " in line: try: ip_type = line[18 : line.index(",")] ip_address = line[line.index("Address=") + 8 : line.index("Netmask") - 2] except Exception: continue # Nameservers line if "Nameservers = " in line: try: nameservers = line[line.index("=") + 4 : -2] except Exception: continue return ip_type, ip_address, nameservers def find_active(self): """Find available server and replace old one""" while True: for server in SERVER_LIST: try: remote_db = redis.StrictRedis(host=server, port=6379, socket_timeout=4)"Connected to {server} Redis Server") return remote_db except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.logger.warning(f"{server} Redis server is disconnected") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f"Could not connect to {server}: {e}") time.sleep(50) continue"Server not found. Retrying to connect in 10 seconds...") time.sleep(10) def ping_remote(self): """Thread that updates remote database every 10s, if pinging is enabled""" cycles_since_heavy_operation = 0 disk_usage = shutil.disk_usage("/") percent_disk_usage = disk_usage.used / while True: try: new_ip_type, new_ip, new_nameservers = self.get_network_specs() new_hostname = socket.gethostname() if not self.remote_db.hexists(self.hashname, "ip_address"): self.remote_db.hmset(self.hashname, self.local_db.hgetall("device")) if cycles_since_heavy_operation > 16: disk_usage = shutil.disk_usage("/") percent_disk_usage = disk_usage.used / if percent_disk_usage > 90: self.log_remote("Disk usage is at {}%".format(percent_disk_usage), self.logger.warning) cycles_since_heavy_operation = 0 else: cycles_since_heavy_operation += 1 self.remote_db.hmset( self.hashname, {"heartbeat": 1, "disk_usage": "{:.2f}%".format(percent_disk_usage * 100)} ) # Formats remote hash name as "BBB:IP_ADDRESS" if ( new_ip != self.bbb_ip or new_hostname != self.bbb_hostname or new_ip_type != self.bbb_ip_type or new_nameservers != self.bbb_nameservers ): info = self.local_db.hgetall("device") self.hashname = f"BBB:{new_ip}:{new_hostname}" old_hashname = f"BBB:{self.bbb_ip}:{self.bbb_hostname}" old_info = info.copy() old_info.update( { b"state_string": self.hashname, b"name": self.bbb_hostname, b"ip_address": self.bbb_ip, b"ip_type": self.bbb_ip_type, b"nameservers": self.bbb_nameservers, } ) try: self.remote_db.rename(f"{old_hashname}:Command", f"{self.hashname}:Command") self.remote_db.rename(f"{old_hashname}:Logs", f"{self.hashname}:Logs") except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: pass self.remote_db.hmset(old_hashname, old_info) self.listening = True self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname, self.bbb_ip_type, self.bbb_nameservers = ( new_ip, new_hostname, new_ip_type, new_nameservers, ) self.logs_name = f"{self.hashname}:Logs" self.command_listname = f"{self.hashname}:Command" info.update( { b"name": new_hostname, b"ip_address": new_ip, b"ip_type": new_ip_type, b"nameservers": new_nameservers, } ) self.remote_db.hmset(self.hashname, info) time.sleep(10) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Pinging thread found an exception: {e}") time.sleep(10) self.find_active() def listen(self): """Thread to process server's commands""" while True: time.sleep(3) if not self.listening: time.sleep(2) continue if not self.ping_thread.is_alive(): break try: if self.remote_db.exists(self.command_listname): command = self.remote_db.lpop(self.command_listname).decode() command = command.split(";") command[0] = int(command[0]) else: continue except redis.exceptions.TimeoutError: self.logger.error("Reconnecting to Redis server") time.sleep(1) continue except ValueError: self.logger.error("Failed to convert first part of the command to integer") continue except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Listening thread found an exception: {e}") time.sleep(3) continue"Command received {command}") if command[0] == Command.REBOOT: self.log_remote("Reboot command received", self.bbb.reboot() elif command[0] == Command.SET_HOSTNAME and len(command) == 2: new_hostname = command[1] self.bbb.update_hostname(new_hostname) # Updates variable names self.log_remote(f"Hostname changed to {new_hostname}", self.listening = False elif command[0] == Command.SET_IP: ip_type = command[1] # Verifies if IP is to be set manually if ip_type == "manual" and len(command) == 5: new_ip, new_mask, new_gateway = command[2:] self.bbb.update_ip_address(ip_type, new_ip, new_mask, new_gateway) # Updates variable names info = f"IP manually changed to {new_ip}, netmask {new_mask}, gateway {new_gateway}" self.log_remote(info, self.listening = False # Verifies if IP is DHCP elif ip_type == "dhcp": self.bbb.update_ip_address(ip_type) # Updates variable names time.sleep(1) self.log_remote("IP changed to DHCP", self.listening = False elif command[0] == Command.SET_NAMESERVERS and len(command) == 3: nameserver_1, nameserver_2 = command[1:] self.log_remote(f"Nameservers changed: {nameserver_1}, {nameserver_2}", self.bbb.update_nameservers(nameserver_1, nameserver_2) elif command[0] >= Command.RESTART_SERVICE and len(command) == 2: action = "stop" if command[0] == Command.STOP_SERVICE else "restart" service_name = command[1] self.log_remote(f"{service_name} service {action}", subprocess.check_output(["systemctl", action, service_name]) def log_remote(self, message: str, log_level: Callable): """Pushes logs to remote server""" try: log_level(message) self.remote_db.hset(self.logs_name, int(time.time()), message) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to send remote log information: {e}")
class RedisClient: """ A class to write BBB information on a REDIS server """ def __init__(self, path=CONFIG_PATH, remote_host_1=SERVER_IP, remote_host_2=BACKUP_SERVER, log_path=LOG_PATH_BBB): # Configuring logging self.logger = logging.getLogger('bbbread') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(message)s') file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) self.logger.debug("Starting BBBread up") # Defining local and remote database self.local_db = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, socket_timeout=2) self.remote_db_1 = redis.StrictRedis(host=remote_host_1, port=6379, socket_timeout=2) self.remote_db_2 = redis.StrictRedis(host=remote_host_2, port=6379, socket_timeout=2) self.logger.debug("Searching for active database") self.remote_db = self.find_active() # Defining BBB object and formatting remote hash name as "BBB:IP_ADDRESS:HOSTNAME" self.bbb = BBB(path) update_local_db() self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname = self.local_db.hmget( 'device', 'ip_address', 'name') self.bbb_ip = self.bbb_ip.decode() self.bbb_hostname = self.bbb_hostname.decode() self.hashname = "BBB:{}:{}".format(self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname) self.command_listname = "BBB:{}:{}:Command".format( self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname) # Pinging thread self.ping_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ping_remote, daemon=True) self.pinging = True self.ping_thread.start() self.logger.debug("Pinging thread started") # Listening thread self.listen_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.listen, daemon=True) self.listening = True self.listen_thread.start() self.logger.debug("Listening thread started") self.logger.debug("BBBread startup completed") def find_active(self): try: self.logger.debug("Connected to LA-RaCtrl-CO-Srv-1 Redis Server") return self.remote_db_1 except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: try: self.logger.debug( "Connected to CA-RaCtrl-CO-Srv-1 Redis Server") return self.remote_db_2 except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.logger.critical("No remote database found") raise Exception("No remote database found") def ping_remote(self): """Thread that updates remote database every 10s, if pinging is enabled""" while True: if not self.pinging: time.sleep(2) continue try: self.force_update() time.sleep(10) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Pinging Thread died:\n{}".format(e)) time.sleep(1) self.find_active() def listen(self): """Thread to process server's commands""" while True: time.sleep(2) if not self.listening: time.sleep(2) continue try: self.command_listname = self.hashname + ":Command" if self.remote_db.keys(self.command_listname): command = self.remote_db.lpop( self.command_listname).decode() command = command.split(";") # Verifies if command is an integer try: command[0] = int(command[0]) except ValueError: self.logger.error( "Failed to convert first part of the command to integer" ) continue"command received {}".format(command)) if command[0] == Command.REBOOT:"Reboot command received") self.bbb.reboot() elif command[0] == Command.SET_HOSTNAME and len( command) == 2: new_hostname = command[1] self.bbb.update_hostname(new_hostname) # Updates variable names"Hostname changed to " + new_hostname) self.listening = False elif command[0] == Command.SET_IP: ip_type = command[1] # Verifies if IP is to be set manually if ip_type == 'manual' and len(command) == 5: new_ip = command[2] new_mask = command[3] new_gateway = command[4] self.bbb.update_ip_address(ip_type, new_ip, new_mask, new_gateway) # Updates variable names"IP manually changed to {}," "netmask {}, gateway {}".format( new_ip, new_mask, new_gateway)) self.listening = False # Verifies if IP is DHCP elif ip_type == 'dhcp': self.bbb.update_ip_address(ip_type) # Updates variable names time.sleep(1)"IP changed to DHCP") self.listening = False elif command[0] == Command.SET_NAMESERVERS and len( command) == 3: nameserver_1 = command[1] nameserver_2 = command[2] self.bbb.update_nameservers(nameserver_1, nameserver_2)"Nameservers changed: {}, {}".format( nameserver_1, nameserver_2)) elif command[0] == Command.STOP_SERVICE and len( command) == 2: service_name = command[1] if service_name == 'bbbread': self.logger.warning("Stopping BBBread") subprocess.check_output( ['systemctl', 'stop', service_name]) "{} service stopped".format(service_name)) elif command[0] == Command.RESTART_SERVICE and len( command) == 2: service_name = command[1] if service_name == 'bbbread': self.logger.warning("Restarting BBBread") subprocess.check_output( ['systemctl', 'restart', service_name]) "{} service restarted".format(service_name)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Listening Thread died:\n{}".format(e)) time.sleep(1) self.find_active() continue def force_update(self, log=False): """Updates local and remote database""" if log:"updating local db") new_ip, new_hostname = update_local_db() if log:"local db updated") info = self.local_db.hgetall('device') # Formats remote hash name as "BBB:IP_ADDRESS" self.hashname = "BBB:{}:{}".format(new_ip, new_hostname) if new_ip != self.bbb_ip or new_hostname != self.bbb_hostname: old_hashname = 'BBB:{}:{}'.format(self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname) old_info = info.copy() old_info[b'state_string'] = self.hashname old_info[b'name'] = self.bbb_hostname old_info[b'ip_address'] = self.bbb_ip if self.remote_db.keys(old_hashname + ":Command"): self.remote_db.rename(old_hashname + ":Command", self.hashname + ":Command") "old ip: {}, new ip: {}, old hostname: {}, new hostname: {}". format(self.bbb_ip, new_ip, self.bbb_hostname, new_hostname)) self.remote_db.hmset(old_hashname, old_info) self.listening = True # Updates remote hash if log:"updating remote db") self.remote_db.hmset(self.hashname, info) self.bbb_ip, self.bbb_hostname = (new_ip, new_hostname)