Пример #1
def main(dictAlg, sortedAlgs, isBiobjective, outputdir='.', verbose=True, function_targets_line=True):  # [1, 13, 101]
    """Generate one table per func with results of multiple algorithms."""
    """Difference with the first version:

    * numbers aligned using the decimal separator
    * premices for dispersion measure
    * significance test against best algorithm
    * table width...

    Takes ``targetsOfInterest`` from this file as "input argument" to compute
    the desired target values. ``targetsOfInterest`` might be configured via 

    # TODO: method is long, terrible to read, split if possible

    bestalgentries = bestalg.loadBestAlgorithm(isBiobjective)

    # Sort data per dimension and function
    dictData = {}
    dsListperAlg = list(dictAlg[i] for i in sortedAlgs)
    for n, entries in enumerate(dsListperAlg):
        tmpdictdim = entries.dictByDim()
        for d in tmpdictdim:
            tmpdictfun = tmpdictdim[d].dictByFunc()
            for f in tmpdictfun:
                dictData.setdefault((d, f), {})[n] = tmpdictfun[f]

    nbtests = len(dictData)

    funInfos = ppfigparam.read_fun_infos(isBiobjective)    

    for df in dictData:
        # Generate one table per df
        # first update targets for each dimension-function pair if needed:
        targets = targetsOfInterest((df[1], df[0]))            
        targetf = targets[-1]
        # best 2009
        refalgentry = bestalgentries[df]
        refalgert = refalgentry.detERT(targets)
        refalgevals = (refalgentry.detEvals((targetf, ))[0][0])
        refalgnbruns = len(refalgevals)
        refalgnbsucc = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(refalgevals) == False)

        # Process the data
        # The following variables will be lists of elements each corresponding
        # to an algorithm
        algnames = []
        #algdata = []
        algerts = []
        algevals = []
        algdisp = []
        algnbsucc = []
        algnbruns = []
        algmedmaxevals = []
        algmedfinalfunvals = []
        algtestres = []
        algentries = []

        for n in sorted(dictData[df].keys()):
            entries = dictData[df][n]
            # the number of datasets for a given dimension and function (df)
            # should be strictly 1. TODO: find a way to warn
            # TODO: do this checking before... why wasn't it triggered by ppperprof?
            if len(entries) > 1:
                print entries
                txt = ("There is more than a single entry associated with "
                       "folder %s on %d-D f%d." % (sortedAlgs[n], df[0], df[1]))
                raise Exception(txt)

            entry = entries[0]


            evals = entry.detEvals(targets)
            #tmpdata = []
            tmpdisp = []
            tmpert = []
            for i, e in enumerate(evals):
                succ = (numpy.isnan(e) == False)
                ec = e.copy() # note: here was the previous bug (changes made in e also appeared in evals !)
                ec[succ == False] = entry.maxevals[succ == False]
                ert = toolsstats.sp(ec, issuccessful=succ)[0]
                if succ.any():
                    tmp = toolsstats.drawSP(ec[succ], entry.maxevals[succ == False],
                                           [10, 50, 90], samplesize=samplesize)[0]
                    tmpdisp.append((tmp[-1] - tmp[0])/2.)

            algtestres.append(significancetest(refalgentry, entry, targets))

            # determine success probability for Df = 1e-8
            e = entry.detEvals((targetf ,))[0]
            algnbsucc.append(numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(e) == False))

        # Process over all data
        # find best values...
        nalgs = len(dictData[df])
        maxRank = 1 + numpy.floor(0.14 * nalgs)  # number of algs to be displayed in bold

        isBoldArray = [] # Point out the best values
        algfinaldata = [] # Store median function values/median number of function evaluations
        tmptop = getTopIndicesOfColumns(algerts, maxRank=maxRank)
        for i, erts in enumerate(algerts):
            tmp = []
            for j, ert in enumerate(erts):  # algi targetj
                tmp.append(i in tmptop[j] or (nalgs > 7 and algerts[i][j] <= 3. * refalgert[j]))
            algfinaldata.append((algmedfinalfunvals[i], algmedmaxevals[i]))

        # significance test of best given algorithm against all others
        best_alg_idx = numpy.array(algerts).argsort(0)[0, :]  # indexed by target index
        significance_versus_others = significance_all_best_vs_other(algentries, targets, best_alg_idx)[0]
        # Create the table
        table = []
        tableHtml = []
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|*{%d}{@{\,}r@{}X@{\,}}|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}' % (len(targets)) # in case StrLeft not working: replaced c@{} with l@{ }
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|*{%d}{@{}r@{}X@{}}|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}' % (len(targets)) # in case StrLeft not working: replaced c@{} with l@{ }
        extraeol = []

        # Generate header lines
        if with_table_heading:
            header = funInfos[df[1]] if df[1] in funInfos.keys() else 'f%d' % df[1]
                          % (2 * len(targets) + 2, header)])

        if function_targets_line is True or (function_targets_line and df[1] in function_targets_line):
            if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
                curline = [r'\#FEs/D']
                curlineHtml = ['<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>#FEs/D<br>REPLACEH</th>\n']
                counter = 1
                for i in targetsOfInterest.labels():
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' % i) 
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%s<br>REPLACE%d</td>\n' % (i, counter))
                    counter += 1
                curline = [r'$\Delta f_\mathrm{opt}$']
                curlineHtml = ['<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>&#916; f<sub>opt</sub><br>REPLACEH</th>\n']
                counter = 1
                for t in targets:
                                % writeFEvals2(t, precision=1, isscientific=True))
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%s<br>REPLACE%d</td>\n' % (writeFEvals2(t, precision=1, isscientific=True), counter))
                    counter += 1
#                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{\,}X@{}|}{%s}'
#                            % writeFEvals2(targets[-1], precision=1, isscientific=True))
#        extraeol.append(r'\hline\arrayrulecolor{tableShade}')

        curline = [r'ERT$_{\text{best}}$'] if with_table_heading else [r'\textbf{f%d}' % df[1]] 
        replaceValue = 'ERT<sub>best</sub>' if with_table_heading else ('<b>f%d</b>' % df[1])
        curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACEH', replaceValue) for item in curlineHtml]
        if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
            # write ftarget:fevals
            counter = 1
            for i in xrange(len(refalgert[:-1])):
                temp="%.1e" %targetsOfInterest((df[1], df[0]))[i]
                if temp[-2]=="0":
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textit{%s}:%s \quad}'
                                   % (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[i], 2)))
                replaceValue = '<i>%s</i>:%s' % (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[i], 2))
                curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACE%d' % counter, replaceValue) for item in curlineHtml]
                counter += 1
            temp="%.1e" %targetsOfInterest((df[1], df[0]))[-1]
            if temp[-2]=="0":
            curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{\textit{%s}:%s }'
                               % (temp ,writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[-1], 2))) 
            replaceValue = '<i>%s</i>:%s' % (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[-1], 2)) 
            curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACE%d' % counter, replaceValue) for item in curlineHtml]
            # write #fevals of the reference alg
            counter = 1
            for i in refalgert[:-1]:
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s \quad}'
                                   % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))
                curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACE%d' % counter, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2)) for item in curlineHtml]
                counter += 1
                               % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[-1], 2))
            curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACE%d' % counter, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(refalgert[-1], 2)) for item in curlineHtml]

        # write the success ratio for the reference alg
        tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(refalgevals) == False) # count the nb of success
        curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
        if tmp2 > 0:
            curline.append('/%d' % len(refalgevals))
            replaceValue = '%d/%d' % (tmp2, len(refalgevals))
            replaceValue = '%d' % tmp2
        curlineHtml = [item.replace('REPLACEF', replaceValue) for item in curlineHtml]


        #for i, gna in enumerate(zip((1, 2, 3), ('bla', 'blo', 'bli'))):
            #print i, gna, gno
        # Format data
        #if df == (5, 17):

        header = r'\providecommand{\ntables}{7}'
        for i, alg in enumerate(algnames):
            #algname, entries, irs, line, line2, succ, runs, testres1alg in zip(algnames,
            #data, dispersion, isBoldArray, isItalArray, nbsucc, nbruns, testres):
            commandname = r'\alg%stables' % numtotext(i)
#            header += r'\providecommand{%s}{{%s}{}}' % (commandname, str_to_latex(strip_pathname(alg)))
            header += r'\providecommand{%s}{\StrLeft{%s}{\ntables}}' % (commandname, str_to_latex(strip_pathname1(alg)))
            curline = [commandname + r'\hspace*{\fill}']  # each list element becomes a &-separated table entry?
            curlineHtml = ['<th>%s</th>\n' % str_to_latex(strip_pathname1(alg))]

            for j, tmp in enumerate(zip(algerts[i], algdisp[i],  # j is target index
                                        isBoldArray[i], algtestres[i])):
                ert, dispersion, isBold, testres = tmp
                alignment = '@{\,}X@{\,}'
                if j == len(algerts[i]) - 1:
                    alignment = '@{\,}X@{\,}|'

                data = ert/refalgert[j]
                # write star for significance against all other algorithms
                str_significance_subsup = ''
                str_significance_subsup_html = ''
                if (len(best_alg_idx) > 0 and len(significance_versus_others) > 0 and 
                    i == best_alg_idx[j] and nbtests * significance_versus_others[j][1] < 0.05):
                    logp = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * significance_versus_others[j][1]))
                    logp = numpy.min((9, logp))  # not messing up the format and handling inf
                    str_significance_subsup =  r"^{%s%s}" % (significance_vs_others_symbol, str(int(logp)) if logp > 1 else '')
                    str_significance_subsup_html = '<sup>%s%s</sup>' % (significance_vs_others_symbol_html, str(int(logp)) if logp > 1 else '')

                # moved out of the above else: this was a bug!?
                z, p = testres
                if (nbtests * p) < 0.05 and data < 1. and z < 0.: 
                    if not numpy.isinf(refalgert[j]):
                        tmpevals = algevals[i][j].copy()
                        tmpevals[numpy.isnan(tmpevals)] = algentries[i].maxevals[numpy.isnan(tmpevals)]
                        bestevals = refalgentry.detEvals(targets)
                        bestevals, bestalgalg = (bestevals[0][0], bestevals[1][0])
                        bestevals[numpy.isnan(bestevals)] = refalgentry.maxevals[bestalgalg][numpy.isnan(bestevals)]
                        tmpevals = numpy.array(sorted(tmpevals))[0:min(len(tmpevals), len(bestevals))]
                        bestevals = numpy.array(sorted(bestevals))[0:min(len(tmpevals), len(bestevals))]

                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best and
                    # all(sorted(FEvals_best) > sorted(FEvals_current)).
                    if numpy.isinf(refalgert[j]) or all(tmpevals < bestevals):
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        # tmp2[-1] += r'$^{%s}$' % superscript
                        str_significance_subsup += r'_{%s%s}' % (significance_vs_ref_symbol, 
                                                                 str(int(nbstars)) if nbstars > 1 else '')
                        str_significance_subsup_html = '<sub>%s%s</sub>' % (significance_vs_ref_symbol_html, 
                                                                 str(int(nbstars)) if nbstars > 1 else '')
                if str_significance_subsup:
                    str_significance_subsup = '$%s$' % str_significance_subsup

                # format number in variable data
                if numpy.isnan(data):
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{%s}{.}' % alignment)
                    if numpy.isinf(refalgert[j]):
                        curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{%s}{\textbf{%s}\mbox{\tiny (%s)}%s}'
                                       % (alignment,
                                          writeFEvalsMaxPrec(algerts[i][j], 2),
                                          writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion, precdispersion), 
                        curlineHtml.append('<td sorttable_customkey=\"%f\"><b>%s</b> (%s)%s</td>\n'
                                       % (algerts[i][j],
                                          writeFEvalsMaxPrec(algerts[i][j], 2),
                                          writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion, precdispersion), 

                    tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(data, precfloat, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                    tmpHtml = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(data, precfloat, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                    sortKey = data
                    if data >= maxfloatrepr or data < 0.01: # either inf or scientific notation
                        if numpy.isinf(data) and j == len(algerts[i]) - 1:
                            tmp += r'\,\textit{%s}' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(algfinaldata[i][1], 0, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                            tmpHtml += '<i>%s</i>' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(algfinaldata[i][1], 0, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                            sortKey = algfinaldata[i][1]
                            tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(data, precscien, maxfloatrepr=data)
                            if isBold:
                                tmpHtml = '<b>%s</b>' % tmp
                                tmp = r'\textbf{%s}' % tmp

                        if not numpy.isnan(dispersion):
                            tmpdisp = dispersion/refalgert[j]
                            if tmpdisp >= maxfloatrepr or tmpdisp < 0.005: # TODO: hack
                                tmpdisp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmpdisp, precdispersion, maxfloatrepr=tmpdisp)
                                tmpdisp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmpdisp, precdispersion, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                            tmp += r'\mbox{\tiny (%s)}' % tmpdisp
                            tmpHtml += ' (%s)' % tmpdisp
                        curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{%s}{%s%s}' % (alignment, tmp, str_significance_subsup))
                        tmpHtml = tmpHtml.replace('$\infty$', '&infin;')                
                        if (numpy.isinf(sortKey)):
                            sortKey = sys.maxint
                        curlineHtml.append('<td sorttable_customkey=\"%f\">%s%s</td>' % (sortKey, tmpHtml, str_significance_subsup_html))
                        tmp2 = tmp.split('.', 1)
                        if len(tmp2) < 2:
                            tmp2[-1] = '.' + tmp2[-1]
                        if isBold:
                            tmp3 = []
                            tmp3html = []
                            for k in tmp2:
                                tmp3.append(r'\textbf{%s}' % k)
                                tmp3html.append('<b>%s</b>' % k)
                            tmp2 = tmp3
                            tmp2html = tmp3html
                            tmp2html = []
                        if not numpy.isnan(dispersion):
                            tmpdisp = dispersion/refalgert[j]
                            if tmpdisp >= maxfloatrepr or tmpdisp < 0.01:
                                tmpdisp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmpdisp, precdispersion, maxfloatrepr=tmpdisp)
                                tmpdisp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmpdisp, precdispersion, maxfloatrepr=maxfloatrepr)
                            tmp2[-1] += (r'\mbox{\tiny (%s)}' % (tmpdisp))
                            tmp2html[-1] += ' (%s)' % tmpdisp
                        tmp2[-1] += str_significance_subsup
                        tmp2html[-1] += str_significance_subsup_html
                        tmp2html = ("").join(str(item) for item in tmp2html)
                        tmp2html = tmp2html.replace('$\infty$', '&infin;')                
                        curlineHtml.append('<td sorttable_customkey=\"%f\">%s</td>' % (data, tmp2html))
            curline.append('%d' % algnbsucc[i])
            curline.append('/%d' % algnbruns[i])
            curlineHtml.append('<td sorttable_customkey=\"%d\">%d/%d</td>\n' % (algnbsucc[i], algnbsucc[i], algnbruns[i]))

        # Write table
        res = tableXLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
            filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'pptables_f%03d_%02dD.tex' % (df[1], df[0]))
            f = open(filename, 'w')
            f.write(header + '\n')

            res = ("").join(str(item) for item in tableHtml)
            res = '\n<table class=\"sortable\" style=\"width:800px \">\n%s</table>\n<p/>\n' % res
            if df[0] in (5, 20):
                filename = os.path.join(outputdir, genericsettings.many_algorithm_file_name + '.html')
                lines = []
                with open(filename) as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        if '<!--' + 'pptablesf%03d%02dDHtml' % (df[1], df[0]) + '-->' in line:
                with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
                    for line in lines:
            if verbose:
                print 'Wrote table in %s' % filename
Пример #2
def main(dsList0, dsList1, minfvalue=1e-8, outputdir='', verbose=True):
    """Returns ERT1/ERT0 comparison figure."""

    #plt.rc("axes", labelsize=20, titlesize=24)
    #plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=20)
    #plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=20)
    #plt.rc("font", size=20)
    #plt.rc("legend", fontsize=20)
    # minfvalue = pproc.TargetValues.cast(minfvalue)

    funInfos = ppfigparam.read_fun_infos(dsList0.isBiobjective())    

    dictFun0 = dsList0.dictByFunc()
    dictFun1 = dsList1.dictByFunc()

    for func in set.intersection(set(dictFun0), set(dictFun1)):
        dictDim0 = dictFun0[func].dictByDim()
        dictDim1 = dictFun1[func].dictByDim()

        filename = os.path.join(outputdir,'ppfig2_f%03d' % (func))

        dims = sorted(set.intersection(set(dictDim0), set(dictDim1)))

        handles = []
        dataperdim = {}
        fvalueswitch = {}
        nbtests = 0
        for i, dim in enumerate(dimensions):
                entry0 = dictDim0[dim][0]
                entry1 = dictDim1[dim][0]
            except KeyError:

            nbtests += 1
            # generateData:
            data = _generateData(entry0, entry1, fthresh=fthresh)
            dataperdim[dim] = data

            if len(data[0]) == 0 and len(data[1]) == 0:

            # TODO: hack, modify slightly so line goes to 'zero'
            if minfvalue:
                for d in data:
                    tmp = d[:, 0]
                    tmp[tmp == 0] = min(min(tmp[tmp > 0]), minfvalue)**2

            # plot
            idx = np.isfinite(data[0][:, 1]) * np.isfinite(data[1][:, 1])
            ydata = data[1][idx, 1]/data[0][idx, 1]
            kwargs = styles[i].copy()
            kwargs['label'] = '%2d-D' % dim
            tmp = plotUnifLogXMarkers(data[0][idx, 0], ydata, nbperdecade=1, logscale=True, **kwargs)
            plt.setp(tmp, markersize=3*linewidth)
            plt.setp(tmp[0], ls='--')

            # This is only one possibility:
            #idx = (data[0][:, 3] >= 5) * (data[1][:, 3] >= 5)
            idx = ((data[0][:, 1] <= 3 * np.median(entry0.maxevals))
                   * (data[1][:, 1] <= 3 * np.median(entry1.maxevals)))

            if not idx.any():
                fvalueswitch[dim] = np.inf
                # Hack: fvalueswitch is the smallest value of f where the line
                # was still solid.

            fvalueswitch[dim] = min(data[0][idx, 0])
            ydata = data[1][idx, 1]/data[0][idx, 1]
            tmp = plotUnifLogXMarkers(data[0][idx, 0], ydata, nbperdecade=1, logscale=True, **styles[i])
            plt.setp(tmp[1], markersize=3*linewidth)

        ax = plt.gca()
        # Freeze the boundaries
        #trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes)

        # Plot everything else
        for i, dim in enumerate(dimensions):
                entry0 = dictDim0[dim][0]
                entry1 = dictDim1[dim][0]
                data = dataperdim[dim]
            except KeyError:

            if len(data[0]) == 0 and len(data[1]) == 0:

            # annotation
            annotate(entry0, entry1, dim, minfvalue, nbtests=nbtests)

            tmp0 = np.isfinite(data[0][:, 1])
            tmp1 = np.isfinite(data[1][:, 1])
            idx = tmp0 * tmp1

            if not idx.any():

            #Do not plot anything else if it happens after minfvalue
            if data[0][idx, 0][-1] <= minfvalue:
                # hack for the legend

            # Determine which algorithm went further
            algstoppedlast = 0
            algstoppedfirst = 1

            if np.sum(tmp0) < np.sum(tmp1):
                algstoppedlast = 1
                algstoppedfirst = 0

            #marker if an algorithm stopped
            ydata = data[1][idx, 1]/data[0][idx, 1]
            plt.plot((data[0][idx, 0][-1], ), (ydata[-1], ), marker='D', ls='',
                     color=styles[i]['color'], markeredgecolor=styles[i]['color'],
                     markerfacecolor=styles[i]['color'], markersize=4*linewidth)
            tmpy = ydata[-1]

            # plot probability of success line
            dataofinterest = data[algstoppedlast]

            tmp = np.nonzero(idx)[0][-1] # Why [0]?
            # add the last line for which both algorithm still have a success
            idx = (data[algstoppedfirst][:, 2] == 0.) * (dataofinterest[:, 2] > 0.)
            idx[tmp] = True

            if np.sum(idx) <= 1:#len(idx) == 0 or not idx.any():

            ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
            #orientation = -1
            ybnd = ymin
            if algstoppedlast == 0:
                ybnd = ymax
                #orientation = 1

            #ydata = orientation * dataofinterest[idx, 2] / 2 + 0.5
            ydata = np.power(10, np.log10(ybnd) * (dataofinterest[idx, 2]

            ls = '-'
            if dataofinterest[idx, 0][0] < fvalueswitch[dim]:
                ls = '--'

            tmp = plt.plot([dataofinterest[idx, 0][0]]*2, (tmpy, ydata[0]),
            plt.setp(tmp, ls=ls, marker='')
            tmp = plt.plot((dataofinterest[idx, 0][0], ), (ydata[0], ), marker='D', ls='',
                     color=styles[i]['color'], markeredgecolor=styles[i]['color'],
                     markerfacecolor=styles[i]['color'], markersize=4*linewidth)

            kwargs = styles[i].copy()
            kwargs['ls'] = ls
            tmp = plotUnifLogXMarkers(dataofinterest[idx, 0], ydata, nbperdecade=1, logscale=True, **kwargs)
            plt.setp(tmp, markersize=3*linewidth)

            #Do not plot anything else if it happens after minfvalue
            if dataofinterest[idx, 0][-1] <= minfvalue:
            #plt.plot((dataofinterest[idx, 0][-1], ), (ydata[-1], ), marker='d',
            #         color=styles[i]['color'], markeredgecolor=styles[i]['color'],
            #         markerfacecolor=styles[i]['color'], markersize=4*linewidth)

        if func in funInfos.keys():

        if func in functions_with_legend:

        # save
        saveFigure(filename, verbose=verbose)
Пример #3
def main(dsList0, dsList1, outputdir, verbose=True):
    """Generate a scatter plot figure.
    TODO: """

    #plt.rc("axes", labelsize=24, titlesize=24)
    #plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=20)
    #plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=20)
    #plt.rc("font", size=20)
    #plt.rc("legend", fontsize=20)

    dictFunc0 = dsList0.dictByFunc()
    dictFunc1 = dsList1.dictByFunc()
    funcs = set(dictFunc0.keys()) & set(dictFunc1.keys())

    if isinstance(targets, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
        linewidth = linewidth_rld_based
        linewidth = linewidth_default

    funInfos = ppfigparam.read_fun_infos(dsList0.isBiobjective())    

    for f in funcs:
        dictDim0 = dictFunc0[f].dictByDim()
        dictDim1 = dictFunc1[f].dictByDim()
        dims = set(dictDim0.keys()) & set(dictDim1.keys())

        for i, d in enumerate(dimensions):
                entry0 = dictDim0[d][0] # should be only one element
                entry1 = dictDim1[d][0] # should be only one element
            except (IndexError, KeyError):
            if linewidth:  # plot all reliable ERT values as a line
                all_targets = np.array(sorted(set(entry0.target).union(entry1.target), reverse=True))
                assert entry0.detSuccessRates([all_targets[0]]) == 1.0
                assert entry1.detSuccessRates([all_targets[0]]) == 1.0
                all_targets = all_targets[np.where(all_targets <= targets((f, d))[0])[0]]  # 
                xdata_all = np.array(entry0.detERT(all_targets))
                ydata_all = np.array(entry1.detERT(all_targets))
                # idx of reliable targets: last index where success rate >= 1/2 and ERT <= maxevals
                idx = []
                for ari in (np.where(entry0.detSuccessRates(all_targets) >= 0.5)[0], 
                         np.where(entry1.detSuccessRates(all_targets) >= 0.5)[0], 
                         np.where(xdata_all <= max(entry0.maxevals))[0], 
                         np.where(ydata_all <= max(entry1.maxevals))[0]
                    if len(ari):
                if len(idx) == 4:
                    max_idx = min(idx)
                    ## at least up to the most difficult given target
                    ## idx = max((idx, np.where(all_targets >= targets((f, d))[-1])[0][-1])) 
                    xdata_all = xdata_all[:max_idx + 1]
                    ydata_all = ydata_all[:max_idx + 1]
                    idx = (numpy.isfinite(xdata_all)) * (numpy.isfinite(ydata_all))
                    assert idx.all() 
                    if idx.any():
                        plt.plot(xdata_all[idx], ydata_all[idx], colors[i], ls='solid', lw=linewidth, 
                                 # TODO: ls has changed, check whether this works out
            xdata = numpy.array(entry0.detERT(targets((f, d))))
            ydata = numpy.array(entry1.detERT(targets((f, d))))

            # plot "valid" data, those within maxevals
            idx = np.logical_and(xdata < entry0.mMaxEvals(),
                                 ydata < entry1.mMaxEvals())
            # was:
            #       (numpy.isinf(xdata) == False) *
            #       (numpy.isinf(ydata) == False) *
            #       (xdata < entry0.mMaxEvals()) *
            #       (ydata < entry1.mMaxEvals()))
            if idx.any():
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], ls='',
                             marker=markers[i], markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=3, 
                except KeyError:
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], ls='', markersize=markersize,
                             marker='x', markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=3,
                #    plt.scatter(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], s=10, marker=markers[i],
                #            facecolor='None', edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=3)
                #except ValueError:
                #    set_trace()

            # plot beyond maxevals but finite data
            idx = ((numpy.isinf(xdata) == False) *
                   (numpy.isinf(ydata) == False) *
                   np.logical_or(xdata >= entry0.mMaxEvals(),
                                 ydata >= entry1.mMaxEvals()))
            if idx.any():
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], ls='',
                             markersize=markersize + markersize_addon_beyond_maxevals,
                             marker=markers[i], markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=1,
                except KeyError:
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], ls='', markersize=markersize,
                             marker='x', markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=2,
            #ax = plt.gca()
            ax = plt.axes()

            # plot data on the right edge
            idx = numpy.isinf(xdata) * (numpy.isinf(ydata) == False)
            if idx.any():
                # This (seems to) transform inf to the figure limits!?
                trans = blend(ax.transAxes, ax.transData)
                #plt.scatter([1.]*numpy.sum(idx), ydata[idx], s=10, marker=markers[i],
                #            facecolor='None', edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=3,
                #            transform=trans)
                    plt.plot([1.]*numpy.sum(idx), ydata[idx],
                             markersize=markersize + markersize_addon_beyond_maxevals, ls='',
                             marker=markers[i], markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=1,
                             transform=trans, clip_on=False)
                except KeyError:
                    plt.plot([1.]*numpy.sum(idx), ydata[idx],
                             markersize=markersize, ls='',
                             marker='x', markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=2,
                             transform=trans, clip_on=False)

            # plot data on the left edge
            idx = (numpy.isinf(xdata)==False) * numpy.isinf(ydata)
            if idx.any():
                # This (seems to) transform inf to the figure limits!?
                trans = blend(ax.transData, ax.transAxes)
                #    plt.scatter(xdata[idx], [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx), s=10, marker=markers[i],
                #                facecolor='None', edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=3,
                #                transform=trans)
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx),
                             markersize=markersize + markersize_addon_beyond_maxevals, ls='',
                             marker=markers[i], markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=1,
                             transform=trans, clip_on=False)
                except KeyError:
                    plt.plot(xdata[idx], [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx),
                             markersize=markersize, ls='',
                             marker='x', markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=2,
                             transform=trans, clip_on=False)

            # plot data in the top corner
            idx = numpy.isinf(xdata) * numpy.isinf(ydata)
            if idx.any():
                #    plt.scatter(xdata[idx], [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx), s=10, marker=markers[i],
                #                facecolor='None', edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=3,
                #                transform=trans)
                    plt.plot([1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx), [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx),
                             markersize=markersize + markersize_addon_beyond_maxevals, ls='',
                             marker=markers[i], markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=1,
                             transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False)
                except KeyError:
                    plt.plot([1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx), [1.-offset]*numpy.sum(idx),
                             markersize=markersize, ls='',
                             marker='x', markerfacecolor='None',
                             markeredgecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=2,
                             transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False)



        for i, d in enumerate(dimensions):
                entry0 = dictDim0[d][0] # should be only one element
                entry1 = dictDim1[d][0] # should be only one element
            except (IndexError, KeyError):

            minbnd, maxbnd = plt.xlim()
            plt.plot((entry0.mMaxEvals(), entry0.mMaxEvals()),
                     # (minbnd, entry1.mMaxEvals()), ls='-', color=colors[i],
                     (max([minbnd, entry1.mMaxEvals()/max_evals_line_length]), entry1.mMaxEvals()), ls='-', color=colors[i],
            plt.plot(# (minbnd, entry0.mMaxEvals()),
                     (max([minbnd, entry0.mMaxEvals()/max_evals_line_length]), entry0.mMaxEvals()),
                     (entry1.mMaxEvals(), entry1.mMaxEvals()), ls='-',
                     color=colors[i], zorder=-1)
            plt.xlim(minbnd, maxbnd)
            plt.ylim(minbnd, maxbnd)
            #Set the boundaries again: they changed due to new plots.

            #plt.axvline(entry0.mMaxEvals(), ls='--', color=colors[i])
            #plt.axhline(entry1.mMaxEvals(), ls='--', color=colors[i])

        if f in funInfos.keys():        

        filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'ppscatter_f%03d' % f)
        saveFigure(filename, verbose=verbose)
        if f == 1:
            algName1 = toolsdivers.str_to_latex(toolsdivers.strip_pathname1(entry1.algId))
            algName0 = toolsdivers.str_to_latex(toolsdivers.strip_pathname1(entry0.algId))
                os.path.join(outputdir, genericsettings.two_algorithm_file_name),
                "%s vs %s" % (algName1, algName0),